001: /**
002: * This file or a portion of this file is licensed under the terms of
003: * the Globus Toolkit Public License, found at $PEGASUS_HOME/GTPL or
004: * http://www.globus.org/toolkit/download/license.html.
005: * This notice must appear in redistributions of this file
006: * with or without modification.
007: *
008: * Redistributions of this Software, with or without modification, must reproduce
009: * the GTPL in:
010: * (1) the Software, or
011: * (2) the Documentation or
012: * some other similar material which is provided with the Software (if any).
013: *
014: * Copyright 1999-2004
015: * University of Chicago and The University of Southern California.
016: * All rights reserved.
017: */package org.griphyn.cPlanner.poolinfo;
019: import java.util.ArrayList;
020: import java.util.Enumeration;
021: import java.util.Hashtable;
022: import java.util.Iterator;
023: import java.util.StringTokenizer;
024: import javax.naming.Context;
025: import javax.naming.NamingEnumeration;
026: import javax.naming.NamingException;
027: import javax.naming.directory.Attribute;
028: import javax.naming.directory.Attributes;
029: import javax.naming.directory.SearchResult;
030: import javax.naming.ldap.InitialLdapContext;
031: import javax.naming.ldap.LdapContext;
033: import org.griphyn.cPlanner.classes.PoolConfig;
034: import org.griphyn.cPlanner.classes.GridFTPServer;
035: import org.griphyn.cPlanner.classes.GridFTPBandwidth;
036: import org.griphyn.cPlanner.classes.SiteInfo;
037: import org.griphyn.cPlanner.classes.JobManager;
038: import org.griphyn.cPlanner.classes.LRC;
039: import org.griphyn.cPlanner.classes.Profile;
040: import org.griphyn.cPlanner.classes.WorkDir;
042: /**
043: * This Class queries the GT2 based Monitoring and Discovery Service (MDS)
044: * and stores the remote sites information into a single data class.
045: *
046: * @author Gaurang Mehta gmehta@isi.edu
047: * @author Karan Vahi vahi@isi.edu
048: *
049: * @version $Revision: 50 $
050: */
051: public class MdsQuery {
053: private String mdshost; //holds the hostname for MDS
054: private int mdsport; //holds the port number for MDS
055: private String mdsbaseDN; //holds the baseDN for the GRIS/GIIS
056: private String DEFAULT_CTX = "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory";
057: private Hashtable env; //Hashtable holding connection setting to the MDS
058: // private GvdsPoolConfig poolconfig = new GvdsPoolConfig();
060: private static final int Gvds_Pool_Id = 0;
061: private static final int Gvds_Pool_Universe = 1;
062: private static final int Gvds_Pool_WorkDir = 2;
063: private static final int Gvds_Pool_Lrc = 3;
064: private static final int Gvds_Pool_Gridlaunch = 4;
065: private static final int Gvds_Pool_Storage = 5;
066: private static final int Gvds_Pool_Profile = 6;
068: private static final int Mds_Computer_Total_Free_NodeCount = 7;
069: private static final int Mds_Computer_Total_NodeCount = 8;
070: private static final int Mds_Gram_Job_Queue_MaxCount = 9;
071: private static final int Mds_Gram_Job_Queue_MaxCpuTime = 10;
072: private static final int Mds_Gram_Job_Queue_MaxRunningJobs = 11;
073: private static final int Mds_Gram_Job_Queue_MaxJobsInQueue = 12;
074: private static final int Mds_Memory_Ram_Total_SizeMB = 13;
075: private static final int Mds_Memory_Ram_FreeSizeMB = 14;
076: private static final int Mds_Service_Gram_SchedulerType = 15;
077: private static final int Mds_Computer_Isa = 16;
078: private static final int Mds_Os_Name = 17;
080: private static final int Mds_Subnetid = 18;
082: /*
083: * TODO:sk to add constants which represent the attributes in the
084: * MDS objectclass=gridftp-pair-bandwidth-info
085: */
086: private static final int Host_Subnet_Id = 19;
087: private static final int Dest_Subnet_Id = 20;
088: private static final int Avg_Bandwidth_range1 = 21;
089: private static final int Avg_Bandwidth_range2 = 22;
090: private static final int Avg_Bandwidth_range3 = 23;
091: private static final int Avg_Bandwidth_range4 = 24;
092: private static final int Avg_Bandwidth = 25;
093: private static final int Max_Bandwidth = 26;
094: private static final int Min_Bandwidth = 27;
096: private ArrayList m_identifiers = new ArrayList(28);
098: // private SearchControls constraints;
100: /**
101: * C'tor for the class.
