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Python Open Source » Business Application » ThanCad 
ThanCad » thancad 0.0.9 » thanlayer »
# ThanCad 0.0.9 "DoesSomething": 2dimensional CAD with raster support for engineers.
# Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Thanasis Stamos,  August 23, 2009
# URL:
# e-mail:
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details (
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

ThanCad 0.0.9 "DoesSomething": 2dimensional CAD with raster support for engineers.

This module defines a hierarchical layer structure (class).
Each layer has a set of attributes. It is very easy to extend this set.
Each attribute has a type which defines the way the attribute is
inherited by a layer's children. Actually the layer does not care
what the attributes mean (i.e. color of elements, line type and
so on).
When an attribute is changed the layer class calls method thanUpdateElements
to do what is needed (e.g. change the color of the elements).
thanUpdateElements is inherited by ThanLayAtts.

import weakref, copy
from Tkinter import *
import p_ggen
from thanvar import ThanId,Canc,ThanLayerError,THANBYPARENT,THANPERSONAL
from thanlaycon import *

import thanlayatts

THANMRECURS = 20          # Maximum layer tree depth


class ThanLayer:
    "Class that holds the information of a layer object."

    def __init__(self):
        "Creates a layer node object."

    def thanTkSet(self, than, tstyles):
        "Sets the drawing attributes according to layer."
  ats = self.thanAtts
        than.fill = than.outline = ats["moncolor"].thanTk
  if not ats["fill"].thanVal: than.fill = ""
  t = ats["textstyle"].thanVal
  than.font = tstyles[t].thanFont
  print "layer: thanTkSet: hidename=", ats["hidename"]
  print "layer: thanTkSet: hideheight=", ats["hideheight"]
  print "layer: thanTkSet: frozen=", ats["frozen"]
  than.pointPlotname   = not ats["hidename"].thanVal
  than.pointPlotheight = not ats["hideheight"].thanVal

#  than.penthick  = ats["penthick"].thanVal    # Note that penthickness in mm is irrelevent
                                                    # unless we know the dimensions of the screen
  than.tkThick, _ = than.ct.global2LocalRel(ats["linethick"].thanVal, 0.0)

  for a in thanlayatts.thanLayAttsNames[2:]:
      ia = ats[a]
      ia.thanAct = ia.thanVal

    def thanPilSet(self, than, dpi, tstyles):
        "Sets the drawing attributes for a PIL image according to layer."
        c = self.thanAtts["moncolor"].thanVal
        if   c == (255,255,255): c = 0,0,0            # Invert white and ..
  elif c == (  0,  0,  0): c = 255,255,255      #
  if than.mode == "1":
      c = int(c[0]*0.299+c[1]*0.587+c[2]*0.114+0.49)   # Convert to gray
      if c < 255: c = 0                                # Everything is black except pure white
  elif than.mode == "L":
      c = int(c[0]*0.299+c[1]*0.587+c[2]*0.114+0.49)   # Convert to gray
        than.fill = than.outline = c
  if not self.thanAtts["fill"].thanVal: than.fill = None

  t = self.thanAtts["textstyle"].thanVal
  than.thanFont = tstyles[t].thanFont

  w1, _ = than.ct.global2LocalRel(self.thanAtts["linethick"].thanVal, 0.0)
  w2 = self.thanAtts["penthick"].thanVal*dpi/25.4
  than.rwidth = max(w1, w2)

    def thanPdfSet(self, than, tstyles):
        "Sets the drawing attributes for a PIL image according to layer."
  t = self.thanAtts["textstyle"].thanVal
  than.thanFont = tstyles[t].thanFont
  c = self.thanAtts["moncolor"].thanVal
        if   c == (255,255,255): c = 0,0,0            # Invert white and ..
  elif c == (  0,  0,  0): c = 255,255,255      #
  if than.mode == "1":
      c = int(c[0]*0.299+c[1]*0.587+c[2]*0.114+0.49)   # Convert to gray
      if c < 255: c = 0                                # Everything is black except pure white
  elif than.mode == "L":
      c = int(c[0]*0.299+c[1]*0.587+c[2]*0.114+0.49)   # Convert to gray
        than.fill = than.outline = c
  if not self.thanAtts["fill"].thanVal: than.fill = ""

    def thanRename(self, name):
        "Renames a layer."
        name = name.strip()
        if name=="" or " " in name or name[0]==".":            # Check name
      raise ThanLayerError, "Illegal layer name: "+name
        if self.thanParent != None:               # Root layer has no parent and no siblings
      for lay in self.thanParent.thanChildren:
                if str(lay.thanAtts[THANNAME]) == name:        # Check unique name
        raise ThanLayerError, "Duplicate layer name: " + name
  self.thanAtts[THANNAME].thanVal = name

    def thanUnlink(self):
  """Unlinks the hierarchy beginning with self from the children of self's parent."

