from itertools import islice
from math import fabs
from dxfinter import *
#from Tkinter import *
class Struct: pass
def replot(evt=None):
"Replot the diagrams each time the user changes window dimensions."
b = c.winfo_width()
h = c.winfo_height()
axis = (g.xmin, 0), (g.xmax,0)
scalex = b/; dy = h*0.5; scaleQ = dy/g.sQ
xy = [ ( (x-g.xmin)*scalex, h-((y-g.Qmin)*scaleQ+dy) ) for (x,y) in g.Q]
c.create_line(xy, fill= "orange")
for x,y in islice(g.Q, 0, None, 20):
xy = [ ( (x-g.xmin)*scalex, h-((y-g.Qmin)*scaleQ+dy) ) for (x,y) in ((x,0),(x,y))]
c.create_line(xy, fill= "orange")
xy = [ ( (x-g.xmin)*scalex, h-((y-g.Qmin)*scaleQ+dy) ) for (x,y) in axis]
c.create_line(xy, fill= "yellow")
scaleM = dy/g.sM
xy = [ ( (x-g.xmin)*scalex, h-((-y-g.Mmin)*scaleM+0) ) for (x,y) in g.M]
c.create_line(xy, fill= "orange")
for x,y in islice(g.M, 0, None, 20):
xy = [ ( (x-g.xmin)*scalex, h-((-y-g.Mmin)*scaleM+0) ) for (x,y) in ((x,0),(x,y))]
c.create_line(xy, fill= "orange")
xy = [ ( (x-g.xmin)*scalex, h-((-y-g.Mmin)*scaleM+0) ) for (x,y) in axis]
c.create_line(xy, fill= "yellow")
#---Draw min, max Q values
for i in xrange(1, len(g.Q)-1):
Q1, Q2, Q3 = [Q[1] for Q in g.Q[i-1:i+2]]
if DQ(Q2-Q1) * DQ(Q3-Q2) > 0.0: continue
if DQ(Q2-Q1) == 0.0 == DQ(Q3-Q2): continue
x, y = g.Q[i]
x, y = (x-g.xmin)*scalex, h-((y-g.Qmin)*scaleQ+dy)
print "Qmax=", Q2
if Q2 > 0: dyp = -10
else : dyp = 10
c.create_text(x, y+dyp, fill="pink", text="%.2f" % Q2)
c.create_rectangle(x-1, y-1, x+1, y+1, fill="pink", outline="pink")
#---Draw min, max M values
xprev = -1000.0
for i in xrange(1, len(g.Q)-1):
Q1, Q2, Q3 = [Q[1] for Q in g.M[i-1:i+2]]
if DM(Q2-Q1) * DM(Q3-Q2) > 0.0: continue
if DM(Q2-Q1) == 0.0 == DM(Q3-Q2): continue
x, y = g.M[i]
x, y = (x-g.xmin)*scalex, h-((-y-g.Mmin)*scaleM+0)
if x-xprev < 10: continue
xprev = x
print "Mmax=", Q2
if -Q2 > 0: dyp = -10
else : dyp = 10
c.create_text(x, y+dyp, fill="pink", text="%.2f" % Q2)
c.create_rectangle(x-1, y-1, x+1, y+1, fill="pink", outline="pink")
x1 = x = g.M[i][0]; y = 0.0
x, y = (x-g.xmin)*scalex, h-((-y-g.Mmin)*scaleM+0)
# if x-xprev < 10: continue
# xprev = x
c.create_text(x, y-dyp, fill="green", text="%.2f" % x1)
c.create_rectangle(x-1, y-1, x+1, y+1, fill="pink", outline="green")
def DQ(dq):
if fabs(dq) < g.Qmax*1e-6: return 0.0
return dq
def DM(dq):
if fabs(dq) < g.Mmax*1e-6: return 0.0
return dq
def diag(Q, M, tit):
"Initialise diagram."
global c, g
g = Struct()
xmin = Q[0][0]; xmax = Q[-1][0]
Qmax = max([fabs(y) for (x,y) in Q]); Qmin = -Qmax
Mmax = max([fabs(y) for (x,y) in M]); Mmin = -Mmax, g.xmin, g.xmax = margins(xmin, xmax)
g.sQ, g.Qmin, g.Qmax = margins(Qmin, Qmax)
g.sM, g.Mmin, g.Mmax = margins(Mmin, Mmax)
g.Q, g.M = Q, M
root = Tk()
c = Canvas(root, background= "black", width=400, height=600)
root.columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
root.rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
c.bind("<Configure>", replot)
def margins(xmin, xmax):
"Extend xmin, xmax so that we have some margins."
dx = (xmax - xmin)*0.2
if dx == 0.0: dx = 1.0
return xmax-xmin+dx, xmin-dx*0.5, xmax+dx*0.5