102: */
103: public MdsQuery() {
105: }
107: /**
108: * Valid C'tor for the class to create a MdsQuery object.
109: * Sets the SECURITY_ATHENTICATION with simple authentication.
110: * Sets the PROVIDER_URL to the MDS host and port.
112: *
113: * @param host the hostname of the machine on which a GRIS or GIIS is running.
114: * @param port the Port number on which a GRIS or GIIS is running.
115: */
116: public MdsQuery(String host, int port) {
117: mdshost = host;
118: mdsport = port;
119: mdsbaseDN = new String();
121: env = new Hashtable();
122: env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "ldap://" + mdshost + ":"
123: + mdsport);
125: env.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "simple");
127: m_identifiers.add("Gvds-Pool-Id");
128: m_identifiers.add("Gvds-Pool-Universe");
129: m_identifiers.add("Gvds-Pool-WorkDir");
130: m_identifiers.add("Gvds-Pool-Lrc");
131: m_identifiers.add("Gvds-Pool-GridLaunch");
132: m_identifiers.add("Gvds-Pool-Storage");
133: m_identifiers.add("Gvds-Pool-Profile");
134: m_identifiers.add("Mds-Computer-Total-Free-nodeCount");
135: m_identifiers.add("Mds-Computer-Total-nodeCount");
136: m_identifiers.add("Mds-Gram-Job-Queue-maxcount");
137: m_identifiers.add("Mds-Gram-Job-Queue-maxcputime");
138: m_identifiers.add("Mds-Gram-Job-Queue-maxrunningjobs");
139: m_identifiers.add("Mds-Gram-Job-Queue-maxjobsinqueue");
140: m_identifiers.add("Mds-Memory-Ram-Total-sizeMB");
141: m_identifiers.add("Mds-Memory-Ram-sizeMB");
142: m_identifiers.add("Mds-Service-Gram-schedulertype");
143: m_identifiers.add("Mds-Computer-isa");
144: m_identifiers.add("Mds-Os-name");
145: m_identifiers.add("Mds-Net-netaddr");
147: /**
148: * sk added the attributes here as well in the same order as they are defined
149: * before as this is like a hash
150: */
151: m_identifiers.add("Host-Subnet-Id");
152: m_identifiers.add("Dest-Subnet-Id");
153: m_identifiers.add("Avg-Bandwidth-range1");
154: m_identifiers.add("Avg-Bandwidth-range2");
155: m_identifiers.add("Avg-Bandwidth-range3");
156: m_identifiers.add("Avg-Bandwidth-range4");
157: m_identifiers.add("Avg-Bandwidth");
158: m_identifiers.add("Max-Bandwidth");
159: m_identifiers.add("Min-Bandwidth");
161: // constraints = new SearchControls();
162: // constraints.setSearchScope(SearchControls.SUBTREE_SCOPE);
163: }
165: /**
166: * Enables a user to set new or overide existing connection settings to the MDS.
167: *
168: * @param index Holds the index string for the connection environment.
169: * @param value Holds the value corresponding to the index fro the connnection environment.
170: */
171: public void setLdapConnectionEnv(String index, String value) {
172: env.put(index, value);
173: }
175: public void setLdapSearchConstraints() {
177: }
179: /**
180: * Create and return a MDS LdapContext.
181: *
182: * @return LdapContext
183: */
185: public LdapContext connectMds() throws NamingException {
186: LdapContext mdsctx = new InitialLdapContext(env, null);
187: return mdsctx;
188: }
190: /**
191: * Still Thinking how to eable this option.
