# ThanCad 0.0.9 "DoesSomething": 2dimensional CAD with raster support for engineers.
# Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Thanasis Stamos, August 23, 2009
# URL: http://thancad.sourceforge.net
# e-mail: cyberthanasis@excite.com
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details (www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html).
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
ThanCad 0.0.9 "DoesSomething": 2dimensional CAD with raster support for engineers.
This module defines the object snap functionality.
from thanvar import thanLogTk
from thanopt import thancadconf
from thandefs.thanatt import ThanAttCol
_AVOIDTAG = frozenset(("e0", "edrag"))
class ThanOsnap:
"Object snap functionality class."
def __init__(self, proj):
"Initialize the object."
self.thanProj = proj
self.BSEL = proj[2].BSEL
self.size = proj[2].BOSN # size of osnap signs
self.types = thancadconf.thanOsnapModes
self.active = "ena" in self.types
self.preempt = False
self.items = ()
self.tcol = ThanAttCol(thancadconf.thanColOsn).thanTk
self.selems = proj[2].thanSelems # Elements which may be snapped to.
self.selem = None # Snapable element which is near cursor.
self.cc1 = None
def thanFind(self):
"Finds end, mid, center etc near the mouse cursor."
if self.preempt:
thanLogTk.error("tklowget: osnapFind: preemptive call. It shouldn't happen.")
self.preempt = True
dc = self.thanProj[2].thanCanvas
tagel = self.thanProj[1].thanTagel
ct = self.thanProj[2].thanCt
bpix, hpix = self.BSEL/2, self.BSEL/2
x1, y1 = dc.thanXcu-bpix, dc.thanYcu-hpix
x2, y2 = dc.thanXcu+bpix, dc.thanYcu+hpix
items = dc.find_overlapping(x1, y1, x2, y2)
otypes = self.types
ccu = list(self.thanProj[1].thanVar["elevation"])
ccu[:2] = ct.local2Global(dc.thanXcu, dc.thanYcu)
if "ele" in otypes:
selems = self.selems
for item in items:
tags = dc.gettags(item)
# Tkinter may automatically add the tag 'current' in any element
# so the next test (which should succeed) does not succeed.
# Thus we have to check for "e0" AND "edrag"
if len(tags) < 2: continue # We avoid current (rubber line)
if tags[0] in _AVOIDTAG: continue # We avoid current compound element (we shouldn't really)
e = tagel[tags[0]]
if e in selems:
self.selem = e
e1 = e.thanClone()
e1.thanTags = ("e0",)
than = self.thanProj[2].than
col1 = than.outline
than.outline = self.tcol
dc.itemconfig("e0", width=5)
than.outline = col1
self.preempt = False
self.selem = None
self.preempt = False
elif "int" in otypes:
ps = self.__int(dc, tagel, otypes, items, ccu, self.cc1)
ps = []
for item in items:
# tags = dc.itemcget(item, "tags").split()
if dc.type(item) == "image": continue # Ignore Tk images; only the bounding rectangle counts
tags = dc.gettags(item)
if len(tags) < 2: continue # We avoid current (rubber line)
if tags[0] in _AVOIDTAG: continue # We avoid current compound element (we shouldn't really)
e = tagel[tags[0]]
p = e.thanOsnap(self.thanProj, otypes, ccu, None, self.cc1)
if p != None:
if len(ps) > 2: break
for item1 in self.items: dc.delete(item1)
if len(ps) < 1:
self.items = ()
self.preempt = False
p = min(ps)
b, h = ct.global2LocalRel(p[0], p[0])
if b > 10*self.BSEL:
self.items = ()
self.preempt = False
t = self.type = p[1]
cc = self.cc = p[2]
x, y = ct.global2Local(cc[0], cc[1])
self.x = x
self.y = y
b = h = self.size/2
tcol = self.tcol
if t == "end":
self.items = \
( dc.create_rectangle(x-b, y-h, x+b, y+h, width=3, outline=tcol, fill=""),
