# -*- coding: iso-8859-7 -*-
from types import *
import Tkinter, Image, ImageTk
from math import hypot,fabs
from thansymbol import thanPoints
class ThanChart:
"Represents a chart which is drawn on a canvas object."
def __init__(self, title="Chart"):
"Initialise chart."
self.curves = []
self.wx = self.wy = 0
self.title = title
def curveAdd(self, x, y, color="red", fill=None, style="continuous", width=1, size=6):
"Adds a new curve to the chart."
self.curves.append((x[:], y[:], color, fill, style, width, size))
# self.minmax()
def imageAdd(self, im, xa, ya, size=6):
"""Adds a new image to the chart.
It is assumed that the size of the image is 'size' units. This means that the image
will be scaled to take 'size' units on the canvas, regardless of the resolution
and the number of pixels in the image.
b,h = im.size
h1 = size
b1 = int(b * size / h)
# print "Image=", b, h, "-->", b1, h1
# im1 = im.resize((b1, h1))
# im1 = ImageTk.PhotoImage(im1)
x = [xa+0.0, xa+b1]
y = [ya+0.0, ya+h1]
self.curves.append((x, y, "red", im, "image", 1, size))
def minmax(self):
"Recalculates min, max coordinates."
self.xmin, self.ymin = 1e30, 1e30
self.xmax, self.ymax = -1e30, -1e30
for curve in self.curves:
x, y = curve[0:2]
self.xmin = min(self.xmin, min(x))
self.ymin = min(self.ymin, min(y))
self.xmax = max(self.xmax, max(x))
self.ymax = max(self.ymax, max(y))
def thanRot(self, f):
"Rotates f degress all images in the chart."
for i, (xc, yc, color, im, style, width, size) in enumerate(self.curves):
if style != "image": continue
b, h = xc[1]-xc[0], yc[1]-yc[0]
bor, hor = im.size
scale = b / bor
xa, ya = xc[0], yc[0]
im = im.rotate(f)
b,h = im.size
dpi = 100.0
b *= scale; h *= scale
x = [xa+0.0, xa+b]
y = [ya+0.0, ya+h]
self.curves[i] = (x[:], y[:], "red", im, "image", 1, 6)
def thanConv(self, c):
"Converts an image to c."
for i, (xc, yc, color, im, style, width, size) in enumerate(self.curves):
if style != "image": continue
if c == "2":
if im.mode == "1":
elif im.mode == "L":
print "Converting to black and white.."
im = im.convert("1")
print "Converting to gray scale.."
im = im.convert("L")
print "Converting to black and white.."
im = im.convert("1")
elif c == "3":
if im.mode == "1":
print "Inverting.."
im = im.point(finv)
elif im.mode == "L":
print "Inverting.."
im = im.point(finv)
print "Converting to black and white.."
im = im.convert("1")
print "Converting to gray scale.."
im = im.convert("L")
print "Inverting.."
im = im.point(finv)
print "Converting to black and white.."
im = im.convert("1")
im = im.convert(c)
self.curves[i] = (xc, yc, color, im, style, width, size)
def thanGetImage(self):
"Returns the first image of the chart."
for i, (xc, yc, color, im, style, width, size) in enumerate(self.curves):
if style == "image": return im
def regen(self, dc, dx, dy, xsc, ysc):
"Regenerates all the curves into canvas dc."
self.__images = {}
for xc, yc, color, fill, style, width, size in self.curves:
xp = [ dx+x*xsc for x in xc ]
yp = [ dy+y*ysc for y in yc ]
if style == "continuous":
dc.create_line(zip(xp, yp), fill=color, width=width)
elif style == "dasheddot":
if size == 6: size = (6, -6)
self.dasheddot(xp, yp, size, color, width, dc)
elif style == "dashedsym":
if size == 6: size = (6, -6)
self.dashedsym(xp, yp, size, color, fill, dc)
elif style == "image":
im = fill
print "regen:size=", size, " ysc=", ysc
item = dc.create_image(int(xp[0]), int(yp[0]), image=self.thanTkImage(im, fabs(size*ysc)), anchor="sw")
p = thanPoints[style]
for (x,y) in zip(xp, yp): p(dc, x, y, size, color, fill)
def thanTkImage(self, im, size):
"Returns a Tk photoimage class of im using cache."
try: return self.__images[(id(im), int(size))]
except KeyError: pass
print "thanTkImage:size:", size
b,h = im.size
h1 = size
b1 = int(b * size / h)
im1 = im.resize((b1, h1))
im1 = ImageTk.PhotoImage(im1)
self.__images[(id(im), size)] = im1
return im1
def redraw(self, dc, margin=0.02):
"Redraws the curves into canvas dc."
