# -*- coding: iso-8859-7 -*-
from math import pi,cos,sin
from p_gmath import thanLineSeg2,fsign
def gfill(dxf, x, y, phi, d, icol):
"Fill an area with lines."
#----- : x(1)=x(n) y(1)=y(n)
n = len(x)
if n < 3: return
closed = x[0] == x[-1] and y[0] == y[-1]
#-----compute tangment and normal vector------------------------
dd = phi * pi / 180.0
t = cos(dd), sin(dd)
an = -t[1], t[0]
#-----find lowest and highest coordinates (with respect to n)
pmin = an[0] * x[0] + an[1] * y[0]
pmax = pmin
ipmin = 0
ipmax = ipmin
for i in xrange(1, n):
dd = an[0] * x[i] + an[1] * y[i]
if dd < pmin:
pmin = dd
ipmin = i
if dd > pmax:
pmax = dd
ipmax = i
if closed:
ileft = ipmax
iright = ipmax
ileft = 1
iright = n
#-----begin iteration-----------------------------------------------
dd = d
while dd <= pmax-pmin:
c = x[ipmin] + dd * an[0], y[ipmin] + dd * an[1]
tom1 = intSide(ipmin, ileft, -1, c, t, x, y) # left
if tom1 != None:
tom2 = intSide(ipmin, iright, 1, c, t, x, y)
if tom2 != None: # right
dxf.thanDxfPlot(tom1[0], tom1[1], 3) # plot line
dxf.thanDxfPlot(tom2[0], tom2[1], 2)
dd = dd + d
def intSide(i1, i2, idir, c, t, x, y):
i = i1
n = len(x)
while True:
if i == i2: return None
ip = i
i = (i + idir) % n # this implies that i==n -> 0 and i==-1 -> n-1
a = x[ip], y[ip]
b = x[i], y[i]
tom = thanLineSeg2(c, t, a, b)
if tom != None: return tom
def test1():
from p_gchart import ThanChartDxf
dxf = ThanChartDxf()
xx = [0.0, 50.0, 50.0, 0.0, 0.0]
yy = [0.0, 0.0, 30.0, 30.0, 0.0]
dxf.thanDxfPlotPolyLine(xx, yy)
gfill(dxf, xx, yy, phi=30.0, d=5.0, icol=2)
r = 10.0
xx = [-r, 0]
yy = [-2*r, 0]
from p_ggen import xfrange
for th in xfrange(0.0, 4*pi, pi/20):
dxf.thanDxfPlotPolyLine(xx, yy)
gfill(dxf, xx, yy, phi=0.0, d=5.0, icol=3)
gfill(dxf, xx, yy, phi=-45.0, d=5.0, icol=2)
if __name__ == "__main__": test1()