# -*- coding: iso-8859-7 -*-
# ThanCad 0.0.9 "DoesSomething": 2dimensional CAD with raster support for engineers.
# Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Thanasis Stamos, August 23, 2009
# URL: http://thancad.sourceforge.net
# e-mail: cyberthanasis@excite.com
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details (www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html).
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
ThanCad 0.0.9 "DoesSomething": 2dimensional CAD with raster support for engineers.
This module defines the menus and the mechanism to create and update them.
import p_ggen, p_gtkuti
import thanvers
from thantrans import T,Tmatch
class ThanCadTkMenu:
"It creates ThanCad menu system and modifies it if necessary."
def __init__(self, win, main=False):
"Create the menu system."
if main: seq, menus = thanMainMenus(win.thanGudCommandBegin)
else: seq, menus = thanStandardMenus(win.thanGudCommandBegin)
ms = []
for m in seq: ms.extend(menus[m])
menubar, self.__submenus = p_gtkuti.thanTkCreateThanMenus(win, ms)
win["menu"] = menubar
if not main:
self.__submenus["File"] = self.__submenus[T["&File"].replace("&", "")]
self.__submenus["Window"] = self.__submenus[T["&Window"].replace("&", "")]
self.__irecent = len(menus["File"]) - 3
self.__recent = []
self.__iopened = 0
self.__opened = []
def thanAddRecent(self, proj, fpath, MAXRECENT):
"Adds a new recent file to the file menu."
import thancom
fmenu = self.__submenus["File"]
n = len(self.__recent)
try: i = self.__recent.index(fpath)
except ValueError: i = -1
if i >= 0: self.__delRecent(i)
elif n >= MAXRECENT: self.__delRecent(MAXRECENT-1)
def op():
thancom.thancomfile.thanFileOpenPath(proj, fpath)
fmenu.insert_command(self.__irecent, label=fpath.namebase, foreground="blue",
command=op, help=fpath)
self.__recent.insert(0, fpath)
def __delRecent(self, i):
"Deletes a recent file entry by index."
assert 0 <= i < len(self.__recent)
del self.__recent[i]
fmenu = self.__submenus["File"]
def thanAddOpened(self, projnew):
"Adds a new opened file to the window menu."
wmenu = self.__submenus["Window"]
command=lambda win=projnew[2]: win.thanTkSetFocus(), help=projnew[0])
def thanDelOpened(self, proj):
"Deletes a previously opened file from the window menu."
wmenu = self.__submenus["Window"]
i = self.__opened.index(str(proj))
del self.__opened[i]
def __del__(self): print "ThanCadTkMenu", self, "dies."
def thanStandardMenus(B):
"Creates a description of the desired menus in a list."
S = p_ggen.ThanStub
s = "File Edit View Insert Format Tools Draw Engineering Modify Research Developer Window Help".split()
m = {}
m["File"] = \
[ (None, T["&File"], ""), # Menu Title
(S(B, "new"), T["&New"], T["Makes an empty drawing"]),
(S(B, "open"), T["&Open"], T["Opens an existing drawing"]),
(S(B, "save"), T["&Save"], T["Saves drawing into a file"]),
(S(B, "close"), T["&Close"],T["Closes current drawing"]),
(None, "-", "-"), # Separator
(S(B, "dxfin"), T["Import &dxf"], T["Imports a dxf file"]),
(S(B, "sykin"), T["&Import syk"], T["Imports a syk file"]),
(S(B, "brkin"), T["&Import brk"], T["Imports a brk file"]),