elif t == "mid":
self.items = \
( dc.create_polygon(x-b, y-b, x+b, y-b, x, y+b, width=3, outline=tcol, fill=""),
elif t == "cen":
self.items = \
( dc.create_oval(x-b, y-b, x+b, y+b, width=3, outline=tcol, fill=""),
elif t == "nod":
self.items = \
( dc.create_oval(x-b, y-b, x+b, y+b, width=3, outline=tcol, fill=""),
dc.create_line(x-b, y-b, x+b, y+b, width=2, fill=tcol),
dc.create_line(x-b, y+b, x+b, y-b, width=2, fill=tcol),
elif t == "qua":
self.items = \
( dc.create_polygon(x-b,y, x,y+b, x+b,y, x,y-b, width=2, outline=tcol, fill=""),
elif t == "int":
self.items = \
( dc.create_line(x-b, y-b, x+b, y+b, width=2, fill=tcol),
dc.create_line(x-b, y+b, x+b, y-b, width=2, fill=tcol),
elif t == "tan":
bb = 0.8*b
self.items = \
( dc.create_oval(x-bb, y-bb, x+bb, y+bb, width=3, outline=tcol, fill=""),
dc.create_line(x-b, y-b, x+b, y-b, width=2, fill=tcol),
elif t == "nea":
self.items = \
( dc.create_polygon(x-b, y-b, x+b, y+b, x-b, y+b, x+b, y-b, width=2, outline=tcol, fill=""),
elif t == "per":
self.items = \
( dc.create_line(x-b, y-b, x-b, y+b, x+b, y+b, width=3, fill=tcol),
dc.create_line(x-b, y, x, y, x, y+b, width=2, fill=tcol),
self.preempt = False
def __int(self, dc, tagel, otypes, items, ccu, cc1):
"Finds int near the mouse cursor."
dc = self.thanProj[2].thanCanvas
ps = []
it = iter(items)
for item in it: # Search for first element of intersection
tags = dc.gettags(item)
if len(tags) < 2: continue # We avoid current (rubber line)
if tags[0] in _AVOIDTAG: continue # We avoid current compound element (we shouldn't really)
e = tagel[tags[0]]
else: return ps
etried = False
for item in it: # Search for second element of intersection
tags = dc.gettags(item)
if len(tags) < 2: continue # We avoid current (rubber line)
if tags[0] in _AVOIDTAG: continue # We avoid current compound element (we shouldn't really)
etried = True
e2 = tagel[tags[0]]
p = e.thanOsnap(self.thanProj, otypes, ccu, e2, cc1)
if p != None: ps.append(p); break
e = e2
if etried: return ps
p = e.thanOsnap(self.thanProj, otypes, ccu, None, cc1)
if p != None: ps.append(p)
return ps
def thanCleanup(self):
"Do cleanup after error/command-line action."
dc = self.thanProj[2].thanCanvas
for item1 in self.items:
self.items = ()
class ThanOrtho:
"Ortho mode functionality class."
def __init__(self):
"Initialize the object."
self.thanIdirs = [(1.0, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0), (-1.0, 0.0), (0.0, -1.0)]
self.on = False # If this is false then ortho is off
self.active = False # This is false if ortho has no meaning for current action
self.xa = None # The reference point for ortho mode..
self.ya = None # ..in canvas coordinates
def enable(self, xa, ya):
"Enable ortho mode, if it is on."
self.xa = xa
self.ya = ya
self.active = True
def disable(self):
"Disable ortho mode; ortho has no meaning for current action."
self.active = False
self.xa = self.ya = None
def toggle(self):
"Toggle on/off and return the currebt state."
self.on = not self.on
return self.on
def orthoxy(self, xb, yb):
"Force the coordinates of the mouse parallel to a direction; usually ortho mode."
if not self.active or not self.on: return xb, yb
dx = xb - self.xa
dy = yb - self.ya
dismax = 0.0
for idir1 in self.thanIdirs:
disproj = dx*idir1[0] - dy*idir1[1] # The negative sign in y is due to local coordinate systems
if disproj > dismax:
dismax = disproj
idirmax = idir1
return self.xa + dismax*idirmax[0], self.ya - dismax*idirmax[1]