001: /*
002: * JFolder, Copyright 2001-2006 Gary Steinmetz
003: *
004: * Distributable under LGPL license.
005: * See terms of license at gnu.org.
006: */
008: package org.jfolder.services.project;
010: //base classes
011: import java.io.File;
012: import java.io.IOException;
013: import java.math.BigDecimal;
014: import java.sql.Connection;
015: import java.util.ArrayList;
016: import java.util.Collection;
017: import java.util.Collections;
018: import java.util.HashMap;
019: import java.util.Iterator;
020: import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
021: import org.w3c.dom.Document;
022: import org.w3c.dom.Element;
023: import org.w3c.dom.Node;
024: import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
025: import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
027: //project specific classes
028: import org.jfolder.common.UnexpectedSystemException;
029: import org.jfolder.common.entity.properties.SystemEntityPropertiesUpdates;
030: import org.jfolder.common.entity.properties.v1.SystemEntityPropertiesTag;
031: import org.jfolder.common.tagging.ConceptTagCharacteristic;
032: import org.jfolder.common.tagging.ConceptTagCharacteristicHolder;
033: import org.jfolder.common.tagging.ConceptTagMenuBranch;
034: import org.jfolder.common.tagging.ConceptTagMenuContext;
035: import org.jfolder.common.tagging.ConceptTagPreferences;
036: import org.jfolder.common.tagging.ConceptTagSetContext;
037: import org.jfolder.common.tagging.ConceptTagSetHolder;
038: import org.jfolder.common.tagging.RootConceptTagHolder;
039: import org.jfolder.common.utils.misc.MiscHelper;
040: import org.jfolder.common.utils.xml.LinearXPath;
041: import org.jfolder.common.utils.xml.LinearXPathHelper;
042: import org.jfolder.common.utils.xml.XMLHelper;
043: import org.jfolder.config.instance.ConfigInstance;
044: import org.jfolder.config.instance.ConfigInstanceConfig;
045: import org.jfolder.config.instance.ConfigInstanceTagHelper;
046: import org.jfolder.dms.model.DocumentFileSystemRootUpdates;
047: import org.jfolder.dms.model.v1.DocumentFileSystemRootTag;
048: import org.jfolder.platforms.stores.base.CreateStatement;
049: import org.jfolder.platforms.stores.base.InsertStatement;
050: import org.jfolder.platforms.stores.base.SelectStatement;
051: import org.jfolder.platforms.stores.base.SystemDatabase;
052: import org.jfolder.platforms.stores.base.SystemResultSet;
053: import org.jfolder.platforms.stores.base.SystemStatement;
054: import org.jfolder.platforms.stores.base.SystemStore;
055: import org.jfolder.platforms.stores.base.SystemStoreFactory;
056: import org.jfolder.project.model.ProjectSystem;
057: import org.jfolder.project.model.ProjectSystemUpdates;
058: import org.jfolder.project.model.v1.ProjectSystemTag;
059: import org.jfolder.security.audit.SecurityAudit;
060: import org.jfolder.security.audit.SecurityAuditHelper;
061: import org.jfolder.security.audit.v1.SecurityAuditTag;
062: import org.jfolder.security.lifecycle.SecurityLifecycle;
063: import org.jfolder.security.lifecycle.SecurityLifecycleHelper;
064: import org.jfolder.security.model.SimpleUserIdentity;
065: import org.jfolder.security.model.UserIdentity;
066: import org.jfolder.security.model.v1.UserIdentityTag;
067: import org.jfolder.services.base.AbstractBaseServiceBean;
068: import org.jfolder.services.dms.DMSService;
069: import org.jfolder.services.dms.DMSServiceCallerFactory;
071: //other classes
073: class ProjectServiceBean extends AbstractBaseServiceBean implements
