# ThanCad 0.0.9 "DoesSomething": 2dimensional CAD with raster support for engineers.
# Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Thanasis Stamos, August 23, 2009
# URL: http://thancad.sourceforge.net
# e-mail: cyberthanasis@excite.com
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details (www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html).
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
ThanCad 0.0.9 "DoesSomething": 2dimensional CAD with raster support for engineers.
This module defines functionality necessary for drawing elements on a Tkinter
drawing window.
from math import pi,sin,cos,atan2
from Tkinter import ARC
from p_gmath import PI2
from thanopt import thancadconf
from thandefs import thanatt
class ThanTkGuiHighDraw:
"Mixin for highlevel drawing to Tk window."
def __init__(self):
"Initialisation of the selection containers."
self.thanSelold = set()
self.thanSelall = set()
self.thanSel = set()
self.thanSel1coor = None # This is the first point in the 'break' command
def thanGudSetSelClone(self, col=thanatt.ThanAttCol(thancadconf.thanColSel).thanTk):
"Copies the selected items; the copies have the tag 'edrag'."
dc = self.thanCanvas
tags = ("edrag", )
for item in dc.find_withtag("selall"):
t = dc.type(item)
cs = dc.coords(item)
if t == "line":
dc.create_line(cs, fill=col, tags=tags)
elif t == "polygon":
dc.create_polygon(cs, outline=col, tags=tags)
elif t == "rectangle":
dc.create_rectangle(cs, outline=col, tags=tags)
elif t == "oval":
dc.create_oval(cs, outline=col, tags=tags)
elif t == "arc":
st = dc.itemcget(item, "start")
ex = dc.itemcget(item, "extent")
dc.create_arc(cs, start=st, extent=ex, style=ARC, outline=col, tags=tags)
elif t == "image":
imz = dc.itemcget(item, "image")
dc.create_image(cs, image=imz, anchor="sw", tags=tags)
assert False, t+": unknown Canvas type!!!"
def thanGudSetDrag(self, elems, col=thanatt.ThanAttCol(thancadconf.thanColSel).thanTk):
"Draws the defined elements for dragging; they will have the tag 'edrag'."
than = self.than
colsor = than.fill, than.outline
than.fill = ""
than.outline = col
tags = ("edrag", )
for e in elems:
tagsor = e.thanTags
e.thanTags = tags
e.thanTags = tagsor
than.fill, than.outline = colsor
def thanGudSetSelColor(self, col=thanatt.ThanAttCol(thancadconf.thanColSel).thanTk):
"Changes the color or the outline of the canvas items with tag 'sel'."
def thanGudResetSelColor(self):
"Resets the color or the outline of the selected items to original value."
proj = self.thanProj
tlays = set(elem.thanTags[1] for elem in proj[2].thanSelall)
dilay = proj[1].thanLayerTree.dilay
for tlay in tlays:
lay = dilay[tlay]
outline = lay.thanAtts["moncolor"].thanTk
if lay.thanAtts["fill"].thanVal: fill = outline
else: fill = ""
proj[2].thanGudSetSelColorx(outline, fill)
def thanGudSetSelLayertag(self, tlay):
"Sets new layer tag to all selected elements."
dc = self.thanCanvas
for item in dc.find_withtag("selall"):
tags = list(dc.gettags(item))
tags[1] = tlay
dc.itemconfig(item, tags=tuple(tags))
def thanGudSetSelElem(self, elems):
"Selects the defined elements, as the most recent selection (saves the old selection."
dc = self.thanCanvas
self.thanSelall = elems
for e in elems: dc.addtag_withtag("selall", e.thanTags[0])
def thanGudSetSelElem1(self, elems):
"Selects the defined elements, as the most recent selection (but does not save the old selection)."
dc = self.thanCanvas
self.thanSelall = elems
for e in elems: dc.addtag_withtag("selall", e.thanTags[0])
def thanGudSetUnselElem(self, elems):
"Unselects the defined elements from the most recent selection."