self.wx = dc.winfo_width()
self.wy = dc.winfo_height()
dx = (self.xmax - self.xmin)
dy = (self.ymax - self.ymin)
xsc = self.wx / (dx*(1+margin))
ysc = self.wy / (dy*(1+margin))
xsc = ysc = min(xsc, ysc)
xmi = self.xmin - (self.wx/xsc-dx)/2
ymi = self.ymin - (self.wy/ysc-dy)/2
for xc, yc, color, fill, style, width, size in self.curves:
xp = [ (x-xmi)*xsc for x in xc ]
yp = [ self.wy-(y-ymi)*ysc for y in yc ]
if style == "continuous":
dc.create_line(zip(xp, yp), fill=color, width=width)
elif style == "dasheddot":
if size == 6: size = (6, -6)
self.dasheddot(xp, yp, size, color, width, dc)
elif style == "dashedsym":
if size == 6: size = (6, -6)
self.dashedsym(xp, yp, size, color, fill, dc)
p = thanPoints[style]
for (x,y) in zip(xp, yp): p(dc, x, y, size, color, fill)
def dasheddot(self, xp, yp, r, color, width, dc):
"Plots a dashed line."
i = 1
x1, y1 = xp[0], yp[0]
ir = 0
s = r[ir]
as_ = fabs(s)
if width <= 1:
w1 = w2 = 1
w1 = int(width/2); w2 = width-w1
w1 += 1; w2 += 1
while 1:
dx, dy = xp[i]-x1, yp[i]-y1
d = hypot(dx, dy)
if as_ > d: # Note in this case s can not be zero
if s > 0: dc.create_line(((x1, y1), (xp[i], yp[i])), fill=color, width=width)
x1, y1 = xp[i], yp[i]
as_ -= d
i += 1
if i >= len(xp): return
if s > 0:
xt, yt = x1, y1
x1 += dx*as_/d
y1 += dy*as_/d
dc.create_line(((xt, yt), (x1, y1)), fill=color, width=width)
elif s < 0:
x1 += dx*as_/d
y1 += dy*as_/d
dc.create_rectangle(x1-w1, y1-w2, x1+w2, y1+w1, fill=color) # This is exactly 1 dot
ir = (ir+1) % len(r)
s = r[ir]
as_ = fabs(s)
__ir = 0
def dashedsym(self, xp, yp, r, color, fill, dc):
"Plots a dashed line."
i = 1
x1, y1 = xp[0], yp[0]
self.__ir %= len(r)
symbol = r[self.__ir]
try: sym, rsym = symbol[:2]
except TypeError: sym, s, as_ = None, symbol, fabs(symbol)
else: as_ = s = 0
while 1:
dx, dy = xp[i]-x1, yp[i]-y1
d = hypot(dx, dy)
if as_ > d: # Note in this case s can not be zero
if s > 0: dc.create_line(((x1, y1), (xp[i], yp[i])), fill=color)
x1, y1 = xp[i], yp[i]
as_ -= d
i += 1
if i >= len(xp): return
if s > 0:
xt, yt = x1, y1
x1 += dx*as_/d
y1 += dy*as_/d
dc.create_line(((xt, yt), (x1, y1)), fill=color)
elif s < 0:
x1 += dx*as_/d
y1 += dy*as_/d
elif isinstance(sym, Image.Image):
dc.create_image(int(x1), int(y1), image=self.thanTkImage(sym, rsym), anchor="sw")
elif sym != None:
thanPoints[sym](dc, x1, y1, rsym, color, fill)
dc.create_rectangle(x1-1, y1-1, x1+1, y1+1, fill=color) # This is exactly 1 dot
self.__ir = (self.__ir+1) % len(r)
symbol = r[self.__ir]
try: sym, rsym = symbol[:2]
except TypeError: sym, s, as_ = None, symbol, fabs(symbol)
else: as_ = s = 0
def onSize(self, dc):
wx = dc.winfo_width()
wy = dc.winfo_height()
if wx != self.wx or wy != self.wy: self.redraw(dc)
def finv(i):
if i < 128: return 255
else: return 0
def test1():
"Makes some curves and shows them."
ch = ThanChart()
im = Image.open("pict0003.gif")
ch.imageAdd(im, 20, 20, 100)
from vis import vis,visdxf
if __name__== "__main__": test() #test2006()