192: */
193: public NamingEnumeration searchMDS(LdapContext mdsctx,
194: String baseDN, String filter) {
196: NamingEnumeration results = null;
197: return results;
199: }
201: public PoolConfig StoreGvdsMdsInfo(NamingEnumeration results,
202: String baseDN, PoolConfig poolconfig)
203: throws NamingException, Exception {
205: SiteInfo poolinfo = null;
207: String jburl = null;
208: mdsbaseDN = baseDN;
209: if (results == null) {
210: return null;
211: }
213: String dn;
214: String attribute;
215: Attributes attrs;
216: Attribute at;
217: SearchResult si;
219: while (results.hasMoreElements()) {
220: si = (SearchResult) results.next();
221: attrs = si.getAttributes();
223: if (si.getName().trim().length() == 0) {
224: dn = baseDN;
225: } else {
226: dn = si.getName() + ", " + baseDN;
227: }
228: // System.out.println("dn: " + dn);
229: if (dn.startsWith("Gvds-Vo-name")
230: || dn.startsWith("Gvds-Software-deployment")) {
231: poolinfo = new SiteInfo();
233: for (NamingEnumeration ae = attrs.getAll(); ae
234: .hasMoreElements();) {
235: at = (Attribute) ae.next();
237: attribute = at.getID();
239: Enumeration vals = at.getAll();
241: while (vals.hasMoreElements()) {
242: int switchkey = m_identifiers
243: .indexOf(attribute);
244: switch (switchkey) {
245: //Setup pool id
246: case 0:
247: String poolHandle = new String(
248: (String) vals.nextElement());
249: if (poolconfig.getSites().containsKey(
250: poolHandle)) {
251: java.util.Date date = new java.util.Date();
252: poolconfig.add(poolHandle + "-"
253: + date.getTime(), poolinfo);
254: } else {
255: poolconfig.add(poolHandle, poolinfo);
256: }
258: // poolconfig.setPoolConfig((String) vals.nextElement(),poolinfo);
259: break;
261: //Setup pool universe's info
262: case 1:
263: StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(
264: (String) vals.nextElement(), "@");
265: String universe = st.nextToken();
266: String url = st.nextToken();
267: String globus_version = st.nextToken();
269: JobManager jobmanagerinfo = new JobManager();
271: //setting the universe,globus version and the url mappings
272: jobmanagerinfo.setInfo(JobManager.URL, url);
273: jobmanagerinfo.setInfo(JobManager.UNIVERSE,
274: universe);
275: jobmanagerinfo.setInfo(
276: JobManager.GLOBUS_VERSION,
277: globus_version);
278: poolinfo.setInfo(SiteInfo.JOBMANAGER,
279: jobmanagerinfo);
280: break;
282: //Setup the pool workdir info
283: case 2:
284: WorkDir workdir = new WorkDir();
285: st = new StringTokenizer((String) vals
286: .nextElement(), "@");
288: String path = null;
289: String totalsize = null;
290: String freesize = null;
292: if (st.countTokens() == 1) {
293: path = st.nextToken();
294: } else {
295: path = st.nextToken();
296: totalsize = st.nextToken();
297: freesize = st.nextToken();
299: }
300: workdir.setInfo(WorkDir.WORKDIR, path);
301: workdir.setInfo(WorkDir.TOTAL_SIZE,
302: totalsize);
303: workdir
304: .setInfo(WorkDir.FREE_SIZE,
305: freesize);
306: poolinfo.setInfo(SiteInfo.WORKDIR, workdir);
307: break;
309: //Setup the pool LRC info
310: case 3:
311: LRC lrc = new LRC((String) vals
312: .nextElement());
313: poolinfo.setInfo(SiteInfo.LRC, lrc);
314: break;
