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Python Open Source » Business Application » ThanCad 
ThanCad » thancad 0.0.9 » thantrans »
# -*- coding: iso-8859-7 -*-

# ThanCad 0.0.9 "DoesSomething": 2dimensional CAD with raster support for engineers.
# Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Thanasis Stamos,  August 23, 2009
# URL:
# e-mail:
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details (
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

ThanCad 0.0.9 "DoesSomething": 2dimensional CAD with raster support for engineers.

This module defines various information for the translation from English to Greek.

from p_gtkwid import Translation


#English to greek translation table
en2gr = \
{ "__TRANSLATION__"     : ("en", "iso-8859-1", "gr", "iso-8859-7"),
  "Error in data"       :u"  ",
  "Values have changed.\nAbandon changes?":u"  \n   ;",
  "WARNING"             :u"",
  "Apply"               :u"",
  "Cancel"              :u"",
  "OK"                  :u"",
  "Yes"                 :u"",
  "No"                  :u"",
  "Insert"              :u"",
  "Delete"              :u"",
  "&New"                :u"&",
  "&Open"                                         : u"",
  "&Save"                                         : u"",
  "&Close"                                        : u"",
  "&Import syk"                                   : u" syk",
  "&Import brk"                                   : u" brk",
  "Import &dxf"                                   : u" dxf",
  "Import &mhk"                                   : u" mhk",
  "Export &dxf"                                   : u" dxf",
  "&Export syk"                                   : u" syk",
  "&Export brk"                                   : u" brk",
  "Export &Image"                                 : u"  ",
  "Plot to PDF"                                   : u"  pdf",
"&File"                                           : u"",
"Makes an empty drawing"                          : u"   ",
"Opens an existing drawing"                       : u"   ",
"Saves drawing into a file"                       : u"    ",
"Closes current drawing"                          : u"   ",
"Imports a syk file"                              : u"   syk",
"Imports a brk file"                              : u"   brk",
"Imports a dxf file"                              : u"   dxf",
"Imports a mhk section file"                      : u"    mhk",
"Exports a dxf file"                              : u"   dxf",
"Exports a syk file"                              : u"   syk",
"Exports a brk file"                              : u"   brk",
"Exports a raster image"                          : u"     ",
"Plots the drawing to a PDF file"                 : u"     pdf",
"&Purge"                                          : u"",
"Removes unused items, such as layers, from drawing": u"  ,  ,   ",
"E&xit"                                           : u"",
"&Edit"                                           : u"",
"&Undo"                                           : u" ",
"&Redo"                                           : u"  ",
"Cu&t"                                            : u"",
"&Copy"                                           : u"",
"C&opy with Base Point"                           : u"   ",
"&Paste"                                          : u"",
"P&aste to Original Coordinates"                  : u"   ",
"&Select"                                         : u"",
"Changes layer of selected elements"              : u"    ",
"Deletes selected elements"                       : u"  ",
"Rotates selected elements"                       : u"  ",
"Scales selected elements"                        : u"  ",
"Moves selected elements"                         : u"  ",
"Copies selected elements"                        : u"  ",
"Copies object parallel to itself"                : u"      ",
"Breaks an element into 2 pieces"                 : u"     ",
"Explode 1 or more elements to smaller objects"   : u"     ",
"Cuts elements with other elements being the cutting edges": u"     ",
"Layer:"                                          : u":",
"World xyz:"                                      : u" xyz:",
"New drawing has been created."                   : u"    .",
"Zoom &Window"                                    : u"  ",
"Zoom &All"                                       : u"    ",
"Zoom R&elative"                                  : u" ",
"&Zoom real time"                                 : u" ",
"P&an Relative"                                   : u" ",
"&Pan real time"                                  : u" ",
"&Redraw"                                         : u"",
"Re&gen"                                          : u"",
"&Highlight"                                      : u" ",
"Raster &Image"                                   : u"E",
"I&mage Manager"                                  : u" ",
"Joins 2 or more adjacent lines"                  : u" 2    ",
"Save translation report"                         : u"    ",
