# ThanCad 0.0.9 "DoesSomething": 2dimensional CAD with raster support for engineers.
# Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Thanasis Stamos, August 23, 2009
# URL: http://thancad.sourceforge.net
# e-mail: cyberthanasis@excite.com
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details (www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html).
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
ThanCad 0.0.9 "DoesSomething": 2dimensional CAD with raster support for engineers.
This module implements the generic compound list in Tkinter. It uses multiple
Tkinter lists.
import types
from Tkinter import *
import p_ggen, p_gtkwid
from p_gtkuti import thanGudModalMessage,thanGudGetText
from thanvar import Canc,ThanScheduler
from thantrans import T
class ThantkClistBare(Frame, ThanScheduler):
"Parallel Tk listboxes working as one; bare mechanism."
def __init__ (self, master, atts, attmain=None, widths=None, height=10,
vscroll=0, hscroll=0, onclick=lambda *args: None):
"Create the parallel lists boxes, and their actions."
Frame.__init__(self, master)
#-------Store arguments
self.thanAtts = atts
if attmain == None:
if atts[0] == _EXPAND: attmain = atts[1]
else: attmain = atts[0]
self.thanAttmain = attmain
if widths == None: widths = (20,)*len(atts)
self.thanWidths = widths
self.thanHeight = height
self.thanVscroll = vscroll
self.thanHscroll = hscroll
self.thanOnclick = onclick
#-------Create widgets
#-------Support for common selection in all lists
self.thanLimain = self.thanLists[self.thanAttmain]
self.__limaincur = None
self.thanClipCom = None
self.thanClipLays = []
self.thanModified = False
def destroy(self):
"Break the circular references."
del self.thanOnclick, self.thanLimain, self.__limaincur
del self.thanLabs, self.thanLists, self.thanHsbars, self.thanVsbar
del self.thanClipCom, self.thanClipLays
def thanListsPlace(self, ir, ic):
"Places the widgets in the parent window."
w = self.thanVsbar
if w: w.grid(row=ir+1, column=ic+len(self.thanAtts), sticky="sn")
i = 0
for att in self.thanAtts:
w = self.thanLabs[att]
if w: w.grid(row=ir, column=ic+i, sticky="w")
self.thanLists[att].grid(row=ir+1, column=ic+i)
w = self.thanHsbars[att]
if w: w.grid(row=ir+2, column=ic+i, sticky="we")
i += 1
#-------Return how many rows and columns were used
nr = 2
if self.thanHscroll: nr += 1
nc = len(self.thanAtts)
if self.thanVscroll: nc += 1
self.thanLabRow = ir # Grid row of the labels
self.thanLabCol = ic # Grid column of the labels
return nr, nc
def thanListsFill(self, objs):
"Fills the lists with data."
self.thanListLayers = objs
for lay in objs:
for att in self.thanAtts:
self.thanLists[att].thanInsert(END, lay.thanAtts[att])
def __thanListsCreate(self, master):
"Creates the lists."
#-------Create common scrollbar of lists
sc = None
if self.thanVscroll:
sc = Scrollbar(master, orient=VERTICAL, command=self.__yview)
# Change the color of inactive indicator to the color of active indicator
# because it was confusing to change color when you pressed the button
self.thanVsbar = sc
#-------process lists
self.thanLabs = {}
self.thanLists = {}
self.thanHsbars = {}
i = 0
for att in self.thanAtts:
#-----------Create lists and labels
lab = None
if self.thanWidths[i] > 1:
lab = Label(master, text=" "+att)
li = p_gtkwid.ThanListbox(master, selectmode=EXTENDED, width=self.thanWidths[i],
height=self.thanHeight, exportselection=0)
if self.thanVscroll:
sc = None
if self.thanHscroll and self.thanWidths[i] > 1: # attribute is only 1 character long
sc = Scrollbar(master, orient=HORIZONTAL, command=li.xview)
# Change the color of inactive indicator to the color of active indicator
# because it was confusing to change color when you pressed the buuton
# li.bind("<Button-1>", lambda evt, att=att: self.__onListClick(evt, att))
li.bind("<Button-1>", p_ggen.ThanStub(self.thanSchedule1, self.__onListClick, att))
self.thanLists[att] = li
self.thanHsbars[att] = sc
self.thanLabs[att] = lab
i += 1
def __yview(self, *args):
"Scrolls all lists according to scrollbar."
