001: /*
002: * JFolder, Copyright 2001-2006 Gary Steinmetz
003: *
004: * Distributable under LGPL license.
005: * See terms of license at gnu.org.
006: */
008: package org.jfolder.console.base;
010: //base classes
011: import java.io.IOException;
012: import java.net.InetAddress;
013: import java.util.ArrayList;
014: import java.util.HashMap;
016: //project specific classes
017: import org.jfolder.common.UnexpectedSystemException;
018: import org.jfolder.common.web.template.ConsoleParameterContext;
019: import org.jfolder.common.web.template.ConsoleTemplateContext;
020: import org.jfolder.common.web.template.SubmitActionContext;
021: import org.jfolder.common.web.template.SubmitActionParameters;
022: import org.jfolder.platforms.servers.instances.jboss.JBossServer;
023: import org.jfolder.platforms.servers.instances.tomcat.TomcatServer;
024: import org.jfolder.platforms.stores.instances.hsql.HSQLStore;
025: import org.jfolder.platforms.stores.instances.mysql.MySQLStore;
027: //other classes
029: public class SystemSetupContext extends ConsoleTemplateContext {
031: protected final static String DATABASE = "DATABASE";
032: protected final static String DATABASE_CLASS = "DATABASE_CLASS";
033: protected final static String APPLICATION_SERVER = "APPLICATION_SERVER";
035: protected final static String SESSION_LOCATION = "SESSION_LOCATION";
036: protected final static String WRONG_DEPLOYS = "WRONG_DEPLOYS";
037: protected final static String ADMIN_CONTEXT_PATH = "ADMIN_CONTEXT_PATH";
038: protected final static String MACH_OF_ORIG = "MACH_OF_ORIG";
039: protected final static String PERM_DIR = "PERM_DIR";
040: protected final static String CONFIG_RESET = "CONFIG_RESET";
041: protected final static String UNDERSTAND = "UNDERSTAND";
043: protected SystemSetupContext() {
045: //super(inCs);
046: super ();
047: }
049: public String getFromPage() {
050: return ConsolePageParameters.SERVLET_CONSOLE;
051: }
053: public String getHandle() {
054: return NULL_HANDLE;
055: }
057: public String getHandleExtension() {
058: throw new UnexpectedSystemException(
059: "This function should not be called in this class");
060: }
062: protected void renderConsolePage() throws IOException {
064: //
065: ArrayList understandLabels = new ArrayList();
066: understandLabels.add("I Do Not Understand");
067: understandLabels.add("I Understand");
068: //
069: ArrayList understandValues = new ArrayList();
070: understandValues.add(SubmitActionParameters.I_DO_NOT_ACCEPT);
071: understandValues.add(SubmitActionParameters.I_ACCEPT);
072: //
073: String understandBox = createDropDownBox(UNDERSTAND,
074: understandLabels, understandValues, null,
075: getFontStyleAsStyles(9, COURIER, BLACK), 0, null, null,
076: null);
078: //
079: startCommonPage();
080: startEnclosingTableAndRowAndCell(alignCenter(null));
081: //
082: startAndEndStretchTableAndRowAndCell("<hr/>");
083: //
084: startTable(3);
085: startRow();
086: startAndEndCell(3, "System Setup", alignCenter(getFontStyle(16,
087: ARIAL, BLACK)));
088: endRow();
089: endTable();
090: //
091: startAndEndStretchTableAndRowAndCell("<hr/>");
092: //
093: createDatabaseDropDownBox();
094: //
095: startAndEndStretchTableAndRowAndCell("<hr/>");
096: //
097: createApplicationServerDropDownBox();
098: //
099: //
100: //
101: String sessionLocationTextBox = createTextBox(SESSION_LOCATION,
102: "JFOLDER_SESSION", null,
103: appendSelectStyles(getFontStyleAsStyles(9, COURIER,
104: BLACK)), null, null, null);
105: //
106: startAndEndStretchTableAndRowAndCell("<hr/>");
107: //
108: startTable(3);
109: startRow();
110: //
111: startCell(1, getFontStyle(12, ARIAL, BLACK));
112: simpleAndPrint("Session Location");
113: endCell();
114: startCell(1);
115: simpleAndPrint(padNbsp(1));
116: endCell();
117: startCell(1);
118: simpleAndPrint(sessionLocationTextBox);