074: ProjectService {
076: protected ProjectServiceBean() {
077: }
079: public HashMap accessDeployableProjects(
080: ConceptTagCharacteristic inCtchar, int inIndex) {
081: //
082: HashMap outValue = new HashMap();
084: Connection conn = null;
086: try {
088: ConceptTagCharacteristic resultsCtchar = createResultsCtchar(
089: inCtchar, inIndex);
091: SystemStore ss = SystemStoreFactory.getSystemStore();
092: SystemDatabase sd = SystemDatabase.newInstance();
093: conn = SystemStore.getConnection(ss);
094: //
095: CreateStatement projectSysTable = sd
096: .createProjectSysTable();
097: CreateStatement auditTable = sd.createAuditTable();
098: CreateStatement userTable = sd.createUserTable();
099: //
100: SecurityLifecycle sl = SecurityLifecycleHelper
101: .getSecurityLifecycle();
102: //
103: SelectStatement maxProjectSysSelect = getLatestProjects(
104: null, new Boolean(false), null, sd, conn, ss);
105: //
106: SelectStatement projSysSelect = SelectStatement
107: .createOrderById(projectSysTable, null);
108: //
109: projSysSelect.addSelectColumn(
111: projectSysTable, null);
112: projSysSelect.addSelectColumn(SystemDatabase.C_NAME_T_USER,
113: userTable, null);
114: projSysSelect.addSelectColumn(
115: SystemDatabase.C_ACTUAL_NAME_T_PROJECT_SYS,
116: projectSysTable, null);
117: projSysSelect.addSelectIdColumn(auditTable, null);
118: //
119: projSysSelect.addWhereColumn(null,
120: SelectStatement.ID_COLUMN, projectSysTable,
121: maxProjectSysSelect, SelectStatement.IN, null);
122: //
123: projSysSelect.addWhereColumn(SystemDatabase.C_TYPE_T_USER,
124: SelectStatement.NORMAL_COLUMN, userTable, sl
125: .getSecurityType(), SelectStatement.EQUALS,
126: null);
127: //
128: ss.execute(projSysSelect, conn);
129: SystemResultSet projSysSrs = projSysSelect.getResults();
130: for (int i = 0; i < projSysSrs.getRowCount(); i++) {
131: //
132: ConceptTagCharacteristic nextResultCtchar = createResultsCtchar(
133: resultsCtchar, resultsCtchar.getValueLength());
134: //
135: BigDecimal projectSysId = projSysSrs.getDecimal(i, 0);
136: BigDecimal projectSysRoId = projSysSrs.getDecimal(i, 1);
137: String userName = projSysSrs.getSString(i, 2);
138: String projectName = projSysSrs.getSString(i, 3);
139: //
140: UserIdentity ui = UserIdentityTag.newInstance(
141: nextResultCtchar, 0, userName, sl
142: .getSecurityType(), true, false);
143: //
144: ProjectSystem ps = accessProjectSystem(
145: nextResultCtchar, 1, ui, false, projectName);
146: //
147: if (ps.isActive() && ps.isDeployVisible()) {
148: ArrayList nextResult = null;
149: if (outValue.containsKey(ui)) {
150: nextResult = (ArrayList) outValue.get(ui);
151: } else {
152: nextResult = new ArrayList();
153: outValue.put(ui, nextResult);
154: }
155: nextResult.add(ps);
156: } else {
157: resultsCtchar
158: .removeValueWithLocalFiles(resultsCtchar
159: .getValueLength() - 1);
160: }
161: }
162: } finally {
163: SystemStore.closeSQLObjects(conn, null, null);
164: }
166: //MiscHelper.println("ProServBean accDeplProj outValue = " + outValue);
167: //MiscHelper.println("ProServBean accDeplProj outValue = " + outValue);
168: //MiscHelper.println("ProServBean accDeplProj outValue = " + outValue);
170: return outValue;
171: }
173: //
174: public ProjectSystem accessProjectSystem(
175: ConceptTagCharacteristic inCtchar, int inIndex,
176: UserIdentity inUi, boolean inDeployed, String inProjectName) {
177: //
178: ProjectSystemTag outValue = null;
180: Connection conn = null;
182: try {
183: SystemStore ss = SystemStoreFactory.getSystemStore();
