from math import pi
from thanextrusion import thanDxfExtrusion2World,thanDxfExtrusionVectors
#FIXME: extrusion must be implemented for all 2dimensional elements (which means almost all!)
PLINE3 = 8
ZDEFAULT = 0.0 # Default z for all objects
class ThanEntities:
"Mixin to import the drawing entities from a dxf file."
def thanGetEntities(self):
"Imports the actual entities."
entities = { "POLYLINE" : self.__getPolylinep,
"LINE" : self.__getLinep,
"TEXT" : self.__getTextp,
"POINT" : self.__getPointp,
"CIRCLE" : self.__getCirclep,
"ARC" : self.__getArcp,
"INSERT" : self.__getBlockAtt,
"THANCAD_IMAGE" : self.__getThanCadImagep,
"3DFACE" : self.__get3dfacep,
while 1:
icod, text = self.thanGetDxf()
if icod == -1: return # End of file
if icod == 0:
if text == "ENDSEC": return
if text == "SECTION":
self.thanWarn("Incomplete section ENTITIES: probably corrupted file.")
entities.get(text, lambda: None)()
def __getPolylinep(self):
"Reads a polyline from .dxf file."
#-------try to find layer, closed
atts = {}
while 1:
icod, text = self.thanGetDxf()
if icod == -1: return
if icod == 0: self.thanUngetDxf(); break # VERTEX, SEQEND, or other element
atts[icod] = text
if self.trAtts(atts, str, -8) or self.trAtts(atts, int, -62, -70) or \
self.trAtts(atts, float, -30, -210, -220, -230):
self.thanWarn("Incomplete polyline: probably corrupted file.")
self.defLay = atts.get(8, self.defLay)
handle = atts.get(5, "")
col = atts.get(62, -1)
if col <= 0: col = None # Sometimes thAtCAD sets undefined color zero
flags = atts.get(70, 0)
closed = flags & PLINECLOSED
zdef = atts.get(30, ZDEFAULT) # Default z
if 210 in atts and 220 in atts and 230 in atts: # Extrusion
_, _, _, wx, wy, wz = thanDxfExtrusionVectors((atts[210], atts[220], atts[230]))
extrusion = True
extrusion = False
#-------read vertices
xx = []
yy = []
zz = []
while 1:
#-----------Find if vertex follows
icod, text = self.thanGetDxf()
if icod == -1: # Abnormal end of polyline, and end of file
self.thanWarn("Incomplete polyline: end of file.")
assert icod == 0, "We exit the loop only with zero code!"
if text == "SEQEND": break # Normal end of polyline
if text != "VERTEX": # Abnormal end of polyline, but not end of file
self.thanWarn("Incomplete polyline: probably corrupted file.")
#-----------Read coordinates of the vertex
atts = { }
while 1:
icod, text = self.thanGetDxf()
if icod == -1: # End of file, but try to read current vertex
self.thanWarn("Incomplete polyline vertex: end of file.")
if icod == 0: self.thanUngetDxf(); break # Vertex, SEQEND or other element
atts[icod] = text
if self.trAtts(atts, float, 10, 20, -30):
self.thanWarn("Damaged polyline vertex: probably corrupted file.")
zz.append(atts.get(30, zdef))
#-------Store the polyline
if len(xx) < 2:
self.thanWarn("Polyline with 1 or 0 vertices.")
if closed and (xx[0] != xx[-1] or yy[0] != yy[-1] or zz[0] != zz[-1]):
if extrusion: thanDxfExtrusion2World(wx, wy, wz, xx, yy, zz)
# print "line:"
# for i in xrange(len(xx)): print xx[i], yy[i]
self.thanDr.dxfPolyline(xx, yy, zz, self.defLay, handle, col)
def __getLinep(self):
"Reads a line from .dxf file."
atts = { }
while 1:
icod, text = self.thanGetDxf()
if icod == -1: # End of file, but try to read current line
self.thanWarn("Incomplete line: end of file.")
if icod == 0: self.thanUngetDxf(); break # other element
atts[icod] = text
if self.trAtts(atts, float, 10, 20, -30, 11, 21, -31, -210, -220, -230) or \
self.trAtts(atts, str, -8) or self.trAtts(atts, int, -62):
self.thanWarn("Damaged line: probably corrupted file.")