119: endCell();
120: //
121: endRow();
122: endTable();
123: //
124: //
125: //
126: String wrongDeploysTextBox = createTextBox(WRONG_DEPLOYS,
127: "jfolder", null,
128: appendSelectStyles(getFontStyleAsStyles(9, COURIER,
129: BLACK)), null, null, null);
130: //
131: startAndEndStretchTableAndRowAndCell("<hr/>");
132: //
133: startTable(3);
134: startRow();
135: //
136: startCell(2, getFontStyle(12, ARIAL, BLACK));
137: simpleAndPrint("Forbidden Deploy Locations");
138: endCell();
139: //startCell(1);
140: //simpleAndPrint(padNbsp(1));
141: //endCell();
142: startCell(1);
143: simpleAndPrint(wrongDeploysTextBox);
144: endCell();
145: //
146: endRow();
147: endTable();
148: //
149: //
150: //
151: String adminContextPathTextBox = createTextBox(
152: ADMIN_CONTEXT_PATH, "/jfolder", null,
153: appendSelectStyles(getFontStyleAsStyles(9, COURIER,
154: BLACK)), null, null, null);
155: //
156: startAndEndStretchTableAndRowAndCell("<hr/>");
157: //
158: startTable(3);
159: startRow();
160: //
161: startCell(2, getFontStyle(12, ARIAL, BLACK));
162: simpleAndPrint("Administrative Context Path");
163: endCell();
164: //startCell(1);
165: //simpleAndPrint(padNbsp(1));
166: //endCell();
167: startCell(1);
168: simpleAndPrint(adminContextPathTextBox);
169: endCell();
170: //
171: endRow();
172: endTable();
173: //
174: //
175: //
176: String machOfOrigTextBox = createTextBox(MACH_OF_ORIG,
177: InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName(), null,
178: appendSelectStyles(getFontStyleAsStyles(9, COURIER,
179: BLACK)), null, null, null);
180: //
181: startAndEndStretchTableAndRowAndCell("<hr/>");
182: //
183: startTable(3);
184: startRow();
185: //
186: startCell(2, getFontStyle(12, ARIAL, BLACK));
187: simpleAndPrint("Machine Of Origin");
188: endCell();
189: //startCell(1);
190: //simpleAndPrint(padNbsp(1));
191: //endCell();
192: startCell(1);
193: simpleAndPrint(machOfOrigTextBox);
194: endCell();
195: //
196: endRow();
197: endTable();
198: //
199: //
200: //
201: String permDirTextBox = createTextBox(PERM_DIR,
202: "../jfolder_dir", null,
203: appendSelectStyles(getFontStyleAsStyles(9, COURIER,
204: BLACK)), null, null, null);
205: //
206: startAndEndStretchTableAndRowAndCell("<hr/>");
207: //
208: startTable(3);
209: startRow();
210: //
211: startCell(2, getFontStyle(12, ARIAL, BLACK));
212: simpleAndPrint("Permissible Directories To Access");
213: endCell();
214: //startCell(1);
215: //simpleAndPrint(padNbsp(1));
216: //endCell();
217: startCell(1);
218: simpleAndPrint(permDirTextBox);
219: endCell();
220: //
221: endRow();
222: endTable();
223: //
224: //
225: //
226: //
227: ArrayList configResetLabels = new ArrayList();
228: configResetLabels.add("Allow Config Reset");
229: configResetLabels.add("Disable Config Reset");
230: //
231: ArrayList configResetValues = new ArrayList();
232: configResetValues.add(true + "");
233: configResetValues.add(false + "");
234: //
235: String configResetBox = createDropDownBox(CONFIG_RESET,
236: configResetLabels, configResetValues, null,
237: getFontStyleAsStyles(9, COURIER, BLACK), 1, null, null,
238: null);
239: //
240: //
241: //startAndEndStretchTableAndRowAndCell("<hr/>");
242: //
243: startAndEndStretchTableAndRowAndCell("<hr/>");
244: //
245: startTable(3);
246: startRow();
247: //
248: startCell(2, getFontStyle(12, ARIAL, BLACK));
249: simpleAndPrint("Config Reset");
250: endCell();
251: startCell(1);
252: simpleAndPrint(configResetBox);
253: endCell();
254: //
255: endRow();
256: endTable();
257: //
258: //
259: //
260: //
261: startAndEndStretchTableAndRowAndCell("<hr/>");
262: //
263: startTable(3);
264: startRow();
265: //
266: startCell(1);
267: simpleAndPrint(understandBox);
268: endCell();
269: startCell(2, getFontStyle(9, ARIAL, BLACK));