  This is dangerous because the elements of the self will become
  orphants. This may lead the program to crash. So it must be used
  only if we know that there are no elements in the hierarchy.
  Or, the hierarchy must be inserted somewhere else.
  Note that the hierarchy is only unlinked; it is not deleted.
  par = self.thanParent
  assert par != None, "Well we can't delete root layer. How on earth was root accessed?!"
        i = par.thanChildren.index(self)
  del par.thanChildren[i]
  return self

    def thanDestroy(self):
        """Destroys the circular references, so that layer can be recycled.

        This is dangerous because the elements of self and of all children
  of self, will become orphants. This may lead to program crash.
  So it must be used only if we know that there are no elements in
  the hierarchy. Or, the hierarchy must be inserted somewhere else.
  Or that we have an exact copy so that the elements will have
  the copy as a parent."""
  for chlay in self.thanChildren: chlay.thanDestroy()
  del self.thanChildren
  del, self.thanParent

    def thanChildAdd(self, lays):
  """Adds some lays as children of self.

  lays are complete layer hierarchies and they are assumed to be ok,
  except from their parent.
  If a name of lays duplicates one of self's current children, we try
  to rename it. If all renames are succesful, we add the children."""

        if len(lays) <= 0: return
        names = [str(lay.thanAtts[THANNAME]) for lay in self.thanChildren]
  namen = {}
  for lay in lays:
      name1 = name = str(lay.thanAtts[THANNAME])
      i = 0
      while name1 in names:
                name1 = name + str(i)
          i += 1
          if i > 1000: raise ThanLayerError, "Can not rename duplicate layer: "+name+"; try to rename some layers."
      namen[lay] = name1

        self.thanMove2child()     # If childless, move all elements to a new child
  for lay in lays:
      lay.thanAtts[THANNAME].thanVal = namen[lay]
      lay.thanParent = self
  return self


    def thanChildNew(self, name=None):
        "Creates a new child layer; if something is wrong, an exception is raised and no changes are made."
        if self.__getDepth() > THANMRECURS: raise ThanLayerError, "Layer nested too deep."
        chlay = self.__newEmptyLeaf(name)  # Create child here to check for error early
  self.thanMove2child()              # If self is leaf, create new child which inherits the elements
  self.thanChildren.append(chlay)    # Now, add an empty child
      return chlay

    def __newEmptyLeaf(self, name):
        """Creates a new empty leaf layer, intented to be child of self.

  The newly created has self as parent, but it does not belong
  to self's children yet.
  The attributes of the newly created layer are an exact copy of the
  attributes of self.

#-------Check name or try to find a unique name

  if name != None:
            names = [str(lay.thanAtts[THANNAME]) for lay in self.thanChildren]
      name = name.strip()
            if name=="" or " " in name or name[0]==".": raise ThanLayerError, "Illegal layer name: " + name
            if name in names: raise ThanLayerError, "Duplicate layer name: " + name
            name = self.thanChildUniqName()

#-------Create new layer

  lay = ThanLayer() =
  lay.thanParent = self
  lay.thanChildren = []
  lay.thanTag =  # In order to exploit TK mechanism
  lay.thanQuad = set()                   # This holds the elements of the layer

  lay.thanAtts = {}
        for a, val in thanlayatts.thanLayAtts.iteritems():
      defval = self.thanAtts[a].thanPers
      class_ = val[3]
            lay.thanAtts[a] = class_(defval)
        lay.thanAtts[THANNAME].thanVal = name
  return lay

    def thanChildUniqName(self):
        "Return a uninque child name (not equal to other children)."
        names = [str(lay.thanAtts[THANNAME]) for lay in self.thanChildren]
        for i in xrange(1000):                 # Try to create unique name
            name = "newlayer" + str(i)
      if name not in names: break
      raise ThanLayerError, "Can not create unique name 'newlayerxxx'; try to rename some layers."
  return name

    def thanMove2child(self, name=None, force=False):
        """Move elements to a child.

