# ThanCad 0.0.9 "DoesSomething": 2dimensional CAD with raster support for engineers.
# Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Thanasis Stamos, August 23, 2009
# URL: http://thancad.sourceforge.net
# e-mail: cyberthanasis@excite.com
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details (www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html).
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
ThanCad 0.0.9 "DoesSomething": 2dimensional CAD with raster support for engineers.
This module displays a dialog for the user to create/modify/delete a text style.
from Tkinter import *
import p_ggen, p_gtkuti, p_gtkwid
from thanfonts import thanFonts
from thandefs import ThanTstyle
class ThanTkStyle(p_gtkuti.ThanDialog3):
"Dialog for the visibility of a layer."
def __init__(self, master, tstyles, val, tstyleinuse, *args, **kw):
"Extract initial style."
c = {}
for k,v in tstyles.iteritems(): c[k] = v.thanCopy()
self.__val = c.get(str(val), v) # If val is unknown, choose arbitrarily another one
self.thanTstyles = c
self.__tstyleinuse = tstyleinuse
self.__changed = False
self.thanVals = None
p_gtkuti.ThanDialog3.__init__(self, master, *args, **kw)
def body(self, fra):
"Create dialog widgets."
self.__stylenameForm(fra, 0, 0)
self.__fontnameForm(fra, 1, 0)
self.__effectsForm(fra, 2, 0)
self.__previewForm(fra, 2, 1)
del self.__val
return self.thanHeight # This widget has the focus
def __stylenameForm(self, fra, ir, ic):
"Shows common colors."
f = Frame(fra, bd=2, relief=GROOVE); f.grid(row=ir, column=ic, columnspan=2, sticky="we", ipady=4, pady=4)
for i in xrange(4): f.columnconfigure(i, weight=1)
w = Label(f, text=" Style Name")
w.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=4, sticky="w")
self.__tlabs = self.thanTstyles.keys(); self.__tlabs.sort()
self.thanTname = p_gtkwid.ThanChoice(f, labels=self.__tlabs, width=20, anchor="w", command=self.__styleFill, relief=SUNKEN)
self.thanTname.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky="w", padx=5)
w = Button(f, text="New", width=6, command=self.__nameNew)
w.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky="w", padx=5)
w = Button(f, text="Rename", width=6, command=self.__nameRen)
w.grid(row=1, column=2, sticky="w", padx=5)
w = Button(f, text="Delete", width=6, command=self.__nameDel)
w.grid(row=1, column=3, sticky="w", padx=5)
def __fontnameForm(self, fra, ir, ic):
"Shows common colors."
f = Frame(fra, bd=2, relief=GROOVE); f.grid(row=ir, column=ic, columnspan=2, sticky="we", ipady=4, pady=4)
for i in xrange(3): f.columnconfigure(i, weight=1)
w = Label(f, text=" Font Name"); w.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="w", padx=5)
self.__flabs = thanFonts.keys(); self.__flabs.sort()
# w = self.thanFname = p_gtkwid.ThanChoice(f, labels=self.__flabs, width=20, relief=SUNKEN)
w = self.thanFname = Button(f, text=self.__flabs[0], width=20, anchor="w", relief=SUNKEN, command=self.__fontShow)
w.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky="w", padx=5)
w = Label(f, text=" Font Style"); w.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky="w", padx=5)
w = Label(f, text=" ", width=10, relief=GROOVE); w.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky="w", padx=5)
w = Label(f, text=" Height"); w.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky="w", padx=5)
self.thanHeight = Entry(f, width=8); self.thanHeight.grid(row=1, column=2, sticky="w", padx=5)
def __fontShow(self, *args):
"Show all the fonts for the user to choose from."
win = p_gtkwid.ThanPoplist(self, self.__flabs, width=40, title="Select ThanCad Font")
if win.result == None: return
self.__changed = True
def __effectsForm(self, fra, ir, ic):
"Shows common colors."
