01: /*
02: * Created on 09-Jan-2006
03: */
04: package uk.org.ponder.beanutil;
06: /** A tag interface implemented by a BeanLocator indicating that it
07: * puts itself forward as a "fallback" resolver of bean requests. If
08: * a bean definition is not found in the main request container, all
09: * bean of type "FallbackBeanLocator" will be queried in turn for a bean
10: * of the required name. Their behaviour for a not found bean will be to
11: * return <code>null</code> rather than throw a BeanDefinitionNotFound exception.
12: * <p>The first FallbackBeanLocator that returns an object will terminate the
13: * search. Otherwise, location will continue in the parent locator.
14: * <p>NB - this mechanism will probably be replaced once we support "proper"
15: * Spring parent containers.
16: * @author Antranig Basman (amb26@ponder.org.uk)
17: *
18: */
20: public interface FallbackBeanLocator extends BeanLocator {
22: }