270: simpleAndPrint("I understand that undoing these settings will require "
271: + "someone to delete them directly from the database");
272: endCell();
273: //
274: endRow();
275: endTable();
276: //
277: //int previousMargin = getLeftMargin();
278: //setLeftMargin(previousMargin + 1);
279: //
280: startAndEndStretchTableAndRowAndCell("<hr/>");
281: //
282: //setLeftMargin(previousMargin);
283: //
284: startTable(3);
285: startRow();
286: //
287: SubmitActionContext sacConfigureSystem = SubmitActionContext
288: .newInstance(this );
289: sacConfigureSystem
290: .setGoToPage(ConsolePageParameters.SERVLET_CONSOLE);
291: //
292: sacConfigureSystem.addAction(
293: ConsoleParameterContext.FIRST_INPUT,
294: singleQuotes(SubmitActionParameters.CONFIGURE_SYSTEM));
295: //
296: //sacConfigureSystem.addParameter(
297: // sacConfigureSystem.FIRST_INPUT,
298: // "getPageComponent('" + DATABASE + "').value");
299: //sacConfigureSystem.addParameter(
300: // sacConfigureSystem.SECOND_INPUT,
301: // "getPageComponent('"
302: // + DATABASE_CLASS + "').value");
303: //sacConfigureSystem.addParameter(
304: // sacConfigureSystem.THIRD_INPUT,
305: // "getPageComponent('"
306: // + APPLICATION_SERVER + "').value");
307: //sacConfigureSystem.addParameter(
308: // sacConfigureSystem.FOURTH_INPUT,
309: // "getPageComponent('"
310: // + APPLICATION_SERVER_CLASS + "').value");
311: //sacConfigureSystem.addParameter(
312: // sacConfigureSystem.FIFTH_INPUT,
313: // "getPageComponent('"
314: // + SESSION_LOCATION + "').value");
315: //sacConfigureSystem.addParameter(
316: // sacConfigureSystem.SIXTH_INPUT,
317: // "getPageComponent('"
318: // + WRONG_DEPLOYS + "').value");
319: //sacConfigureSystem.addParameter(
320: // sacConfigureSystem.SEVENTH_INPUT,
321: // "getPageComponent('"
322: // + ADMIN_CONTEXT_PATH + "').value");
323: //sacConfigureSystem.addParameter(
324: // sacConfigureSystem.EIGHTH_INPUT,
325: // "getPageComponent('"
326: // + MACH_OF_ORIG + "').value");
327: //sacConfigureSystem.addParameter(
328: // sacConfigureSystem.NINTH_INPUT,
329: // "getPageComponent('"
330: // + PERM_DIR + "').value");
331: //sacConfigureSystem.addParameter(
332: // sacConfigureSystem.TENTH_INPUT,
333: // "getPageComponent('"
334: // + UNDERSTAND + "').value");
335: //
336: startCell(3, alignCenter(getFontStyle(16, ARIAL, BLACK)));
337: createButton(null, "Configure System",
338: ((2 * getColumnWidth()) - 10),
339: submitActionCall(sacConfigureSystem), null, null, null,
340: null);
341: endCell();
342: //
343: endRow();
344: endTable();
345: //
346: startAndEndStretchTableAndRowAndCell("<hr/>");
347: //
348: endEnclosingTableAndRowAndCell();
349: endCommonPage();
350: }
352: private void createDatabaseDropDownBox() throws IOException {
354: //
355: ArrayList databaseLabels = new ArrayList();
356: //databaseLabels.add("--------");
357: databaseLabels.add(HSQLStore.getDisplayName());
358: databaseLabels.add(MySQLStore.getDisplayName());
359: databaseLabels.add("Custom (Specify Below)");
360: //
361: ArrayList databaseValues = new ArrayList();
362: //databaseValues.add(SubmitActionParameters.BLANK);
363: databaseValues.add(HSQLStore.class.getName());
364: databaseValues.add(MySQLStore.class.getName());
365: databaseValues.add(SubmitActionParameters.BLANK);
366: //
367: createSection(databaseLabels, databaseValues, "Database",
369: //
371: //String databaseDropDownBox = createDropDownBox(
372: // DATABASE, databaseLabels, databaseValues,
373: // appendSelectStyles(getFontStyleAsStyles(9, COURIER, BLACK)),
374: // 0, null, null);
375: //
376: //String databaseClassTextBox = createTextBox(
377: // DATABASE_CLASS, "custom.database.class",
378: // appendSelectStyles(getFontStyleAsStyles(9, COURIER, BLACK)),
379: // null, null, null);
380: //
381: //startTable(3);
382: //startRow();
383: //
384: //startAndEndCell(2, "Database", getFontStyle(12, ARIAL, BLACK));
