001: /****************************************************************
002: * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one *
003: * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file *
004: * distributed with this work for additional information *
005: * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file *
006: * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the *
007: * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance *
008: * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at *
009: * *
010: * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 *
011: * *
012: * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, *
013: * software distributed under the License is distributed on an *
015: * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the *
016: * specific language governing permissions and limitations *
017: * under the License. *
018: ****************************************************************/package org.apache.james.core;
020: import org.apache.avalon.framework.container.ContainerUtil;
021: import org.apache.mailet.Mail;
022: import org.apache.mailet.MailAddress;
024: import javax.mail.MessagingException;
025: import javax.mail.Session;
026: import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage;
027: import javax.mail.util.SharedByteArrayInputStream;
029: import java.util.ArrayList;
030: import java.util.Properties;
032: public class MimeMessageCopyOnWriteProxyTest extends
033: MimeMessageFromStreamTest {
035: String content = "Subject: foo\r\nContent-Transfer-Encoding2: plain";
036: String sep = "\r\n\r\n";
037: String body = "bar\r\n.\r\n";
039: protected MimeMessage getMessageFromSources(String sources)
040: throws Exception {
041: MimeMessageInputStreamSource mmis = null;
042: try {
043: mmis = new MimeMessageInputStreamSource("test",
044: new SharedByteArrayInputStream(sources.getBytes()));
045: } catch (MessagingException e) {
046: }
047: return new MimeMessageCopyOnWriteProxy(mmis);
048: // return new MimeMessage(Session.getDefaultInstance(new Properties()),new ByteArrayInputStream(sources.getBytes()));
049: }
051: public void testMessageCloning1() throws Exception {
052: ArrayList r = new ArrayList();
053: r.add(new MailAddress("recipient@test.com"));
054: MimeMessageCopyOnWriteProxy messageFromSources = (MimeMessageCopyOnWriteProxy) getMessageFromSources(content
055: + sep + body);
056: MailImpl mail = new MailImpl("test", new MailAddress(
057: "test@test.com"), r, messageFromSources);
058: MailImpl m2 = (MailImpl) mail.duplicate();
059: System.out.println("mail: " + getReferences(mail.getMessage())
060: + " m2: " + getReferences(m2.getMessage()));
061: assertNotSame(m2, mail);
062: assertNotSame(m2.getMessage(), mail.getMessage());
063: // test that the wrapped message is the same
064: assertTrue(isSameMimeMessage(m2.getMessage(), mail.getMessage()));
065: // test it is the same after read only operations!
066: mail.getMessage().getSubject();
067: assertTrue(isSameMimeMessage(m2.getMessage(), mail.getMessage()));
068: mail.getMessage().setText("new body");
069: mail.getMessage().saveChanges();
070: // test it is different after a write operation!
071: mail.getMessage().setSubject("new Subject");
072: assertTrue(!isSameMimeMessage(m2.getMessage(), mail
073: .getMessage()));
074: ContainerUtil.dispose(mail);
075: ContainerUtil.dispose(m2);
076: ContainerUtil.dispose(messageFromSources);
077: }
079: public void testMessageCloning2() throws Exception {
080: ArrayList r = new ArrayList();
081: r.add(new MailAddress("recipient@test.com"));
082: MimeMessageCopyOnWriteProxy messageFromSources = (MimeMessageCopyOnWriteProxy) getMessageFromSources(content
083: + sep + body);
084: MailImpl mail = new MailImpl("test", new MailAddress(
085: "test@test.com"), r, messageFromSources);
086: MailImpl m2 = (MailImpl) mail.duplicate();
087: System.out.println("mail: " + getReferences(mail.getMessage())
088: + " m2: " + getReferences(m2.getMessage()));
089: assertNotSame(m2, mail);
090: assertNotSame(m2.getMessage(), mail.getMessage());
091: // test that the wrapped message is the same
092: assertTrue(isSameMimeMessage(m2.getMessage(), mail.getMessage()));
093: // test it is the same after real only operations!
