from math import sin,cos,pi
from types import *
from thanfonts import thanFontPrime1
def dashed_star(x, y, r, color, fill, size, chart):
r *= 0.5
th = 0.0
for i in range(8):
x1 = x + r*cos(th)
y1 = y + r*sin(th)
chart.curveAdd((x, x1), (y, y1), color=color, fill=fill, style="dashedsym", size=size)
th += pi*0.25
def thanSymbolLine7f(xz, yz, h, a, theta, tfont=thanFontPrime1, linefun=None):
"Draws text using ThanCad's line fonts."
assert h >= 1.0, "Text height must be > 1 pixel"
hf = 7.0
theta *= (pi/180.0)
by = h / hf
bx = by*cos(theta)
by = by*sin(theta)
hx2 = hf * bx
hy2 = hf * by
#-------Transform the coordinates
for c in a: # Loop of all the characters in text
k = ord(c)
if type(tfont[k]) is IntType: k = tfont[k]
if k < 0 or k > 255:
self.thanDebug("Character with code:" + str(k))
for pl in tfont[k]: # Loop of all polylines of a char
# plr = [ (xz+xx*bx-yy*by, yz-(xx*by+yy*bx)) for (xx, yy) in pl ]
xpp = [ xz+xx*bx-yy*by for (xx, yy) in pl ]
ypp = [ yz+xx*by+yy*bx for (xx, yy) in pl ]
linefun(xpp, ypp)
xz += hx2 # Advance character position
yz -= hy2