f = Frame(fra, bd=2, relief=GROOVE); f.grid(row=ir, column=ic, sticky="wesn", ipady=4, pady=4)
for i in xrange(1, 2): f.columnconfigure(i, weight=1)
for i in xrange(1, 4): f.rowconfigure(i, weight=1)
w = Label(f, text=" Effects"); w.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="w", padx=5)
self.__efUp = IntVar(); self.__efUp.set(False)
self.__efBack = IntVar(); self.__efBack.set(False)
self.__efVert = IntVar(); self.__efVert.set(False)
w = Checkbutton(f, text="Upside Down", variable=self.__efUp)
w.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky="w")
w = Checkbutton(f, text="Backwards", variable=self.__efBack)
w.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky="w")
w = Checkbutton(f, text="Vertical", variable=self.__efVert)
w.grid(row=3, column=0, sticky="w")
w = Frame(f); w.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky="we")
w = Label(f, text="Width Factor:"); w.grid(row=1, column=2, sticky="e", padx=5)
self.thanWidthf = Entry(f, width=8); self.thanWidthf.grid(row=1, column=3, sticky="e", padx=5)
w = Label(f, text="Oblique Angle:"); w.grid(row=2, column=2, sticky="e", padx=5)
self.thanObliq = Entry(f, width=8); self.thanObliq.grid(row=2, column=3, sticky="e", padx=5)
def __previewForm(self, fra, ir, ic):
"Shows common colors."
f = Frame(fra, bd=2, relief=GROOVE); f.grid(row=ir, column=ic, sticky="wesn", ipady=4, pady=4)
for i in xrange(1): f.columnconfigure(i, weight=1)
for i in xrange(1,2): f.rowconfigure(i, weight=1)
w = Label(f, text=" Preview", anchor="w", width=15); w.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="w", padx=5)
w = self.__prevBig = Canvas(f, width=20, height=60, bd=2, relief=RIDGE)
w.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky="wesn", padx=5)
w = self.__prevSmall = Canvas(f, width=20, height=15, bd=2, relief=RIDGE)
w.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky="wesn", padx=5)
w = Button(f, text="Preview", command=self.__doPreview)
w.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky="w", padx=5)
def __doPreview(self, *args):
"Preview the chosen style/font."
# self.thanVals = (self.thanTname.thanGetText(),
# thanFonts[self.thanFname.thanGetText()],
# height, fact, obl, self.__efUp.get(), self.__efBack.get(), self.__efVert.get()
# )
text = "AaBb"
f = self.thanVals[1].thanCopypartial(text)
obl = self.thanVals[4]
if obl != 0: f.thanObliqueMake(obl)
fact = self.thanVals[3]
if fact != 1: f.thanWidthScale(fact)
if self.thanVals[5]: f.thanUpsidedownMake()
if self.thanVals[6]: f.thanBackwardsMake()
if self.thanVals[7]: f.thanVerticalMake()
tk = p_ggen.Struct(); tk.fill = tk.outline = None
import Tkinter
for dc in self.__prevBig, self.__prevSmall:
b = dc.winfo_width(); h = dc.winfo_height()
if f.thanVert: hchar = h*0.18; h2 = h*0.95
else: hchar = h*0.5; h2 = (h-hchar)*0.6
tk.dc = dc
f.thanTkPaint(tk, 0.1*b, h-h2, hchar, text, 0.0, ())
def __nameNew(self, *args):
"Creates a new text style."
name1 ="NewTextStyle"
while True:
name1 = p_gtkuti.thanGudGetText(self, "Create new text style ", name1)
if name1 == None: return
name1 = name1.strip()
name2 = name1.lower()
for nam in self.thanTstyles:
if name2 == nam.lower(): break
else: break
p_gtkuti.thanGudModalMessage(self, "A font with this name already exists", "Create Failed")
sty = ThanTstyle(name1, thanFonts["thanprime1"])
self.thanTstyles[name1] = sty
labs = self.thanTstyles.keys()
self.__changed = True
def __nameRen(self, *args):
"Renames current text style."
name = name1 = self.thanTname.thanGetText()
if name1.lower() == "standard":
p_gtkuti.thanGudModalMessage(self, "Text style 'standard' can not be renamed", "Rename Failed")
while True:
name1 = p_gtkuti.thanGudGetText(self, "Rename text style "+name, name1)
if name1 == None: return
name1 = name1.strip()
name2 = name1.lower()
for nam in self.thanTstyles:
if name2 == nam.lower(): break
else: break
p_gtkuti.thanGudModalMessage(self, "A font with this name already exists", "Rename Failed")
sty = self.thanTstyles.pop(name)
sty.thanName = name1
self.thanTstyles[name1] = sty
labs = self.thanTstyles.keys()
self.__changed = True
def __nameDel(self, *args):
"Deletes current text style."
