class ThanHeader:
"Mixin to import the header section of a dxf file."
def thanGetHeader(self):
"Imports dxf header."
#-------At first read all the variables
vars = { }
while 1:
#-----------Find if variable follows
icod, text = self.thanGetDxf()
if icod == -1: # Abnormal end of header, and end of file
self.thanWarn("Incomplete header: end of file.")
if icod == 0:
if text == "ENDSEC": break # Normal end of section HEADER
if text == "SECTION": # Abnormal end of section HEADER
self.thanWarn("Incomplete header: probably corrupted file.")
if icod != 9: continue # Unknown code: ignore it
#-----------Read variable's atributes
var = text
atts = { }
while 1:
icod, text = self.thanGetDxf()
if icod == -1: # End of file
self.thanWarn("Incomplete variable: end of file.")
if icod == 0: self.thanUngetDxf(); break # SEQEND, SECTION or unknown ent
if icod == 9: self.thanUngetDxf(); break # Normal end for variable
atts[icod] = text
vars[var] = atts
#-------Get min, max from the variables
if "$EXTMIN" in vars and "$EXTMAX" in vars:
att1 = vars["$EXTMIN"]
att2 = vars["$EXTMAX"]
if not self.trAtts(att1, float, 10, 20):
if not self.trAtts(att2, float, 10, 20):
self.thanDr.dxfXymm(att1[10], att1[20], att2[10], att2[20])