(S(B, "synin"), T["Import &syn"], T["Imports points from a syn file"]),
(S(B, "mhkin"), T["Import &mhk"], T["Imports a mhk profile file"]),
(None, "-", "-"), # Separator
(S(B, "dxfout"), T["Export &dxf"], T["Exports a dxf file"]),
(S(B, "sykout"), T["&Export syk"], T["Exports a syk file"]),
(S(B, "brkout"), T["&Export brk"], T["Exports a brk file"]),
(S(B, "pilout"), T["Export &Image"], T["Exports a raster image"]),
(S(B, "pdfout"), T["Plot to PDF"], T["Plots the drawing to a PDF file"]),
(None, "-", "-"),
(S(B, "purge"), T["&Purge"], T["Removes unused items, such as layers, from drawing"]),
#-------recent files
# for w in thanfiles.thanFilGetRecent():
# m.append((S(self.__menuRecent, w), w, w))
(None, "-", "-"), # Separator
(None, "-", "-"),
(S(B, "quit"), T["E&xit"], "Terminate "+thanvers.thanCadName, "darkred"),
m["Edit"] = \
[ (None, T["&Edit"], ""), # Menu Title
(S(B, "Undo"), T["&Undo"], "Reverses the most recent action: U"),
(S(B, "Redo"), T["&Redo"], "Reverses the effects of the previous UNDO or U command: REDO"),
(None, "-", "-"), # Separator
(S(B, "cutclip"), T["Cu&t"], "Moves elements to Clipboard"),
(S(B, "copyclip"), T["&Copy"], "Copies elements to Clipboard"),
(S(B, "copybase"), T["C&opy with Base Point"], "Copies elements to Clipboard"),
(S(B, "pasteclip"), T["&Paste"], "Pastes elements from Clipboard"),
(S(B, "pasteorig"), T["P&aste to Original Coordinates"], "Pastes elements from Clipboard"),
(None, "-", "-"), # Separator
(S(B, "select"), T["&Select"], "Selects elements"),
m["View"] = \
[ (None, T["&View"], ""), # Menu Title
(S(B, "zoomwin"), T["Zoom &Window"], "Zooms into a window"),
(S(B, "zoomall"), T["Zoom &All"], "Zooms to show entire drawing"),
(S(B, "zoomsel"), T["Zoom &Selection"], "Zooms to show all selected elements"),
(S(B, "zoomrelative"),T["Zoom R&elative"], "Zooms by factor relative to current window"),
(S(B, "zoomrealtime"),T["&Zoom real time"], "Zooms dragging the mouse"),
(None, "-", "-"), # Separator
(S(B, "panrelative"), T["P&an Relative"], "Moves the view window"),
(S(B, "panrealtime"), T["&Pan real time"], "Moves dragging the mouse"),
(None, "-", "-"), # Separator
(S(B, "redraw"), T["&Redraw"], "Regenerates screen"),
(S(B, "regen"), T["Re&gen"], "Regenerates screen"),
(None, "-", "-"), # Separator
(S(B, "highlight"), T["&Highlight"], "Makes small object visible"),
m["Insert"] = \
[ (None, T["&Insert"], ""), # Menu Title
(S(B, "imageattach"), T["Raster &Image"], "Inserts a new image to the current drawing"),
(S(B, "Image"), T["I&mage Manager"], "Manages many images at once"),
m["Format"] = \
[ (None, T["F&ormat"], ""), # Layer Title
(S(B, "ddlmodes"), T["&Layer"], "Manipulates layers"),
(S(B, "style"), T["&Text Style"], "Manipulates text styles"),
m["Tools"] = \
[ (None, T["&Tools"], ""), # Menu Title
(S(B, "dist"), T["&Distance"], "Computes and displays the distance and angle between 2 points"),
(S(B, "area"), T["&Area"], "Computes and displays the area of a closed polygon defined by points"),
(S(B, "angle"),T["&Angle"], "Computes and displays the angle between 2 lines defined by 3 points"),
(S(B, "id"), T["&Id Point"], "Displays the coordinates of a point"),