316: //Setup the pool GridLaunch Info
317: case 4:
318: poolinfo.setInfo(SiteInfo.GRIDLAUNCH,
319: (String) vals.nextElement());
320: break;
322: //Setup the pool Storage info
323: case 5:
324: GridFTPServer gftp = new GridFTPServer();
325: st = new StringTokenizer((String) vals
326: .nextElement(), "@");
328: String gftp_url = null;
329: String gftp_globus_version = null;
330: String storage_totalsize = null;
331: String storage_freesize = null;
332: if (st.countTokens() == 2) {
333: gftp_url = st.nextToken();
334: gftp_globus_version = st.nextToken();
335: } else {
336: gftp_url = st.nextToken();
337: gftp_globus_version = st.nextToken();
338: storage_totalsize = st.nextToken();
339: storage_freesize = st.nextToken();
340: }
341: StringTokenizer stt = new StringTokenizer(
342: gftp_url, "/");
343: String gridftpurl = stt.nextToken() + "//"
344: + stt.nextToken();
345: String storagedir = "";
346: while (stt.hasMoreTokens()) {
347: storagedir += "/" + stt.nextToken();
348: }
349: gftp.setInfo(GridFTPServer.GRIDFTP_URL,
350: gridftpurl);
351: gftp.setInfo(GridFTPServer.STORAGE_DIR,
352: storagedir);
353: gftp.setInfo(GridFTPServer.TOTAL_SIZE,
354: storage_totalsize);
355: gftp.setInfo(GridFTPServer.FREE_SIZE,
356: storage_freesize);
357: gftp.setInfo(GridFTPServer.GLOBUS_VERSION,
358: gftp_globus_version);
359: poolinfo.setInfo(SiteInfo.GRIDFTP, gftp);
360: break;
362: //Setup the pool Profile Info
363: case 6:
364: st = new StringTokenizer((String) vals
365: .nextElement(), "@");
366: String namespace = st.nextToken();
367: String key = st.nextToken();
368: String value = st.nextToken();
369: Profile profile = new Profile(namespace,
370: key, value);
371: poolinfo.setInfo(SiteInfo.PROFILE, profile);
372: break;
374: default:
375: vals.nextElement();
376: }
377: }
378: }
379: } else if (dn.startsWith("Mds-Job-Queue-name")
380: || dn
381: .startsWith("Mds-Software-deployment=jobmanager")) {
383: StringTokenizer dnst = new StringTokenizer(dn, ",");
384: if (dn.startsWith("Mds-Job-Queue-name")) {
385: dnst.nextToken();
386: }
387: String jbmanager = dnst.nextToken();
388: String jbhost = dnst.nextToken();
389: jburl = jbhost.substring(jbhost.indexOf("=") + 1)
390: + "/"
391: + jbmanager
392: .substring(jbmanager.indexOf("=") + 1);
394: ArrayList jobmanagers = null;
395: JobManager jobmanager = null;
396: for (Iterator i = poolconfig.getSites().values()
397: .iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
398: poolinfo = (SiteInfo) i.next();
399: if ((jobmanagers = (ArrayList) poolinfo
400: .getInfo(SiteInfo.JOBMANAGER)) != null) {
401: if (!jobmanagers.isEmpty()) {
402: for (Iterator j = jobmanagers.iterator(); j
403: .hasNext();) {
405: jobmanager = (JobManager) j.next();
406: if (jobmanager.getInfo(JobManager.URL)
407: .equalsIgnoreCase(jburl)) {
408: for (NamingEnumeration ae = attrs
409: .getAll(); ae
410: .hasMoreElements();) {
411: at = (Attribute) ae.next();
412: attribute = at.getID();
413: Enumeration vals = at.getAll();
414: while (vals.hasMoreElements()) {
415: int switchkey = m_identifiers
416: .indexOf(attribute);
417: switch (switchkey) {
418: //Setup other jobmanager Related Information.