184: SystemDatabase sd = SystemDatabase.newInstance();
185: conn = SystemStore.getConnection(ss);
186: CreateStatement projectSysTable = sd
187: .createProjectSysTable();
188: CreateStatement projectSysRoTable = sd
189: .createProjectSysReadOnlyTable();
190: //
191: SelectStatement maxProjectSysSelect = getLatestProjects(
192: inUi, new Boolean(inDeployed), inProjectName, sd,
193: conn, ss);
194: //
195: SelectStatement projectSysSelect = SelectStatement
196: .createOrderById(projectSysTable, null);
197: //
198: projectSysSelect.addSelectColumn(
199: SystemDatabase.C_ACTUAL_NAME_T_PROJECT_SYS,
200: projectSysTable, null);
201: projectSysSelect.addSelectColumn(
202: SystemDatabase.C_AUDIT_ID_T_PROJECT_SYS,
203: projectSysTable, null);
204: projectSysSelect.addSelectColumn(
206: projectSysTable, null);
207: projectSysSelect.addSelectColumn(
208: SystemDatabase.C_VERSION_T_PROJECT_SYS,
209: projectSysTable, null);
210: projectSysSelect.addSelectColumn(
211: SystemDatabase.C_PROP_RO_ID_T_PROJECT_SYS_RO,
212: projectSysRoTable, null);
213: projectSysSelect.addSelectColumn(
214: SystemDatabase.C_DOC_SYS_RO_ID_T_PROJECT_SYS_RO,
215: projectSysRoTable, null);
216: projectSysSelect.addSelectColumn(
217: SystemDatabase.C_ACTIVE_T_PROJECT_SYS,
218: projectSysTable, null);
219: //
220: projectSysSelect.addWhereColumn(null,
221: SelectStatement.ID_COLUMN, projectSysTable,
222: maxProjectSysSelect, SelectStatement.IN, null);
223: //
224: ss.execute(projectSysSelect, conn);
225: SystemResultSet projSysSrs = projectSysSelect.getResults();
226: //
227: //
228: if (projSysSrs.getRowCount() > 0) {
229: //
230: String actualName = projSysSrs.getSString(0, 1);
231: BigDecimal auditId = projSysSrs.getDecimal(0, 2);
232: Boolean deployVisable = projSysSrs.getBoolean(0, 3);
233: BigDecimal version = projSysSrs.getDecimal(0, 4);
234: BigDecimal propRoId = projSysSrs.getDecimal(0, 5);
235: BigDecimal docSysId = projSysSrs.getDecimal(0, 6);
236: Boolean active = projSysSrs.getBoolean(0, 7);
238: //
239: outValue = ProjectSystemTag.newInstance(inCtchar,
240: inIndex, inUi, actualName, deployVisable
241: .booleanValue(), version.intValue(),
242: inDeployed, active.booleanValue());
243: //
244: SecurityAudit sa = accessAudit(auditId, conn, ss);
245: SecurityAuditTag.newInstance(outValue.getAuditCtchar(),
246: 0, sa.getAuditUserIdentity(), sa
247: .getAuditSequenceNumber(), sa
248: .getAuditMachineOfOrigin(), sa
249: .getAuditDateTime(), sa
250: .getAuditSeverityLevel(),
251: SecurityAuditHelper.convertAuditTypeToString(sa
252: .getAuditCategoryType()),
253: SecurityAuditHelper.convertAuditTypeToString(sa
254: .getAuditSourceType()), sa
255: .getAuditServerVersion(), sa
256: .getAuditCustomCode(),
257: SecurityAuditHelper.convertAuditTypeToString(sa
258: .getAuditCustomCategoryType()),
259: SecurityAuditHelper.convertAuditTypeToString(sa
260: .getAuditCustomSourceType()), sa
261: .getAuditCustomMessage(), false);
262: //
263: //UserIdentityTag.newInstance(
264: // outValue.getUserCtchar(), 0, inUi.getName(),
265: // inUi.getSecurityType(), inUi.isValid(),
266: // inUi.isAnonymous());
267: //
268: accessProperties(outValue.getPropertyCtchar(), 0,
269: propRoId, conn, ss);
270: //
271: CreateStatement docSysRoTable = sd
272: .createDocSysReadOnlyTable();
273: SelectStatement docSysRoSelect = SelectStatement
274: .createOrderByColumn(
275: SystemDatabase.C_SECTION_T_DOC_SYS_RO,
276: docSysRoTable, null);
277: docSysRoSelect.addSelectColumn(
