# -*- coding: iso-8859-7 -*-
# ThanCad 0.0.9 "DoesSomething": 2dimensional CAD with raster support for engineers.
# Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Thanasis Stamos, August 23, 2009
# URL: http://thancad.sourceforge.net
# e-mail: cyberthanasis@excite.com
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details (www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html).
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
ThanCad 0.0.9 "DoesSomething": 2dimensional CAD with raster support for engineers.
This module displays a dialog for the user to enter the necessary values
for the rectification of a raster map. Usually these maps are scanned from
paper and contain errors due to paper shrinking or enlarging and scanner
errors. The map is rectified using known grid points on the map (control points).
import sys, copy, itertools, Image, Tkinter
from types import *
import p_gtkuti, p_gtkwid, p_ggen
from thanvar import ThanLayerError,thanfiles,Win32
from thansupport import thanToplayerCurrent
from thantrans import T
_widCoefs = "entFilsnt entA0 entA1 entA2 entA3 entA4 entA5 entB0 entB1 entB2 entB3 entB4 entB5".split()
class ThanMaprect(p_gtkuti.ThanDialog3):
"Dialog for the pen thickness which the elements of a layer are plotted with."
def __init__(self, master, vals=None, cargo=None, *args, **kw):
"Extract initial rectification parameters."
self.thanValsInit = vals # This is structure not a scalar
self.thanProj = cargo
kw.setdefault("title", T[u" - (ORTHOMAP)"])
kw.setdefault("buttonlabels", ("Save and Exit", "Cancel", "Save and Run"))
p_gtkuti.ThanDialog3.__init__(self, master, *args, **kw)
def thanValsDef(self):
"Build default values."
v = p_ggen.Struct()
v.chkEgsa = False
v.entFilsnt = "<Undefined>"
v.entA0 = v.entA1 = v.entA2 = v.entA3 = v.entA4 = v.entA5 = 1.0
v.entB0 = v.entB1 = v.entB2 = v.entB3 = v.entB4 = v.entB5 = 1.0
v.entStepGr = 500.0; v.entStepPap = 100.0
v.entXori = v.entYori = 0.0
v.chkKor = True
v.entKorX1 = v.entKorX2 = v.entKorX3 = v.entKorX4 = 0.0
v.entKorY1 = v.entKorY2 = v.entKorY3 = v.entKorY4 = 0.0
v.chkRGB2Ind = True
v.chkGray2BW = True
v.entBlack = 50.0
v.chkReduce = False
v.entReduce = 50.0
return v
def thanSet(self, vs):
"Set new values to the widgets."
stat = Tkinter.NORMAL
for (key,tit,wid,vld) in self.thanWids:
v = getattr(vs, key)
if type(v) == FloatType: v = str(v)
wid.config(state=stat) # All widgets must be enabled..
wid.thanSet(v) # ..to change their values
def __reduceEnable(self, evt=None):
"Enable or disable the reduce widget."
if self.chkReduce.thanGet(): stat = Tkinter.NORMAL
else: stat = Tkinter.DISABLED
def __blackEnable(self, evt=None):
"Enable or disable the black widget."
if self.chkGray2BW.thanGet(): stat = Tkinter.NORMAL
else: stat = Tkinter.DISABLED
def __egsaEnable(self, evt=None):
"Enable or disable the EGSA87 widgets."
if self.chkEgsa.thanGet(): stat = Tkinter.NORMAL
else: stat = Tkinter.DISABLED
def __korEnable(self, evt=None):
"Enable or disable the EGSA87 widgets."
if self.chkKor.thanGet(): stat = Tkinter.NORMAL
else: stat = Tkinter.DISABLED
for i in xrange(4):
wid = getattr(self, "entKorX"+str(i+1))
wid = getattr(self, "entKorY"+str(i+1))
def body(self, win):
self.thanWids = []
self.colfra = "blue"
# self.option_add("*font", _fo)
self.fraQuick(win, 0)
self.fraMetEgsa(win, 1)
self.fraStep(win, 2)
self.fraOrigin(win, 3)
self.fraKor(win, 4)
self.fraImage(win, 5)
win.columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
for (key,tit,wid,vld) in self.thanWids:
setattr(self, key, wid)
if self.thanValsInit == None: self.thanValsInit = self.thanValsDef()
self.thanValsSaved = copy.deepcopy(self.thanValsInit)
self.after(200, self.__validateReadGan)
def fraQuick(self, win, ir):
"Quick process buttons."
