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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » Workflow Engines » pegasus 2.1.0 » org.griphyn.cPlanner.transfer.refiner 
Source Cross Referenced  Class Diagram Java Document (Java Doc) 

001:        /*
002:         * This file or a portion of this file is licensed under the terms of
003:         * the Globus Toolkit Public License, found in file GTPL, or at
004:         * This notice must
005:         * appear in redistributions of this file, with or without modification.
006:         *
007:         * Redistributions of this Software, with or without modification, must
008:         * reproduce the GTPL in: (1) the Software, or (2) the Documentation or
009:         * some other similar material which is provided with the Software (if
010:         * any).
011:         *
012:         * Copyright 1999-2004 University of Chicago and The University of
013:         * Southern California. All rights reserved.
014:         */
016:        package org.griphyn.cPlanner.transfer.refiner;
018:        import org.griphyn.cPlanner.classes.ADag;
019:        import org.griphyn.cPlanner.classes.SubInfo;
020:        import org.griphyn.cPlanner.classes.PlannerOptions;
022:        import org.griphyn.cPlanner.namespace.VDS;
024:        import org.griphyn.cPlanner.common.LogManager;
025:        import org.griphyn.cPlanner.common.PegasusProperties;
027:        import org.griphyn.cPlanner.poolinfo.PoolInfoProvider;
028:        import org.griphyn.cPlanner.poolinfo.PoolMode;
030:        import org.griphyn.common.catalog.TransformationCatalogEntry;
032:        import java.util.Map;
033:        import java.util.HashMap;
034:        import java.util.Iterator;
035:        import java.util.List;
036:        import java.util.ArrayList;
037:        import java.util.LinkedList;
039:        /**
040:         * This transfer refiner builds upon the Default Refiner.
041:         * The defaul Refiner allows the transfer of multiple files in a single
042:         * condor job. However, it adds the stage in transfer nodes in parallel leading
043:         * to multiple invocation of the globus-url-copy at remote execution pools,
044:         * while running huge workflows.
045:         * This refiner, tries to circumvent this problem by chaining up the stagein jobs
046:         * instead of scheduling in parallel. This works best only when the top level
047:         * of the workflow requires stage in jobs. The correct way is that the traversal
048:         * needs to be done breath first in the
049:         *
050:         * @author Karan Vahi
051:         * @author Gaurang Mehta
052:         *
053:         * @version $Revision: 50 $
054:         */
055:        public class Chain extends Default {
057:            /**
058:             * The default bundling factor that identifies the number of transfer jobs
059:             * that are being created per execution pool for the workflow.
060:             */
061:            public static final String DEFAULT_BUNDLE_FACTOR = "1";
063:            /**
064:             * The handle to the Site Catalog. It is instantiated in this class.
065:             */
066:            protected PoolInfoProvider mSCHandle;
068:            /**
069:             * The map containing the stage in bundle values indexed by the name of the
070:             * site. If the bundle value is not specified, then null is stored.
071:             */
072:            private Map mSIBundleMap;
074:            /**
075:             * A map indexed by execution sites. Each value is a SiteTransfer object,
076:             * that contains the Bundles of stagin transfer jobs.
077:             *
078:             * @see TransferChain
079:             */
080:            private Map mStageInMap;
082:            /**
083:             * A short description of the transfer refinement.
084:             */
085:            public static final String DESCRIPTION = "Chain Mode (the stage in jobs being chained together in bundles";
087:            /**
088:             * The overloaded constructor.
089:             *
090:             * @param dag        the workflow to which transfer nodes need to be added.
091:             * @param properties the <code>PegasusProperties</code> object containing all
092:             *                   the properties required by Pegasus.
093:             * @param options    the options passed to the planner.
094:             *
095:             */
096:            public Chain(ADag dag, PegasusProperties properties,
097:                    PlannerOptions options) {
098:                super (dag, properties, options);
099:                //specifying initial capacity.
100:                //adding one to account for local pool
101:                mStageInMap = new HashMap(
102:                        options.getExecutionSites().size() + 1);
103:                mSIBundleMap = new HashMap();
105:                //load the site catalog
106:                String poolFile = mProps.getPoolFile();
107:                String poolClass = PoolMode.getImplementingClass(mProps
108:                        .getPoolMode());
109:                mSCHandle = PoolMode.loadPoolInstance(poolClass, poolFile,
110:                        PoolMode.SINGLETON_LOAD);
112:            }
114:            /**
115:             * Adds a new relation to the workflow. In the case when the parent is a
116:             * transfer job that is added, the parentNew should be set only the first
117:             * time a relation is added. For subsequent compute jobs that maybe
118:             * dependant on this, it needs to be set to false.
119:             *
120:             * @param parent    the jobname of the parent node of the edge.