"&View"                                           : u"",
"&Insert"                                         : u"",
"F&ormat"                                         : u"",
"&Window"                                         : u"",
"&Layer"                                          : u"",
"&Text Style"                                     : u" ",
"&Tools"                                          : u"",
"&Distance"                                       : u"",
"&Area"                                           : u"",
"&Angle"                                          : u"",
"&Id Point"                                       : u" ",
"&List"                                           : u"",
"Drafting &Settings"                              : u" ",
"&Find text"                                      : u" ",
"&Find centroid"                                  : u" ",
"&Find convex hull"                               : u"  ",
"&Simplify line"                                  : u" ",
"&Draw"                                           : u"",
"&Line"                                           : u"",
"&Rectangle"                                      : u"",
"&Circle"                                         : u"",
"&Arc"                                            : u" ",
"&Point"                                          : u"",
"&Named Point"                                    : u" ",
"R&oad"                                           : u"",
"&Text"                                           : u"",
"&Dimension aligned"                              : u" ",
"&Engineering"                                    : u"",
"&Grid"                                           : u"",
"&Rectify Map"                                    : u" ",
"&Trace"                                          : u"",
"Nothing to cancel."                              : u"    .",
"First line point (c=continue previous/e=extend other): ": "    (c= /e= ): ",
"Center: "                                        : u": ",
"Radius: "                                        : u": ",
"Command: "                                       : u": ",
"Cancelled."                                      : u".",
"Save drawing to a file"                          : u"   ",
"Drawing has been saved."                         : u"   .",
"&Interchange"                                    : u" ",
"Creates an interchange between 2 highways"       : u"      2  ",
"Select an element (w=window/c=crossing/l=layers/p=previous): ": u"   (w=/c= /l=/p=): ",
"First window corner: "                           : u"  : ",
"Other window corner: "                           : u"  : ",
"elements added"                                  : u" ",
"duplicate"                                       : u"",
"Select layer(s)"                                 : u" ",
"Select an element to break"                      : u"    ",
"1 breakable element is required (%d found). Try again.\n": u" 1       ( %d).  .\n",
"Specify a point (m=multiple): "                  : u"   (m= ): ",
"Specify a point (<enter>): "                     : u"   (<enter>): ",
"2 lines are required (%d found). Try again.\n"   : u" 2 .  .\n",
"Start point of trace: "                          : u"  : ",
"Choose ThanCad file"                             : u"  ThanCad",
"Select a line with 3 point to fit highway interchange\n": u"    3      \n",
"First point: "                                   : u" : ",
"Next point: "                                    : u" : ",
"Edit ThanCad Text styles"                        : u"    ThanCad",
"Image file open failed"                          : u"   ",
"Plot to pdf file"                                : u"   pdf",
"Engineering scale 1:x (enter=500): "             : u" 1:x (enter=500): ",
"First grid corner (Quadrilateral): "             : u"     (q=):",
"Other grid corner: "                             : u"   : ",
"Keep grid boundary (Yes/No/<Yes>): "             : u"    (//<>): ",
"Select new current layer"                        : u"   ",
"Drawing modified, OK to close?"                  : u"   ,   ;",
"Save syk file"                                   : u"  syk",
"(This might be an old, no longer supported, drawing file)": u"(      ThanCad     )",
"Open failed"                                     : u" ",
"Existing drawing has been opened (into another window).": u"    (  ).",
"Save failed"                                     : u" ",
"Sudup, brother!"                                 : u",   !",
"generic element"                                 : u" ",
"&Curve"                                          : u"",
"Mirrors selected elements with repect to 2d axis": u"      2  2",
"Reverses the orientation of direction of lines"  : u"   ",
"Element"                                         : u"",
"Polygon"                                         : u"",
"Layer"                                           : u"",
"Length"                                          : u"",
"Area"                                            : u"",
"Vertices"                                        : u"",