  If self is childless, a child is created which inherits the tag of
  self and, thus, its elements. Self gets no tag and, thus, it has
  no elements.
  If layer has no elements then no child is created.
  if len(self.thanChildren) > 0: return
  if not force and len(self.thanQuad) == 0: return
        if self.__getDepth() > THANMRECURS: raise ThanLayerError, "Layer nested too deep."
  if name == None: name = str(self.thanAtts[THANNAME])+"child"
  lay = self.__newEmptyLeaf(name)  # No errors expected

  lay.thanQuad = self.thanQuad               # inherit self's elements
  lay.thanTag = self.thanTag                 # inherit self's elements
  self.thanQuad = self.thanTag = None        # parents do not have elements
  self.thanChildren = [lay]
  return lay

    def __getDepth(self):
        "Finds the nested level of layer."
#       Note that when ThanCad displays the layer control widget, the parent of layer "0"
#       is not, but another root layer, created temporarily for the widget.
#       So we check for root layer with the condition:    lay.thanParent == None
        par = self
        for i in xrange(THANMRECURS):
      if par.thanParent  == None: return i
      par = par.thanParent
  return THANMRECURS + 1

    def thanClone(self, parent=None):
        """Creates a new layer hierarchy copying self's children.

        This routine copies only the hierarchy including tags. It does not
  copy elements, it copies only a reference to the elements.
  In effect the new layer is created with the same name, parent, tag,
  atributes, with the same (cloned) children and references to the
  same elements.
  lay = ThanLayer() =
  if parent == None: lay.thanParent = self.thanParent
  else             : lay.thanParent = parent

  lay.thanTag = self.thanTag                 # In order to exploit TK mechanism
  lay.thanQuad = self.thanQuad               # This holds the elements of the layer

  lay.thanAtts = copy.deepcopy(self.thanAtts)
        lay.thanChildren = [chlay.thanClone(lay) for chlay in self.thanChildren]
        return lay

    def __del__(self):
        print "Memory of layer", str(self.thanAtts[THANNAME]), " is recycled"

    def thanSetAtts(self, leaflayers, attname, newval):
        "Sets the attributes of the layer self, propagates the attributes and returns the leaflayers affacted."
        for a,val in (attname, newval),:
            assert a in thanlayatts.thanLayAtts, "Unknown layer attribute: " + a
      ia = self.thanAtts[a]
            if val == THANBYPARENT:
          if self.thanParent == None: continue       # Root element can't inherit
                ia.thanInher = True
                val = self.thanParent.thanAtts[a].thanVal  # The parent's attribute (which ISN'T THANBYPARENT)
            elif val == THANPERSONAL:
          ia.thanInher = False
                val = ia.thanPers
          val = val.thanVal
          ia.thanInher = False
    ia.thanPers = val

            if val == ia.thanVal: continue                 # Happens to have the correct value
      if len(self.thanChildren) == 0:                # No children - leaf ThanLayer.
                leaflayers.setdefault(self, {})[a] = val
      else:                                          # Only leaf ThanLayer has elements
          if thanlayatts.thanLayAtts[a][0] == 0:           # Propagate this value to the children..
              self.thanPropAttByParent(leaflayers, a, val) # Propagate only if by parent
        self.thanPropAttForce(leaflayers, a, val)    # Propagate unconditionally

    def thanPropAttByParent(self, leaflayers, a, val):
        "Propagates an attribute of type 0 to the layer's children, if by parent."
        lay2see = self.thanChildren[:]   # These layers (and their children) must be inspected
        while len(lay2see) > 0:
      lay = lay2see.pop()
      ia = lay.thanAtts[a]
      if not ia.thanInher: continue                # Child Layer does not inherit
      if lay.thanAtts[a].thanVal == val: continue  # Child Layer happens to have the correct value
      if len(lay.thanChildren) == 0:
                leaflayers.setdefault(lay, {})[a] = val  # only leaf ThanLayer has elements

    def thanPropAttForce(self, leaflayers, a, val):
        "Propagates an attribute of type 1,2 to the layer's children, while not resetting the values."
        lay2see = self.thanChildren[:]   # These layers (and their children) must be inspected
        while len(lay2see) > 0:
            lay = lay2see.pop(0)
            if val: val1 = val           # If val==False
            else:   val1 = lay.thanAtts[a].thanPers        # Attribute can not be inherited
            if lay.thanAtts[a].thanVal == val1: continue   # Layer already with this value
            if len(lay.thanChildren) == 0:
                leaflayers.setdefault(lay, {})[a] = val1   # only leaf ThanLayer has elements

    def thanPropAttAll(self, leaflayers, a, val):
        """Sets attribute a (of type 0) to self and all children.

