# -*- coding: iso-8859-7 -*-
import sys
from math import pi
from p_ggen import path,prg
from p_gfil import openFile1,opFile1e,Datlin
from p_gdxf import ThanDxfPlot
import com
def dedm():
"Read data of ground line, grade lines, and horizontal curves."
fr = com.frw["mhk"]
com.mhk = fr.datCurline().partition(":")[2].rstrip()
if com.mhk[:1] == " ": com.mhk = com.mhk[1:] # Avoid first blank but allow :
deded() #
deder() #
dedlep() #
dedka() #
def deded():
"Read data of ground lines."
fr = com.frw["mhk"]
fr.datCom(' ')
j1 = (com.ned+1)*10+1
j2 = j1 + 8
j3 = j2 + 2
while True:
if not fr.datLin(failoneof=False):
com.telmhk = True
if fr.datComC(' ', fail=False): return
if fr.datComC(' ', fail=False): return
if fr.datComC(' ', fail=False): return
if fr.datComC('', fail=False): return
# read (ibuf, iform, iostat=ierr)xth,(yee[i],i=1,ned),onp,katara
xth = fr.datFloat()
yee = [fr.datFloat() for j in xrange(com.ned)]
dl = fr.datCurline()
onp = dl[j1:j2].rstrip()
katara = dl[j2:j3]
if wrongYps(yee): continue # Heights of ground lines are invalid; ignore them
com.lasted += 1
yer = 1.0e30
if katara=='': yer = 0.0
com.uTed.writerec(rec=com.lasted, data=(xth,yee,onp,yer))
def wrongYps(yee):
"Check if the height of the ground lines is ok."
for yee1 in yee:
if yee1 == -10000.0:
fr.wafile1([' -10000 : %s'%onp])
return True
return False
def deder():
"Read data for grade lines."
fr = com.frw["mhk"]
com.icod = [0]*len(com.icod1)
com.laster = [0]*len(com.icod1)
com.linery = [0]*len(com.icod1)
com.oxienl = [False] * len(com.icod1)
com.xther1 = [0.0] * len(com.icod1)
com.yer1 = [0.0] * len(com.icod1)
com.r1 = [0.0] * len(com.icod1)
com.xther2 = [0.0] * len(com.icod1)
com.yer2 = [0.0] * len(com.icod1)
com.r2 = [0.0] * len(com.icod1)
com.xther3 = [0.0] * len(com.icod1)
com.yer3 = [0.0] * len(com.icod1)
com.r3 = [0.0] * len(com.icod1)
com.ai1 = [0.0] * len(com.icod1)
com.t = [0.0] * len(com.icod1)
com.ai2 = [0.0] * len(com.icod1)
com.yee = [0.0] * len(com.icod1)
com.yeep = [0.0] * len(com.icod1)
liner = -1
while not com.telmhk:
if fr.datComC(' ', fail=False): return
if fr.datComC(' ', fail=False): return
if fr.datComC('', fail=False): return
if not fr.datComC(' ', fail=False):
fr.er(": , ,\n"\
" , ")
ieryth = fr.datIntR(1, com.nyee) - 1
#c call dedgr (keimen+metomi+idiagr,i,rv,dv,ibuf,ierr) # This commented out code may ..
#c i=istrstr(ibuf,'') # ..change icod of a grade/line for..
#c if (i>0) icod(ieryth)=1+(icod(ieryth)/4)*4 # ..an individual section
#c i=istrstr(ibuf,'')
#c if (i>0) icod(ieryth)=2+(icod(ieryth)/4)*4
i = com.icod[ieryth] % 4
if i == 1: liner = dederOdop(liner, ieryth) #
elif i == 2: liner = dederApox(liner, ieryth) #
elif i == 3: dederEx(ieryth) #
else: fr.er('H %d !' % ieryth)
def dederOdop(liner, ieryth):
"Read data for highway grade line."
fr = com.frw["mhk"]
while True:
if not fr.datLin(failoneof=False):
com.telmhk = True
return liner
if fr.datComC(' ', fail=False): return liner
if fr.datComC(' ', fail=False): return liner
if fr.datComC(' ', fail=False): return liner
if fr.datComC('', fail=False): return liner
xth = fr.datFloat()
yer = fr.datFloat()
r = fr.datFloat()
liner += 1
com.uTer.writerec(rec=liner, data=(xth,yer,r))
com.laster[ieryth] = liner
def dederApox(liner, ieryth):
"Read data for sewage grade line."