278: SystemDatabase.C_SUB_SECTION_T_DOC_SYS_RO,
279: docSysRoTable, null);
280: docSysRoSelect.addWhereColumn(null,
281: SystemStatement.ID_COLUMN, docSysRoTable,
282: docSysId, SelectStatement.EQUALS, null);
283: //
284: ss.execute(docSysRoSelect, conn);
285: SystemResultSet docSysRoSrs = docSysRoSelect
286: .getResults();
287: if (docSysRoSrs.getRowCount() > 0) {
288: String section = docSysRoSrs.getSString(0, 0);
289: String subSection = docSysRoSrs.getSString(0, 1);
290: //
291: DMSService dmss = DMSServiceCallerFactory
292: .getDMSService();
293: dmss.accessDocumentSystem(outValue
294: .getWebDocCtchar(), 0, section, subSection);
295: }
296: } else {
297: final int VERSION = 0;
298: outValue = ProjectSystemTag.newInstance(inCtchar,
299: inIndex, inUi, inProjectName, false, VERSION,
300: inDeployed, true);
301: //
302: String docSection = null;
303: String docSubSection = null;
304: if (inDeployed) {
305: docSection = "SERVER_APPLICATION";
306: docSubSection = inProjectName.toUpperCase();
307: } else {
308: docSection = "USER_APPLICATION";
309: docSubSection = inUi.getSecurityType().length()
310: + "|" + inUi.getName().length() + "|"
311: + inUi.getSecurityType() + "|"
312: + inUi.getName() + "|"
313: + inProjectName.toUpperCase();
314: }
315: DocumentFileSystemRootTag.newInstance(outValue
316: .getWebDocCtchar(), 0, docSection,
317: docSubSection, VERSION);
318: //
319: SystemEntityPropertiesTag.newInstance(outValue
320: .getPropertyCtchar(), 0,
321: "<project>SampleData</project>", VERSION,
322: new HashMap(), new HashMap(), new HashMap());
323: //
324: SecurityAuditTag
325: .newInstance(
326: outValue.getAuditCtchar(),
327: 0,
328: inUi,
329: new BigDecimal(0),
330: "",
331: MiscHelper.fromTimeToString(MiscHelper
332: .currentUTC()),
334: "", "", "", new BigDecimal(0), "", "",
335: "", false);
336: //
337: outValue.resetToDefault();
338: }
340: //
341: int projectVersion = outValue.getVersion();
342: int docSysVersion = outValue.getDocumentSystemRoot()
343: .getVersion();
344: int propVersion = outValue.getProperties().getVersion();
345: if ((projectVersion == propVersion)
346: && (projectVersion == docSysVersion)) {
347: //
348: } else {
349: throw new UnexpectedSystemException(
350: "Unsynchronized Versions " + ", Project = "
351: + projectVersion + ", Properties = "
352: + propVersion + ", Documents = "
353: + docSysVersion);
354: }
355: } finally {
356: SystemStore.closeSQLObjects(conn, null, null);
357: }
359: return outValue;
360: }
362: public void saveProjectSystem(ProjectSystemUpdates inPsu) {
364: Connection conn = null;
366: try {
367: SystemStore ss = SystemStoreFactory.getSystemStore();
368: SystemDatabase sd = SystemDatabase.newInstance();
369: conn = SystemStore.getConnection(ss);
370: CreateStatement projectSysRoTable = sd
371: .createProjectSysReadOnlyTable();
373: SecurityAudit sa = inPsu.getSecurityAudit();
374: SystemEntityPropertiesUpdates sepu = inPsu
375: .getPropertyUpdates();
376: DocumentFileSystemRootUpdates dsru = inPsu
377: .getWebDocUpdates();
379: if ((inPsu.getVersion() == sepu.getVersion())
380: && (inPsu.getVersion() == dsru.getVersion())) {
381: //
382: } else {
383: throw new UnexpectedSystemException(
384: "Unsynchronized Versions " + ", Project = "
385: + inPsu.getVersion()
386: + ", Properties = " + sepu.getVersion()
387: + ", Documents = " + dsru.getVersion());
388: }
390: UserIdentity ui = inPsu.getUserIdentity();
391: String name = inPsu.getName();
392: int version = inPsu.getVersion();