self.defLay = atts.get(8, self.defLay)
handle = atts.get(5, "")
col = atts.get(62, -1)
if col <= 0: col = None # Sometimes thAtCAD sets undefined color zero
xx = [atts[10], atts[11]]
yy = [atts[20], atts[21]]
zz = [atts.get(30, ZDEFAULT), atts.get(31, ZDEFAULT)]
if 210 in atts and 220 in atts and 230 in atts:
_, _, _, wx, wy, wz = thanDxfExtrusionVectors((atts[210], atts[220], atts[230]))
thanDxfExtrusion2World(wx, wy, wz, xx, yy, zz)
# print "line:"
# for i in xrange(len(xx)): print xx[i], yy[i]
self.thanDr.dxfLine(xx, yy, zz, self.defLay, handle, col)
def __getPointp(self):
"Reads a point from .dxf file."
atts = { }
while 1:
icod, text = self.thanGetDxf()
if icod == -1: # End of file, but try to read current line
self.thanWarn("Incomplete point: end of file.")
if icod == 0: self.thanUngetDxf(); break # other element
atts[icod] = text
if self.trAtts(atts, float, 10, 20, -30) or self.trAtts(atts, str, -8) or\
self.trAtts(atts, int, -62):
self.thanWarn("Damaged point: probably corrupted file.")
self.defLay = atts.get(8, self.defLay)
handle = atts.get(5, "")
col = atts.get(62, -1)
if col <= 0: col = None # Sometimes thAtCAD sets undefined color zero
xx = atts[10]
yy = atts[20]
zz = atts.get(30, ZDEFAULT)
self.thanDr.dxfPoint(xx, yy, zz, self.defLay, handle, col)
def __getTextp(self):
"Reads a text from .dxf file."
atts = { }
while 1:
icod, text = self.thanGetDxf()
if icod == -1: # End of file, but try to read current line
self.thanWarn("Incomplete text: end of file.")
if icod == 0: self.thanUngetDxf(); break # other element
atts[icod] = text
if self.trAtts(atts, float, 10, 20, -30, 40, -50) or self.trAtts(atts, str, 1, -8) or\
self.trAtts(atts, int, -62):
self.thanWarn("Damaged text: probably corrupted file.")
self.defLay = atts.get(8, self.defLay)
handle = atts.get(5, "")
col = atts.get(62, -1)
if col <= 0: col = None # Sometimes thAtCAD sets undefined color zero
xx = atts[10]
yy = atts[20]
zz = atts.get(30, ZDEFAULT)
h = atts[40]
theta = atts.get(50, 0.0)
text = atts[1]
self.thanDr.dxfText(xx, yy, zz, self.defLay, handle, col, text, h, theta)
def __getCirclep(self):
"Reads a circle from .dxf file."
atts = { }
while 1:
icod, text = self.thanGetDxf()
if icod == -1: # End of file, but try to read current line
self.thanWarn("Incomplete circle: end of file.")
if icod == 0: self.thanUngetDxf(); break # other element
atts[icod] = text
if self.trAtts(atts, float, 10, 20, -30, 40) or self.trAtts(atts, int, -62):
self.thanWarn("Damaged circle: probably corrupted file.")
self.defLay = atts.get(8, self.defLay)
handle = atts.get(5, "")
col = atts.get(62, -1)
if col <= 0: col = None # Sometimes thAtCAD sets undefined color zero
xx = atts[10]
yy = atts[20]
zz = atts.get(30, ZDEFAULT)
r = atts[40]
# print "circle:", xx, yy, r
self.thanDr.dxfCircle(xx, yy, zz, self.defLay, handle, col, r)
def __getArcp(self):
"Reads an arc from .dxf file."
atts = { }
while 1:
icod, text = self.thanGetDxf()
if icod == -1: # End of file, but try to read current line
self.thanWarn("Incomplete arc: end of file.")
if icod == 0: self.thanUngetDxf(); break # other element
atts[icod] = text
if self.trAtts(atts, float, 10, 20, -30, 40, 50, 51) or self.trAtts(atts, int, -62):
self.thanWarn("Damaged arc: probably corrupted file.")
self.defLay = atts.get(8, self.defLay)
handle = atts.get(5, "")
col = atts.get(62, -1)
if col <= 0: col = None # Sometimes thAtCAD sets undefined color zero
xx = atts[10]
yy = atts[20]
zz = atts.get(30, ZDEFAULT)
r = atts[40]
# print "arc:", xx, yy, r, atts[50], (atts[51]-atts[50])%360.0
theta1 = (atts[50]%360.0)*pi/180
theta2 = (atts[51]%360.0)*pi/180
self.thanDr.dxfArc(xx, yy, zz, self.defLay, handle, col, r, theta1, theta2)
def __getBlockAtt(self):
"Reads a block with attributes from .dxf file."