fra = Tkinter.Frame(win, bd=3, relief=Tkinter.RIDGE)
fra.grid(row=ir, column=0, pady=5, sticky="we")
lab = Tkinter.Label(fra, fg=self.colfra, text="%d."%(ir+1,))
lab.grid(row=0, column=0)
lab = Tkinter.Label(fra, anchor="w", fg=self.colfra, text=u":")
lab.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky="w")
but = Tkinter.Button(fra, text=T[u" layers\n "],
bg="lightcyan", activebackground="cyan", command=self.__crlay)
but.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky="e")
fra.columnconfigure(2, weight=1)
def __crlayold(self, *args):
"Automatically Create Layers and leave."
from thanlayer.thanlayatts import thanLayAtts
lt = self.thanProj[1].thanLayerTree
root = lt.thanRoot
cols = "white blue green red cyan".split()
class_ = thanLayAtts["moncolor"][3] # Get class of attribute 'moncolor'
for name,col in zip(names, cols):
if lt.thanFindic(name) != None: continue # Layer already exists
lay = root.thanChildNew(name)
except ThanLayerError, why:
T["%s\nPlease create new drawing for the rectification"],
T["Layer '%s' can not be created"]
lay.thanAtts["moncolor"] = class_(col, inherit=False)
lay = lt.thanFindic("RASTER")
assert lay!=None, "Can not find already created layer 'raster'!!"
class_ = thanLayAtts["draworder"][3] # Get class of attribute 'draworder'
val = thanLayAtts["draworder"][2] / 2 # Set lower draworder than the default draworder..
lay.thanAtts["draworder"] = class_(val, inherit=False) # ..to layer 'RASTER'
lt.thanCur = lay
def __crlay(self, *args):
"Automatically Create Layers and leave."
from thanlayer.thanlayatts import thanLayAtts
proj = self.thanProj
val = int(thanLayAtts["draworder"][2] / 2) # Set lower draworder to layer RASTER than the default draworder..
thanToplayerCurrent(proj, "KANABOSXY", current=False, moncolor="blue")
thanToplayerCurrent(proj, "KANABOSX", current=False, moncolor="green")
thanToplayerCurrent(proj, "KANABOSY", current=False, moncolor="red")
thanToplayerCurrent(proj, "PLAISIO", current=False, moncolor="cyan")
thanToplayerCurrent(proj, "RASTER", current=True, moncolor="white", draworder=val)
except (ThanLayerError, ValueError), why:
T["%s\nPlease create new drawing for the rectification"] % why,
T["Some layers can not be created"])
def fraMetEgsa(self, win, ir):
"Widgets of EGSA87 transformation."
fra = Tkinter.Frame(win, bd=3, relief=Tkinter.RIDGE)
fra.grid(row=ir, column=0, pady=5, sticky="we")
lab = Tkinter.Label(fra, fg=self.colfra, text="%d."%(ir+1,))
lab.grid(row=0, column=0)
key = "chkEgsa"
tit = u" 87"
val = p_gtkwid.ThanValidator()
wid = p_gtkwid.ThanCheck(fra, fg=self.colfra, text=tit, command=self.__egsaEnable)
wid.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky="w")
self.thanWids.append((key, tit, wid, val))
frc = Tkinter.Frame(fra)
frc.grid(row=1, column=1, columnspan=1, sticky="we")
tit = u" "
lab = Tkinter.Label(frc, anchor="w", text=tit)
lab.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="we")
key = "entFilsnt"
fildir = thanfiles.thanFilGetFiledir()
wid = p_gtkwid.ThanFile(frc, extension=".snt", initialdir=fildir, mode="r",
command=self.__validateReadCoefs, title=tit, width=20, relief=Tkinter.RAISED)
wid.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky="we")
val = p_gtkwid.ThanValidator()
self.thanWids.append((key, tit, wid, val))
val = p_gtkwid.ThanValidator()
frc.columnconfigure(1, weight=1)
frb = Tkinter.Frame(fra)
frb.grid(row=2, column=1, columnspan=1, sticky="we")
for i in xrange(6):
tit = u"A"+str(i)
key = "ent" + tit
lab = Tkinter.Label(frb, text=tit)
lab.grid(row=i, column=0, sticky="w")
wid = p_gtkwid.ThanLabel(frb, text="None", width=20)
wid.grid(row=i, column=1, sticky="we")
val = p_gtkwid.ThanValFloat()
self.thanWids.append((key, tit, wid, val))
tit = u"B"+str(i)
key = "ent" + tit
lab = Tkinter.Label(frb, text=tit)
lab.grid(row=i, column=2, sticky="w")
wid = p_gtkwid.ThanLabel(frb, text="None")
wid.grid(row=i, column=3, sticky="we")
val = p_gtkwid.ThanValFloat()
self.thanWids.append((key, tit, wid, val))
frb.columnconfigure(1, weight=1)
frb.columnconfigure(3, weight=1)
self.butCoef = Tkinter.Button(frb, text=u"/",
bg="lightcyan", activebackground="cyan", command=self.__newCoefs)
self.butCoef.grid(row=6, column=3, sticky="e")
fra.columnconfigure(1, weight=1)
def __newCoefs(self, evt=None):
"Show the dialog for the new coefficients."
