from math import atan2,cos,sin,pi
from p_gmath import thanThresholdx
from p_gvec import Vector3
def thanDxfExtrusionVectors(az):
"""Rotate world coordinate system so that the new z is the vector az (given as tuple).
The new (local) system has the mentioned az axis. The new y-axis is weird:
The az vector is projected to the world-xy plane. Then the
component of the projection that is normal to new z-axis (az) is taken.
This is the direction of the new y-axis!
The x-axis is the vector product of new y by new z.
The given az need not be unit vector.
The unit vectors of the new (local) system are returned, expressed in the
world coordinate system.
This routine is needed for dxf deciphering. It seems that any(?) object
in a .dxf file (even version 12) may have an "extrusion" vector, which is
the direction ofthe element thickness (if there is one). The components of
the extrusion vector are given as code 210, 220, 230.
The weird thing is that, if an
extrusion vector is defined, then the coordinates of the object are given
in the new (local) system!...
But the extrusion vector is given in the world coordinate system!
In order to be able to compute the world coordinates, the unit vectors
of the world coordinate system (expressed in the local coordinate system),
are also returned.
If the az vector (given as a tuple) is the world z axis,
the unit vectors of the world coordinate system are returned,
which means that the local and the world coordinate systems coincide.
A final note is that the extrusion vector is supposed to be perpendicular
to the plane the object lies (which also means that the object is
2dimensional). However, I found some Lisp code in the internet where
the author actually checked if the extrusion vector is perpendicular;
and if it was not, (s)he took the component which was normal to the object.
I have to find that Lisp code again to see what it means for various
Thanasis Stamos May 11, 2009.
x = Vector3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
y = Vector3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
z = Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
vzr = Vector3(az[0], az[1], az[2])
vyr = -(vzr-z)
vyr = vyr - (vzr*vyr)*vzr
a = abs(vyr)
if a < thanThresholdx:
return (tuple(x), tuple(y), tuple(z)) * 2 # Identity transformation
vyr /= a
vxr = vyr.cross(vzr)
wx = (x*vxr, x*vyr, x*vzr)
wy = (y*vxr, y*vyr, y*vzr)
wz = (z*vxr, z*vyr, z*vzr)
return tuple(vxr), tuple(vyr), tuple(vzr), wx, wy, wz
def thanDxfExtrusion2World(wx, wy, wz, xx, yy, zz):
"Transform local coordinates (extrusion system) to world coordinates."
for i in xrange(len(xx)):
x1 = xx[i]
y1 = yy[i]
z1 = zz[i]
xx[i] = x1*wx[0]+y1*wx[1]+z1*wx[2]
yy[i] = x1*wy[0]+y1*wy[1]+z1*wy[2]
zz[i] = x1*wz[0]+y1*wz[1]+z1*wz[2]
def test():
"Test world to local and local to wrold transformations."
az = -0.037655365879107, -0.0359414884998473, 0.9986442223459393
datalocal = """\
THC0000001 -26.239 20.132 -1.401
THC0000002 -26.742 20.063 -1.401
THC0000003 -27.484 20.097 -1.401
THC0000004 -28.104 20.198 -1.401
THC0000005 -28.489 20.352 -1.401"""
dataworld = """\
-3.5204 32.9121 -0.3513
-3.9175 33.2290 -0.3549
-4.4055 33.7886 -0.3532
-4.7608 34.3068 -0.3479
-4.9154 34.6915 -0.3399"""
ccw = []
for dline in dataworld.split("\n"):
ccw.append(map(float, dline.split()[0:]))
ccl = []
for dline in datalocal.split("\n"):
ccl.append(map(float, dline.split()[1:]))
testaz(az, ccw, ccl)
print "-----------------------------------------------------------------"
print "Test of extrusion vector equals to the wolrd z-axis"
az = 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
testaz(az, ccw, ccl)
def testazold(az, ccw, ccl):
"Tests the extrusioon transformation with given data."
vx, vy, vz, wx, wy, wz = thanDxfExtrusionVectors(az)
print "system world to local="
print vx
print vy
print vz
vxyz = (vx, vy, vz)
form = "%12.3f%12.3f%12.3f -> %12.3f%12.3f%12.3f"
for x, y, z in ccw:
c = [x*v[0]+y*v[1]+z*v[2] for v in vxyz]
print form % ((x, y, z)+tuple(c))
print "system local to world="
print wx
print wy
print wz
wxyz = (wx, wy, wz)
for x, y, z in ccl:
c = [x*v[0]+y*v[1]+z*v[2] for v in wxyz]
print form % ((x, y, z)+tuple(c))
def testaz(az, ccw, ccl):
"Tests the extrusioon transformation with given data."
vx, vy, vz, wx, wy, wz = thanDxfExtrusionVectors(az)
print "system world to local="
print vx
print vy
print vz
vxyz = (vx, vy, vz)
form = "%12.3f%12.3f%12.3f -> %12.3f%12.3f%12.3f"
for x, y, z in ccw:
c = [x*v[0]+y*v[1]+z*v[2] for v in vxyz]
print form % ((x, y, z)+tuple(c))
print "system local to world="
print wx
print wy
print wz
xx = [c[0] for c in ccl]
yy = [c[1] for c in ccl]
zz = [c[2] for c in ccl]
thanDxfExtrusion2World(wx, wy, wz, xx, yy, zz)
for i in xrange(len(ccl)):
x, y, z = ccl[i]
print form % (x, y, z, xx[i], yy[i], zz[i])
if __name__ == "__main__": test()