fr = com.frw["mhk"]
while True:
if not fr.datLin(failoneof=False):
com.telmhk = True
return liner
if fr.datComC(' ', fail=False): return liner
if fr.datComC(' ', fail=False): return liner
if fr.datComC(' ', fail=False): return liner
if fr.datComC('', fail=False): return liner
xth = fr.datFloat()
yer = fr.datFloat()
if fr.eol(): r = yer
else: r = fr.datFloat()
if r == 0.0: r = yer
liner += 1
com.uTer.writerec(rec=liner, data=(xth,yer,r))
def dederEx(ieryth):
"Read data for slave grade line."
fr = com.frw["mhk"]
fr.datCom(" ")
com.r1[ieryth] = fr.datInt() - 1
fr.datCom(" ")
com.yer1[ieryth] = fr.datFloat()
if not fr.datLin(failoneof=False):
com.telmhk = True
def dedka():
"Read data for horizontal curves."
fr = com.frw["mhk"]
if com.telmhk:
com.oxikam = True
if fr.datComC('', fail=False):
com.oxikam = True
if not fr.datComC(' ', fail=False):
fr.er(": ")
lastka = 0
while True:
if not fr.datLin(failoneof=False):
com.telmhk = True
if fr.datComC('', fail=False): break
dl = fr.datCurline()
onp = fr.datStr().rstrip()
v = fr.datFloat()
xth = fr.datFloat()
r = fr.datFloat()
dr = fr.datFloat()
e = fr.datFloat()
d = fr.datFloat()
if lastka==0: com.oxikam = True
def dedlep():
"Read data for drawing details."
# com.linlep = is initialized to zero in com.py
fr = com.frw["mhk"]
linlp = 0
while not com.telmhk:
if fr.datComC(' ', fail=False): return
if fr.datComC('', fail=False): return
if not fr.datComC(' ', fail=False):
fr.er(": ,\n"\
" , ")
ieryth = fr.datInt()
if ieryth == 1: dedlepFreat(linlp) #
else: fr.er(' %d' % ieryth)
def dedlepFreat(linlp):
"Read data for drawing details: freatia."
fr = com.frw["mhk"]
linlep[ieryth]=linlp+1 # This is the first line in the temporary file for detail ieryth
yer = fr.datFloat()
r = fr.datFloat()
while True:
if not fr.datLin(failoneol=False):
com.telmhk = True
xth = fr.datFloat()
def dedgen():
"""Read general data.
: 5000.
: 500.
. :
(CM) : 59.0
(CM): 1.5
: 1
: 2
: 2
fr = com.frw["mhk"]
fr.datCom(" ")
com.aklx = fr.datFloatR(1e-6, 1e6)
fr.datCom(" ")
com.akly = fr.datFloatR(1e-6, 1e6)
fr.datCom(" ")
com.oxiery = not fr.datYesno()
fr.datCom(" ")
com.oxikam = not fr.datYesno()
odopoi= True
fr.datCom(" ")
ibuf = fr.datMchoice(" ")
com.odopoi = ibuf[:2] == ""
fr.datCom(" . ")
com.oxikak = not fr.datYesno()
fr.datCom(" ")
com.sxetit = fr.datYesno()
fr.datCom(" ")
com.drawguidelines = fr.datYesno()
fr.datCom(" ")
com.plaxar = fr.datFloatR(15.0, 1000.0)
com.plaxar -= com.plxm
if not com.drawguidelines: com.um = com.dm = 0.0
com.paper = com.plaxar
com.plaxar -= (com.um + com.dm)
fr.datCom(" ")
com.perype = fr.datFloatR(0.0, com.plaxar-15.0)
fr.datCom(" ")
com.kedaf = fr.datIntR(1, com.MYEE) - 1
fr.datCom(" ")
com.keryth = fr.datIntR(1, com.MYEE) - 1
fr.datCom(" ")
com.nyee = fr.datIntR(1, com.MYEE)
# 1 .00, .00, .00
# 2 .00, .00, .00
com.itit = []
com.diak1 = []
com.icod1 = []
com.ied = []
for i in xrange(com.MYEE):
if fr.datCom('', fail=False): break
dl = fr.datCurline()
dl = dl[:10] + "'" + dl[10:32] + "' '" + dl[32:52] + "' " + dl[52:].replace(",", " ")
j = fr.datInt()
if j != i+1:
fr.er(' / %d' % (i+1,))
ig = fr.datStr()
if '' in ig: com.ied.append(i)
elif '' in ig: com.icod1[-1] += 1
elif '' in ig: com.icod1[-1] += 2
elif '' in ig: com.icod1[-1] += 3
else: fr.er(' :\n'\
' "", " \n'\
' " ", " "'
ip = fr.datMchoice(" ")
if ip[:2]=='': com.icod1[i]+=4
com.diak1.append([fr.datFloat() for j in xrange(3)])
# read (ibuf,11,iostat=ierr) j, ititl[i], ig, ip,
# & diak1[i],diak2[i],diak3[i]
#11 format (i8, 2x, a22, a20, a7, 1x, 3(1x, f5.0))
# 0 8 10 32 52 59 60
fr.er(' / : %d' % com.MYEE)
com.telmhk = False
com.nyee = len(com.icod1)
com.ned = len(com.ied)
com.ner = com.nyee - com.ned
if com.ner == 0 and not com.oxiery:
wamhk(" .")