385: //
386: //startCell(1, alignCenter(null));
387: //simpleAndPrint(databaseDropDownBox);
388: //endCell();
389: //
390: //endRow();
391: //endTable();
392: //
393: //int previousMargin = getLeftMargin();
394: //setLeftMargin(previousMargin + 1);
395: //
396: //startAndEndStretchTableAndRowAndCell("<hr/>");
397: //
398: //startTable(2);
399: //startRow();
400: //
401: //startAndEndCell(1, "Custom Class", getFontStyle(10, ARIAL, BLACK));
402: //
403: //startCell(1, alignCenter(null));
404: //simpleAndPrint(databaseClassTextBox);
405: //endCell();
406: //
407: //endRow();
408: //endTable();
409: //
410: //startAndEndStretchTableAndRowAndCell("<hr/>");
411: //
412: //setLeftMargin(previousMargin);
413: }
415: private void createApplicationServerDropDownBox()
416: throws IOException {
418: //
419: ArrayList applicationServerLabels = new ArrayList();
420: //applicationServerLabels.add("--------");
421: applicationServerLabels.add(TomcatServer.getDisplayName());
422: applicationServerLabels.add(JBossServer.getDisplayName());
423: //applicationServerLabels.add("Tomcat");
424: applicationServerLabels.add("Custom (Specify Below)");
425: //
426: ArrayList applicationServerValues = new ArrayList();
427: //applicationServerValues.add(SubmitActionParameters.BLANK);
428: applicationServerValues.add(TomcatServer.class.getName());
429: applicationServerValues.add(JBossServer.class.getName());
430: //applicationServerValues.add("Tomcat");
431: applicationServerValues.add(SubmitActionParameters.BLANK);
432: //
433: createSection(applicationServerLabels, applicationServerValues,
434: "Application Server", APPLICATION_SERVER,
436: //
437: //String applicationServerDropDownBox = createDropDownBox(
438: // APPLICATION_SERVER, applicationServerLabels,
439: // applicationServerValues,
440: // appendSelectStyles(getFontStyleAsStyles(9, COURIER, BLACK)),
441: // 0, null, null);
442: //
443: //
444: //startTable(3);
445: //startRow();
446: //startAndEndCell(2, "Application Server",
447: // getFontStyle(12, ARIAL, BLACK));
448: //startCell(1, alignCenter(null));
449: //
450: //simpleAndPrint(applicationServerDropDownBox);
451: //
452: //endCell();
453: //endRow();
454: //endTable();
455: }
457: private void createSection(ArrayList inLabels, ArrayList inValues,
458: String inTypeLabel, String inNormalName, String inCustomName)
459: throws IOException {
461: //
462: String dropDownBox = createDropDownBox(inNormalName, inLabels,
463: inValues, null,
464: appendSelectStyles(getFontStyleAsStyles(9, COURIER,
465: BLACK)), 0, null, null, null);
466: //
467: String classTextBox = createTextBox(inCustomName,
468: "custom.class.name", null,
469: appendSelectStyles(getFontStyleAsStyles(9, COURIER,
470: BLACK)), null, null, null);
471: //
472: startTable(3);
473: startRow();
474: //
475: startAndEndCell(2, inTypeLabel, getFontStyle(12, ARIAL, BLACK));
476: //
477: startCell(1, alignCenter(null));
478: simpleAndPrint(dropDownBox);
479: endCell();
480: //
481: endRow();
482: endTable();
484: int previousMargin = getLeftMargin();
485: setLeftMargin(previousMargin + 1);
486: //
487: startAndEndStretchTableAndRowAndCell("<hr/>");
488: //
489: startTable(2);
490: startRow();
491: //
492: startAndEndCell(1, "Custom Class", getFontStyle(10, ARIAL,
493: BLACK));
494: //
495: startCell(1, alignCenter(null));
496: simpleAndPrint(classTextBox);
497: endCell();
498: //
499: endRow();
500: endTable();
501: //
502: //startAndEndStretchTableAndRowAndCell("<hr/>");
503: //
504: setLeftMargin(previousMargin);
505: }
507: private HashMap appendSelectStyles(HashMap inStyles) {
509: HashMap outValue = inStyles;
511: if (outValue == null) {
512: outValue = new HashMap();
513: }
515: outValue.put("width", (getColumnWidth() - 10) + "");
517: return outValue;
518: }
519: }