dc = self.thanCanvas
for e in elems: dc.dtag(e.thanTags[0], "selall")
def thanGudSetSeloldElem(self, elems):
"Selects the defined elements as the old selection."
dc = self.thanCanvas
self.thanSelold = elems
for e in elems: dc.addtag_withtag("selold", e.thanTags[0])
def thanGudSetSelClear(self):
"Clears all kind of selections."
dc = self.thanCanvas
dc.dtag("all", "selold")
dc.dtag("all", "selall")
dc.dtag("all", "sel")
dc.dtag("all", "line")
dc.dtag("all", "nlin")
self.thanSelold = set()
self.thanSelall = set()
self.thanSel = set()
def thanGudSetSelcurClear(self):
"Clears current selection."
dc = self.thanCanvas
dc.dtag("selall", "sel")
self.thanSel = set()
def thanGudSetSelSave(self):
"Saves the current selection as old, and clears current selection."
dc = self.thanCanvas
dc.dtag("all", "selold")
dc.addtag_withtag("selold", "selall")
dc.dtag("all", "selall")
dc.dtag("all", "sel")
dc.dtag("all", "line")
dc.dtag("all", "nlin")
self.thanSelold = self.thanSelall
self.thanSelall = set()
self.thanSel = set()
def thanGudSetSelRestore(self):
"Restores old selection; undoes a previous thanGusSetSelSave."
dc = self.thanCanvas
dc.dtag("all", "selall")
dc.dtag("all", "sel")
dc.dtag("all", "line")
dc.dtag("all", "nlin")
dc.addtag_withtag("selall", "selold")
dc.dtag("all", "selold")
self.thanSelall = self.thanSelold
self.thanSelold = set()
self.thanSel = set()
def thanGudSetSelDel(self):
"Deletes the selected canvas items (but not ThanCad's elements)."
dc = self.thanCanvas
def thanGudSetFreezeLayer(self, lay):
"""Erases all the canvas items of the active elements of a layer.
It does not delete ThanCad's elements."""
dc = self.thanCanvas
def thanGudSetSelRotateBoth_old(self, xc, yc, phi):
"""Rotates both the selected canvas items _and_ ThanCad's elements.
I keep this routine so that I can remeber the hack with tagel, and tagseen.
import time
from thandr.thanelem import ThanElement
phi %= PI2
if phi == 0.0: return
ThanElement.thanRotateSet(xc, yc, phi)
xcp, ycp = self.thanCt.global2Local(xc, yc)
ThanElement.thanRotateSetp(xcp, ycp, -phi) # The opposite y-axis changes the sign of the angle
dc = self.thanCanvas
tagel = self.thanProj[1].thanTagel
tagseen = {}
t1 = time.time()
for item in dc.find_withtag("selall"):
# titem = dc.itemcget(item, "tags").split()[0]
titem = dc.gettags(item)[0]
if titem not in tagseen:
tagseen[titem] = True
e = tagel[titem]
t = dc.type(item)
c = dc.coords(item)
if t == "arc":
dx = (c[2]-c[0])/2; dy = (c[3]-c[1])/2
c = [c[0]+dx, c[1]+dy]
c = c[0]-dx, c[1]-dy, c[0]+dx, c[1]+dy
th = float(dc.itemcget(item, "start"))
dc.itemconfigure(item, start=(th+phi)%360)
elif t == "oval":
dx = (c[2]-c[0])/2; dy = (c[3]-c[1])/2
c = [c[0]+dx, c[1]+dy]
c = c[0]-dx, c[1]-dy, c[0]+dx, c[1]+dy
dc.coords(item, *c)
t2 = time.time()
print "Rotated in", t2-t1, "secs"
def thanGudSetSelRotate(self, xc, yc, phi):
"Rotates the selected canvas items; it does not rotate ThanCad's elements."