v = p_ggen.Struct()
for a in _widCoefs:
val = getattr(self.result, a)
# assert type(val) == float, "How did other types sneak here?"
setattr(v, a, val)
dl = ThanNewCoefs(self, vals=v)
res = dl.result
if res == None: return
for a in _widCoefs:
wid = getattr(self, a)
val = getattr(res, a)
if type(val) == FloatType: val = str(val)
def fraStep(self, win, ir):
"Widgets of grid step in m and mm."
fra = Tkinter.Frame(win, bd=3, relief=Tkinter.RIDGE)
fra.grid(row=ir, column=0, pady=5, sticky="we")
lab = Tkinter.Label(fra, fg=self.colfra, text="%d."%(ir+1,))
lab.grid(row=0, column=0)
lab = Tkinter.Label(fra, anchor="w", fg=self.colfra, text=u" :")
lab.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky="w", columnspan=4)
lab = Tkinter.Label(fra, text=u" (m)")
lab.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky="w")
key = "entStepGr"
tit = u" (m)"
wid = p_gtkwid.ThanEntry(fra)
wid.grid(row=1, column=2, sticky="we")
val = p_gtkwid.ThanValFloat(1e-6, 1e6)
self.thanWids.append((key, tit, wid, val))
lab = Tkinter.Label(fra, text=u" (mm)")
lab.grid(row=1, column=3, sticky="w")
key = "entStepPap"
tit = u" (mm)"
wid = p_gtkwid.ThanEntry(fra)
wid.grid(row=1, column=4, sticky="we")
val = p_gtkwid.ThanValFloat(1e-6, 1e6)
self.thanWids.append((key, tit, wid, val))
fra.columnconfigure(2, weight=1)
fra.columnconfigure(4, weight=1)
def fraOrigin(self, win, ir):
"Widgets of origin coordinates."
fra = Tkinter.Frame(win, bd=3, relief=Tkinter.RIDGE)
fra.grid(row=ir, column=0, pady=5, sticky="we")
lab = Tkinter.Label(fra, fg=self.colfra, text="%d."%(ir+1,))
lab.grid(row=0, column=0)
lab = Tkinter.Label(fra, anchor="w", fg=self.colfra, text=u" :")
lab.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky="w", columnspan=4)
lab = Tkinter.Label(fra, text=u" (m)")
lab.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky="w")
key = "entXori"
tit = u" (mm)"
wid = p_gtkwid.ThanEntry(fra)
wid.grid(row=1, column=2, sticky="we")
val = p_gtkwid.ThanValFloat()
self.thanWids.append((key, tit, wid, val))
lab = Tkinter.Label(fra, text=u" (m)")
lab.grid(row=1, column=3, sticky="w")
key = "entYori"
tit = u" Y (mm)"
wid = p_gtkwid.ThanEntry(fra)
wid.grid(row=1, column=4, sticky="we")
val = p_gtkwid.ThanValFloat()
self.thanWids.append((key, tit, wid, val))
fra.columnconfigure(2, weight=1)
fra.columnconfigure(4, weight=1)
def fraKor(self, win, ir):
"Widgets of EGSA87 transformation."
