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Python Open Source » Business Application » ThanCad 
ThanCad » thancad 0.0.9 » thandr »
# ThanCad 0.0.9 "DoesSomething": 2dimensional CAD with raster support for engineers.
# Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Thanasis Stamos,  August 23, 2009
# URL:
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# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details (
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

ThanCad 0.0.9 "DoesSomething": 2dimensional CAD with raster support for engineers.

This module defines the dimension element.

from math import hypot,atan2,fabs
from p_gmath import thanNear2
from itertools import izip,islice
from thanelem import ThanElement
from thanline import ThanLine
from thantext import ThanText
from thanvar import Canc
from thantrans import T
try: import pyx
except ImportError: pass

class ThanDimali(ThanElement):
    "A simple line of horizontal text."
    thanTkCompound = 100       # The number of Tkinter objects that make the element. 100=compound (lines etc.)

    def __rect(self, c1, c2, h):
        "Finds rotated rectangle with c1-c2 side and parallel side at perpendicular distance h."
        c3 = list(c2)
        c4 = list(c1)
        if thanNear2(c1, c2):
            cost = 0.0
            sint = 1.0
            cost = c2[0]-c1[0]
            sint = c2[1]-c1[1]
            w = hypot(cost, sint)
            cost /= w
            sint /= w
#        xb = xa + w*cost
#        yb = ya + w*sint
        c3[0] = c2[0] - h*sint
        c3[1] = c2[1] + h*cost
        c4[0] = c1[0] - h*sint
        c4[1] = c1[1] + h*cost
        return [list(c1), list(c2), c3, c4]

    def thanSet(self, text, c1, c2, perp):
        "Sets the attributes of the aligned dimension."
  self.text = text
  self.cp = self.__rect(c1, c2, perp)
        self.perp = perp
  xp = [c1[0] for c1 in self.cp]
  yp = [c1[1] for c1 in self.cp]
        self.setBoundBox([min(xp), min(yp), max(xp), max(yp)])
#  self.thanTags = ()                                 # thanTags is initialised in ThanElement

    def thanIsNormal(self):
        "Returns False if the the aligned dimension is degenerate (it is blank)."
        return not thanNear2(cp[0], cp[1])  # Degenerate dimension

    def thanClone(self):
        "Makes a geometric clone of itself."
  el = ThanDimali()
  el.thanSet(self.text, self.cp[0], self.cp[1], self.perp)
  return el

    def thanRotate(self):
        "Rotates the element within XY-plane with predefined angle and rotation angle."
        xp = [c1[0] for c1 in self.cp]
        yp = [c1[1] for c1 in self.cp]
        self.setBoundBox([min(xp), min(yp), max(xp), max(yp)])

    def thanMirror(self):
        "Mirrors the element within XY-plane with predefined point and unit vector."
        xp = [c1[0] for c1 in self.cp]
        yp = [c1[1] for c1 in self.cp]
        self.setBoundBox([min(xp), min(yp), max(xp), max(yp)])

    def thanScale(self, cs, scale):
        "Scales the element in n-space with defined scale and center of scale."
  for cc in self.cp:
      cc[:] = [cs1+(cc1-cs1)*scale for (cc1,cs1) in izip(cc, cs)]
  cscs = [cs[0], cs[1], cs[0], cs[1]]
  self.thanXymm[:] = [cs1+(cc1-cs1)*scale for (cc1,cs1) in izip(self.thanXymm, cscs)]

    def thanMove(self, dc):
        "Moves the element with defined n-dimensional distance."
  for cc in self.cp:
      cc[:] = [cc1+dd1 for (cc1,dd1) in izip(cc, dc)]
  dcdc = [dc[0], dc[1], dc[0], dc[1]]
  self.thanXymm[:] = [cc1+dd1 for (cc1,dd1) in izip(self.thanXymm, dcdc)]

    def thanOsnap(self, proj, otypes, ccu, eother, cori):
        "Return a point of type otype nearest to xcu, ycu."
        if "ena" not in otypes: return None            # Object snap is disabled
        ps = []
        if "end" in otypes:       # type "end" without type "int"
            for c in self.cp[2:]:
                ps.append((fabs(c[0]-ccu[0])+fabs(c[1]-ccu[1]), "end", c))
        if len(ps) > 0: return min(ps)
        return None

    def thanBreak(self, c1=None, c2=None):
        "Just inform that the aligned dimension can not (yet) be broken."
  return False       # Break is NOT implemented

    def thanLength(self):
        "Returns the true length (distance) of the dimension."
  ca = self.cp[0]
  cb = self.cp[1]
  return hypot(cb[0]-ca[0], cb[1]-ca[1])

    def thanArea(self):
        "Just inform that the aligned dimension does not have area."
  return None

    def thanTkGet(self, proj):
        "Gets the attributes of the text interactively from a window."
  un = proj[1].thanUnits
        c1 = proj[2].thanGudGetPoint(T["First dimension point: "])
        if c1 == Canc: return Canc                       # Aligned dimension cancelled
  statonce = ""
  while True:
            c2 = proj[2].thanGudGetLine(c1, T["Last  dimension point: "], statonce=statonce)
            if c2 == Canc: return Canc                       # Aligned dimension cancelled
      if not thanNear2(c1, c2): break
      statonce = T["Degenerate dimension. Try again.\n"]
        cost = c2[0]-c1[0]; sint = c2[1]-c1[1]
     w = hypot(cost, sint)
  cost /= w; sint /= w
  dis = "%.2f" % w
  mes = "%s (enter=%s): " % (T["Dimension Text"], dis)
        text = proj[2].thanGudGetText(mes, dis)
        if text == Canc: return Canc                     # text cancelled
#        perp = proj[2].thanGudGetFloat(T["Perpendicular location: "], 0.00)
#        if perp == Canc: return Canc                     # text cancelled