419: case 7:
420: jobmanager
421: .setInfo(
422: JobManager.IDLE_NODES,
423: (String) vals
424: .nextElement());
425: break;
427: case 8:
428: jobmanager
429: .setInfo(
430: JobManager.TOTAL_NODES,
431: (String) vals
432: .nextElement());
433: break;
435: case 9:
436: jobmanager
437: .setInfo(
438: JobManager.MAX_COUNT,
439: (String) vals
440: .nextElement());
441: break;
443: case 10:
444: jobmanager
445: .setInfo(
446: JobManager.MAX_CPU_TIME,
447: (String) vals
448: .nextElement());
449: break;
451: case 11:
452: jobmanager
453: .setInfo(
454: JobManager.RUNNING_JOBS,
455: (String) vals
456: .nextElement());
457: break;
459: case 12:
460: jobmanager
461: .setInfo(
462: JobManager.JOBS_IN_QUEUE,
463: (String) vals
464: .nextElement());
465: break;
467: case 13:
468: jobmanager
469: .setInfo(
470: JobManager.TOTAL_MEM,
471: (String) vals
472: .nextElement());
473: break;
475: case 14:
476: jobmanager
477: .setInfo(
478: JobManager.FREE_MEM,
479: (String) vals
480: .nextElement());
481: break;
483: case 15:
484: jobmanager
485: .setInfo(
486: JobManager.JOBMANAGER_TYPE,
487: (String) vals
488: .nextElement());
489: break;
491: case 16:
492: jobmanager
493: .setInfo(
494: JobManager.ARCH_TYPE,
495: (String) vals
496: .nextElement());
497: break;
499: case 17:
500: jobmanager
501: .setInfo(
502: JobManager.OS_TYPE,
503: (String) vals
504: .nextElement());
505: break;
507: default:
508: vals.nextElement();
510: }
511: }
512: }
513: }
515: } //for loop
516: }
517: }
518: }
519: }
521: /*
522: * sk added a case where the dn starts with 'Dest-Subnet-Id'
523: * to gather destination bandwidth information for each gridftp server
524: */
526: else if (dn.startsWith("Dest-Subnet-Id")) {
528: GridFTPBandwidth gridftp_bandwidth = new GridFTPBandwidth();
529: String dest_subnet_id = null;
530: boolean flag = false; //flag to check if any elements occur
532: StringTokenizer dnst = new StringTokenizer(dn, ",");
533: if (dn.startsWith("Dest-Subnet-Id")) {
534: dnst.nextToken();
535: }
537: String gridhost = dnst.nextToken();
538: String hosturl = gridhost.substring(gridhost
539: .indexOf("=") + 1);
541: ArrayList gridftpservers = null;
542: GridFTPServer gridftpserver = null;
543: for (Iterator i = poolconfig.getSites().values()
544: .iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
545: poolinfo = (SiteInfo) i.next();
546: if ((gridftpservers = (ArrayList) poolinfo
547: .getInfo(SiteInfo.GRIDFTP)) != null) {
548: if (!gridftpservers.isEmpty()) {
549: for (Iterator j = gridftpservers.iterator(); j
550: .hasNext();) {
551: gridftpserver = (GridFTPServer) j
552: .next();
554: /**
555: * calculate the gridftpserver url in the form smarty.isi.edu
556: */
557: String url = gridftpserver.getInfo(0);
558: String halfurl = url.substring(url
559: .indexOf("/") + 2);
560: String finalurl = halfurl.substring(0,
561: halfurl.indexOf("/"));
562: //System.out.println("In url="+hosturl +" grid url="+finalurl);
563: //if (finalurl.equalsIgnoreCase(hosturl))
564: //means that the particular gridftpserver object has been found among the elements of the arraylist maintained in
565: //the poolinfo class
566: {
567: flag = true;
569: //System.out.println("Url has matched "+hosturl);
570: for (NamingEnumeration ae = attrs
571: .getAll(); ae
572: .hasMoreElements();) { //ae iterates over the attributes
573: at = (Attribute) ae.next(); //get each attribute
574: attribute = at.getID();
575: Enumeration vals = at.getAll(); //get all the values of that attribute !
