# -*- coding: iso-8859-7 -*-
from math import pi,cos,sin,atan2,log10,fabs
from p_gmath import dpt
MET = pi/180.0
def rnumber(dxf, x,y,h,dn,t,nn):
"Writes the number so that its last char is at position x, y."
if nn < 0:
ipack = "%d" % int(dn+0.5)
f = ".%df" % nn
ipack = f % dn
tt = t * pi / 180.0
cc = cos(tt)
ss = sin(tt)
def cross (dxf, xx, yy, h):
"Plots a cross."
hh = h * 0.5
dxf.thanDxfPlot(xx-hh, yy, 3)
dxf.thanDxfPlot(xx+hh, yy, 2)
dxf.thanDxfPlot(xx, yy-hh, 3)
dxf.thanDxfPlot(xx, yy+hh, 2)
def elips1 (dxf, x, y, xf, yf, xc, yc, a, b, theta, idr, ic):
"""Draw an elipse approximating it with a polyline.
implicit none
real*8 x, y, xf, yf, xc, yc, a, b, theta ! arguments
integer*4 idr, ic ! arguments ! could be integer*2
real*8 dpt ! function
external dpt
real*8 pi, met ! constants
parameter (pi=3.14159265358979323d0, met = pi/180d0)
integer*4 n, i ! could be integer*2
real*8 t, cost, sint, x1, y1, xa, ya, tha, thb, dthab, dth,
&cosd, sind, cosx, sinx
c y
c theta = bay ,
c ^ ab
c | xx
c | _ b
c | . \
c | . / .
c | / / .
c | . / .
c | o .
c | . /
c | . / /
c | . / .
c | \ . . .
c | a
c +--------------------------------------> x
c y'
c ^
c |
c |
c | . - .
c | / | \ c =
c | | ca = a
c | a |----------o----------| b cb = b
c | | c
c | \ | /
c | . _ .
c |
c +--------------------------------------> x'
c----- sr :
c x, y :
c xf, yf :
c xc, yc :
c a, b :
c theta : x-x
c idr = 0 :
c = 0 :
c ic = 2 :
c plotter .
c ic = 3 :
c plotter .
c xc,yc a,b theta
c x,y xf,yf.
c x,y xf,yf
c .
t = (theta - 180.0) * MET
cost = cos(t)
sint = sin(t)
x1 = x - xc
y1 = y - yc
xa = cost * x1 + sint * y1
ya = cost * y1 - sint * x1
tha = atan2(ya/b, xa/a)
x1 = xf - xc
y1 = yf - yc
xa = cost * x1 + sint * y1
ya = cost * y1 - sint * x1
thb = atan2(ya/b, xa/a)
#----- : default 20 , 4
dthab = thb - tha
if idr != 0: dthab = 2.0 * pi - dthab
dthab = dpt(dthab)
dth = 20.0 * MET
n = int(dthab/dth)
if n < 4: n = 4
n = n + 1 # =tha
dth = dthab / n
if idr != 0: dth = -dth
cosd = cos(dth)
sind = sin(dth)
#----- t
sint = -sint
#----- ic
cosx = cos(tha)
sinx = sin(tha)
x1 = a * cosx
y1 = b * sinx
xa = xc + cost * x1 + sint * y1
ya = yc + cost * y1 - sint * x1
dxf.thanDxfPlot (xa, ya, ic)
dxf.thanDxfPlotPolyVertex (xa, ya, 2)
for i in xrange(n):
x1 = cosx * cosd - sinx * sind
y1 = sinx * cosd + cosx * sind
cosx = x1
sinx = y1
x1 = a * cosx
y1 = b * sinx
xa = xc + cost * x1 + sint * y1
ya = yc + cost * y1 - sint * x1
dxf.thanDxfPlotPolyVertex (xa, ya, 2)
dxf.thanDxfPlotPolyVertex (0.0, 0.0, 999)
def logax (dxf, xa,ya,pw,th,emin,emax,legend,escale):
"""Plots a logarithmic axis.
c pw: paper width in cm. if negative, legend goes to the left
c dpw: minimum distance in cm between two numbers on the axis
c dx: the "distance" between logs of emin and emax, in log[user units]
c ddx: minimum distance in log[user units] between two numbers on the axis
HS=0.20; HSL=0.30; DPW=1.0
dx = log10(emax/emin)
ddx = DPW * dx/fabs(pw)
escale = fabs(pw)/dx
t = th * pi/180.0
cost = cos(t)
sint = sin(t)
thn = th - 90.0
t = thn * pi/180.0
costn = cos(t)
sintn = sin(t)
#-----initial values
al = log10(emax)
k = int(al + 0.9999)
if al < 0.0: k=k-1
fct = 10.0 ** k
xx = 10.0 ** (1.001 * ddx)
anump = emin / xx
n = 0
an = [emax * xx]
#-----first number (anump) for new fct
endn = False
while True:
anum = anump/fct
anum = int(anum) * fct
while True:
anum = anum + fct
ddxn = log10(anum/anump)
if (ddxn < ddx): continue # go to 20
#-------------if too big gap between anump-anum try smaller fct.
if ddxn >= 2.0*ddx:
if n >= len(an): an.append(anum)
else: an[n] = anum
fct = fct * 0.1
k = k - 1
break #go to 10
#-------------if numbers for current fct finished, get new fct or end.
while log10(an[n]/anum) < ddx:
if n <= 0: endn = True; break # go to 21
anum = an[n]
n = n - 1
fct = fct * 10.0
k = k + 1
ddxn = log10(anum/anump)
#-------------plot the number
if anum <= emax: # go to 31
dis = log10(anum/emin) * fabs(pw)/dx
# disn = dsign(1.5 * HS, pw)
disn = 1.5 * HS
if pw < 0: disn = -disn
xx = xa + (dis-0.5*HS)*cost + disn*costn
yy = ya + (dis-0.5*HS)*sint + disn*sintn
if k == 0: k1=-1
if pw > 0.0:
dxf.thanDxfPlotNumber(xx, yy, HS, anum, thn, k1)
rnumber(dxf, xx, yy, HS, anum, thn, k1)
#-----------------plot line
if pw < 0: disn = -HS
xx = xa + dis*cost
yy = ya + dis*sint
dxf.thanDxfPlot (xx, yy, 3)
dxf.thanDxfPlot (xx+disn*costn, yy+disn*sintn, 2)
anump = anum
if endn: break #go to 21
#-----plot line - legend
dxf.thanDxfPlot(xa, ya, 3)
dxf.thanDxfPlot(xa+fabs(pw)*cost, ya+fabs(pw)*sint, 2)
k = len(legend)
dis = (fabs(pw) - k*HSL) * 0.5
disn = 6.0*HS + 2.0*HSL
if pw < 0.0: disn=-(disn-HSL)
xx = xa + dis*cost + disn*costn
yy = ya + dis*sint + disn*sintn
dxf.thanDxfPlotSymbol(xx, yy, HSL, legend, th)