094: m2.getMessage().getSubject();
095: assertTrue(isSameMimeMessage(m2.getMessage(), mail.getMessage()));
096: m2.getMessage().setText("new body");
097: m2.getMessage().saveChanges();
098: // test it is different after a write operation!
099: m2.getMessage().setSubject("new Subject");
100: assertTrue(!isSameMimeMessage(m2.getMessage(), mail
101: .getMessage()));
102: // check that the subjects are correct on both mails!
103: assertEquals(m2.getMessage().getSubject(), "new Subject");
104: assertEquals(mail.getMessage().getSubject(), "foo");
105: // cloning again the messages
106: Mail m2clone = m2.duplicate();
107: assertTrue(isSameMimeMessage(m2clone.getMessage(), m2
108: .getMessage()));
109: MimeMessage mm = getWrappedMessage(m2.getMessage());
110: assertNotSame(m2.getMessage(), m2clone.getMessage());
111: // test that m2clone has a valid wrapped message
112: MimeMessage mm3 = getWrappedMessage(m2clone.getMessage());
113: assertNotNull(mm3);
114: // dispose m2 and check that the clone has still a valid message and it is the same!
115: ((MailImpl) m2).dispose();
116: assertEquals(mm3, getWrappedMessage(m2clone.getMessage()));
117: // change the message that should be not referenced by m2 that has
118: // been disposed, so it should not clone it!
119: m2clone.getMessage().setSubject("new Subject 2");
120: m2clone.getMessage().setText("new Body 3");
121: assertTrue(isSameMimeMessage(m2clone.getMessage(), mm));
122: ContainerUtil.dispose(mail);
123: ContainerUtil.dispose(messageFromSources);
124: }
126: /**
127: * If I create a new MimeMessageCopyOnWriteProxy from another MimeMessageCopyOnWriteProxy,
128: * I remove references to the first and I change the second, then it should not clone
129: */
130: public void testMessageAvoidCloning() throws Exception {
131: ArrayList r = new ArrayList();
132: r.add(new MailAddress("recipient@test.com"));
133: MimeMessageCopyOnWriteProxy messageFromSources = (MimeMessageCopyOnWriteProxy) getMessageFromSources(content
134: + sep + body);
135: MailImpl mail = new MailImpl("test", new MailAddress(
136: "test@test.com"), r, messageFromSources);
137: // cloning the message
138: Mail mailClone = mail.duplicate();
139: assertTrue(isSameMimeMessage(mailClone.getMessage(), mail
140: .getMessage()));
141: MimeMessage mm = getWrappedMessage(mail.getMessage());
142: assertNotSame(mail.getMessage(), mailClone.getMessage());
143: // dispose mail and check that the clone has still a valid message and it is the same!
144: ((MailImpl) mail).dispose();
145: ContainerUtil.dispose(messageFromSources);
146: // need to add a gc and a wait, because the original mimemessage should be finalized before the test.
147: System.gc();
148: Thread.sleep(1000);
149: // dumb test
150: assertTrue(isSameMimeMessage(mailClone.getMessage(), mailClone
151: .getMessage()));
152: // change the message that should be not referenced by mail that has
153: // been disposed, so it should not clone it!
154: mailClone.getMessage().setSubject("new Subject 2");
155: mailClone.getMessage().setText("new Body 3");
156: assertTrue(isSameMimeMessage(mailClone.getMessage(), mm));
157: ContainerUtil.dispose(mailClone);
158: ContainerUtil.dispose(mm);
159: }
161: /**
162: * If I create a new MimeMessageCopyOnWriteProxy from a MimeMessage and I change the new
163: * message, the original should be unaltered and the proxy should clone the message.
164: */
165: public void testMessageCloning3() throws Exception {
166: ArrayList r = new ArrayList();
167: r.add(new MailAddress("recipient@test.com"));
168: MimeMessage m = new MimeMessage(Session
169: .getDefaultInstance(new Properties(null)));
170: m.setText("CIPS");
171: MailImpl mail = new MailImpl("test", new MailAddress(
172: "test@test.com"), r, m);
173: assertTrue(isSameMimeMessage(m, mail.getMessage()));
174: // change the message that should be not referenced by mail that has
175: // been disposed, so it should not clone it!
