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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » Swing Library » abeille forms designer » org.netbeans.editor 
Source Cross Referenced  Class Diagram Java Document (Java Doc) 

001:        /*
002:         *                 Sun Public License Notice
003:         * 
004:         * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
005:         * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
006:         * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
007:         *
008:         * 
009:         * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
010:         * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2000 Sun
011:         * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
012:         */
014:        package org.netbeans.editor;
016:        import java.awt.BorderLayout;
017:        import java.awt.Dialog;
018:        import java.awt.GridLayout;
019:        import java.awt.Insets;
020:        import java.awt.LayoutManager;
021:        import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
022:        import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
023:        import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
024:        import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
025:        import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
027:        import javax.swing.JButton;
028:        import javax.swing.JComponent;
029:        import javax.swing.JDialog;
030:        import javax.swing.JPanel;
031:        import javax.swing.KeyStroke;
032:        import javax.swing.WindowConstants;
033:        import javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder;
035:        /**
036:         * DialogSupport is factory based class for creating dialogs of certain
037:         * behaviour. It is intended to be used whenever editor needs to popup a dialog.
038:         * It presents a way for changing the implementation of the dialog depending on
039:         * the enviroment the Editor is embeded in.
040:         * 
041:         * @author pnejedly
042:         * @version 1.0
043:         */
044:        public class DialogSupport {
046:            private static DialogFactory factory;
048:            /** Noone needs to instantiate the dialog support */
049:            private DialogSupport() {
050:            }
052:            /**
053:             * The method for creating a dialog with specified properties.
054:             * 
055:             * @param title
056:             *            The title of created dialog.
057:             * @param panel
058:             *            The content of the dialog to be displayed.
059:             * @param modal
060:             *            Whether the dialog should be modal.
061:             * @param buttons
062:             *            The array of JButtons to be added to the dialog.
063:             * @param sidebuttons
064:             *            The buttons could be placed under the panel (false), or on the
065:             *            right side of the panel (true).
066:             * @param defaultIndex
067:             *            The index of default button in the buttons array, if <CODE>index <
068:             *            0</CODE>, no default button is set.
069:             * @param cancelIndex
070:             *            The index about cancel button - the button that will be
071:             *            <I>pressed</I> when closing the dialog.
072:             * @param listener
073:             *            The listener which will be notified of all button events.
074:             * @return newly created <CODE>Dialog</CODE>
075:             */
076:            public static Dialog createDialog(String title, JPanel panel,
077:                    boolean modal, JButton[] buttons, boolean sidebuttons,
078:                    int defaultIndex, int cancelIndex, ActionListener listener) {
079:                if (factory == null) {
080:                    factory = new DefaultDialogFactory();
081:                }
082:                return factory.createDialog(title, panel, modal, buttons,
083:                        sidebuttons, defaultIndex, cancelIndex, listener);
084:            }
086:            /**
087:             * The method for setting custom factory for creating dialogs via the
088:             * {@link #createDialog(java.lang.String, javax.swing.JPanel, boolean, javax.swing.JButton[], boolean, int, int, java.awt.event.ActionListener) createDialog}
089:             * method. If no factory is set, the
090:             * {@link DialogSupport.DefaultDialogFactory DefaultDialogFactory} will be
091:             * used.
092:             * 
093:             * @param factory
094:             *            the {@link DialogSupport.DialogFactory DialogFactory}
095:             *            implementation that will be responsible for providing dialogs.
096:             * 
097:             * @see DialogSupport.DialogFactory
098:             * @see DialogSupport.DefaultDialogFactory
099:             */
100:            public static void setDialogFactory(DialogFactory factory) {
101:                DialogSupport.factory = factory;
102:            }
104:            /**
105:             * DialogFactory implementation is a class responsible for providing proper
106:             * implementation of Dialog containing required widgets. It can provide the
107:             * dialog itself or delegate the functionality to another piece of code, e.g
108:             * some windowing system.
109:             */
110:            public static interface DialogFactory {
112:                /**
113:                 * The method for creating a dialog with specified properties.
114:                 * 
115:                 * @param title
116:                 *            The title of created dialog.