com.oxiery = True
if not 0 <= com.kedaf < com.nyee:
ermhks([" (%d) %d %d." %
(com.kedaf+1, 1, com.nyee)])
if com.kedaf not in com.ied:
wamhk([" (%d) !" % (com.kedaf+1,)])
if not 0 <= com.keryth < com.nyee:
if com.oxiery:
com.keryth = 0 # keryth is unused, so set a failsafe value
ermhks([" (%d) %d %d." %
(com.keryth+1, 1, com.nyee)])
if com.keryth in com.ied and not com.oxiery:
wamhk([" (%d) !" % (com.keryth+1,)])
def freat():
"Read dimension of freatia."
sxedfreat = False
try: fr = open('freatia', "r")
except IOError: return
com.pfr, com.hfr = map(float, fr.next().split())
except (ValueError, IndexError):
com.sxedfreat = True
def stoperr(ierr, s):
"Prints error message and stops the program."
if ierr == 0: return
if ierr == 1: terr = ' %s - %d' % (s, lepcount)
elif ierr == 2: terr = ' %s - %d' % (s, lepcount)
elif ierr == 3: terr = ' '
elif ierr == 4: terr = " '%s' ." % s
elif ierr == 10: terr = ' $ %d' % lepcount
elif ierr == 11: terr = ' %d' % lepcount
elif ierr == 20: terr = ' '
elif ierr == 21: terr = ' '
elif ierr == 30: terr = ' .. %s - %d' % (s, lepcount)
else: assert False, "Uknown error code %d" % ierr
def openFilesEkp():
"Message for the student license."
terr = \
[' ',
' . : - ',
' --------------------------------------------------------',
' ',
' ',
' . ..',
' 4 ',
' , ',
' , ',
' ',
' .',
' ',
' ',
' .',
' , , leasing ',
' ',
' .',
' ',
' ',
' 4 ',
' , ',
' .',
' '
# prg("\n".join(terr))
pro = raw_input(' enter..')
def openFiles():
"Opens the necessary files."
openFile1(0, ' ', ' ', 0, ' ')
openFile1(1, 'mhk', 'opt', 1, '')
openFile1(1, 'med', 'opt', 1, ' ')
openFile1(1, 'lep', 'opt', 1, '')
openFile1(1, 'ini', 'opt', 1, '')
openFile1(1, 'ery', ' ', 1, '')
openFile1(1, 'oka', ' ', 1, ' ')
openFile1(1, 'dxf', ' ', 1, ' thancad')
com.frw = openFile1(999, ' ', ' ', 0, ' ')
if com.frw["mhk"] != None:
if com.frw["med"] != None:
terr = [' file .med : %s' % com.frw["med"].name,
' file .mhk: %s' % com.frw["mhk"].name,
'( .med , .mhk)'
elif com.frw["med"] != None:
fil = path(com.frw["ery"].name)
fil = fil.basename()
prg(' ')
prg(' file .med file .mhk')
com.frw.update(opFile1e(1, "mhk", ' ', fil, ' '))
com.frw.update(opFile1e(1, "mhk", "old", fil, 'old', ' '))
prg(" .mhk .med")
com.drawtitle = com.frw["ini"] != None
com.drawlep = com.frw["lep"] != None
if com.drawlep:
com.frw["lep"] = Datlin(com.frw["lep"], comment="*")
com.frw["mhk"] = Datlin(com.frw["mhk"], comment="*")
uDxf = ThanDxfPlot()
com.frw["dxf"] = uDxf
def openFilesTcad(fpath):
"Opens the necessary files when the program is run within ThanCad."
pro = fpath.parent / fpath.namebase
com.frw.update(opFile1e(1, 'mhk', 'old', pro, ''))
com.frw.update(opFile1e(1, 'lep', 'opt', pro, ''))
com.frw.update(opFile1e(1, 'ini', 'opt', pro, ''))
com.frw.update(opFile1e(1, 'ery', ' ', pro, ''))
com.frw.update(opFile1e(1, 'oka', ' ', pro, ' '))
com.drawtitle = com.frw["ini"] != None
com.drawlep = com.frw["lep"] != None
if com.drawlep:
com.frw["lep"] = Datlin(com.frw["lep"], comment="*")
com.frw["mhk"] = Datlin(com.frw["mhk"], comment="*")
def med2mhk():
"Transform a .med file to a .mhk file."
fw = com.frw["mhk"]
: 2000.
