# Copyright (C) 2009, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton <lkcl@lkcl.net>
""" This is a debian copyright file checker. Put debian/copyright
file conforming to http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep5/ and
this program tells you which copyright holders you missed.
* for each section, you must put the full set of copyright holders.
whilst the file lists are "carried over" i.e. later sections
override earlier ones (see "remove_files()"), the same trick is
NOT applied to copyright holders.
* the qgram algorithm is applied to do some fuzzy string matching.
it's pretty good, but don't rely on it to be perfect.
* copyright year matching goes against "199" and "200" not
"198?", "199?", "200?" and certainly not "201?". if a name
happens to have "199" or "200" in it, on a line that happens
to have the word "copyright" in it, it gets assumed to be
a copyright holder
* random sentences tacked onto the end of copyrights in files
are assumed to be part of the copyright holders' name
* copyrights are assumed to be in the first 80 lines of the file
* if the file doesn't _have_ a copyright notice, this program can't
bloody well find it, can it??
import glob
import sys
import os
from string import strip
# qgram: a way to "roughly" match words. you're supposed to set splitlen
# to half the length of the average word, but 3 is good enough.
def qgram_set(word, splitlen):
s = set()
pad = '\0'*(splitlen-1)
word = pad + word + pad
for idx in range(len(word)-splitlen):
return s
def qgram(word1, word2, splitlen=3):
s1 = qgram_set(word1, splitlen)
s2 = qgram_set(word2, splitlen)
un = len(s1.union(s2))
ic = len(s1.intersection(s2))
return float(ic) / float(un)
def truncate_qgram(word1, word2):
if word1 == word2:
return 1.0
qg = 0
if len(word1) > len(word2):
tmp = word1
word1 = word2
word2 = tmp
for i in range(len(word1), len(word2)+1):
qg = max(qgram(word1, word2[:i]), qg)
return qg
# testing, testing... ok, it works.
#print qgram("Copyright (C) 2009, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton <lkcl@lkcl.net>",
# "Copyright (C) 2006, Google, Inc.")
#print qgram("Copyright (C) 2009, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton <lkcl@lkcl.net>",
# "Copyright (C) 2009, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton <lkcl@lkcl.net>")
#print qgram("Copyright (C) 2009, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton <lkcl@lkcl.net>",
# "Copyright (c) 2008, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton")
#print qgram("Copyright (C) 2009, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton <lkcl@lkcl.net>",
# "Copyright (c) 2008, 2009, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton ")
#print qgram("Copyright (C) 2009, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton",
# "Copyright (c) 2008, 2009, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton ")
def check_match(word, word_list):
matches = set()
not_matches = set()
for word2 in word_list:
match = truncate_qgram(word, word2)
if match > 0.6:
matches.add((word, word2))
not_matches.add((word, word2))
return matches, not_matches
def sanitise(copyright):
if copyright[0] == ':':
copyright = copyright[1:].strip()
co = "(c)"
fco = copyright.lower().find(co)
if fco >= 0:
copyright = copyright[:fco] + copyright[fco+len(co):]
srrs = "some rights reserved"
srr = copyright.lower().find(srrs)
if srr >= 0:
copyright = copyright[:srr] + copyright[srr+len(srrs):]
arrs = "all rights reserved"
arr = copyright.lower().find(arrs)
if arr >= 0:
copyright = copyright[:arr] + copyright[arr+len(arrs):]
return copyright
# hmmm... something not quite right here...
res = ''
for c in copyright:
if c.isalnum():
res += c
res += ' '
res = res.split(' ')
res = filter(lambda x:x, res)
return ' '.join(res)
def find_file_copyright_notices(fname):
ret = set()
f = open(fname)
lines = f.readlines()
for l in lines[:80]: # hmmm, assume copyright to be in first 80 lines
idx = l.lower().find("copyright")
if idx < 0:
copyright = l[idx+9:].strip()
copyright = sanitise(copyright)
# hmm, do a quick check to see if there's a year,
# if not, skip it
if not copyright.find("200") >= 0 and \
not copyright.find("199") >= 0 :
return ret
def skip_file(fname):
if fname.startswith(".svn"):
return True
if fname.startswith(".git"):
return True
if fname.startswith(".sw"):
return True
if fname == "output": # no thanks
return True
if fname.find("PureMVC_Python_1_0") >= 0: # no thanks
return True
if fname.endswith(".pyc"): # ehmm.. no.
