01: package servletunit.struts.tests;
03: import servletunit.struts.MockStrutsTestCase;
05: public class TestCustomActionMapping extends MockStrutsTestCase {
07: /**
08: * Sets up the test fixture for this test. This method creates
09: * an instance of the ActionServlet, initializes it to validate
10: * forms and turn off debugging, and creates a mock HttpServletRequest
11: * and HttpServletResponse object to use in this test.
12: */
13: protected void setUp() throws Exception {
14: super .setUp();
15: setServletConfigFile("/WEB-INF/web.xml");
16: }
18: public void testUsesCustomActionMappingWhenSet() {
19: setRequestPathInfo("test", "/testCustomMapping");
20: actionPerform();
21: verifyForward("success");
22: }
23: }
25: // $Log: TestCustomActionMapping.java,v $
26: // Revision 1.2 2004/06/11 15:55:15 deryl
27: // cleaned up logging.
28: //
29: // Revision 1.1 2004/06/10 17:34:43 deryl
30: // verified bug 955188
31: //