577: while (vals.hasMoreElements()) {
578: //form a GridFTPBandwidth object and then
579: // call gridftpserver.setGridFtpBandwidthInfo(dest_subnet_id, object);
581: boolean intflag = false;
582: int switchkey = m_identifiers
583: .indexOf(attribute);
584: switch (switchkey) {
585: /**
586: * populate the gridftp_bandwidth object with the attributes
587: * and then store this object in the hashmap maintained in the gridftpserver object
588: */
590: //Host-Subnet-Id
591: case 19:
593: //neednt store this information
594: vals.nextElement();
595: break;
596: //Dest-Subnet-Id
597: case 20:
598: dest_subnet_id = (String) vals
599: .nextElement();
600: gridftp_bandwidth
601: .setInfo(
602: GridFTPBandwidth.DEST_ID,
603: dest_subnet_id);
604: break;
605: //Avg-Bandwidth-range1
606: case 21:
607: gridftp_bandwidth
608: .setInfo(
609: GridFTPBandwidth.AVG_BW_RANGE1,
610: (String) vals
611: .nextElement());
612: break;
613: //Avg-Bandwidth-range2
614: case 22:
615: gridftp_bandwidth
616: .setInfo(
617: GridFTPBandwidth.AVG_BW_RANGE2,
618: (String) vals
619: .nextElement());
620: break;
621: //Avg-Bandwidth-range3
622: case 23:
623: gridftp_bandwidth
624: .setInfo(
625: GridFTPBandwidth.AVG_BW_RANGE3,
626: (String) vals
627: .nextElement());
628: break;
629: //Avg-Bandwidth-range4
630: case 24:
631: gridftp_bandwidth
632: .setInfo(
633: GridFTPBandwidth.AVG_BW_RANGE4,
634: (String) vals
635: .nextElement());
636: break;
637: //Avg-Bandwidth
638: case 25:
639: gridftp_bandwidth
640: .setInfo(
641: GridFTPBandwidth.AVG_BW,
642: (String) vals
643: .nextElement());
644: break;
645: //Max-Bandwidth
646: case 26:
647: gridftp_bandwidth
648: .setInfo(
649: GridFTPBandwidth.MAX_BW,
650: (String) vals
651: .nextElement());
652: break;
653: //Min-Bandwidth
654: case 27:
655: gridftp_bandwidth
656: .setInfo(
657: GridFTPBandwidth.MIN_BW,
658: (String) vals
659: .nextElement());
660: break;
661: default:
662: intflag = true;
663: break;
664: }
665: if (intflag) {
666: break;
667: }
668: } //end of While
670: //now add the gridftp_bandwidth object in the hash maintained in the GvdsPoolGridFtp object
671: /*
672: if(flag)
673: {
674: gridftpserver.setInfo(dest_subnet_id,gridftp_bandwidth);
675: }*/
676: }
678: } //end of if matching the appropriate gridftpserver
679: } //for loop
680: }
681: }
682: }
683: if (flag) {
684: gridftpserver
685: .setGridFTPBandwidthInfo(gridftp_bandwidth); //set the gridftp_bandwidth object in GvdsPoolGridFtp class
686: }
687: }
689: }
690: return poolconfig;
691: }
693: /**
694: * Displays the result on stdout instead of putting it in data classes.
695: *
696: * @param results Takes a NamingEnumeration returned by the MDS search
697: * @param baseDN Takes the baseDN provided to the MDS search.
698: *
699: */
700: public void displayResults(NamingEnumeration results, String baseDN)
701: throws NamingException {
702: mdsbaseDN = baseDN;
703: if (results == null) {
704: return;
705: }
707: String dn;
708: String attribute;
709: Attributes attrs;
710: Attribute at;
711: SearchResult si;
713: while (results.hasMoreElements()) {
714: si = (SearchResult) results.next();
715: attrs = si.getAttributes();
717: if (si.getName().trim().length() == 0) {
718: dn = baseDN;
719: } else {
720: dn = si.getName() + ", " + baseDN;
721: }
722: System.out.println("dn: " + dn);
724: for (NamingEnumeration ae = attrs.getAll(); ae
725: .hasMoreElements();) {
726: at = (Attribute) ae.next();
728: attribute = at.getID();
730: Enumeration vals = at.getAll();
731: while (vals.hasMoreElements()) {
732: System.out.println(attribute + ": "
733: + vals.nextElement());
734: }
735: }
736: System.out.println();
737: }
738: }
740: }