01: /*
02: * Created on Apr 15, 2006
03: */
04: package uk.org.ponder.rsf.request;
06: /**
07: * On discovering a bean implementing this interface in the model as the
08: * penultimate path component of an action binding, RSF will use this interface
09: * to handle the action rather than invoking it reflectively.
10: *
11: * @author Antranig Basman (amb26@ponder.org.uk)
12: *
13: */
15: public interface ActionTarget {
16: /**
17: * @param actionname The final component of the method binding holding the
18: * action name to be invoked.
19: * @param knownresult An "already known" result, possible arrived at through
20: * an ActionErrorStrategy which has acted on a error caused during
21: * the "Apply Request Values".
22: * @return The return for the action - either a String code (which should
23: * probably agree with <code>actionname</code> or a fully processed
24: * ARIResult.
25: */
26: public Object invokeAction(String actionname, String knownresult);
27: }