393: boolean deployVisible = inPsu.isDeployVisible();
394: boolean deployed = inPsu.isDeployed();
395: boolean active = inPsu.isActive();
397: BigDecimal userId = saveUser(ui, conn, ss);
399: //////////
400: SelectStatement projectSysRoSelect = getProjects(ui,
401: new Boolean(deployed), name.toUpperCase(), sd,
402: conn, ss);
403: projectSysRoSelect.addSelectColumn(
404: SystemDatabase.C_PROP_RO_ID_T_PROJECT_SYS_RO,
405: projectSysRoTable, null);
406: //
407: ss.execute(projectSysRoSelect, conn);
408: SystemResultSet projectSysRoSrs = projectSysRoSelect
409: .getResults();
410: //
411: BigDecimal projectSysRoId = null;
412: BigDecimal propRoId = null;
413: if (projectSysRoSrs.getRowCount() > 0) {
414: projectSysRoId = projectSysRoSrs.getDecimal(0, 0);
415: propRoId = projectSysRoSrs.getDecimal(0, 1);
416: } else {
417: }
418: ////////////////////
419: propRoId = saveProperties(sepu, propRoId, conn, ss);
420: //
421: DMSService dmss = DMSServiceCallerFactory.getDMSService();
422: BigDecimal docSysRoId = dmss.saveDocumentSystem(dsru, conn);
423: //
424: if (projectSysRoId == null) {
425: InsertStatement projectSysRoIs = SystemStatement
426: .newInsertStatement(projectSysRoTable);
427: //
428: projectSysRoIs.setSStringColumn(
429: SystemDatabase.C_GROUP_NAME_T_PROJECT_SYS_RO,
430: name.toUpperCase());
431: projectSysRoIs.setDecimalColumn(
432: SystemDatabase.C_USER_ID_T_PROJECT_SYS_RO,
433: userId);
434: projectSysRoIs.setBooleanColumn(
435: SystemDatabase.C_PROD_LIVE_T_PROJECT_SYS_RO,
436: new Boolean(deployed));
437: projectSysRoIs.setDecimalColumn(
438: SystemDatabase.C_PROP_RO_ID_T_PROJECT_SYS_RO,
439: propRoId);
440: projectSysRoIs
441: .setDecimalColumn(
442: SystemDatabase.C_DOC_SYS_RO_ID_T_PROJECT_SYS_RO,
443: docSysRoId);
444: //
445: ss.execute(projectSysRoIs, conn);
446: projectSysRoId = projectSysRoIs.getIdColumnValue();
447: }
448: //
449: //
450: BigDecimal auditId = saveAudit(sa, conn, ss);
451: //
452: //
453: CreateStatement projectSysTable = sd
454: .createProjectSysTable();
455: InsertStatement projectSysIs = SystemStatement
456: .newInsertStatement(projectSysTable);
457: //
458: projectSysIs.setDecimalColumn(
460: projectSysRoId);
461: projectSysIs.setDecimalColumn(
462: SystemDatabase.C_VERSION_T_PROJECT_SYS,
463: new BigDecimal(version));
464: projectSysIs.setDecimalColumn(
465: SystemDatabase.C_AUDIT_ID_T_PROJECT_SYS, auditId);
466: projectSysIs.setBooleanColumn(
467: SystemDatabase.C_ACTIVE_T_PROJECT_SYS, new Boolean(
468: active));
469: projectSysIs.setSStringColumn(
470: SystemDatabase.C_ACTUAL_NAME_T_PROJECT_SYS, name);
471: projectSysIs.setBooleanColumn(
473: new Boolean(deployVisible));
474: //
475: ss.execute(projectSysIs, conn);
477: //
478: //MiscHelper.println("ProjServBean ABOUT TO SAVE PROJECT");
479: //MiscHelper.println(dsru.toString());
481: ss.commit(conn);
482: } finally {
483: SystemStore.closeSQLObjects(conn, null, null);
484: }
485: }
487: public ArrayList accessProjectSystemNames(
488: ConceptTagCharacteristic inCtchar, UserIdentity inUi,
489: boolean inDeployed, String inProjectName) {
491: ArrayList outValue = null;
493: Connection conn = null;
495: try {
496: SystemStore ss = SystemStoreFactory.getSystemStore();
497: //SystemDatabase sd = SystemDatabase.newInstance();
499: conn = SystemStore.getConnection(ss);
500: outValue = getProjectNames(inUi, new Boolean(inDeployed),
501: inProjectName, conn, ss);
502: Collections.sort(outValue);
503: //
504: for (int i = 0; i < outValue.size(); i++) {
