# -*- coding: iso-8859-7 -*-
# ThanCad 0.0.9 "DoesSomething": 2dimensional CAD with raster support for engineers.
# Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Thanasis Stamos, August 23, 2009
# URL: http://thancad.sourceforge.net
# e-mail: cyberthanasis@excite.com
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details (www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html).
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
ThanCad 0.0.9 "DoesSomething": 2dimensional CAD with raster support for engineers.
This package emulates the dxf library in ThanCad.
from os.path import splitext
from math import fabs
from thandxflin import ThanDxfLin
from thandxfsym import ThanDxfSym
from thandxfdra import ThanDxfDra
from thandxfgeo import ThanDxfGeo
from thandxfatt import ThanDxfAtt
from thandxfext import thanCadCodes
class ThanDxfEmu(ThanDxfLin, ThanDxfSym, ThanDxfDra,
ThanDxfGeo, ThanDxfAtt):
"Class to create drawings directly into .dxf files."
def __init__(self, extensions=0):
"Initialisation of class."
self.__tabExist = 0
self.__blocks = 0
self.__entities = 0
self.thanExt = extensions
def thanDxfPlots(self, uDxf1=None):
"User initialisation 1."
self.thanDxfTableDef (' ', 0)
#-------STYLE header-------------------------------------------------
self.thanDxfTableDef ('STYLE', 1)
self.thanDxfCrTstyle ('GRSTYLE', 'Times New Roman Greek')
#-------LINETYPE header-------------------------------------------------
self.thanDxfTableDef ('LTYPE', 2)
self.thanDxfCrLtype ('DOTR', '..........', [0.0, -0.06])
self.thanDxfCrLtype ('DASHED2', '- - - - ', [0.25, -0.125])
#-------ENTITIES follow--------------------------------------------
self.thanDxfTableDef ('ENTITIES', 1)
def thanDxfPlots1 (self, uDxf1=None):
"Initialisation 2."
self._imp = uDxf1
self.thanDxfSetLtype ('BYLAYER')
self.thanDxfSetColor (0)
self.thanMode = 2
self.thanDelay = 100
self.thanXar = 0.0
self.thanYar = 0.0
self.thanZar = 0.0
self.thanXfac = 1.0
self.thanYfac = 1.0
self.thanZfac = 1.0
self.thanFact = 1.0
self.thanPXnow = 0.0
self.thanPYnow = 0.0
self.thanPZnow = 0.0
self.thanPXar = 0.0
self.thanPYar = 0.0
self.thanPZar = 0.0
# self.thanDotxcm = 513.0 / 23.5
# self.thanDotycm = 347.0 / 17.0
self.thanDotxcm = 180.0 / 2.539970
self.thanDotycm = 180.0 / 2.539970
self.thanDotmin = 1.0 / self.thanDotxcm
self.thanDxfSetPlineWidth(0.0, 0.0)
# self.thanDxfPlot(1/dotxcm, 0, -3)
# self.thanDxfCls()
def thanDxfTableDef(self, tableName, iTableEntries):
"""Specifies that a table follows or section entities.
tableName: Name of table to be created (STYLE, LAYER, LTYPE)
iTableEntries: Number of elements of each table. For example, If we have 4 layers
then ay TableName LAYER, iTableEntries=4.
If iTableEntries==4 an initialisation is performed.
if iTableEntries == 0:
# self.thanDxfWrEntry(0, 'SECTION') # SECTION initialisation
# self.thanDxfWrEntry(2, 'TABLES') # TABLES
self.__tabExist = 0
self.__blocks = 0
self.__entities = 0
elif self.__entities:
print 'thanTableDef(): Table definitions must precede ENTITIES.'
elif tableName == 'ENTITIES':
if self.__tabExist and not self.__blocks: pass #self.thanDxfWrEntry(0, 'ENDTAB')
# self.thanDxfWrEntry(0, 'ENDSEC')
# self.thanDxfWrEntry(0, 'SECTION')
# self.thanDxfWrEntry(2, 'ENTITIES')
self.__entities = 1
elif tableName == 'BLOCKS': # TABLE start
if self.__blocks:
print 'thanTableDef(): Blocks already defined!'
if self.__tabExist: pass #self.thanDxfWrEntry(0, 'ENDTAB')
# self.thanDxfWrEntry(0, 'ENDSEC')
# self.thanDxfWrEntry(0, 'SECTION')
# self.thanDxfWrEntry(2, 'BLOCKS')
self.__blocks = 1
self.__tabExist = 1
if self.__blocks:
print 'ThanTableDef(): Table defs must precede blocks.'
if self.__tabExist: pass #self.thanDxfWrEntry(0, 'ENDTAB')
# self.thanDxfWrEntry(0, 'TABLE')
# self.thanDxfWrEntry(2, tableName)
# self.thanDxfWrEntry(70, iTableEntries)
self.__tabExist = 1
def thanDxfCrLayer(self, name, color=7, linetype="continuous", off=False,
frozen=False, locked=False, noplot=False, lineweight=0.0, **kw):
"""Creates a layer entry in the dxf file.
name : layer name
color : layer color
linetype : layer Linetype
lineweight: The thickness of the "pen" that the layer is
plotted with (mm)
62: 5 (or positive) : layer on
-5 (or negative) : layer off
70: flags: bit 0: if set layer is frozen (the layer is NOT drawn on the monitor)
if flags & 1: it is frozen
bit 2: if set layer is locked (its elements can not be altered)
if flags & 4: it is locked
4 : layer locked
370: 106 : lineweight 1.06 mm
60 : 0.60 mm
-3 : Autocad's default lineweight (who knows what this means!)
290: 0 : no plot is on (the layer is NOT plotted)
If code 290 is absent, then no plot is off (the layer is plotted)
Any other attribute not defined above are ignored.
self._imp.thanSetLay(name, color)
def thanDxfCrLtype (self, linName, linDescr, rElems):
"""Creates a line type entry in the dxf file.
linName : Line type name
linDescr : Line type description
rElems : Line elements
def thanDxfCrTstyle(self, fName, fFontFileName):
"""Creates a text style entry in the dxf file.
fName : Text Style name
fFontFileName: Font filename. If it has ".shx" extension, then it is
defined as complex linestyle.
def thanDxfCrBlock(self, bFileName):
"""Creates a block entry in the dxf file.
The block definition in the dxf file must not include
code 5 (handle), because Intellicad has trouble with it
(it may be either Intellicad's dxfin bug, or Autocad's
dxfout bug.
ThanCad is indifferent (it does not support blocks yet ;) )."""