for li in self.thanLists.itervalues():
apply(li.yview, args)
def __scrollset(self, *args):
"Scrolls scrollbar and the other lists according to one list."
apply(self.thanVsbar.set, args)
for li in self.thanLists.itervalues():
apply(li.yview, ("moveto", args[0]))
def __limainpoll(self):
"""Continuously propagates selections on main attribute to other attributes.
It checks every second if user selected (clicked) the main attribute.
If so, selects the same lines on the other attributes.
It also checks if the user selected a nonmain attrinute.
If so, it corrects the selection of this attribute to be the same as the
selection on the main attribute."""
now = self.thanLimain.curselection()
if now != self.__limaincur:
lisel = self.thanLists.itervalues()
self.__limaincur = now
lisel = [ ]
for li in self.thanLists.itervalues():
if now != li.curselection: lisel.append(li)
for li in lisel:
if li != self.thanLimain: li.select_clear(0, END)
for i in now:
for li in lisel:
if li != self.thanLimain: li.select_set(i)
self.__id = self.after(250, self.__limainpoll) # Reschedules itself for execution
def thanPollForce(self):
"Force selection polling."
self.after_cancel(self.__id) # Cancel normal poll
self.__limainpoll() # Force poll now
def thanSelGet(self):
"Calls the user defined function with extended information."
indexes = self.__limaincur[:]
lays = [self.thanListLayers[int(j)] for j in indexes]
return indexes, lays
def __onListClick(self, att, evt):
"Calls the user defined function with extended information."
indexes = self.__limaincur[:]
if len(indexes) < 1: # No main selection. Select current list selection
li = self.thanLists[att]
indexes = li.curselection()
if len(indexes) == 0: # No indexes; retry once
if evt == None: return # second try; still no indexes
self.after_cancel(self.__id) # Suspend ordinary mechanism
self.after(100, self.__onListClick, att, None) # Reschedule itself for execution
self.__id = self.after(250, self.__limainpoll) # Reschedule ordinary mechanism
for i in indexes: self.thanLimain.select_set(i)
lays = [self.thanListLayers[int(j)] for j in indexes]
self.thanOnclick(evt, self, att, indexes, lays)
if att != self.thanAttmain: return "break"
class ThanMixinUtil:
"""Adds selection, copy/paste, and layer new/rename functionalities.
This is for nonhierarchy parallel lists control."""
def thanSelAll(self):
"Selects all the objects."
self.thanLimain.select_set(0, END)
def thanSelNone(self):
"Deselects all the objects."
self.thanLimain.select_clear(0, END)
def thanSelInvert(self):
"Inverses the selection of the objects."
cur = self.thanLimain.curselection()
self.thanLimain.select_set(0, END)
for i in cur: self.thanLimain.select_clear(i)
def thanSel1(self, i, i2=None):
"Selects 1 or more objects."
self.thanLimain.select_clear(0, END)
if i2:
self.thanLimain.select_set(i, i2)
def thanSelVar(self, indexes):
"Selects various objects."
for i in indexes: self.thanLimain.select_set(i)
def thanSelCopy(self):
"Copies selection to the clipboard."
indexes, lays = self.thanSelGet()
if len(lays) > 0: # Something to copy
self.thanClipLays = lays
self.thanClipCom = "copy"
def thanSelPaste(self):
"Moves selection to the clipboard; the actual move happens with paste."