        The attribute of a is set as personal. The attributes of the children
        are set as inherited."""
        assert thanlayatts.thanLayAtts[a][0] == 0, "thanPropAttAll() works for type 0 attributes."
        ia = self.thanAtts[a]
        ia.thanPers = ia.thanVal
        ia.thanInher = False
        lay2see = self.thanChildren[:]   # These layers (and their children) must be inspected
        while len(lay2see) > 0:
            lay = lay2see.pop(0)
            ia = lay.thanAtts[a]
            ia.thanInher = True
            if len(lay.thanChildren) == 0:
                leaflayers.setdefault(lay, {})[a] = val   # only leaf ThanLayer has elements


#    def thanPropAttRestore(self, a, val):
#        "Propagates and restores attribute of the layer's children."
#        layers = [ ]
#        lay2see = self.thanChildren[:]
#        while len(lay2see) > 0:
#      lay = lay2see.pop()
#            if len(lay.thanChildren) == 0:
#          if lay.thanAtts[a] != val: layers.append(lay)      # only leaf ThanLayer has elements
##      else:
#          lay2see.extend(lay.thanChildren)
##-------Group layers with the same value
#        while len(layers) > 0:
##      lay = layers.pop()
#      val = lay.thanAtts[a]
#      layersSameVal = [lay]
#      layersOtherVal = [ ]
#      while len(layers) > 0:
#          lay = layers.pop()
#    if lay.thanAtts[a] == val:
#        layersSameVal.append(lay)
#    else:
#        layersOtherVal.append(lay)
#      self.thanUpdateElements(layersSameVal, a, val)       # Update all the layers with the same value
#      layers = layersOtherVal
    def thanExpDxf(self, fDxf, pref):
        "Exports this layer and its children to dxf."
  e = fDxf.thanDxfCrLayer; a = col = None
  for lay in self.thanChildren:
      a = lay.thanAtts
            e(name=pref+str(a[THANNAME]), color=a["moncolor"].thanDxf(), frozen=a["frozen"].thanVal)
  del e, a
  for lay in self.thanChildren: lay.thanExpDxf(fDxf, pref+str(lay.thanAtts[THANNAME])+THANLC)

    def thanGetPathname(self, sep="/"):
        "Finds the root layer."
        root = self
  i = 0; m = THANMRECURS
  name = str(self.thanAtts[THANNAME])
  while root.thanParent != None:
      i += 1
      if i > m: break      # Recursive limit found; return incomplete name
      root = root.thanParent
      if root.thanParent == None: break  # Avoid "root" in pathname
      name = sep.join((str(root.thanAtts[THANNAME]), name))
        return name

    def thanFind(self, names):
        "Finds a layer whose name, parent, grandparent .. are in names."
  for lay in self.thanChildren:
      if str(lay.thanAtts[THANNAME]) == names[0]:
          if len(names) == 1: return lay
    return lay.thanFind(names[1:])
        return None

    def thanFindic(self, names):
        "Finds a layer whose name, parent, grandparent .. are in names; ignore case."
  name0 = names[0].lower()
  for lay in self.thanChildren:
      if str(lay.thanAtts[THANNAME]).lower() == name0:
          if len(names) == 1: return lay
    return lay.thanFindic(names[1:])
        return None

    def thanIsEmpty(self):
        "Returns true if layer has no elements nor children, or no children with elements."
  if self.thanParent == None: return False     # Root layer is considered non-empty
  if len(self.thanChildren) == 0:
      return len(self.thanQuad) == 0
  for chlay in self.thanChildren:
      if not chlay.thanIsEmpty(): return False
  return True


    def pr(self, a=None, b=""):
        if a == None:
            print b, str(self.thanAtts[THANNAME])
      ia = self.thanAtts[a]
            print b, str(self.thanAtts[THANNAME]), ia.thanVal, "=", ia.thanAct, ia.thanPers, ia.thanInher

  for lay in self.thanChildren:, b+"    ")


class ThanLayerTree:
    "Class that holds a tree of layers."

