AddLine = 'Add Line'
Address = 'Address'
Administration = 'Administration'
Apply = 'Apply'
ApplicationComponents = 'Application Components'
ApplicationConfiguration = 'Application Configuration'
AssignRooms = 'AssignRooms'
Auto = 'Auto'
AvailRoom = 'Avail. Room'
Available = 'Available'
Bath = 'Bath'
Bed = 'Bed'
BedType = 'Bed Type'
BedTypes = 'Bed Types'
Bookable = 'Bookable'
Booked = 'Booked'
BookedRoom = 'Booked Room'
Border = 'Border'
Cancel = 'Cancel'
ChangeClass = 'Change Class'
CheckIn = 'Check In'
CheckInForm = 'Check In Form'
ChooseSQLEngine = 'Choose SQL Engine'
ChooseTheme = 'Choose Theme'
City = 'City'
Clear = 'Clear'
Class = 'Class'
Classes = 'Classes'
ClassSelected = 'Class Selected'
Colors = 'Colors'
Conf_ID = 'Conf. ID'
Configuration = 'Configuration'
Configure = 'Configure'
Confirm = 'Confirm'
Country = 'Country'
CustomerInfo = 'Customer Info'
Customers = 'Customers'
Database = 'Database'
DatabaseConfiguration = 'Database Configuration'
Date = 'Date'
DateFormat = 'Date Format'
DateIn = 'Date In'
DateOut = 'Date Out'
DateDesc = ' '
Delete = 'Delete'
Delimiter = 'Delimiter'
Description = 'Description'
Downgrade = 'Downgrade'
Edit = 'Edit'
EditCustomer = 'Edit Customer'
Email = 'Email'
FeatureSearch = 'Feature Search'
File = 'File'
FromDate = 'From Date'
GoToApplication = 'Go To Application'
ID = 'ID'
InvalidDateFormat = 'Invalid Date Format'
ItemFullyBooked = 'Item Fully Booked'
Languages = 'Languages'
MustConfirm = 'Must Confirm'
Name = 'Name'
New = 'New'
NewCustomer = 'New Customer'
NewReservation = 'New Reservation'
No_Change__ = '--No Change--'
NoClassSelected = 'No Class Selected'
NoCustomersFound = 'No Customers Found'
Occupancy = 'Occupancy'
Of = 'Of'
PercentOverbooking = 'Percent Overbooking'
Panes = 'Panes'
Password = 'Password'
Phone = 'Phone'
Price = 'Price'
Prices = 'Prices'
PriceSearch = 'Price Search'
PrivateBath = 'Private Bath'
Property = 'Property'
Quantity = 'Quantity'
Quit = 'Quit'
RateAdjustments = 'Rate Adjustments'
RateChange = 'Rate Change'
RecordSaved = 'Record Saved'
Res_ID = 'Res. ID'
Reservation = 'Reservation'
ReservationBy = 'Reservation By'
ReservationNotFound = 'Reservation Not Found'
Reservations = 'Reservations'
Room = 'Room'
RoomClassInfo = 'Room Class Info'
RoomClasses = 'Room Classes'
Rooms = 'Rooms'
Save = 'Save'
SaveAs = 'Save As'
SaveLine = 'Save Line'
SavingConfiguration = 'Saving Config'
Search = 'Search'
SearchByDate = 'Search By Date'
SearchByClassAndStatus = 'Search By Class And Status'
SearchReservations = 'Search Reservations'
Searching = 'Searching'
Select = 'Select'
Smoking = 'Smoking'
State_Prov = 'State/Prov'
Status = 'Status'
StatusTypes = 'Status Types'
Surname = 'Surname'
Synchronize = 'Synchronize'
ThemesAndColors = 'Themes and Colors'
ToDate = 'To Date'
Total = 'Total'
Try = 'Try'
UnconfirmedReservations = 'Unconfirmed Reservations'
Update = 'Update'
UpdateReservation = 'Update Reservation'
Upgrade = 'Upgrade'
Use = 'Use'
UserName = 'Username'
WillingToDowngrade = 'Willing To Downgrade'
WillingToUpgrade = 'Willing To Upgrade'
Zip_PostC = 'Zip/PostC'
# Symbols, etc.
DMY = 'DMY' # Day Month Year
MDY = 'MDY' # Month, Day, Year
N = 'N'
NA = 'N/A'
Y = 'Y'
YMD = 'YMD' # Year, Month, Day