fra = Tkinter.Frame(win, bd=3, relief=Tkinter.RIDGE)
fra.grid(row=ir, column=0, pady=5, sticky="we")
lab = Tkinter.Label(fra, fg=self.colfra, text="%d."%(ir+1,))
lab.grid(row=0, column=0)
key = "chkKor"
tit = u" "
wid = p_gtkwid.ThanCheck(fra, fg=self.colfra, text=tit, command=self.__korEnable)
wid.grid(row=0, column=1, columnspan=5, sticky="w")
val = p_gtkwid.ThanValidator()
self.thanWids.append((key, tit, wid, val))
for i,pos in enumerate((u" ", u" ", u" ", u" ")):
lab = Tkinter.Label(fra, text=pos)
lab.grid(row=i+1, column=1, sticky="w")
key = "entKorX" + str(i+1)
tit = u"X%d(m)" % (i+1,)
lab = Tkinter.Label(fra, text=tit)
lab.grid(row=i+1, column=2, sticky="w")
wid = p_gtkwid.ThanEntry(fra)
wid.grid(row=i+1, column=3, sticky="we")
val = p_gtkwid.ThanValFloat()
self.thanWids.append((key, tit, wid, val))
key = "entKorY" + str(i+1)
tit = u"Y%d(m)" % (i+1,)
lab = Tkinter.Label(fra, text=tit)
lab.grid(row=i+1, column=4, sticky="w")
wid = p_gtkwid.ThanEntry(fra)
wid.grid(row=i+1, column=5, sticky="we")
val = p_gtkwid.ThanValFloat()
self.thanWids.append((key, tit, wid, val))
fra.columnconfigure(3, weight=1)
fra.columnconfigure(5, weight=1)
def fraImage(self, win, ir):
"Widgets of image postprocessing capabilities."
fra = Tkinter.Frame(win, bd=3, relief=Tkinter.RIDGE)
fra.grid(row=ir, column=0, pady=5, sticky="we")
lab = Tkinter.Label(fra, fg=self.colfra, text="%d."%(ir+1,))
lab.grid(row=0, column=0)
lab = Tkinter.Label(fra, fg=self.colfra, text=u" ")
lab.grid(row=0, column=1, columnspan=3, sticky="w")
key = "chkRGB2Ind"
tit = u" RGB Indexed Colour"
wid = p_gtkwid.ThanCheck(fra, text=tit) #, command=self.__korEnable)
wid.grid(row=1, column=1, columnspan=3, sticky="w")
val = p_gtkwid.ThanValidator()
self.thanWids.append((key, tit, wid, val))
key = "chkGray2BW"
tit = u" Gray Scale Black/White:"
wid = p_gtkwid.ThanCheck(fra, text=tit, command=self.__blackEnable)
wid.grid(row=2, column=1, columnspan=1, sticky="w")
val = p_gtkwid.ThanValidator()
self.thanWids.append((key, tit, wid, val))
key = "entBlack"
tit = u" (%)"
lab = Tkinter.Label(fra, text=tit)
lab.grid(row=2, column=2, sticky="w")
wid = p_gtkwid.ThanEntry(fra)
wid.grid(row=2, column=3, sticky="we")
val = p_gtkwid.ThanValFloat(0.5, 99.5)
self.thanWids.append((key, tit, wid, val))
key = "chkReduce"
tit = u" dpi ( )"
wid = p_gtkwid.ThanCheck(fra, text=tit, command=self.__reduceEnable)
wid.grid(row=3, column=1, columnspan=1, sticky="w")
val = p_gtkwid.ThanValidator()
self.thanWids.append((key, tit, wid, val))
key = "entReduce"
tit = u" (%)"
lab = Tkinter.Label(fra, text=tit)
lab.grid(row=3, column=2, sticky="w")
wid = p_gtkwid.ThanEntry(fra)
wid.grid(row=3, column=3, sticky="we")
val = p_gtkwid.ThanValFloat(1.0, 99.0)
self.thanWids.append((key, tit, wid, val))
fra.columnconfigure(1, weight=1)
def validate(self, strict=True):
"""Returns true if the value chosen by the user is valid.
If strict == True, then if an error is found, an error message is displayed,
self.result is unchanged, and False is rerurned to the caller.
If strict == True, and mp erros are found, self.result is updated with
the new values, and they are saved to a data file. If the save operation
succeed True is returned to the caller, otherwise False.
to the caller.
