# ThanCad 0.0.9 "DoesSomething": 2dimensional CAD with raster support for engineers.
# Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Thanasis Stamos, August 23, 2009
# URL: http://thancad.sourceforge.net
# e-mail: cyberthanasis@excite.com
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details (www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html).
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
ThanCad 0.0.9 "DoesSomething": 2dimensional CAD with raster support for engineers.
This module defines an object which reads a .syk file and it creates the
appropriate ThanCad's elements to represent it in ThanCad.
from thanvar import ThanImportError
from thantrans import T
class ThanImportBase:
"A class to import a syk file."
def __init__(self, fDxf, dr, defaultLayer="0"):
"Creates an instance of the class."
self.thanCancel = 0
self.__fullBuf = 0
self._lindxf = 0
self.thanDr = dr
self.fDxf = fDxf
self.defLay = defaultLayer
def _waFile1(self, s):
"Prints a warning."
s1 = "%s %d: %s" % (T["Warning at line"], self._lindxf, s)
self.thanDr.prt(s1, "can1")
class ThanImportSyk(ThanImportBase):
"A class to import a syk file."
def thanImport(self):
"Imports a dxf file."
def _getPolylines(self):
"Reads all polylines from .syk file."
handle = ""
while 1:
s = self.fDxf.readline()
if s == "": return # End Of File
self._lindxf += 1
if s[:15].strip() == "":
z1 = self.thanDr._elev[2]
z1 = float(s[:15])
except (ValueError, IndexError), why:
why = "%s %d:\n%s" % (T["Error at line"], self._lindxf, why)
raise ThanImportError, why
lay = s[17:].strip()
if lay != "" and lay[0] != ".": self.defLay = lay.replace(" ", "_")
else: lay = self.defLay
xx = []; yy = []; zz = []
#-----------Read coordinates of polyline
while 1:
s = self.fDxf.readline()
if s == "": break # End Of File
self._lindxf += 1
s = s.strip()
if s == "$": break
sl = s.split()
x1 = float(sl[0])
y1 = float(sl[1])
except (ValueError, IndexError), why:
why = "%s %d:\n%s" % (T["Error at line"], self._lindxf, why)
raise ThanImportError, why
else: xx.append(x1); yy.append(y1); zz.append(z1)
#-----------Store the polyline
if len(xx) < 2: self._waFile1("Polyline with 1 or 0 vertices.")
self.thanDr.dxfPolyline(xx, yy, zz, lay, handle, None)
class ThanImportBrk(ThanImportSyk):
"A class to import a brk file."
def thanImport(self):
"Imports a dxf file."
def _getPolylines(self):
"Reads all polylines from .brk file."
handle = ""
while 1:
xx = []; yy = []; zz = []
#-----------Read coordinates of polyline
while 1:
s = self.fDxf.readline()
if s == "": break # End Of File
self._lindxf += 1
if s.strip() == "$": break
x1 = float(s[10:25])
y1 = float(s[25:40])
sl = s[40:55].strip()
if sl != "": z1 = float(sl)
else: z1 = self.thanDr._elev[2]
except (ValueError, IndexError), why:
why = "%s %d:\n%s" % (T["Error at line"], self._lindxf, why)
raise ThanImportError, why
else: xx.append(x1); yy.append(y1); zz.append(z1)
#-----------Store the polyline
if s == "" and len(xx) == 0: return # Normal end
if len(xx) < 2: self._waFile1("Polyline with 1 or 0 vertices.")
self.thanDr.dxfPolyline(xx, yy, zz, self.defLay, handle, None)
if s == "": return # Sentinel not found at end of file; not normal, but OK
class ThanImportSyn(ThanImportBase):
"A class to import 3d points from a .syn file."
def thanImport(self):
"Imports a dxf file."
def _getPoints(self):
"Reads all points from .syn file."
nzLay = "nohs" # Layer for points with invalid z
nzn = 0
handle = ""
while 1:
s = self.fDxf.readline()
if s == "": break # End Of File
self._lindxf += 1
aa = s[:10].rstrip()
xx = float(s[10:25])
yy = float(s[25:40])
zz = float(s[40:55])
t1 = s[55:57].strip()
validz = t1 == ""
except (ValueError, IndexError), why:
why = "%s %d:\n%s" % (T["Error at line"], self._lindxf, why)
raise ThanImportError, why
if validz:
self.thanDr.dxfPoint(xx, yy, zz, self.defLay, handle, None, aa, validz)
nzn += 1
self.thanDr.dxfPoint(xx, yy, zz, nzLay, handle, None, aa, validz)
if nzn > 0:
self.prt(T["%d points with invalid z were put into layer %s"] % (nzn, nzLay))
if __name__ == "__main__":
print __doc__