117:                 * @param panel
118:                 *            The content of the dialog to be displayed.
119:                 * @param modal
120:                 *            Whether the dialog should be modal.
121:                 * @param buttons
122:                 *            The array of JButtons to be added to the dialog.
123:                 * @param sidebuttons
124:                 *            The buttons could be placed under the panel (false), or on
125:                 *            the right side of the panel (true).
126:                 * @param defaultIndex
127:                 *            The index of default button in the buttons array, if
128:                 *            <CODE>index < 0</CODE>, no default button is set.
129:                 * @param cancelIndex
130:                 *            The index of cancel button - the button that will be
131:                 *            <I>pressed</I> when closing the dialog.
132:                 * @param listener
133:                 *            The listener which will be notified of all button events.
134:                 * @return newly created <CODE>Dialog</CODE>
135:                 */
136:                public Dialog createDialog(String title, JPanel panel,
137:                        boolean modal, JButton[] buttons, boolean sidebuttons,
138:                        int defaultIndex, int cancelIndex,
139:                        ActionListener listener);
140:            }
142:            /**
143:             * The DialogFactory that will be used to create Dialogs if no other
144:             * DialogFactory is set to DialogSupport.
145:             */
146:            private static class DefaultDialogFactory extends WindowAdapter
147:                    implements  DialogFactory, ActionListener {
149:                private JButton cancelButton;
151:                /**
152:                 * Create a panel with buttons that will be placed according to the
153:                 * required alignment
154:                 */
155:                JPanel createButtonPanel(JButton[] buttons, boolean sidebuttons) {
156:                    int count = buttons.length;
158:                    JPanel outerPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
159:                    outerPanel.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(new Insets(
160:                            sidebuttons ? 5 : 0, sidebuttons ? 0 : 5, 5, 5)));
162:                    LayoutManager lm = new GridLayout(
163:                            // GridLayout makes equal cells
164:                            sidebuttons ? count : 1, sidebuttons ? 1 : count,
165:                            5, 5);
167:                    JPanel innerPanel = new JPanel(lm);
169:                    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
170:                        innerPanel.add(buttons[i]);
172:                    outerPanel.add(innerPanel, sidebuttons ? BorderLayout.NORTH
173:                            : BorderLayout.EAST);
174:                    return outerPanel;
175:                }
177:                public Dialog createDialog(String title, JPanel panel,
178:                        boolean modal, JButton[] buttons, boolean sidebuttons,
179:                        int defaultIndex, int cancelIndex,
180:                        ActionListener listener) {
182:                    // create the dialog with given content
183:                    JDialog d = new JDialog((javax.swing.JFrame) null, title,
184:                            modal);
185:                    d
186:                            .setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE);
187:                    d.getContentPane().add(panel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
189:                    // Add the buttons to it
190:                    JPanel buttonPanel = createButtonPanel(buttons, sidebuttons);
191:                    String buttonAlign = sidebuttons ? BorderLayout.EAST
192:                            : BorderLayout.SOUTH;
193:                    d.getContentPane().add(buttonPanel, buttonAlign);
195:                    // add listener to buttons
196:                    if (listener != null) {
197:                        for (int i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {
198:                            buttons[i].addActionListener(listener);
199:                        }
200:                    }
202:                    // register the default button, if available
203:                    if (defaultIndex >= 0) {
204:                        d.getRootPane().setDefaultButton(buttons[defaultIndex]);
205:                    }
207:                    // register the cancel button helpers, if available
208:                    if (cancelIndex >= 0) {
209:                        cancelButton = buttons[cancelIndex];
210:                        // redirect the Esc key to Cancel button
211:                        d.getRootPane().registerKeyboardAction(
212:                                this ,
213:                                KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE, 0,
214:                                        true),
215:                                JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW);
217:                        // listen on windowClosing and redirect it to Cancel button
218:                        d.addWindowListener(this );
219:                    }
221:                    d.pack();
222:                    return d;
223:                }
225:                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
226:                    cancelButton.doClick(10);
227:                }
229:                public void windowClosing(WindowEvent evt) {
230:                    cancelButton.doClick(10);
231:                }
232:            }
234:        } | Contact Us
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