If strict == False, then if an error is found, a default value is used
instead of the wrong one, self.results is set with the new values,
and False is returned to the caller.
If strict == False, and no errors are found, then, self.results is set
with the new values, and True is returned to the caller.
# thc = self.__updateChosen()
ret = True
vs = p_ggen.Struct()
for key,tit,wid,vld in self.thanWids:
v1 = vld.thanValidate(wid.thanGet())
if v1 == None:
ret = False
if strict:
tit = u'"%s":\n%s' % (tit, vld.thanGetErr())
p_gtkuti.thanGudModalMessage(self, tit, T["Error in data"])
self.initial_focus = wid
return ret
v1 = getattr(self.thanValsInit, key)
setattr(vs, key, v1)
self.result = vs
if strict:
ret = self.__saveGan()
return ret
def cancel(self, *args):
"Ask before cancel."
if not self.validate(strict=False): # If anything is wrong, then it must have been changed
print "cancel: not validated"
a = p_gtkuti.thanGudAskOkCancel(self, T["Data modified, OK to cancel?"], T["Warning"])
if not a: return # Cancel was stopped
elif self.result.__dict__ != self.thanValsSaved.__dict__: # If anything is wrong, then it must have been changed
print "cancel: __dict__ not the same"
for a,v in self.thanValsSaved.__dict__.iteritems():
v1 = self.result.__dict__[a]
print "%15s: saved=%15s result=%15s: %s" % (a,v,v1,v==v1)
for a,v1 in self.result.__dict__.iteritems():
v = self.thanValsSaved.__dict__[a]
print "%15s: saved=%15s result=%15s: %s" % (a,v,v1,v==v1)
a = p_gtkuti.thanGudAskOkCancel(self, T["Data modified, OK to cancel?"], T["Warning"])
if not a: return # Cancel was stopped
p_gtkuti.ThanDialog3.cancel(self, *args)
def doApply(self, *args):
"Save the data given and run the program."
ret = p_gtkuti.ThanDialog3.doApply(self)
if not ret: return
self.thanValsSaved = self.result
# run program
from thanpackages.thankaor import kaor
from thantkwinerror import ThanTkWinError
out = ThanTkWinError(self.thanProj[2], mes="Error messages\n", title="%s Orthomap output" % self.thanProj[0])
prt = out.thanPrt
fn = kaor.thanMainTcad(self.thanProj, self.result, prt)
except p_ggen.RecordedError, why:
p_gtkuti.thanGudModalMessage(self, T["Please correct the errors recorded on output window"],
"%s: Orthomap: %s" % (T["ERROR"], self.thanProj[0]))
except AssertionError, why:
prt("\nAssertion error: %s" % why)
p_gtkuti.thanGudModalMessage(self, T["PROGRAM ERROR. Details were recorded on output window"],
"%s: Orthomap: %s" % (T["ERROR"], self.thanProj[0]))
except Exception, why:
prt("\n%s" % why)
p_gtkuti.thanGudModalMessage(self, T["PROGRAM ERROR. Details were recorded on output window"],
"%s: Orthomap: %s" % (T["ERROR"], self.thanProj[0]))
# fw=open('mediate.sh', 'w')
# fw.write('brk2pol\n')
# fw.write('echo \\* \n')
# fw.write('tria -p /tmp/%s >/dev/null\n' % pro)
# fw.write('#\n')
# fw.write('pol2tri\n')
# fw.write('trp\n')
# fw.write('orthoim\n')
# fw.write('#\n')
# fw.write('rm %s.nsy\n' % pro)
# fw.write('rm %s.nb1\n' % pro)
# fw.write('rm %s.tri\n' % pro)
# fw.write('rm %s.syp\n' % pro)
from subprocess import Popen,PIPE
pdir = fn.abspath().parent
namebase = fn.namebase
prt("\npdir=%s namebase=%s" % (pdir, namebase))
fw = file(pdir/"mediate.tmp", "w")
fw.write("1\n%s\n" % namebase)
togi = p_ggen.togi
app = "brk2pol"
p1 = Popen(app, stdout=PIPE, cwd=pdir)
for dl in p1.stdout:
app = "tria"
if Win32:
p1 = Popen([app, "-p", "c:\\temp\\%s" % namebase], stdout=PIPE, cwd=pdir)
p1 = Popen([app, "-p", "/tmp/%s" % namebase], stdout=PIPE, cwd=pdir)
for dl in p1.stdout:
app = "pol2tri"
p1 = Popen(app, stdout=PIPE, cwd=pdir)
for dl in p1.stdout:
app = "trp"
p1 = Popen(app, stdout=PIPE, cwd=pdir)
for dl in p1.stdout:
app = "orthoim9"
p1 = Popen(app, stdout=PIPE, cwd=pdir)
for dl in p1.stdout:
except BaseException, why:
dl = T["ERROR occured while running external program '%s'"] % app
prt("\n%s\n%s" % (dl, why))
p_gtkuti.thanGudModalMessage(self, "%s\nDetails were recorded on output window" % dl,
"%s: Orthomap: %s" % (T["ERROR"], self.thanProj[0]))
# raise
if not self.__convert(pdir, namebase): return
p_gtkuti.thanGudModalMessage(self, T["The image was succesfuly rectified\n"\
"Please notice any warnings on the output window"],
"%s: Orthomap: %s" % (T["Success"], self.thanProj[0]))
def __convert(self, pdir, namebase):
"Converts computed image to less heavy modes."