        self.thanSet(text, c1, c2, 0.0)
  self.thanTags = ("e0", )                         # So that we know that it is temporary
  ct = [(t1+t2)*0.5 for t1,t2 in zip(c1,c2)]
  t = [0.0]*len(c1)
  t[:2] = -sint, cost
        c3 = proj[2].thanGudGetMovend(ct, "Perpendicular location: ", elems=[self], direction=t)
        if c3 == Canc: return Canc                       # Aligned dimension cancelled
  perp = (c3[0]-ct[0])*(-sint) + (c3[1]-ct[1])*cost
        self.thanSet(text, c1, c2, perp)
        return True                                      # Text OK

    ticksize = 0.15
    textsize = 0.20
    dimscale = 10.0
    def thanTkDraw(self, than):
        "Draws rotated text in ThanCad line font."
  if thanNear2(self.cp[0], self.cp[1]): return   # degenerate - do not draw
  c1 = self.cp[3]
  c2 = self.cp[2]
        cost = c2[0]-c1[0]
        sint = c2[1]-c1[1]
  theta = atan2(sint, cost)
     w = hypot(cost, sint)
  ThanElement.thanRotateSet(c1, theta)

  temp = ThanText()
        temp.thanSet(self.text, c1, self.textsize*self.dimscale, 0.0)
  dc = [0.0] * len(c1)
  dc[0] += (w-temp.w1)*0.5
  dc[1] -= temp.h1*0.5
  temp.thanTags = self.thanTags

  ct = list(c1)
  ct1 = list(ct)
  ct1[0] += self.ticksize*self.dimscale
  ct1[1] -= self.ticksize*self.dimscale*0.5
  ct2 = list(ct1)
  ct2[1] += self.ticksize*self.dimscale
  cline = [[ct1, ct, ct2]]

        ct = list(c1)
        ct2 = list(ct)
  ct2[0] += (w-temp.w1-temp.h1)*0.5
  cline.append([list(ct), ct2])

        ct = list(c1)
  ct[0] += w
        ct1 = list(ct)
  ct1[0] -= (w-temp.w1-temp.h1)*0.5
  cline.append([ct1, ct])

        ct = list(ct)
  ct1 = list(ct)
  ct1[0] -= self.ticksize*self.dimscale
  ct1[1] -= self.ticksize*self.dimscale*0.5
  ct2 = list(ct1)
  ct2[1] += self.ticksize*self.dimscale
  cline.append([ct1, ct, ct2])

        for cp in cline:
      temp = ThanLine()
      temp.thanTags = self.thanTags

    def thanTkHiwin(self, than):
        "Highlights with a (small) window very small elements so that they become visible."
  self.thanTkHiwinDo(than, self.thanLength(), self.cp[0])

    def thanExpDxf(self, fDxf):
        "Exports the text to dxf file."
        fDxf.thanDxfPlotSymbol3(self.c1[0], self.c1[1], self.c1[2], self.size, self.text, self.theta)

    def thanExpPilother(self, than):
        "Exports the text to a PIL raster image."
        x1, y1 = than.ct.global2Locali(self.x1, self.y1)
  than.dc.text((x1, y1), self.text, font=than.font, fill=than.outline)

    def thanExpPil(self, than):
        "Exports rotated text (in ThanCad line font) into a PIL raster image."
        xa, ya = than.ct.global2Local(self.c1[0], self.c1[1])
        w, h = than.ct.global2LocalRel(self.w1, -self.h1)     # Ensure h>0  (local y-axis is positive downwards)
        if h < 1: return                                      # Size too small to be seen; draw rectangle instead
  than.thanFont.thanPilPaint(than, xa, ya, h, self.text, self.theta)

    def thanPlotPdf(self, than):
        "Plots rotated text (in ThanCad line font) into a PDF file."
        xa, ya = than.ct.global2Local(self.c1[0], self.c1[1])
        w, h = than.ct.global2LocalRel(self.w1, self.h1)     # Ensure h>0  (local y-axis is positive upwards)
        if h < 0.05: return                                  # Size too small to be seen; draw rectangle instead
        lines = than.thanFont.than2lines(xa, ya, h, self.text, self.theta, mirrory=True)

  lineto = pyx.path.lineto
  moveto = pyx.path.moveto
  closepath = pyx.path.closepath
  for cp in lines:
      if len(cp) < 2: continue
      if len(cp) == 2:
          ca = cp[0][0], cp[0][1]
          cb = cp[1][0], cp[1][1]
          p = pyx.path.line(ca[0], ca[1], cb[0], cb[1])
                xy1 = [lineto(c1[0], c1[1]) for c1 in islice(cp, 1, None)]
          xy1.insert(0, moveto(cp[0][0], cp[0][1]))
          if cp[0] == cp[-1]: xy1[-1] = closepath()
          p = pyx.path.path(*xy1)

    def thanList(self, than):
        "Shows information about the the aligned dimension element."
  than.writecom("Element: DIMALI")
  than.write("    Layer: % s\n" % than.laypath)
  t = ('Value: "%s"    Real length=%s'          % (self.text, than.strdis(self.thanLength())),
       "Dimension reference: %s -:- %s"         % (than.strcoo(self.cp[0]), than.strcoo(self.cp[1])),
       "Dimension perpendicular location: %s\n" % than.strdis(self.perp),

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