import GChartTestAppUtil
from pyjamas.chart.GChart import GChart
from pyjamas.chart import GChartConsts
from pyjamas.chart import AnnotationLocation
from pyjamas.chart import SymbolType
from pyjamas.ui.Button import Button
msg = [["Check: all chart elements except labels red",
"Check: missing image icon appears on points and plot area.",
"Check: no missing image icon appears on chart area or points",
"Check: missing image icons appear on points and plot area iff IP connection is down (otherwise, 3D pies)"],
["Check: all points red",
"Check: missing image icon appears on all points",
"Check: no missing image icon appears on chart",
"Check: missing image icons appear on points iff IP connection is down (otherwise, 3D pies)."],
["Check: plot area red",
"Check: missing image icon appears on plot area",
"Check: no missing image icon appears on plot area",
"Check: missing image icon appears on plot area iff IP connection is down (otherwise, 3D pies)."]]
imageURL = [
"""* Simple a chart with just one point on it, used for testing
** methods for telling GChart to look for the blank gif in
** the host page, rather than the module base, directory. """
class TestGChart01 (GChart):
def __init__(self, imageId, targetArea):
GChart.__init__(self, XChartSize=500,YChartSize=200)
self.setChartTitle(GChartTestAppUtil.getTitle(self)+" imageId="+str(imageId)+ " targetArea=" + str(targetArea))
if targetArea==0:
elif targetArea == 1:
elif targetArea == 2:
if targetArea==0:
if self.getBlankImageURL() != imageURL[imageId]:
raise IllegalStateException("getBlankImageURL method failed.")
elif targetArea == 1:
if self.getCurve().getSymbol().getImageURL() != imageURL[imageId]:
raise IllegalStateException("getImageURL method failed.")
elif targetArea == 2:
if self.getPlotAreaImageURL() != imageURL[imageId]:
raise IllegalStateException("getPlotAreaImageURL method failed.");
self.getCurve().addPoint(1, 1)
self.getCurve().addPoint(2, 2)
self.getCurve().addPoint(3, 3)
self.getCurve().setLegendLabel("Curve 0")
# restore default blank image URL for any future tests