(S(B, "list"), T["&List"], "Displays information about an element"),
(None, "-", "-"),
(S(B, "dsettings"), T["Drafting &Settings"], "Chooses the drafting modes end, mid etc."),
(S(B, "find"), T["&Find text"], "Zooms to a text containing user defined text string"),
(None, "-", "-"),
(S(B, "centroid"), T["&Find centroid"], "Finds the centroid of a set of lines"),
(S(B, "hull"), T["&Find convex hull"], "Finds the convex hulls of a set of lines"),
(S(B, "simplify"), T["&Simplify line"], "Approximates the lines with fewer points"),
(None, "-", "-"),
(S(B, "script"), T["&Run script"], "Executes ThanCad commands from file"),
m["Draw"] = \
[ (None, T["&Draw"], ""), # Menu Title
(S(B, "line"), T["&Line"], "Draws a line"),
(S(B, "rectangle"), T["&Rectangle"], "Draws a closed line in the shape of a rectangle"),
(S(B, "polygon"), T["&Polygon"], "Draws a closed line in the shape of a polygon filled with colour"),
(S(B, "circle"), T["&Circle"], "Draws a circle"),
(S(B, "arc"), T["&Arc"], "Draws a circular arc"),
(S(B, "point"), T["&Point"], "Draws a point"),
(S(B, "dtext"), T["&Text"], "Draws text"),
(None, "-", "-"),
(S(B, "pnamed"), T["&Named Point"],"Draws a point with name"),
(S(B, "road"), T["R&oad"], "Draws a road"),
(S(B, "hatchopen"), T["Hatch Open"], T["Create hatch between disjoint lines"]),
(None, "-", "-"),
(S(B, "dimali"), T["&Dimension aligned"], "Draws a dimension aligned to coordinates"),
(None, "-", "-"),
(S(B, "curve"), T["&Curve"], "Transforms a line to a curve"),
m["Engineering"] = \
[ (None, T["&Engineering"], ""), # Menu Title
(S(B, "EngGrid"), T["&Grid"], "Draws an engineering grid"),
(S(B, "EngMapRect"),T["&Rectify Map"], "Rectifies a raster topographic map"),
(S(B, "EngTrace"), T["&Trace"], "Traces a curve in a bitmap raster image"),
(None, "-", "-"),
(S(B, "dtmmake"), T["Create &DTM"], T["Creates a DTM from 3D lines"]),
(S(B, "dtmz"), T["DTM &Z"], T["Computes and shows the z coordinate at an arbitrary point"]),
(S(B, "dtmpoints"), T["Add Z to &Points"], T["Supplies z coordinates to existing points"]),
(S(B, "dtmline"), T["Add Z to &Lines"], T["Supplies z coordinates to existing polylines"]),
(S(B, "triangulation"), T["Triangulation"], T["Creates and manages triangulation from (2D) points and lines."]),
(None, "-", "-"),
(S(B, "engprofile"), T["Line Pro&file"], T["Creates the profile of a (3D) line"]),
m["Modify"] = \
[ (None, T["&Modify"], ""), # Menu Title
(S(B, "chprop"), T["C&hange layer"], T["Changes layer of selected elements"]),
(None, "-", "-"),
(S(B, "erase"), T["&Erase"], T["Deletes selected elements"]),
(S(B, "rotate"), T["&Rotate"], T["Rotates selected elements"]),
(S(B, "scale"), T["Sc&ale"], T["Scales selected elements"]),
(S(B, "move"), T["&Move"], T["Moves selected elements"]),
(S(B, "copy"), T["&Copy"], T["Copies selected elements"]),
(S(B, "mirror"), T["M&irror"], T["Mirrors selected elements with repect to 2d axis"]),
(None, "-", "-"),
(S(B, "offset"), T["&Offset"], T["Copies object parallel to itself"]),
(S(B, "break"), T["&Break"], T["Breaks an element into 2 pieces"]),
(S(B, "trim"), T["&Trim"], T["Explode 1 or more elements to smaller objects"]),