fimori = pdir / ("a"+namebase+".bmp")
im = Image.open(fimori)
mode = im.mode
b, h = im.size
del im
if mode == "RGB" and self.thanValsSaved.chkRGB2Ind:
fimren = pdir / ("a"+namebase+"rgb.bmp")
if fimren.exists(): fimren.remove()
im = Image.open(fimren)
im = im.convert("P")
elif mode == "L" and self.thanValsSaved.chkGray2BW:
fimren = pdir / ("a"+namebase+"gray.bmp")
if fimren.exists(): fimren.remove()
im = Image.open(fimren)
threshold = int(256.0*self.thanValsSaved.entBlack/100.0)
def finv(i):
if i >= threshold: return 255
else: return 0
#ftemp = path("q1.bmp")
#try: ftemp.remove()
#except: pass
#prg(" pre-saving image..") # for some reason, saving image before the invert..
#im.save(ftemp) # .. causes invert to succeed
im = im.point(finv)
im = im.convert("1")
elif self.thanValsSaved.chkReduce:
fimren = pdir / ("a"+namebase+"full.bmp")
if fimren.exists(): fimren.remove()
im = Image.open(fimren)
return True
if self.thanValsSaved.chkReduce:
per = 1.0 - self.thanValsSaved.entReduce/100.0
b = max((int(b*per), 10))
h = max((int(h*per), 10))
im = im.resize((b, h))
except IOError, why:
p_gtkuti.thanGudModalMessage(self, T["Error while converting image:\n%s"] % why,
"%s: Orthomap: %s" % (T["Error"], self.thanProj[0]))
return False
except Exception, why:
p_gtkuti.thanGudModalMessage(self, T["Error while converting image:\n%s"] % why,
"%s: Orthomap: %s" % (T["Error"], self.thanProj[0]))
return False
return True
def __validateReadGan(self):
"Read values from file; if not warn the user."
proj = self.thanProj
fn = proj[0].parent / (proj[0].namebase + ".gan")
if not fn.exists():
"'%s' does not exist.\nDefault values will be used." % p_gtkuti.thanAbsrelPath(fn),
return False
elif not fn.isfile():
"'%s' can not be accessed.\nDefault values will be used." % p_gtkuti.thanAbsrelPath(fn),
return False
fr = file(fn)
com = p_ggen.Struct()
self.__readGen(fr, com)
except (IOError,ValueError), why: # Open error, conversion to float error, file too short
why = u"%s\n\n%s" % (why, "Default values will be used.")
p_gtkuti.thanGudModalMessage(self, why, p_gtkuti.thanAbsrelPath(fn)+T[": Read failed"]) # (Gu)i (d)ependent
return False
for a in _widCoefs[1:]: setattr(com, a, getattr(self.thanValsInit, a))
if com.chkEgsa:
if not self.__validateReadCoefs(com.entFilsnt, com):
com.chkEgsa = False
com.chkRGB2Ind = True
com.chkGray2BW = True
com.entBlack = 50.0
com.chkReduce = False
com.entReduce = 50.0
self.thanValsInit = com
self.thanValsSaved = copy.deepcopy(self.thanValsInit)
return True
def __readGen(self, fr, com):
"Read general data."