    def __init__(self):
        "Creates the root of tree of layers."
        self.thanIdLay = ThanId(prefix="L")  # Normally there should be a ThanId for each layer tree (that is for each
                                   #   drawing). But since we expect neither too many layers nor too many
                                   #   drawings we use a common ThanId for all drawings.
        self.thanRoot = ThanLayer()

    def thanDestroy(self):
        "Break circular references."
  del self.thanRoot, self.dilay

    def __getstate__(self):
        odict = self.__dict__.copy()
  del odict["dilay"]         # Do not save weak dictionary (it is redundant after all)
  return odict

    def __setstate__(self, odict):
  self.thanDictRebuild()     # Recreate weak dictionary

    def thanDictRebuild(self, lay=None):
        "Rebuilds dictionary of tags to layers."
        if lay == None:
      self.dilay = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
      lay = self.thanRoot

#        print "thanDictRebuild(): now doing layer:", dir(lay)
  if len(lay.thanChildren) == 0:   # Only leaf layers have elements (and tags)
      self.dilay[lay.thanTag] = lay
      for chlay in lay.thanChildren: self.thanDictRebuild(chlay)

    def thanMakeRoot(self, root, name="Root"):
        "Makes self the root of new layer tree."
# = weakref.proxy(self) = self
  root.thanParent = None
  root.thanChildren = []
  root.thanTag =     # In order to exploit TK mechanism
  root.thanQuad = set()                      # This holds the elements of the layer

  root.thanAtts = {}
        for a,val in thanlayatts.thanLayAtts.iteritems():
      defval = val[2]
      class_ = val[3]
            root.thanAtts[a] = class_(defval, False)
        root.thanAtts[THANNAME].thanVal = name
  self.thanCur = root.thanChildNew("0")

    def thanFind(self, pathname):
        "Find the layer object from its pathname."
  names = pathname.split("/")
  return self.thanRoot.thanFind(names)

    def thanFindic(self, pathname):
        "Find the layer object from its pathname; ignore case."
  names = pathname.split("/")
  return self.thanRoot.thanFindic(names)

    def thanExpDxf(self, fDxf):
        "Exports this layer and its children to dxf."
  e = fDxf.thanDxfCrLayer
  a = self.thanRoot.thanAtts
  e(name=THANLC+"root", color=a["moncolor"].thanDxf(), frozen=a["frozen"].thanVal)
  del e, a
  self.thanRoot.thanExpDxf(fDxf, "")


    def __del__(self):
        print "Memory of layertree is recycled"



def test():
    "Tests creation and alteration of layers."

    print __doc__
    print "Module thanlayer test"

    laytree = testcreate()
    for key in laytree.dilay:
        print key, ':', str(laytree.dilay[key].thanAtts[THANNAME])
#    testalter(laytree)
#    testgui(laytree)

    print "Tests memory leaks."
    laytree.thanRoot = 1
    print "---------------------------------------------------"


def testgui(lay):
    "Tests Tkinter layer gui."

#    atts = ("expand", "name", "color", "visibility", "plotcolor", "textstyle")
#    widths = (1, 40, 15, 2, 15, 15)

    win = Tk()
    win.title("Test ThanLayers")
    li = ThantkClist5(win, objs=[lay], atts=thanlayatts.thanLayAttsNames,
        widths=thanlayatts.thanLayAttsWidths, height=15,
        vscroll=1, hscroll=1, onclick=onclick)
#    li = ThantkClist1(win, atts=atts, widths=widths, height=15,
#        vscroll=1, hscroll=1, onclick=onclick)
#    print li.getResult()


def testcreate():
    "Creates a layer hierarchy."

    laytree = ThanLayerTree()
    ch = laytree.thanRoot.thanChildNew("cxxx")
    ch_2 = laytree.thanRoot.thanChildNew("cxxx1")

    ch1 = ch.thanChildNew("jjjlls")
    ch2 = ch.thanChildNew("jjjlls2")
    ch3 = ch1.thanChildNew("j1")
    ch4 = ch1.thanChildNew("j2")
    print "-------------------------------"
    return laytree


def testalter(laytree):
    "Tests alteration of layers."

    att = "frozen"
    val1 = "1"
    val2 = "0"

    att = "moncolor"
    val1 = "2"
    val2 = "0"

    ch = laytree.thanRoot.thanChildren[2]
    ch1 = ch.thanChildren[1]
    ch4 = ch1.thanChildren[2]
    ch4.thanSetAtts(**{att : 777})

    print "------------------------------------", att, "=", val1
    ch.thanSetAtts(**{att : val1})

    print "------------------------------------", att, "=", val2
    ch.thanSetAtts(**{att : val2})



if __name__ == "__main__":
    print __doc__
    test() | Contact Us
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