# -*- coding: iso-8859-7 -*-
# ThanCad 0.0.9 "DoesSomething": 2dimensional CAD with raster support for engineers.
# Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Thanasis Stamos, August 23, 2009
# URL: http://thancad.sourceforge.net
# e-mail: cyberthanasis@excite.com
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details (www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html).
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
ThanCad 0.0.9 "DoesSomething": 2dimensional CAD with raster support for engineers.
This module computes a road node with circular arc.
from math import pi,sin,cos,hypot
import Tkinter
import p_ggen, p_gvec
from p_gmath import dpt
def calcRoadNode(xk1, yk1, xk2, yk2, xk3, yk3, r2):
k1 = p_ggen.Struct()
self = p_ggen.Struct()
k3 = p_ggen.Struct()
k1.pk = p_gvec.Vector2(xk1, yk1)
self.pk = p_gvec.Vector2(xk2, yk2)
k3.pk = p_gvec.Vector2(xk3, yk3)
self.R = r2
self.t12 = (self.pk-k1.pk).unit() # checkXy
self.t23 = (k3.pk-self.pk).unit() # checkXy
a12 = self.t12.atan2() # checkXy
a23 = self.t23.atan2() # checkXy
dfkl = dpt(a23 - a12); self.pr = 1.0
if dfkl > pi: dfkl = 2.0*pi - dfkl; self.pr = -1.0
self.phi = dpt(dfkl)
assert self.phi > 0, " self.check(): beta>0"
assert self.phi < pi, "Well, this is impossible since dfkl<pi !!"
self.LK = self.phi * self.R
self.rat = a12
at = kyklXy(self.R, self.LK, self.pr).rot(self.rat) # This should work
(d12, d23) = at.anal(self.t12, self.t23) # This should work
# since beta!=0 or pi
self.pa = self.pk - d12 * self.t12
self.pt = self.pa + at
self.T1 = abs(self.pa - self.pk)
self.T2 = abs(self.pt - self.pk)
tc = (-self.t12+self.t23).unit()
beta = pi-dfkl
y = self.R/sin(beta*0.5)
self.pc = self.pk + y*tc
self.theta1 = dpt((self.pa-self.pc).atan2())*180/pi
self.theta2 = dpt((self.pt-self.pc).atan2())*180/pi
if self.pr < 0.0: self.theta1, self.theta2 = self.theta2, self.theta1
self.delta = y - self.R
self.pm = self.pk + self.delta*tc # Middle of circlular curve
return self
def calcRoadNodeR(xk1, yk1, xk2, yk2, xk3, yk3, delta):
k1 = p_ggen.Struct()
self = p_ggen.Struct()
k3 = p_ggen.Struct()
k1.pk = p_gvec.Vector2(xk1, yk1)
self.pk = p_gvec.Vector2(xk2, yk2)
k3.pk = p_gvec.Vector2(xk3, yk3)
self.delta = delta
self.t12 = (self.pk-k1.pk).unit() # checkXy
self.t23 = (k3.pk-self.pk).unit() # checkXy
a12 = self.t12.atan2() # checkXy
a23 = self.t23.atan2() # checkXy
dfkl = dpt(a23 - a12); self.pr = 1.0
if dfkl > pi: dfkl = 2.0*pi - dfkl; self.pr = -1.0
beta = pi-dfkl
# R+delta = R/sin(beta*0.5) => delta = R/sin(beta*0.5) - R =>
self.R = delta/(1/sin(beta*0.5) - 1)
self.phi = dpt(dfkl)
assert self.phi > 0, " self.check(): beta>0"
assert self.phi < pi, "Well, this is impossible since dfkl<pi !!"
self.LK = self.phi * self.R
self.rat = a12
at = kyklXy(self.R, self.LK, self.pr).rot(self.rat) # This should work
(d12, d23) = at.anal(self.t12, self.t23) # This should work
# since beta!=0 or pi
self.pa = self.pk - d12 * self.t12
self.pt = self.pa + at
self.T1 = abs(self.pa - self.pk)
self.T2 = abs(self.pt - self.pk)
y = self.R/sin(beta*0.5)
tc = (-self.t12+self.t23).unit()
self.pc = self.pk + y*tc
self.theta1 = dpt((self.pa-self.pc).atan2())*180/pi
self.theta2 = dpt((self.pt-self.pc).atan2())*180/pi
if self.pr < 0.0: self.theta1, self.theta2 = self.theta2, self.theta1
self.pm = self.pk + self.delta*tc # Middle of circlular curve
return self
def kyklXy(R, L, pr):
"Points on circle."
f = L/R
return p_gvec.Vector2(R*sin(f), (R-R*cos(f))*pr)
def tkRoadNode(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, r2, dc, fill, tags):
"Draws a road curve; 2 line segments and an arc between."
nod = calcRoadNode(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, r2)
dth = (nod.theta2-nod.theta1) % 360.0
th = 360.0-nod.theta2
# print "%6.1f%6.1f -> %6.1f%6.1f" % (nod.theta1, nod.theta2, th, th+dth)
item1 = dc.create_line(x1, y1, nod.pa.x, nod.pa.y, fill=fill, tags=tags)
item2 = dc.create_arc(nod.pc.x-r2, nod.pc.y-r2, nod.pc.x+r2, nod.pc.y+r2,
start=th, extent=dth, style=Tkinter.ARC, outline=fill, tags=tags)
item3 = dc.create_line(nod.pt.x, nod.pt.y, x3, y3, fill=fill, tags=tags)
item4 = dc.create_line(nod.pa.x, nod.pa.y, x2, y2, nod.pt.x, nod.pt.y,
fill=fill, tags=tags, stipple="gray25")
return (item1, item2, item3, item4), (nod.pt.x, nod.pt.y)
def tkRoadNodeR(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, xmouse, ymouse, dc, ct, fill, tags):
"Draws a road curve; 2 line segments and an arc between."
delta = hypot(x2-xmouse, y2-ymouse)
nod = calcRoadNodeR(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, delta)
r2 = nod.R
dth = (nod.theta2-nod.theta1) % 360.0
th = 360.0-nod.theta2
# print "%6.1f%6.1f -> %6.1f%6.1f" % (nod.theta1, nod.theta2, th, th+dth)
item1 = dc.create_line(x1, y1, nod.pa.x, nod.pa.y, fill=fill, tags=tags)
item2 = dc.create_arc(nod.pc.x-r2, nod.pc.y-r2, nod.pc.x+r2, nod.pc.y+r2,
start=th, extent=dth, style=Tkinter.ARC, outline=fill, tags=tags)
item3 = dc.create_line(nod.pt.x, nod.pt.y, x3, y3, fill=fill, tags=tags)
item4 = dc.create_line(nod.pa.x, nod.pa.y, x2, y2, nod.pt.x, nod.pt.y,
fill=fill, tags=tags, stipple="gray25")
rr, _ = ct.local2GlobalRel(r2, r2)
item5 = dc.create_text(x2, y2, text="R=%d" % int(rr), fill=fill)
return (item1, item2, item3, item4, item5), (nod.pt.x, nod.pt.y)