from Sink import Sink,SinkInfo
from pyjamas.ui.Grid import Grid
from pyjamas.ui.FlexTable import FlexTable
from pyjamas.ui import HasHorizontalAlignment
from pyjamas.ui.Image import Image
class Tables(Sink):
def __init__(self):
inner = Grid(10, 5, Width="100%", BorderWidth="1")
outer = FlexTable(Width="100%", BorderWidth="1")
outer.setWidget(0, 0, Image(self.baseURL() + "rembrandt/LaMarcheNocturne.jpg"))
outer.getFlexCellFormatter().setColSpan(0, 0, 2)
outer.getFlexCellFormatter().setHorizontalAlignment(0, 0, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER)
outer.setHTML(1, 0, "Look to the right...<br>That's a nested table component ->")
outer.setWidget(1, 1, inner)
outer.getCellFormatter().setColSpan(1, 1, 2)
for i in range(10):
for j in range(5):
inner.setText(i, j, "%d" % i + ",%d" % j)
def onShow(self):
def init():
text="The <code>FlexTable</code> widget doubles as a tabular data formatter and a panel. In this example, you'll see that there is an outer table with four cells, two of which contain nested components."
return SinkInfo("Tables", text, Tables)