if not self.thanClipCom: return
i0 = i = len(self.thanListLayers)
for lay1 in self.thanClipLays:
lay = lay1
if self.thanClipCom != "move": lay = lay1.thanClone()
name = lay.thanAtts[self.thanAttmain]
if type(lay.thanRename(name)) in types.StringTypes:
for j in xrange(1000000):
if type(lay.thanRename(name+str(j))) in types.StringTypes: break
lay.thanParent = None
self.thanListLayers.insert(i, lay) # layer pointer
for att in self.thanAtts: self.thanLists[att].thanInsert(i, lay.thanAtts[att])
i += 1
for li in self.thanLists.itervalues(): li.see(END)
self.thanSel1(i0, END)
self.thanModified = True
def thanLayerNew(self):
"Makes a new layer."
lay = self.thanListLayers[0]
lay = lay.thanNew()
i = len(self.thanListLayers)
self.thanListLayers.insert(i, lay) # layer pointer
for att in self.thanAtts: self.thanLists[att].thanInsert(i, lay.thanAtts[att])
for li in self.thanLists.itervalues(): li.see(END)
self.thanModified = True
def thanLayerRen(self):
"Renames a highligthed layer."
(indexes, lays) = self.thanSelGet()
i = 0
if len(indexes) > 0: i = int(indexes[0])
lay = self.thanListLayers[i]
name = str(lay.thanAtts[self.thanAttmain])
name1 = self.thanLimain.thanGet(i)
for j in xrange(len(name1)):
if name1[j] != ".": break
else: assert None, "Layer name all dots!!"
dots = ""
if j > 0: dots = name1[:j]
name1 = name
while 1:
name1 = thanGudGetText(self, "Rename Layer "+name, name1)
if name1 == None: return Canc
lay1 = lay.thanRename(name1)
if type(lay1) not in types.StringTypes: break # Check if name is valid
thanGudModalMessage(self, lay1, "Rename Failed")
return Canc
self.thanLimain.thanInsert(i, dots+name1)
self.thanModified = True
return lay
def destroy(self):
"Destroys the circlular reference of attrinutes."
class ThanMixinHierUtil(ThanMixinUtil):
"""Adds selection, copy/paste, and layer new/rename functionalities.
This is for hierarchy parallel lists control."""
def thanLayerChildNew(self):
"Makes a new child layer."
lay = thanLayerChildNewHouse()
if type(lay) in types.StringTypes:
thanGudModalMessage(self, lay, "New Child Layer Failed")
def thanLayerChildNewHouse(self, name=None):
"Makes a new child layer without complaining to the user."
(indexes, lays) = self.thanSelGet()
if len(lays) <= 0:
i = 0
laypar = self.thanListLayers[0]
i = int(indexes[0])
laypar = lays[0]
lay = laypar.thanChildNew(name)
if type(lay) in types.StringTypes: return lay # New Child Layer Failed
lay.thanAtts[_EXPAND].thanVal = " "
laypar.thanAtts[_EXPAND].thanVal = "+"
li = self.thanLiexpand
li.delete(i); li.thanInsert(i, "+")
for j in xrange(i, len(self.thanListLayers)):
if self.thanListLayers[j] == lay: break
assert None, "Newly created child layer not found!"
for li in self.thanLists.itervalues(): li.see(j)
self.thanModified = True
if self.thanCur == laypar:
assert self.thanTryCur(laypar.thanChildren), "These should be leaf layers!"
return lay
def thanSelCopy(self):
"Copies selection to the clipboard."
def thanSelCut(self):
"Copies selection to the clipboard."
self.thanModified = True
def thanSelStore(self, com):
"Moves selection to the clipboard; the actual move happens with paste."
(indexes, lays) = self.thanSelGet()
lays = [lay for lay in lays if lay != self.thanListLayers[0]] # Erases root layer from the selection
#-------Erases all the child layers from the selection
todel = {}
for lay in lays: todel[lay] = 0
for lay in lays:
par = lay.thanParent
while par != None:
if par in todel: todel[lay] = 1; break
par = par.thanParent
if com == "move":
self.thanClipLays = [lay for (lay, val) in todel.iteritems() if val == 0]
self.thanClipLays = [lay.thanClone() for (lay, val) in todel.iteritems() if val == 0]
self.thanClipCom = com
def thanSelPaste(self):
"Pastes clipboard as toplevel layers or as children; copying or moving."