name1 = self.thanTname.thanGetText()
if name1.lower() == "standard":
p_gtkuti.thanGudModalMessage(self, "Text style 'standard' can not be deleted", "Delete Failed")
if self.__tstyleinuse(self.thanTstyles[name1]):
p_gtkuti.thanGudModalMessage(self, "Text style %s is in use"%name1, "Delete Failed")
i = self.thanTname.thanGet()
del self.thanTstyles[name1]
labs = self.thanTstyles.keys()
if i <= len(labs): i -= 1 # last tstyle was deleted
self.__changed = True
def __styleFill(self, *args):
"Fill the dialog with the attributes of the chosen text style."
print "styleFill:", args
print "efUp:", self.__efUp.get()
def __updateChosen(self, tstyle=None):
"Updates the text with the chosen value."
if tstyle == None: tstyle = self.thanTstyles[self.thanTname.thanGetText()]
self.thanHeight.delete(0, END); self.thanHeight.insert(0, "%.4f"%tstyle.thanHeight)
self.thanWidthf.delete(0, END); self.thanWidthf.insert(0, "%.4f"%tstyle.thanWidthfactor)
self.thanObliq.delete(0, END); self.thanObliq.insert(0, "%.4f"%tstyle.thanOblique)
return tstyle
def doApply(self):
"The user pressed the apply button."
self.__changed = True
def validate(self):
"If everything is ok, it stores the changes and writes the result."
if self.thanValidate(strict=True):
sty = ThanTstyle(*self.thanVals)
self.thanTstyles[sty.thanName] = sty
self.result = self.thanTstyles
return True
return False
def thanValidate(self, strict=True):
"Returns true if the value chosen by the user is valid."
ok = True
height = float(self.thanHeight.get())
if height < 0: raise ValueError
if strict:
p_gtkuti.thanGudModalMessage(self, "Invalid height", "Error Message")
return False
height = 0.0; ok = False
fact = float(self.thanWidthf.get())
if fact <= 0: raise ValueError
if strict:
p_gtkuti.thanGudModalMessage(self, "Invalid width factor", "Error Message")
return False
fact = 1.0; ok = False
obl = float(self.thanObliq.get())
if obl <= -90 or obl >= 90: raise ValueError
if strict:
p_gtkuti.thanGudModalMessage(self, "Invalid oblique angle", "Error Message")
return False
obl = 0.0; ok = False
self.thanVals = (self.thanTname.thanGetText(),
height, fact, obl, self.__efUp.get(), self.__efBack.get(), self.__efVert.get()
return ok
def ok(self, *args):
"The user pressed ok."
if not self.validate(): return
self.__changed = False
p_gtkuti.ThanDialog3.ok(self, *args)
def cancel(self, *args):
"The user pressed cancel."
if self.__changed:
t = "The changes you made (even if you pressed apply)\n"\
"are going to be lost.\n"\
"OK to Abandon changes?"
a = p_gtkuti.thanGudAskOkCancel(self, t, "CHANGES DETECTED")
if not a: return
p_gtkuti.ThanDialog3.cancel(self, *args)
def destroy(self):
"Deletes references to widgets, so that it breaks circular references."
del self.thanHeight, self.__efUp, self.__efBack, self.__efVert
del self.thanWidthf, self.thanObliq, self.thanTname, self.thanFname, self.thanVals
del self.__prevBig, self.__prevSmall
del self.__tstyleinuse
def __del__(self):
print "ThanTstyle ThanDialog3", self, "dies.."
def test():
global root, fs
try: root
from thandefs import ThanTstyle
t = ThanTstyle("standard", thanFonts["thanprime1"])
t1 = ThanTstyle("thanasis1", thanFonts["thanlcd1"])
fs = {t.thanName:t, t1.thanName:t1}
root = Tk()
win = ThanDialogSty(root, fs, "standard", lambda x: False, title="Edit ThanCad Text styles")
print win.result