#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2006 James Tauber and contributors
# Copyright (C) 2009, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton <lkcl@lkcl.net>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import sys
import compiler
from compiler import ast,syntax
from compiler import misc# good grief, this doesn't look good
import copy
import imp
from compiler.pycodegen import ModuleCodeGenerator
class PlatformParser:
def __init__(self, platform_dir = "", verbose=True, chain_plat=None):
self.platform_dir = platform_dir
self.parse_cache = {}
self.platform = ""
self.verbose = verbose
self.chain_plat = chain_plat
def setPlatform(self, platform):
self.platform = platform
def parseModule(self, module_name, file_name):
importing = False
if not self.parse_cache.has_key(file_name):
importing = True
if self.chain_plat:
mod, _ov = self.chain_plat.parseModule(module_name, file_name)
mod = compiler.parseFile(file_name)
self.parse_cache[file_name] = mod
mod = self.parse_cache[file_name]
override = False
platform_file_name = self.generatePlatformFilename(file_name)
print "platform", platform_file_name
if self.platform and os.path.isfile(platform_file_name):
mod = copy.deepcopy(mod)
mod_override = compiler.parseFile(platform_file_name)
if self.verbose:
print "Merging", module_name, self.platform
merge(module_name, mod, mod_override)
override = True
if self.verbose:
if override:
print "Importing %s (Platform %s)" % (module_name, self.platform)
elif importing:
print "Importing %s" % (module_name)
if override:
return mod, platform_file_name
return mod, file_name
def generatePlatformFilename(self, file_name):
(module_name, extension) = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file_name))
platform_file_name = module_name + self.platform + extension
return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(file_name), self.platform_dir, platform_file_name)
class TranslationError(Exception):
def __init__(self, msg, node, module_name=''):
if node:
lineno = node.lineno
lineno = "Unknown"
self.msg = msg
self.node = node
self.module_name = module_name
self.lineno = lineno
self.message = "%s line %s:\n%s\n%s" % (module_name, lineno, msg, node)
def __str__(self):
return self.message
def merge(module_name, tree1, tree2):
for child in tree2.node:
if isinstance(child, ast.Function):
replaceFunction(tree1, child.name, child)
elif isinstance(child, ast.Class):
replaceClassMethods(tree1, child.name, child)
raise TranslationError(
"Do not know how to merge %s" % child, child, module_name)
return tree1
def replaceFunction(tree, function_name, function_node):
# find function to replace
for child in tree.node:
if isinstance(child, ast.Function) and child.name == function_name:
copyFunction(child, function_node)
raise TranslationError(
"function not found: " + function_name, function_node, None)
def copyFunction(target, source):
target.code = source.code
target.argnames = source.argnames
target.defaults = source.defaults
target.doc = source.doc # @@@ not sure we need to do this any more
def addCode(target, source):
def copyAssign(target, source):
target.nodes = source.nodes
target.expr = source.expr
target.lineno = source.lineno
def eqNodes(nodes1, nodes2):
return str(nodes1) == str(nodes2)
def replaceClassMethods(tree, class_name, class_node):
# find class to replace
old_class_node = None
for child in tree.node:
if isinstance(child, ast.Class) and child.name == class_name:
old_class_node = child
if not old_class_node:
raise TranslationError(
"class not found: " + class_name, class_node, self.module_name)
# replace methods
for node in class_node.code:
if isinstance(node, ast.Function):
found = False
for child in old_class_node.code:
if isinstance(child, ast.Function) and child.name == node.name:
found = True
copyFunction(child, node)
if not found:
raise TranslationError(
"class method not found: " + class_name + "." + node.name,
node, self.module_name)
elif isinstance(node, ast.Assign) and \
isinstance(node.nodes[0], ast.AssName):
found = False
for child in old_class_node.code:
if isinstance(child, ast.Assign) and \
eqNodes(child.nodes, node.nodes):
found = True
copyAssign(child, node)
if not found:
addCode(old_class_node.code, node)
elif isinstance(node, ast.Pass):
raise TranslationError(
"Do not know how to merge %s" % node, node, self.module_name)
class Module:
mode = "exec"
def __init__(self, tree, filename):
self.tree = tree
self.filename = filename
self.code = None
def _get_tree(self):
misc.set_filename(self.filename, self.tree)
return self.tree
def compile(self):
pass # implemented by subclass
def getCode(self):
return self.code
def compile(self, display=0):
tree = self._get_tree()
gen = ModuleCodeGenerator(tree)
if display:
import pprint
print pprint.pprint(tree)
self.code = gen.getCode()
def dump(self, f):
marshal.dump(self.code, f)
MAGIC = imp.get_magic()
def getPycHeader(self):
# compile.c uses marshal to write a long directly, with
# calling the interface that would also generate a 1-byte code
# to indicate the type of the value. simplest way to get the
# same effect is to call marshal and then skip the code.
mtime = os.path.getmtime(self.filename)
mtime = struct.pack('<i', mtime)
return self.MAGIC + mtime