121:             * @param child     the jobname of the child node of the edge.
122:             * @param site      the execution site where the transfer node is to be run.
123:             * @param parentNew the parent node being added, is the new transfer job
124:             *                  and is being called for the first time.
125:             */
126:            public void addRelation(String parent, String child, String site,
127:                    boolean parentNew) {
129:                addRelation(parent, child);
130:                //        mDAG.addNewRelation(parent,child);
132:                if (parentNew) {
133:                    //a new transfer job is being added
134:                    //figure out the correct bundle to
135:                    //put in
136:                    List l = null;
137:                    if (mStageInMap.containsKey(site)) {
138:                        //get the SiteTransfer for the site
139:                        SiteTransfer old = (SiteTransfer) mStageInMap.get(site);
140:                        //put the parent in the appropriate bundle
141:                        //and get the pointer to the last element in
142:                        //the chain before the parent is added.
143:                        String last = old.addTransfer(parent);
144:                        if (last != null) {
145:                            //the parent is now the last element in the chain
146:                            //continue the chain forward
147:                            //adding the last link in the chain
148:                            this .addRelation(last, parent, site, false);
149:                        }
150:                    } else {
151:                        //create a new SiteTransfer for the job
152:                        //determine the bundle for the site
153:                        int bundle;
154:                        if (mSIBundleMap.containsKey(site)) {
155:                            bundle = ((Integer) mSIBundleMap.get(site))
156:                                    .intValue();
157:                        } else {
158:                            bundle = getSiteBundleValue(site,
159:                                    VDS.CHAIN_STAGE_IN_KEY);
160:                            //put the value into the map
161:                            mSIBundleMap.put(site, new Integer(bundle));
162:                        }
163:                        SiteTransfer siteTX = new SiteTransfer(site, bundle);
164:                        siteTX.addTransfer(parent);
165:                        mStageInMap.put(site, siteTX);
166:                    }
167:                }
168:            }
170:            /**
171:             * Determines the bundle factor for a particular site on the basis of the
172:             * key associcated with the underlying transfer transformation in the
173:             * transformation catalog. If none specified in transformation catalog then
174:             * one is picked up from the  site catalog. If the key is not found in the
175:             * site catalog too , then the global default is returned.
176:             *
177:             * @param site       the site at which the transfer job is being run.
178:             * @param key        the bundle key whose value needs to be searched.
179:             *
180:             * @return the bundle factor.
181:             *
182:             * @see #DEFAULT_BUNDLE_FACTOR
183:             */
184:            public int getSiteBundleValue(String site, String key) {
185:                String value = this .DEFAULT_BUNDLE_FACTOR;
186:                //construct a sudo transfer job object
187:                //and populate the profiles in it.
188:                SubInfo sub = new SubInfo();
189:                //assimilate the profile information from the
190:                //site catalog into the job.
191:                sub.updateProfiles(mSCHandle.getPoolProfile(site));
193:                //this should be parameterised Karan Dec 20,2005
194:                TransformationCatalogEntry entry = mTXStageInImplementation
195:                        .getTransformationCatalogEntry(site);
197:                //assimilate the profile information from transformation catalog
198:                if (entry != null) {
199:                    sub.updateProfiles(entry);
200:                }
202:                value = (sub.vdsNS.containsKey(key)) ? sub.vdsNS
203:                        .getStringValue(key) : value;
204:                return Integer.parseInt(value);
205:            }
207:            /**
208:             * Prints out the bundles and chains that have been constructed.
209:             */
210:            public void done() {
211:                //print out all the Site transfers that you have
212:                mLogger.log("Chains of stagein jobs per sites are ",
213:                        LogManager.DEBUG_MESSAGE_LEVEL);
214:                for (Iterator it = mStageInMap.entrySet().iterator(); it
215:                        .hasNext();) {
216:                    Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
217:                    mLogger.log(entry.getKey() + " " + entry.getValue(),
218:                            LogManager.DEBUG_MESSAGE_LEVEL);
219:                }
220:            }
222:            /**
223:             * Returns a textual description of the transfer mode.
224:             *
225:             * @return a short textual description
226:             */
227:            public String getDescription() {
228:                return this .DESCRIPTION;
229:            }
231:            /**
232:             * A container to manage the transfer jobs that are needed to be done on a
233:             * single site. The container maintains the bundles and controls the
234:             * distribution of a transfer job amongst the bundles in a round robin manner.
235:             * Each bundle itself is actually a chain of transfer jobs.
236:             */
237:            private class SiteTransfer {
239:                /**
240:                 * The maximum number of transfer jobs that are allowed for this
241:                 * particular site. This should correspond to the bundle factor.
242:                 */
243:                private int mCapacity;
245:                /**
246:                 * The index of the bundle to which the next transfer for the site would
247:                 * be added to.