print self.thanClipCom
if not self.thanClipCom: return
(indexes, lays) = self.thanSelGet()
if len(lays) <= 0:
i = 0
laypar = self.thanListLayers[0]
laypar = lays[0]
i = int(indexes[0])
er = laypar.thanChildAdd(self.thanClipLays)
if type(er) in types.StringTypes:
thanGudModalMessage (self, er, "Paste Failed")
laypar.thanAtts[_EXPAND].thanVal = "+"
li = self.thanLiexpand
li.delete(i); li.thanInsert(i, "+")
self.thanClipCom = "copy" # Move works only the first time
self.thanClipLays = [lay.thanClone() for lay in self.thanClipLays]
self.thanModified = True
def thanSelDel(self, lays):
"Deletes selection if object permits it."
for lay in lays:
i = self.thanListLayers.index(lay)
del self.thanListLayers[i]
for li in self.thanLists.itervalues(): li.delete(i)
par = lay.thanParent
#-----------If parent is childless, erase expand sign
if par == None: continue
if len(par.thanChildren) > 0: continue
i = self.thanListLayers.index(par)
li = self.thanLiexpand
par.thanAtts[_EXPAND].thanVal = " "
li.delete(i); li.thanInsert(i, " ")
self.thanModified = True
def destroy(self):
"Destroys the circlular reference of attrinutes."
class ThanMixinHierUtil1(ThanMixinHierUtil):
"Cut selection is forced to be pasted to somewhere."
def thanSelCopy(self):
"Copies selection to the clipboard."
if self.thanClipMovePending(): return
def thanClipMovePending(self):
"Checks if values in clipboard must be pasted."
if self.thanClipCom != "move": return 0
if len(self.thanClipLays) == 0: return 0 # No need to paste zero layers
"Clipboard contains nonempty layers."
"Please paste them to the layer hierarchy.",
"Paste of Layers pending")
return 1
def thanSelCut(self):
"Copies selection to the clipboard."
if self.thanClipMovePending(): return
self.thanModified = True
def destroy(self):
"Destroys the circlular reference of attrinutes."
class ThantkClistHierBare(ThantkClistBare):
"Mixin for hierachical values."
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
"Initialise base class."
ThantkClistBare.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
def thanListsFill(self, root):
"Fills the lists with data."
assert len(root) == 1, "Only the root must be given."
self.thanLiexpand = self.thanLists[_EXPAND]
self.thanListLayers = [ ] # List entry layer pointers
self.__initExpand(root) # Initialise expand attribute
self.thanInsert2Lists(-1, root, "") # Fill expand list
self.thanLiexpand.bind("<Button-1>", p_ggen.ThanStub(self.thanSchedule1, self.__onclickExpand))
def thanRegen(self):
"Deletes all the list entries and repaints them."
print "ThanTkClist: ThanRegen triggered"
root = [self.thanListLayers[0]]
self.thanListLayers = [] # List entry layer pointers
for att in self.thanAtts:
li = self.thanLists[att]
li.delete(0, END)
self.thanInsert2Lists(-1, root, "") # Fill expand list
def __onclickExpand (self, evt):
"Expand or collapse branches."
li = self.thanLiexpand
i = int(li.nearest(evt.y))
sign = self.thanListLayers[i].thanAtts[_EXPAND].thanVal
# sign = li.thanGet(i)
if sign == "+":
elif sign == "-":
return "break"
def thanBranchExpand (self, i):
"Expand or collapse branches."
li = self.thanLiexpand
lay = self.thanListLayers[i]
sign = lay.thanAtts[_EXPAND].thanVal
# sign = li.thanGet(i)
if sign == "+":
sign = "-"
lay.thanAtts[_EXPAND].thanVal = sign
li.thanInsert(i, sign)
m = self.thanLimain.thanGet(i)
for j in xrange(len(m)):
if m[j] != ".": break
prefix = m[0:j]
i = self.thanInsert2Lists(i, lay.thanChildren, prefix+"....")
def thanBranchCollapse (self, i):
"Collapse branches."