176: System.gc();
177: Thread.sleep(100);
178: mail.getMessage().setSubject("new Subject 2");
179: mail.getMessage().setText("new Body 3");
180: System.gc();
181: Thread.sleep(100);
182: assertFalse(isSameMimeMessage(m, mail.getMessage()));
183: ContainerUtil.dispose(mail);
184: ContainerUtil.dispose(m);
185: }
187: public void testMessageDisposing() throws Exception {
188: ArrayList r = new ArrayList();
189: r.add(new MailAddress("recipient@test.com"));
190: MimeMessageCopyOnWriteProxy messageFromSources = (MimeMessageCopyOnWriteProxy) getMessageFromSources(content
191: + sep + body);
192: MailImpl mail = new MailImpl("test", new MailAddress(
193: "test@test.com"), r, messageFromSources);
194: // cloning the message
195: MailImpl mailClone = (MailImpl) mail.duplicate();
196: mail.dispose();
198: assertNotNull(getWrappedMessage(mailClone.getMessage()));
199: assertNull(mail.getMessage());
201: mailClone.dispose();
203: assertNull(mailClone.getMessage());
204: assertNull(mail.getMessage());
205: ContainerUtil.dispose(mail);
206: ContainerUtil.dispose(messageFromSources);
207: }
209: public void testNPE1() throws MessagingException,
210: InterruptedException {
211: ArrayList recipients = new ArrayList();
212: recipients.add(new MailAddress("recipient@test.com"));
213: MimeMessageCopyOnWriteProxy mw = new MimeMessageCopyOnWriteProxy(
214: new MimeMessageInputStreamSource(
215: "test",
216: new SharedByteArrayInputStream(
217: ("Return-path: return@test.com\r\n"
218: + "Content-Transfer-Encoding: plain\r\n"
219: + "Subject: test\r\n\r\n"
220: + "Body Text\r\n").getBytes())));
222: MimeMessageCopyOnWriteProxy mw2 = new MimeMessageCopyOnWriteProxy(
223: mw);
224: ContainerUtil.dispose(mw2);
225: mw2 = null;
226: System.gc();
227: Thread.sleep(1000);
228: // the NPE was inside this call
229: mw.getMessageSize();
230: ContainerUtil.dispose(mw);
231: }
233: /**
234: * This test throw a NullPointerException when the original message was created by
235: * a MimeMessageInputStreamSource.
236: */
237: public void testMessageCloningViaCoW3() throws Exception {
238: MimeMessage mmorig = getSimpleMessage();
240: MimeMessage mm = new MimeMessageCopyOnWriteProxy(mmorig);
242: ContainerUtil.dispose(mmorig);
243: mmorig = null;
244: System.gc();
245: Thread.sleep(200);
247: try {
248: mm.writeTo(System.out);
249: } catch (Exception e) {
250: e.printStackTrace();
251: fail("Exception while writing the message to output");
252: }
254: ContainerUtil.dispose(mmorig);
255: }
257: private static String getReferences(MimeMessage m) {
258: StringBuffer ref = new StringBuffer("/");
259: while (m instanceof MimeMessageCopyOnWriteProxy) {
260: ref.append(((MimeMessageCopyOnWriteProxy) m).refCount
261: .getReferenceCount()
262: + "/");
263: m = ((MimeMessageCopyOnWriteProxy) m).getWrappedMessage();
264: }
265: if (m instanceof MimeMessageWrapper) {
266: ref.append("W");
267: } else if (m instanceof MimeMessage) {
268: ref.append("M");
269: } else {
270: ref.append(m.getClass());
271: }
272: return ref.toString();
273: }
275: private static MimeMessage getWrappedMessage(MimeMessage m) {
276: while (m instanceof MimeMessageCopyOnWriteProxy) {
277: m = ((MimeMessageCopyOnWriteProxy) m).getWrappedMessage();
278: }
279: return m;
280: }
282: private static boolean isSameMimeMessage(MimeMessage first,
283: MimeMessage second) {
284: return getWrappedMessage(first) == getWrappedMessage(second);
286: }
288: }