#-------try to find layer, closed
atts = {}
while 1:
icod, text = self.thanGetDxf()
if icod == -1: return
if icod == 0: self.thanUngetDxf(); break # ATTRIBUTE, SEQEND, or other element
atts[icod] = text
if self.trAtts(atts, str, 2, -8) or self.trAtts(atts, int, -62) or self.trAtts(atts, float, 10, 20, -30):
self.thanWarn("Incomplete block insertion: probably corrupted file.")
blname = atts[2]
self.defLay = atts.get(8, self.defLay)
handle = atts.get(5, "")
col = atts.get(62, -1)
if col <= 0: col = None # Sometimes thAtCAD sets undefined color zero
xins = atts[10]
yins = atts[20]
zins = atts.get(30, ZDEFAULT)
#-------read attributes
blatts = {}
attsdefined = False # If no attributes are defined, "endsec" is not needed
while 1:
#-----------Find if attribute follows
icod, text = self.thanGetDxf()
if icod == -1: # Abnormal end of block, and end of file
self.thanWarn("Incomplete block insertion: end of file.")
assert icod == 0, "We exit the loop only with zero code!"
if text == "SEQEND": break # Normal end of block insertion
if text != "ATTRIB": # Abnormal end of block insertion, but not end of file
if not attsdefined: break # Normal end after all
self.thanWarn("Incomplete block insertion: probably corrupted file.")
attsdefined = True
#-----------Read name and value of the attribute
atts = {}
while 1:
icod, text = self.thanGetDxf()
if icod == -1: # End of file, but try to read current attribute
self.thanWarn("Incomplete block attribute: end of file.")
if icod == 0: self.thanUngetDxf(); break # Vertex, SEQEND or other element
atts[icod] = text
if self.trAtts(atts, str, 1, 2):
self.thanWarn("Damaged block attribute: probably corrupted file.")
blatts[atts[2].upper()] = atts[1] # name, value pair: Hopefully names are unique
#-------Store the block insertion
self.thanDr.dxfBlockAtt(xins, yins, zins, self.defLay, handle, col, blname, blatts)
def __getThanCadImagep(self):
"Reads a ThanCad Image from .dxf file."
atts = { }
while 1:
icod, text = self.thanGetDxf()
if icod == -1: # End of file, but try to read current image
self.thanWarn("Incomplete ThanCad image: end of file.")
if icod == 0: self.thanUngetDxf(); break # other element
atts[icod] = text
if self.trAtts(atts, float, 10, 20, -30, 40, 41, 42, 50) or self.trAtts(atts, str, 1, -8) or\
self.trAtts(atts, int, -62):
self.thanWarn("Damaged ThanCad image: probably corrupted file.")
self.defLay = atts.get(8, self.defLay)
handle = atts.get(5, "")
col = atts.get(62, -1)
if col <= 0: col = None # Sometimes thAtCAD sets undefined color zero
xx = atts[10]
yy = atts[20]
zz = atts.get(30, ZDEFAULT)
size = atts[40], atts[41]
scale = atts[42]
theta = atts.get(50, 0.0)
filnam = atts[1]
self.thanDr.dxfThanImage(xx, yy, zz, self.defLay, handle, col, filnam, size, scale, theta)
def __get3dfacep(self):
"Reads a 3dface (triangle or quadrilateral) from .dxf file."
atts = { }
while 1:
icod, text = self.thanGetDxf()
if icod == -1: # End of file, but try to read current line
self.thanWarn("Incomplete 3dface: end of file.")
if icod == 0: self.thanUngetDxf(); break # other element
atts[icod] = text
if self.trAtts(atts, float, 10, 20, 30, 11, 21, 31, 12, 22, 32, -13, -23, -33) or \
self.trAtts(atts, int, -62):
self.thanWarn("Damaged 3dface: probably corrupted file.")
if 13 in atts or 23 in atts or 33 in atts:
if 13 not in atts or 23 not in atts or 33 not in atts:
self.thanWarn("Damaged 3dface: probably corrupted file.")
c = 4
c = 3
self.defLay = atts.get(8, self.defLay)
handle = atts.get(5, "")
col = atts.get(62, -1)
if col <= 0: col = None # Sometimes thAtCAD sets undefined color zero
xx = [atts[10+i] for i in xrange(c)]
yy = [atts[20+i] for i in xrange(c)]
zz = [atts[30+i] for i in xrange(c)]
self.thanDr.dxf3dface(xx, yy, zz, self.defLay, handle, col)