return True
if fname.endswith(".java"): # no again
return True
return False
def get_files(d):
res = []
for p in glob.glob(os.path.join(d, "*")):
if not p:
(pth, fname) = os.path.split(p)
if skip_file(fname):
if os.path.islink(p):
if os.path.isdir(p):
res += get_dir(p)
return res
def get_dir(match):
data_files = []
for d in glob.glob(match):
if skip_file(d):
if os.path.islink(d):
if os.path.isdir(d):
(pth, fname) = os.path.split(d)
expath = get_files(d)
data_files += expath
return data_files
class DebSect:
def __init__(self, pattern, files):
self.file_pattern = pattern
self.files = files
self.copyrights = set()
self.listed_copyrights = set()
self.files_by_author = {}
def read_files_for_copyrights(self):
for fname in self.files:
if fname.endswith("copyright_check.py"): # skip this program!
if fname == 'debian/copyright': # skip this one duh
cops = find_file_copyright_notices(fname)
for c in cops:
if not self.files_by_author.has_key(c):
self.files_by_author[c] = set()
if fname not in self.files_by_author[c]:
print "Pattern", self.file_pattern
for author in self.copyrights:
print "Copyright:", author
for author in self.listed_copyrights:
print "Listed Copyright:", author
def remove_files(self, to_remove):
for fname in to_remove:
if fname in self.files:
def check_copyright_matches(self):
self.matches = set()
self.not_matches = set()
for author in self.listed_copyrights:
matches, not_matches = check_match(author, self.listed_copyrights)
for (word1, word2) in not_matches:
matches1, not_matches1 = check_match(word2, self.copyrights)
#print "matches1, not_matches1", word1, word2, matches1, not_matches1
if len(matches1) > 0:
#print "not matches", repr(word2), self.copyrights
#print self.files_by_author[word2]
if self.not_matches:
print" ** ** ** ** **"
for m in self.not_matches:
print " ** not matches:", m
for fname in self.files_by_author[m]:
print" ** ** ** ** **:", fname
all_files = get_dir("*")
copyright_sects = []
all_listed_files = []
#print "all files", all_files
# read debian/copyright file and collect all matched files,
# copyrights and licenses
current_debsect = None
current_copyrights = set()
current_licenses = set()
dc = open("debian/copyright")
for l in dc.readlines():
if l.startswith("License:"):
if l.startswith("Copyright:"):
if not l.startswith("Files:"):
if current_debsect:
current_debsect.licenses = current_licenses
current_debsect.copyrights = current_copyrights
current_copyrights = set()
current_licenses = set()
l = l.split(" ")
l = map(strip, l)
listed_files = []
for pattern in l[1:]:
if pattern[-1] == ',':
pattern = pattern[:-1]
files = get_dir(pattern)
listed_files += files
all_listed_files += files
current_debsect = DebSect(l[1:], listed_files)
if current_debsect:
current_debsect.copyrights = current_copyrights
current_debsect.licenses = current_licenses
# remove already-matching: further down takes precedence
for i in range(1, len(copyright_sects)):
for j in range(i):
#print i, j, copyright_sects[i].file_pattern, copyright_sects[j].file_pattern
for dc in copyright_sects:
#def check_in(l1, l2):
# res = []
# for fname in l1:
# if fname not in l2:
# res.append(fname)
# return res
#not_in = check_in(all_files, listed_files)
#for fname in not_in:
# print fname
#print listed_files
#print check_in(listed_files, all_files)