import p_gfil
DOUBMIN=1.0e-10; DOUBMAX=1.0e10
f = p_gfil.Datlin(fr)
f.datCom(' HATT')
com.chkEgsa = f.datYesno()
if com.chkEgsa:
f.datCom(' ')
com.entFilsnt = f.datStr()
elif f.datCom(' ', fail=False):
com.entFilsnt = f.datStr()
com.entFilsnt = "<undefined>"
f.datCom(' ')
com.entStepGr = f.datFloatR(DOUBMIN, DOUBMAX)
try: com.entStepPap = f.datFloatR(DOUBMIN, DOUBMAX)
except IOError: com.entStepPap = 100.0
if f.datCom(' ', fail=False):
f.wa(" ' ' \n"\
" .")
# com.dpi = f.datFloatR(DOUBMIN, DOUBMAX)
f.datCom(' ')
com.entXori = f.datFloat()
com.entYori = f.datFloat()
com.chkKor = False
com.entKorX1 = com.entKorX2 = com.entKorX3 = com.entKorX4 = 0.0
com.entKorY1 = com.entKorY2 = com.entKorY3 = com.entKorY4 = 0.0
if f.datLin(failoneof=False):
if f.datComC(' ', fail=False):
com.chkKor = True
com.entKorX1 = f.datFloat(); com.entKorY1 = f.datFloat()
f.datLin(); com.entKorX2 = f.datFloat(); com.entKorY2 = f.datFloat()
f.datLin(); com.entKorX3 = f.datFloat(); com.entKorY3 = f.datFloat()
f.datLin(); com.entKorX4 = f.datFloat(); com.entKorY4 = f.datFloat()
def __validateReadCoefs(self, fn, com=None):
"Reads coefficients from a file."
if not fn: return False
fr = file(fn)
vs = [float(fr.next().strip().replace("d", "e").replace("D", "e")) for i in xrange(12)]
except (IOError,ValueError,StopIteration), why: # Open error, conversion to float error, file too short
p_gtkuti.thanGudModalMessage(self, why, p_gtkuti.thanAbsrelPath(fn)+T[": Read failed"]) # (Gu)i (d)ependent
return False
for a,v1 in itertools.izip(_widCoefs[1:], vs):
if com == None:
wid = getattr(self, a)
if type(v1) == FloatType: v1 = str(v1)
setattr(com, a, v1)
return True
def __saveGan(self):
"Saves information to .gan file."
proj = self.thanProj
fn = proj[0].parent / (proj[0].namebase + ".gan")
fw = open(fn, "w")
r = self.result
if r.chkEgsa: no = ""
else: no = ""
fw.write(" HATT 87 : %s\n" % no)
fw.write(" : %s\n" % r.entFilsnt)
fw.write(" (m) : %.3f %.3f\n" % (r.entStepGr, r.entStepPap))
fw.write(" (m) : %.3f %.3f\n" % (r.entXori, r.entYori))
if r.chkKor: no = ""
else: no = "#"
fw.write('%s : %.3f %.3f\n' % (no, r.entKorX1, r.entKorY1))
fw.write('%s %.3f %.3f\n' % (no, r.entKorX2, r.entKorY2))
fw.write('%s %.3f %.3f\n' % (no, r.entKorX3, r.entKorY3))
fw.write('%s %.3f %.3f\n' % (no, r.entKorX4, r.entKorY4))
except (IOError,), why: # ImportError happens if BZ2file can not import its base class
p_gtkuti.thanGudModalMessage(self, why, p_gtkuti.thanAbsrelPath(fn)+T[": Save failed"]) # (Gu)i (d)ependent
return False
return True
def destroy(self, *args):
"Deletes references to widgets, so that it breaks circular references."
for (key,tit,wid,vld) in self.thanWids:
delattr(self, key)
del self.thanProj, self.thanWids, self.butCoef, self.thanValsInit, self.thanValsSaved
def __del__(self):
print "ThanMaprect ThanDialog3", self, "dies.."
class ThanNewCoefs(p_gtkuti.ThanDialog):
"Dialog to get the transfromation coefficients."
def __init__(self, master, vals=None, cargo=None, *args, **kw):
"Extract initial rectification parameters."
self.thanValsInit = vals # This is structure not a scalar
self.thanCargo = cargo
kw.setdefault("title", T[u" "])
p_gtkuti.ThanDialog.__init__(self, master, *args, **kw)
def thanSet(self, vs):
"Set new values to the widgets."