from thandr.thanelem import ThanElement
if phi == 0.0: return
xcp, ycp = self.thanCt.global2Local(xc, yc)
ThanElement.thanRotateSetp(xcp, ycp, -phi) # The opposite y-axis changes the sign of the angle
phi = (phi*180.0/pi) % 360.0
dc = self.thanCanvas
for item in dc.find_withtag("selall"):
t = dc.type(item)
c = dc.coords(item)
if t == "arc":
dx = (c[2]-c[0])/2; dy = (c[3]-c[1])/2
c = [c[0]+dx, c[1]+dy]
c = c[0]-dx, c[1]-dy, c[0]+dx, c[1]+dy
th = float(dc.itemcget(item, "start"))
dc.itemconfigure(item, start=(th+phi)%360)
elif t == "oval":
dx = (c[2]-c[0])/2; dy = (c[3]-c[1])/2
c = [c[0]+dx, c[1]+dy]
c = c[0]-dx, c[1]-dy, c[0]+dx, c[1]+dy
elif t == "rectangle":
dx = (c[2]-c[0]) #c[0],c[1] is always the upper left corner
dy = (c[3]-c[1]) #c[2],c[3] is always the lower right corner
c = [c[0], c[3]] #This is the lower left corner
c.append(c[0]+dx) #This is the new upper..
c.append(c[1]-dy) #..right corner
dc.coords(item, *c)
def thanGudSetSelMirror(self, xc, yc, t):
"Mirrors the selected canvas items; it does ThanCad's elements."
from thandr.thanelem import ThanElement
xcp, ycp = self.thanCt.global2Local(xc, yc)
ThanElement.thanMirrorSetp(xcp, ycp, (t[0], -t[1])) # Opposite y-axis in pixel coordinates
dc = self.thanCanvas
for item in dc.find_withtag("selall"):
t = dc.type(item)
c = dc.coords(item)
if t == "arc":
dx = (c[2]-c[0])/2; dy = (c[3]-c[1])/2
c = [c[0]+dx, c[1]+dy]
r = 1.0 # Not the real radius; we only need a direction
th = float(dc.itemcget(item, "start")) * pi/180
c1 = [c[0]+r*cos(th), c[1]-r*sin(th)] # Opposite y-axis in pixel coordinates
th = atan2(-(c1[1]-c[1]), c1[0]-c[0])*180/pi # Opposite y-axis in pixel coordinates
c = c[0]-dx, c[1]-dy, c[0]+dx, c[1]+dy
the = float(dc.itemcget(item, "extent"))
dc.itemconfigure(item, start=th, extent=-the) # Opposite extent angle after mirror
elif t == "oval":
dx = (c[2]-c[0])/2; dy = (c[3]-c[1])/2
c = [c[0]+dx, c[1]+dy]
c = c[0]-dx, c[1]-dy, c[0]+dx, c[1]+dy
elif t == "rectangle":
dx = (c[2]-c[0]) #c[0],c[1] is always the upper left corner
dy = (c[3]-c[1]) #c[2],c[3] is always the lower right corner
c = [c[0], c[3]] #This is the lower left corner
c.append(c[0]+dx) #This is the new upper..
c.append(c[1]-dy) #..right corner
dc.coords(item, *c)
def thanGudSetSelScale(self, xc, yc, fact):
"Scales the selected canvas items; it does not scale ThanCad's elements."
if fact == 1.0: return
xcp, ycp = self.thanCt.global2Local(xc, yc)
dc = self.thanCanvas
dc.scale("selall", xcp, ycp, fact, fact) # This does not scale images; only the insertion point is moved
self.thanAutoRegen(regenImages=True) # This will regenerate the image scaled
def thanGudSetSelScaleBothOld(self, xc, yc, fact):
"""Scales both the selected canvas items _and_ ThanCad's elements.