505: String nextValue = (String) outValue.get(i);
506: inCtchar.addValue(inCtchar.getValueLength(), nextValue);
507: }
508: } finally {
509: SystemStore.closeSQLObjects(conn, null, null);
510: }
512: return outValue;
513: }
515: private ArrayList getProjectNames(UserIdentity inUi,
516: Boolean inDeployed, String inProjectName,
517: Connection inConn, SystemStore inSs) {
519: ArrayList outValue = new ArrayList();
521: //
522: SystemDatabase sd = SystemDatabase.newInstance();
523: CreateStatement projectSysTable = sd.createProjectSysTable();
525: //
526: SelectStatement maxProjSysSelect = getLatestProjects(inUi,
527: inDeployed, inProjectName, sd, inConn, inSs);
528: //
529: SelectStatement projSysSelect = SelectStatement
530: .createOrderById(projectSysTable, null);
531: //
532: projSysSelect.addSelectColumn(
533: SystemDatabase.C_ACTUAL_NAME_T_PROJECT_SYS,
534: projectSysTable, null);
535: projSysSelect.addSelectColumn(
536: SystemDatabase.C_ACTIVE_T_PROJECT_SYS, projectSysTable,
537: null);
538: //
539: projSysSelect.addWhereColumn(null, SelectStatement.ID_COLUMN,
540: projectSysTable, maxProjSysSelect, SelectStatement.IN,
541: null);
542: //
543: inSs.execute(projSysSelect, inConn);
544: SystemResultSet projSysSrs = projSysSelect.getResults();
545: //
546: for (int i = 0; i < projSysSrs.getRowCount(); i++) {
547: String nextActualName = projSysSrs.getSString(i, 1);
548: Boolean nextActive = projSysSrs.getBoolean(i, 2);
549: if (nextActive.booleanValue()) {
550: outValue.add(nextActualName);
551: }
552: }
554: return outValue;
555: }
557: private SelectStatement getLatestProjects(UserIdentity inUi,
558: Boolean inDeployed, String inProjectName,
559: SystemDatabase inSd, Connection inConn, SystemStore inSs) {
561: SelectStatement outValue = null;
563: //
564: CreateStatement projectSysTable = inSd.createProjectSysTable();
565: //
566: outValue = SelectStatement.createOrderById(projectSysTable,
567: SelectStatement.MAX_COLUMN);
568: //
569: outValue.addWhereColumn(
571: SelectStatement.NORMAL_COLUMN, projectSysTable,
572: getProjects(inUi, inDeployed, inProjectName, inSd,
573: inConn, inSs), SelectStatement.IN, null);
574: //
575: outValue.addGroupByColumn(
577: SelectStatement.NORMAL_COLUMN, projectSysTable);
579: return outValue;
580: }
582: private SelectStatement getProjects(UserIdentity inUi,
583: Boolean inDeployed, String inProjectName,
584: SystemDatabase inSd, Connection inConn, SystemStore inSs) {
586: SelectStatement outValue = null;
588: //
589: CreateStatement projSysRoTable = inSd
590: .createProjectSysReadOnlyTable();
591: //
592: SelectStatement projSysRoSelect = SelectStatement
593: .createOrderById(projSysRoTable, null);
594: //
595: if (inUi != null) {
596: BigDecimal userId = saveUser(inUi, inConn, inSs);
597: projSysRoSelect.addWhereColumn(
598: SystemDatabase.C_USER_ID_T_PROJECT_SYS_RO,
599: SystemStatement.NORMAL_COLUMN, projSysRoTable,
600: userId, SelectStatement.EQUALS, null);
601: }
602: //
603: if (inDeployed != null) {
604: projSysRoSelect.addWhereColumn(
605: SystemDatabase.C_PROD_LIVE_T_PROJECT_SYS_RO,
606: SystemStatement.NORMAL_COLUMN, projSysRoTable,
607: inDeployed, SelectStatement.EQUALS, null);
608: }
609: //
610: if (inProjectName != null) {
611: projSysRoSelect.addWhereColumn(
612: SystemDatabase.C_GROUP_NAME_T_PROJECT_SYS_RO,
613: SystemStatement.NORMAL_COLUMN, projSysRoTable,
614: inProjectName.toUpperCase(),
615: SelectStatement.EQUALS, null);
616: }
618: outValue = projSysRoSelect;
620: return outValue;
621: }
622: }