(S(B, "filet"), T["&Filet"], T["Cuts elements with other elements being the cutting edges"]),
(S(B, "Join"), T["&Join"], T["Joins 2 or more adjacent lines"]),
(S(B, "explode"), T["E&xplode"], T["Explode 1 or more elements to smaller objects"]),
(S(B, "reverse"), T["Re&verse"], T["Reverses the orientation of direction of lines"]),
(None, "-", "-"),
(S(B, "ddedit"), T["E&dit Text"], T["Lets the user edit any text interactively"]),
m["Research"] = \
[ (None, T["&Research"], ""), # Menu Title
(S(B, "EduRectangle"), T["Mark &Region"], "Draws a rectangle with comments"),
(S(B, "EduEdit"), T["&Edit"], "Edit the comments"),
m["Developer"] = \
[ (None, T["D&eveloper"], ""), # Menu Title
(S(B, "devfont"), T["Show &font"], "Developer font debugging"),
(S(B, "devcm"), T["Show &dimensions"], "Developer window debugging"),
(S(B, "devcmd"), T["&Save CMD text"], "Save the text of the command window"),
(S(B, "devtrans"),T["&Translation report"],"Save translation status to a file"),
m["Window"] = \
[ (None, T["&Window"], ""), # Menu Title
# m.append((self.thanParent.thanGudSetFocus, thanvers.thanCadName, thanvers.thanCadName+" main window"))
# for w, f in thanfiles.thanFilGetOpened():
# m.append((w.thanGudSetFocus, f, f))
m["Help"] = \
[ (None, T["&Help"], "", None, "help"), # Menu Title
(S(B, "help"), T["&Introduction"], "Introduction to "+thanvers.thanCadName),
(S(B, "gpl"), T["&GPL"], "Gnu General Public License"),
(S(B, "about"), T["&About"], "Information about "+thanvers.thanCadName)
return s, m
def thanMainMenus(B):
"Creates a description of the main window menus in a list."
S = p_ggen.ThanStub
s = "File Window Help".split()
m = {}
m["File"] = \
[ (None, "&File", ""), # Menu Title
(S(B, "new"), "&New", "Makes an empty drawing"),
# (S(B, "new"), u"& ", "Makes an empty drawing"),
(S(B, "open"), "&Open", "Opens an existing drawing"),
(None, "-", "-"), # Separator
(S(B, "sykin"), "&Import syk", "Imports a syk file"),
(S(B, "dxfin"), "Import &dxf", "Imports a dxf file"),
(S(B, "sykout"), "&Export syk", "Exports a syk file"),
(S(B, "dxfout"), "Export &dxf", "Exports a dxf file"),
(None, "-", "-"), # Separator
#-------recent files
# for w in thanfiles.thanFilGetRecent():
# m.append((S(self.__menuRecent, w), w, w))
(None, "-", "-"), # Separator
(S(B, "quit"), "E&xit", "Terminate "+thanvers.thanCadName, "darkred"),
m["Window"] = \
[ (None, "&Window", ""), # Menu Title
# m.append((self.thanParent.thanGudSetFocus, thanvers.thanCadName, thanvers.thanCadName+" main window"))
# for w, f in thanfiles.thanFilGetOpened():
# m.append((w.thanGudSetFocus, f, f))
m["Help"] = \
[ (None, "&Help", ""), # Menu Title
(S(B, "help"), "&Introduction", "Introduction to "+thanvers.thanCadName),
(S(B, "gpl"), "&GPL", "Gnu General Public License"),
(S(B, "about"), "&About", "Information about "+thanvers.thanCadName)
return s, m
if __name__ == "__main__":
import p_ggen
thanvers = p_ggen.Struct()
thanvers.thanCadName = "GREAT ThanCad"
thanMenusSeq, thanMenus = thanStandardMenus()
for m in thanMenusSeq: assert m in thanMenus
for m in thanMenus: assert m in thanMenusSeq
print thanMenusSeq
for m in thanMenusSeq:
print m
for mm in thanMenus[m]: print " ", mm