248:                 */
249:                private int mNext;
251:                /**
252:                 * The site for which these transfers are grouped.
253:                 */
254:                private String mSite;
256:                /**
257:                 * The list of <code>Chain</code> object. Each bundle is actually a chain
258:                 * of transfer nodes.
259:                 */
260:                private List mBundles;
262:                /**
263:                 * The default constructor.
264:                 */
265:                public SiteTransfer() {
266:                    mCapacity = 1;
267:                    mNext = -1;
268:                    mSite = null;
269:                    mBundles = null;
270:                }
272:                /**
273:                 * Convenience constructor.
274:                 *
275:                 * @param pool    the pool name for which transfers are being grouped.
276:                 * @param bundle  the number of logical bundles that are to be created
277:                 *                per site. it directly translates to the number of transfer
278:                 *                jobs that can be running at a particular site
279:                 */
280:                public SiteTransfer(String pool, int bundle) {
281:                    mCapacity = bundle;
282:                    mNext = 0;
283:                    mSite = pool;
284:                    mBundles = new ArrayList(bundle);
285:                    //intialize to null
286:                    for (int i = 0; i < bundle; i++) {
287:                        mBundles.add(null);
288:                    }
289:                }
291:                /**
292:                 * Adds a file transfer to the appropriate TransferChain.
293:                 * The file transfers are added in a round robin manner underneath.
294:                 *
295:                 * @param txJobName  the name of the transfer job.
296:                 *
297:                 * @return  the last transfer job in the chain before the current job
298:                 *          was added, null in case the job is the first in the chain
299:                 */
300:                public String addTransfer(String txJobName) {
301:                    //hmmm i could alternatively add using the
302:                    //iterator and move iterator around.
304:                    //we add the transfer to the chain pointed
305:                    //by next
306:                    Object obj = mBundles.get(mNext);
307:                    TransferChain chain = null;
308:                    String last = null;
309:                    if (obj == null) {
310:                        //on demand add a new chain to the end
311:                        //is there a scope for gaps??
312:                        chain = new TransferChain();
313:                        mBundles.set(mNext, chain);
314:                    } else {
315:                        chain = (TransferChain) obj;
316:                    }
317:                    //we have the chain to which we want
318:                    //to add the transfer job. Get the
319:                    //current last job in the chain before
320:                    //adding the transfer job to the chain
321:                    last = chain.getLast();
322:                    chain.add(txJobName);
323:                    //update the next pointer to maintain
324:                    //round robin status
325:                    mNext = (mNext < (mCapacity - 1)) ? mNext + 1 : 0;
326:                    return last;
327:                }
329:                /**
330:                 * Returns the textual description of the object.
331:                 *
332:                 * @return  the textual description.
333:                 */
334:                public String toString() {
335:                    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(32);
336:                    boolean first = true;
337:                    sb.append("Site ").append(mSite);
338:                    int num = 1;
339:                    for (Iterator it = mBundles.iterator(); it.hasNext(); num++) {
340:                        sb.append("\n").append(num).append(" :").append(
341:                      ;
342:                    }
343:                    return sb.toString();
344:                }
346:            }
348:            /**
349:             * A shallow container class, that contains the list of the names of the
350:             * transfer jobs and can return the last job in the list.
351:             */
352:            private class TransferChain {
354:                /**
355:                 * The linked list that maintians the chain of names of the transfer
356:                 * jobs.
357:                 */
358:                private LinkedList mChain;
360:                /**
361:                 * The default constructor.
362:                 */
363:                public TransferChain() {
364:                    mChain = new LinkedList();
365:                }
367:                /**
368:                 * Adds to the end of the chain. Allows null to be added.
369:                 *
370:                 * @param name  the name of the transfer job.
371:                 */
372:                public void add(String name) {
373:                    mChain.addLast(name);
374:                }
376:                /**
377:                 * Returns the last element in the chain.
378:                 *
379:                 * @return the last element in the chain, null if the chain is empty
380:                 */
381:                public String getLast() {
382:                    String last = null;
383:                    try {
384:                        last = (String) mChain.getLast();
385:                    } catch (java.util.NoSuchElementException e) {
387:                    }
388:                    return last;
389:                }
391:                /**
392:                 * Returns the textual description of the object.
393:                 *
394:                 * @return  the textual description.
395:                 */
396:                public String toString() {
397:                    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(32);
398:                    boolean first = true;
399:                    for (Iterator it = mChain.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
400:                        if (first) {
401:                            first = false;
402:                        } else {
403:                            sb.append("->");
404:                        }
405:                        sb.append(;
406:                    }
407:                    return sb.toString();
408:                }
410:            }
412:        } | Contact Us
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