I keep this routine so that I can remeber the hack with tagel, and tagseen.
import time
from thandr.thanelem import ThanElement
if fact == 1.0: return
xcp, ycp = self.thanCt.global2Local(xc, yc)
dc = self.thanCanvas
tagel = self.thanProj[1].thanTagel
tagseen = {}
t1 = time.time()
for item in dc.find_withtag("selall"):
# titem = dc.itemcget(item, "tags").split()[0]
titem = dc.gettags(item)[0]
if titem in tagseen: continue
tagseen[titem] = True
e = tagel[titem]
e.thanScale(xc, yc, fact)
t2 = time.time()
print "Net Element Scaled in", t2-t1, "secs"
t1 = t2
dc.scale("sel", xcp, ycp, fact, fact)
t2 = time.time()
print "Net Canvas Scaled in", t2-t1, "secs"
def thanGudSetSelMove(self, dx, dy):
"Moves the selected canvas items."
if dx == 0.0 and dy == 0.0: return
dxp, dyp = self.thanCt.global2LocalRel(dx, dy)
dc = self.thanCanvas
dc.move("selall", dxp, dyp)
def thanGudDrawElemsMany(self, elems):
"Draw many ThanCad's elements to a canvas efficiently."
than = self.than
lt = self.thanProj[1].thanLayerTree
thanCur1 = lt.thanCur
dilay = lt.dilay
elems = [(dilay[e.thanTags[1]], e) for e in elems]
for lay, e in elems:
if lay != lt.thanCur:
lay.thanTkSet(than, self.thanProj[1].thanTstyles)
lt.thanCur = lay
lay = thanCur1
if lay != lt.thanCur:
lay.thanTkSet(than, self.thanProj[1].thanTstyles)
lt.thanCur = lay
#---Non-reentrant module which handles tags "selx" and it is independent to the normal
# selection mechanism.
def thanGudGetSelx(self):
"""Selects as "x" all canvas items with "sel" tag (current selection).
it does not interfere with normal selection mechanism."""
dc = self.thanCanvas
dc.dtag("all", "selx")
dc.addtag_withtag("selx", "sel")
def thanGudGetSelLayerx(self, tlay):
"""Selects as "x" all active elements of a layer as current selection.
it does not interfere with normal selection mechanism."""
dc = self.thanCanvas
dc.dtag("all", "selx")
dc.addtag_withtag("selx", tlay) # Add sel to all items of the layer
def thanGudGetSelLayerxs(self, tlay):
"""Selects as "x" all active elements of a layer which also have tag 'selall'.
It does not interfere with normal selection mechanism."""
# print "initially:"; self.prtags()
dc = self.thanCanvas
dc.dtag("all", "selx")
# print "Tag 'selx' removed:"; self.prtags()
dc.addtag_withtag("sel1", "selall") # "selall" items have tag "sel1"
# print "Tag 'sel1' added:"; self.prtags()
dc.dtag(tlay, "sel1") # "selall" items have tag "sel1" except from the items of layer tag tlay
# print "Tag 'sel1' partialy removed:"; self.prtags()
dc.addtag_withtag("selx", "selall") # "selall" items have tag "selx"
# print "Tag 'selx' added:"; self.prtags()
dc.dtag("sel1", "selx") # "selall" items have tag "selx" if they belong to layer tag tlay
# print "Tag 'selx' partialy removed:"; self.prtags()
dc.dtag("selall", "sel1")
# print "Tag 'sel1' removed:"; self.prtags()
def thanGudSetSelColorx(self, col=thanatt.ThanAttCol(thancadconf.thanColSel).thanTk, fillcol=""):
"""Changes the color or the outline of the canvas items with tag 'selx'.
It does not interfere with normal selection mechanism."""
dc = self.thanCanvas
tagel = self.thanProj[1].thanTagel
dc.dtag("all", "linx")
dc.dtag("all", "nlix")
dc.addtag_withtag("linx", "selx")
dc.addtag_withtag("nlix", "selx")
for item in dc.find_withtag("selx"):
t = dc.type(item)
if t == "line":
dc.dtag(item, "nlix")
elif t == "image":
dc.dtag(item, "nlix")
dc.dtag(item, "linx")
dc.dtag(item, "linx")
dc.itemconfig("linx", fill=col)
dc.itemconfig("nlix", outline=col, fill=fillcol)
if __name__ == "__main__":
print __doc__