from math import fabs
import thandxfext
class ThanTables:
"Mixin to import the tables section of a dxf file."
def thanGetTables(self):
"Imports the actual entities."
tables = { "VPORT" : self.__getVports,
"LAYER" : self.__getLayers,
"LTYPE" : self.__getLtypes
while 1:
icod, text = self.thanGetDxf()
if icod == -1: break # End of file
if icod != 0: continue # Unknown code
if text == "ENDSEC": break # Normal end of section 'TABLE'
if text == "SECTION": # Abnormal end of section 'TABLE'
self.thanWarn("Incomplete section TABLES: probably corrupted file.")
if text != "TABLE": continue # Unknown text
icod, text = self.thanGetDxf()
if icod != 2: # If end of file (-1), it will be reported again in the next read
self.thanWarn("A TABLE definition was expected: probably corrupted file.")
if text not in tables: continue # Unknown table
tables[text]() # Process table
def __getVports(self):
"Reads the active Viewport from .dxf file."
#-------try to find vport
activefound = 0
while 1:
icod, text = self.thanGetDxf()
if icod == -1: return
if icod != 0: continue
if text == "ENDTAB": return
if text == "ENDSEC" or text == "SECTION":
self.thanWarn("Incomplete section TABLES: probably corrupted file.")
return 0
if text != "VPORT": continue
#-----------Vport found: read attributes
atts = { }
while 1:
icod, text = self.thanGetDxf()
if icod == -1: # End of file
self.thanWarn("Incomplete layer: end of file.")
if icod == 0: self.thanUngetDxf(); break # other layer
atts[icod] = text
if self.trAtts(atts, str, 2) or self.trAtts(atts, float, 12, 22, 40):
self.thanWarn("Damaged viewport: probably corrupted file.")
name = atts[2]
if name == "*ACTIVE":
if activefound: self.thanWarn("More than 1 active viewports: the last one is kept.")
activefound = 1
if activefound: continue
xc = atts[12]
yc = atts[22]
dx = atts[40]
dy = dx*0.01
self.thanDr.dxfVport(name, xc-dx, yc-dy, xc+dx, xc+dy)
def __getLayers(self, thancad=False):
"Reads a layer from .dxf file."
#-------try to find layer
while 1:
icod, text = self.thanGetDxf()
if icod == -1: return # End of file
if icod != 0: continue
if text == "ENDTAB": return
if text == "ENDSEC" or text == "SECTION":
self.thanWarn("Incomplete section TABLES: probably corrupted file.")
if text != "LAYER": continue
#-----------Layer found: read attributes
atts = {}
while 1:
icod, text = self.thanGetDxf()
if icod == -1: # End of file
self.thanWarn("Incomplete layer: end of file.")
if icod == 0: self.thanUngetDxf(); break # other layer
atts[icod] = text
if self.trAtts(atts, str, 2):
self.thanWarn("Damaged layer: probably corrupted file.")
name = atts[2]
natts = {}
if thancad:
for code,att,func in thandxfext.thanCadAtts:
if self.trAtts(atts, func, -code):
self.thanWarn("Damaged layer: probably corrupted file.")
try: natts[att] = atts[code]
except KeyError: pass
if self.trAtts(atts, str, -6) or self.trAtts(atts, int, -62, -70, -290, -370):
self.thanWarn("Damaged layer: probably corrupted file.")
col = atts.get(62, 7) # default is 7 (white)
if col == 0: col = 7 # Sometimes thAtCAD sets undefined color zero :(
if col < 0: natts["color"] = -col; natts["off"] = True
else: natts["color"] = col; natts["off"] = False
natts["linetype"] = atts.get(6, "continuous")
flags = atts.get(70, 0)
natts["frozen"] = bool(flags & 1)
natts["locked"] = bool(flags & 4)
# natts["noplot"] = "noplot" in atts # For dxf 12?
natts["noplot"] = atts.get(290, 1) == 0 # If code 290 is zero then do not plot the layer
w = atts.get(370, -3) # -3 means default value
if w == -3: w = 30 # hundredths of mm
natts["lineweight"] = w / 100.0 # mm
self.thanDr.dxfLayer(name, natts)
def __getLtypes(self):
"Reads a polyline from .dxf file."
#-------try to find ltype
while 1:
icod, text = self.thanGetDxf()
if icod == -1: return # End of file
if icod != 0: continue
if text == "ENDTAB": return
if text == "ENDSEC" or text == "SECTION":
self.thanWarn("Incomplete section TABLES: probably corrupted file.")
if text != "LTYPE": continue
#-----------Layer found: read attributes
atts = { }
elems = [ ]
while 1:
icod, text = self.thanGetDxf()
if icod == -1: # End of file
self.thanWarn("Incomplete ltype: end of file.")
if icod == 0: self.thanUngetDxf(); break # other ltype
if icod == 49: elems.append(text)
else: atts[icod] = text
#-----------Check attributes
try: elems = [ float(e) for e in elems ]
except ValueError: ierr = 1
else: ierr = 0
if ierr or self.trAtts(atts, str, 2, -3) or self.trAtts(atts, int, -73) or \
self.trAtts(atts, float, -40):
self.thanWarn("Damaged linetype: probably corrupted file.")
name = atts[2].strip().lower()
if name in ("continuous", "bylayer", "byblock"): continue
dltype = reduce(lambda x, y: x+fabs(y), elems, 0.0)
if dltype <= 0:
self.thanWarn('Linetype "'+name+'" contains no segments: probably corrupted file.')
#-----------Create the linetype and store it
desc = atts.get(3, "")
n = atts.get(73, len(elems))
if n != len(elems):
self.thanWarn('Linetype "'+name+'": Computed number of elements of ltype differs from dxf file.')
if atts.get(40, dltype) != dltype:
self.thanWarn('Linetype "'+name+'": Computed length of ltype differs from dxf file.')
self.thanDr.dxfLtype(name, desc, elems)