"Unrecognized command\n"                          : u" \n",
"Select new layer for the elements"               : u"     ",
"Origin of rotation: "                            : u" : ",
"Rotation angle"                                  : u" ",
"&Modify"                                         : u"",
"C&hange layer"                                   : u" ",
"&Erase"                                          : u"",
"&Rotate"                                         : u"",
"Sc&ale"                                          : u"/",
"&Move"                                           : u"",
"M&irror"                                         : u" ",
"&Offset"                                         : u" ",
"&Break"                                          : u"",
"&Trim"                                           : u"",
"&Filet"                                          : u" ",
"&Join"                                           : u"",
"E&xplode"                                        : u"",
"Re&verse"                                        : u"",
"Hatch Open"                                      : u" ",
"Create hatch between disjoint lines"             : u"    ",
"Select 2 lines to create draw between:\n"        : u" 2      ",
"Next line point: "                               : u"  : ",
"Next line point (undo/<enter>): "                : u"  : (u= /<enter>): ",
"Next line point (undo/close/<enter>): "          : u"  : (u= /c=/<enter>): ",
"Distance of hatch lines/Number of hatch lines (enter=Number): ": u"   /N=   (enter=N): ",
"Number of hatch lines (enter=%d): "              : u"   (enter=%d): ",
"Save command window text"                        : u"      ",
"Save command window text was completed."         : u"   .",
"Origin of scale: "                               : u" /: ",
"Scale factor: "                                  : u" /: ",
"Origin or Delta coordinates: "                   : u"    : ",
"Destination or <enter>: "                        : u"   <enter>: ",
"Zoom &Selection"                                 : u"  ",
"Create &DTM"                                     : u" DTM",
"Creates a DTM from 3D lines"                     : u" DTM   ",
"Computes and shows the z coordinate at an arbitrary point": u"     z   ",
"Add Z to &Points"                                : u" Z  ",
"Supplies z coordinates to existing points"       : u"  Z   ",
"Add Z to &Lines"                                 : u" Z  ",
"Supplies z coordinates to existing polylines"    : u"  Z   ",
"Triangulation"                                   : u"",
"Creates and manages triangulation from (2D) points and lines.": u"      ()   ",
"Line Pro&file"                                   : u" ",
"Creates the profile of a (3D) line"              : u"     ",
"Specify corner of window, enter a scale factor (nX or nXP), or\n": u"  ,     (nX  nXP), \n",
"[All/Center/Dynamic/Extents/Previous/Scale/Window/seLection] <real time>:":
    u"[A=/C=/D=/E=/P=/S= /W=/L=] <.>:",
"Select elements to zoom to\n"                    : u"   \n",
"<varies>"                                        : u"",
"Import &syn"                                     : u" syn",
"Imports points from a syn file"                  : u"    syn",
"Imports a mhk profile file"                      : u"    mhk",
"&Run script"                                     : u"  ",
"Text Size: "                                     : u" : ",
"Text location: "                                 : u" : ",
"Text: "                                          : u": ",
"Open script file (with ThanCad's commands)"      : u"   (   ThanCad)",
"&Polygon"                                        : u"",
"E&dit Text"                                      : u" ",
"Lets the user edit any text interactively"       : u"        ",
"First polygon corner: "                          : u"   : ",
"Second polygon corner: "                         : u"   : ",
"Next polygon corner (Undo): "                    : u"    (U=): ",
"Select text to edit: "                           : u"   : ",
"Edit text"                                       : u" ",
"Invalid Point. Try again.\n"                     : u"  .  .\n",
"&Research"                                       : u"",
"Mark &Region"                                    : u" ",
"D&eveloper"                                      : u"",
"Show &font"                                      : u" ",
"Show &dimensions"                                : u" ",
"&Save CMD text"                                  : u"  ",
"&Translation report"                             : u" ",
"&Help"                                           : u"",
"&Introduction"                                   : u"",
"&GPL"                                            : u" GPL",
"&About"                                          : u"",
T = Translation(en2gr)
#T.thanLangSet("en", "gr")
T.thanLangSet("en", "en")
del en2gr

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    print __doc__ | Contact Us
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