for (key,tit,wid,vld) in self.thanWids:
v = getattr(vs, key)
def body(self, win):
self.thanWids = []
self.colfra = "blue"
for (key,tit,wid,vld) in self.thanWids:
setattr(self, key, wid)
self.thanValsSaved = copy.deepcopy(self.thanValsInit)
def fraMetEgsa(self, fra):
"Coeeficients' widgets."
frb = Tkinter.Frame(fra)
frb.grid(row=2, column=1, columnspan=3, sticky="we")
for i in xrange(6):
tit = u"A"+str(i)
key = "ent" + tit
lab = Tkinter.Label(frb, text=tit)
lab.grid(row=i, column=0, sticky="w")
wid = p_gtkwid.ThanEntry(frb)
wid.grid(row=i, column=1, sticky="we")
val = p_gtkwid.ThanValFloatFortran()
self.thanWids.append((key, tit, wid, val))
tit = u"B"+str(i)
key = "ent" + tit
lab = Tkinter.Label(frb, text=tit)
lab.grid(row=i, column=2, sticky="w")
wid = p_gtkwid.ThanEntry(frb)
wid.grid(row=i, column=3, sticky="we")
val = p_gtkwid.ThanValFloatFortran()
self.thanWids.append((key, tit, wid, val))
frb.columnconfigure(1, weight=1)
frb.columnconfigure(3, weight=1)
def validate(self, strict=True):
"Returns true if the value chosen by the user is valid."
# thc = self.__updateChosen()
ret = True
vs = p_ggen.Struct()
for key,tit,wid,vld in self.thanWids:
v1 = vld.thanValidate(wid.thanGet())
if v1 == None:
ret = False
if strict:
tit = u'"%s":\n%s' % (tit, vld.thanGetErr())
p_gtkuti.thanGudModalMessage(self, tit, T["Error in data"])
self.initial_focus = wid
return ret
v1 = getattr(self.thanValsInit, key)
setattr(vs, key, v1)
vs.entFilsnt = self.thanValsSaved.entFilsnt
self.result = vs
if not strict: return ret
v1 = self.__saveCoefs() # Try to save coefficients
print "v1=", v1
if v1 == None: return False
vs.entFilsnt = v1
print "ret=", ret
return ret
def __saveCoefs(self):
"Saves coefficients to a file."
# fn = self.thanValsSaved.entFilsnt
fildir = thanfiles.thanFilGetFiledir()
while True:
fn = p_gtkuti.thanGudGetSaveFile(self, ".snt", T["Save transformation coefficients to a file"],
if fn == None: return None # Save cancelled
fn = p_ggen.path(fn)
fw = open(fn, "w")
for a in _widCoefs[1:]:
print a, ":", getattr(self.result, a), type(getattr(self.result, a))
fw.write("%s\n" % getattr(self.result, a))
except (IOError,), why: # ImportError happens if BZ2file can not import its base class
p_gtkuti.thanGudModalMessage(self, why, p_gtkuti.thanAbsrelPath(fn)+T[": Save failed"]) # (Gu)i (d)ependent
else: break
return fn
def cancel(self, *args):
"Ask before cancel."
if not self.validate(strict=False): # If anything is wrong, then it must have been changed
a = p_gtkuti.thanGudAskOkCancel(self, T["Data modified, OK to cancel?"], T["Warning"])
if not a: return # Cancel was stopped
elif self.result.__dict__ != self.thanValsSaved.__dict__: # If anything is wrong, then it must have been changed
a = p_gtkuti.thanGudAskOkCancel(self, T["Data modified, OK to cancel?"], T["Warning"])
if not a: return # Cancel was stopped
p_gtkuti.ThanDialog.cancel(self, *args)
def destroy(self, *args):
"Deletes references to widgets, so that it breaks circular references."
for (key,tit,wid,vld) in self.thanWids:
delattr(self, key)
del self.thanCargo, self.thanWids, self.thanValsInit, self.thanValsSaved
p_gtkuti.ThanDialog.destroy(self, *args)
def __del__(self):
print "ThanNewCoefs ThanDialog", self, "dies.."
if __name__ == "__main__":
root = Tkinter.Tk()
win = ThanMaprect(root, None, title=u" - (ORTHOMAP)")
print win.result.anal()