li = self.thanLiexpand
lay = self.thanListLayers[i]
sign = lay.thanAtts[_EXPAND].thanVal
# sign = li.thanGet(i)
if sign == "-":
sign = "+"
lay.thanAtts[_EXPAND].thanVal = sign
li.thanInsert(i, sign)
self.__delete2Lists(i, lay.thanChildren)
def __initExpand(self, layers):
"Initialise expand attributes."
for lay in layers:
if len(lay.thanChildren) == 0:
e = " "
e = lay.thanAtts[_EXPAND].thanVal
if e != "-": e = "+"
lay.thanAtts[_EXPAND].thanVal = e
if e != " ": self.__initExpand(lay.thanChildren)
def thanInsert2Lists(self, i, layers, prefix):
"Inserts lays to the lists."
for lay in layers:
i += 1
self.thanListLayers.insert(i, lay) # layer pointer
for att in self.thanAtts:
li = self.thanLists[att]
if att == self.thanAttmain:
li.thanInsert(i, prefix+lay.thanAtts[att])
li.thanInsert(i, lay.thanAtts[att])
if lay.thanAtts[_EXPAND].thanVal == "-":
i = self.thanInsert2Lists(i, lay.thanChildren, prefix+"....")
return i
def __delete2Lists(self, i, layers):
"Inserts lays to the lists."
j = i + 1
for lay in layers:
del self.thanListLayers[j] # layer pointer
for att in self.thanAtts:
li = self.thanLists[att]
if lay.thanAtts[_EXPAND].thanVal == "-":
self.__delete2Lists(i, lay.thanChildren)
def destroy(self):
"Destroy circular reference of attributes."
del self.thanLiexpand, self.thanListLayers
class ThanMixinPartial:
"Make only part of the parallel lists visible."
def __init__(self):
"Not needed."
def thanMakePartial(self, sets=None, vlistl=2, hlen=50):
"""Arrange that only sets of lists are visible at a time.
vlistl: Number of lists to keep always visible, from the left
hlen : Number of characters that can be visible on a row
self.thanVlistl = vlistl
if sets == None:
self.thanSetsFind(vlistl, hlen) # Find sets of lists
self.thanSetsList = sets # Sets of lists are given
atts = list(self.thanAtts)
for i in xrange(vlistl): del atts[0]
self.thanHideLists(atts) # Hide all lists
self.thanSetI = 0
self.thanShowLists(self.thanSetsList[self.thanSetI]) # Show first set of lists
def thanHideLists(self, setList):
"Hides a set of lists."
for att in setList:
if self.thanLabs[att]: self.thanLabs[att].grid_forget()
if self.thanHsbars[att]: self.thanHsbars[att].grid_forget()
def thanShowLists(self, setList):
"Shows a set of lists."
ir = self.thanLabRow
ic = self.thanLabCol + self.thanVlistl
for att in setList:
if self.thanLabs[att]: self.thanLabs[att].grid(row=ir, column=ic, sticky="w")
self.thanLists[att].grid(row=ir+1, column=ic)
if self.thanHsbars[att]: self.thanHsbars[att].grid(row=ir+2, column=ic, sticky="we")
ic += 1
def thanSetNext(self):
"Displays next set of lists."
if self.thanSetI >= len(self.thanSetsList)-1: return
self.thanSetI += 1
def thanSetPrev(self):
"Displays previous set of lists."
if self.thanSetI <= 0: return
self.thanSetI -= 1
def thanSetsFind(self, vlistl, hlen):
"Finds sets of lists that can be shown simultaneously."
hl = hl1 = reduce(lambda s, x: x+s, self.thanWidths[:vlistl])
self.thanSetsList = [ ]
setList = [ ]
for i in xrange(self.thanVlistl, len(self.thanLists)):
if hl > hlen:
setList = [ ]
hl = hl1
hl += self.thanWidths[i]
if len(setList) > 0: self.thanSetsList.append(setList)
def destroy(self):
"Destroys the circlular reference of attrinutes."
if __name__ == "__main__":
print __doc__