: 200.
. :
(cm) : 27.0
(cm): 1.5
: 1
: 2
: 1
* ------ --------------------- ------------------ ------ -------------------
1 .00, .00, .00
* 2 .00, .00, .00
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------'
fr = com.frw["med"]
while True:
dline = fr.readline()
if dline == "": return
fw.write('*\n : %s\n*\n \n' % dline.strip("\n"))
while True:
dline = fr.readline()
if dline == "": return
if dline.strip() == '$': break
def hhh1():
terr = \
[' ',
' . : - ',
' --------------------------------------------------------',
' ',
' ',
' . ..',
' 4 ',
' , ',
' , ',
' ',
' .',
' ',
' ',
' .',
' , , leasing ',
' ',
' .',
' ',
' ',
' 4 ',
' , ',
' .',
' '
for dl in terr:
# dl = gggg(dl)
def gggg (dl):
a = pi - int(pi)
k = []
for i in range(8):
a = a * 10.0
a -= int(a)
cc = []
for i,c in enumerate(dl):
j = ord(c) - k[i % 8]
return "".join(cc)
def onlaygram():
"Makes a layer name for each ground/grade line."
for i in xrange(com.nyee):
ic = com.icod1[i] % 4
if ic == 0: com.laygram.append('edaf%d' % i)
else: com.laygram.append('eryt%d' % i)
def defdxf():
"Define various dxf properties - layers, linetypes etc."
uDxf = com.frw["dxf"]
uDxf.thanDxfTableDef ('__INIT__', 0)
#-----line types---------------------------
uDxf.thanDxfTableDef ('LTYPE', 3)
uDxf.thanDxfCrLtype ('continuous', 'solid line', ())
uDxf.thanDxfCrLtype ('dotr', '.................', (0, -0.06))
uDxf.thanDxfCrLtype ('dashed2', '- - - - - - - - -', (0.25, -0.125))
#-----text styles---------------------------
uDxf.thanDxfTableDef ('STYLE', 1)
uDxf.thanDxfCrTstyle('grstyle', 'arial.ttf')
uDxf.thanDxfTableDef('LAYER', 10+com.nyee)
uDxf.thanDxfCrLayer ('titlos', 7, 'continuous')
uDxf.thanDxfCrLayer ('texnika', 13, 'continuous')
uDxf.thanDxfCrLayer ('sxolia', 3, 'continuous')
uDxf.thanDxfCrLayer ('sxolia1', 12, 'continuous')
uDxf.thanDxfCrLayer ('sxolia_xth', 3, 'continuous')
uDxf.thanDxfCrLayer ('sxolia1_xth', 12, 'continuous')
uDxf.thanDxfCrLayer ('sxolia_or', 3, 'continuous')
uDxf.thanDxfCrLayer ('sxolia1_or', 12, 'continuous')
uDxf.thanDxfCrLayer ('TEXTL', 2, 'continuous')
uDxf.thanDxfCrLayer ('TEXTX', 3, 'continuous')
for i in xrange(com.nyee):
if com.icod1[i] % 4 == 0: ic = 2
else: ic = 11
uDxf.thanDxfCrLayer (com.laygram[i], ic, 'continuous')
uDxf.thanDxfTableDef ('ENTITIES', 1)
def ermhks(terr1):
"Prints an error message (also saying the section name) and stops the program."
terr1.insert(0, " '%s':" % com.mhk)
def wamhk (terr1):
"Prints a warning (also saying the section name)."
terr1.insert(0, ' %s' % com.mhk)
def xfrm(x, fs):
" .. 12+498.1 1+569 -9-522.22"
try: s = fs % x
except: return '*' * MAXCHAR
s = s.strip()
n = int(x)
if n < 1000: return s
ch = '+'
if x < 0.0: ch = '-'
n = s.find('.')
if n < 0: n = len(s)
n -= 3
return s[:n] + ch + s[n:]