# ThanCad 0.0.9 "DoesSomething": 2dimensional CAD with raster support for engineers.
# Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Thanasis Stamos, August 23, 2009
# URL: http://thancad.sourceforge.net
# e-mail: cyberthanasis@excite.com
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details (www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html).
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
ThanCad 0.0.9 "DoesSomething": 2dimensional CAD with raster support for engineers.
This module defines dragging state, i.e. the generic way that ThanCad responds to
dragging events like realtime zoom and realtime pan.
import Tkinter
from thantkconst import *
from thanvar import thanLogTk
from thantkguigeneric import ThanStateGeneric
class ThanStateDrag(ThanStateGeneric):
"An object which interprets dragging events as events as ????."
def __init__(self, proj):
"initialize object."
self.thanProj = proj
self.thanStateDrag = THAN_STATE_DRAG2BEGIN
self.__x2 = self.__y2 = self.__xa = self.__ya = self.__zoomorigc = self.__zooma = self.__zoomb = None
def thanOnMotionDrag(self, event):
"Well, here is what should be drawn each time mouse moves while it is pressed."
if self.thanStateDrag == THAN_STATE_DRAG2BEGIN: # User is not pressing mouse key, do nothing
# self.__onMotion(event)
#-------Initial values
dc = self.thanProj[2].thanCanvas
sb = self.thanProj[2].thanStatusBar
x = dc.canvasx(event.x); y = dc.canvasy(event.y) # canvas units
cc = list(self.thanProj[1].thanVar["elevation"])
cc[:2] = self.thanProj[2].thanCt.local2Global(x, y) # User coordinates (transformed from canvas coordinates)
#-------The first drag must be at least 3 points (the user accidentally dragged!)
if self.thanStateDrag == THAN_STATE_DRAGFIRST:
if abs(x-self.__x2) < 3 and abs(y-self.__y2) < 3: return
self.__prepareZoom(x, y)
dc.thanCh.thanDisable() # Disable croshair (dragging is clearer)
if dc.thanState == THAN_STATE_ZOOMDYNAMIC:
for (item1,item2),im in self.thanProj[2].thanImages.iteritems():
dc.delete(item2) # Delete Images (they can't be zoomed), but not rectangles
self.thanStateDrag = THAN_STATE_DRAGGING
#-------The user is dragging now
if dc.thanState == THAN_STATE_PANDYNAMIC:
dx = -int(x - dc.thanXcu) # pixels
dy = -int(y - dc.thanYcu) # pixels
dc.xview(Tkinter.SCROLL, dx, Tkinter.UNITS)
dc.yview(Tkinter.SCROLL, dy, Tkinter.UNITS)
x += dx # Because the view window changed, local coords of elements (and croshair)
y += dy # did not change with these commands. Thus modify croshair coordinates,
# so that croshair remains at the same "view" position
elif dc.thanState == THAN_STATE_ZOOMDYNAMIC:
dy = int(y - dc.thanYcu) # pixels
fact = 1.03, 1.03
if dy < 0: fact = 0.97, 0.97
args = (Tkinter.ALL,) + self.__zoomorigc + fact
#-------Ending values
dc.thanXcu = x
dc.thanYcu = y
def __prepareZoom(self, x, y):
"Makes sentinel elements to prepare for zoom computation."
dc = self.thanProj[2].thanCanvas
dc.update_idletasks() # _idletasks breaks WinDoze (98?) support. Skotistika
self.__xa = dc.canvasx(0)
self.__ya = dc.canvasy(0)
self.__zoomorigc = x, y # canvas units
self.__zooma = dc.create_line(x-10000, y-10000, x-10001, y-10001) # sentinel element
self.__zoomb = dc.create_line(x+10000, y+10000, x+10001, y+10001) # sentinel element
dc.thanTempItems.add(self.__zoomorigc) # Record items so that they can be..
dc.thanTempItems.add(self.__zooma) # ..deleted in case of error/command-line action
def thanOnReleaseDrag(self, event):
"Well, here is what should be done after the end of dragging."
if self.thanStateDrag == THAN_STATE_NONE: return
if self.thanStateDrag == THAN_STATE_DRAGFIRST: return
if self.thanStateDrag != THAN_STATE_DRAGGING:
thanLogTk.warning("tklowget: onReleaseDrag was trigered before onClick: probably, the click was lost!")
#-------Initial values
dc = self.thanProj[2].thanCanvas
x = dc.canvasx(event.x)
y = dc.canvasy(event.y)
if dc.thanState == THAN_STATE_PANDYNAMIC:
dc.update_idletasks() # _idletasks breaks WinDoze (98?) support. Skotistika
xa = dc.canvasx(0)
ya = dc.canvasy(0)
dc._resultCoorRel0(xa-self.__xa, ya-self.__ya)
dc.thanCh.thanEnable(x, y) # Enable, resize and redraw the croshair
dc.thanState = self.thanStateDrag = THAN_STATE_NONE
elif dc.thanState == THAN_STATE_ZOOMDYNAMIC:
if self.__zooma == None:
thanLogTk.warning("tklowget: Release drag event triggered for no reason!")
dc.thanCh.thanEnable(x, y) # Enable, resize and redraw the croshair
dc.thanState = self.thanStateDrag = THAN_STATE_NONE
assert False, "Unknown drag state="+str(dc.thanState)
#-------Ending values
dc.thanXcu = x
dc.thanYcu = y
def __calcZoom(self):
"Computes the zoom factor using the sentinel elements."
dc = self.thanProj[2].thanCanvas
ca = dc.coords(self.__zooma)
cb = dc.coords(self.__zoomb)
self.__debugZoom(ca, cb) # Only for debugging
dc.thanLastResult = (dc.thanLastResult[0], 20000.0 / (cb[0] - ca[0]))
def __debugZoom(self, ca, cb):
"Check that the center of zoom remained in place; code only for debug; not needed in production."
cc = (ca[0]+cb[0])*0.5, (ca[1]+cb[1])*0.5
cor = self.__zoomorigc
if abs(cc[0]-cor[0])+abs(cc[1]-cor[1]) > 0.5:
thanLogTk.warning("Zoom center should be: %f %f but is: %f %f \n ca=%f %f\n cb=%f %f"\
% (self.__zoomorigc[0], self.__zoomorigc[1], cc[0], cc[1], ca[0], ca[1], cb[0], cb[1]))
def thanOnClick(self, event, x, y, cc):
"Well, here is what should be done when mouse clicks."
dc = self.thanProj[2].thanCanvas
# dc.focus_set() # This is needed otherwise text controls gets characters?
if self.thanStateDrag == THAN_STATE_DRAG2BEGIN:
self.__x2 = x
self.__y2 = y
self.thanStateDrag = THAN_STATE_DRAGFIRST
def thanOnClickr(self, event):
"Well, here is what should be done when right mouse clicks."
win = self.thanProj[2]
dc = win.thanCanvas
if dc.thanState == THAN_STATE_ZOOMDYNAMIC:
win.thanScheduler.thanSchedule(win.thanGudCommandBegin, "panrealtime")
win.thanCom.thanOnCharEsc(event) # Finish zoom dynamic
elif dc.thanState == THAN_STATE_PANDYNAMIC:
win.thanScheduler.thanSchedule(win.thanGudCommandBegin, "zoomrealtime")
win.thanCom.thanOnCharEsc(event) # Finish pan dynamic
assert False, "Unknown drag state="+str(dc.thanState)