# coding: utf-8
Last commit info:
created by Jens Diemer
:copyleft: 2009-2010 by the python-creole team, see AUTHORS for more details.
:license: GNU GPL v3 or above, see LICENSE for more details.
import re
import inspect
import warnings
import posixpath
import htmlentitydefs
from HTMLParser import HTMLParser
from xml.sax.saxutils import escape
"address", "blockquote", "center", "dir", "div", "dl", "fieldset",
"h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6",
"hr", "ins", "isindex", "menu", "noframes", "noscript",
"ul", "ol", "li", "table", "th", "tr", "td",
"p", "pre",
IGNORE_TAGS = ("tbody",)
block_re = re.compile(r'''
^<pre> \s* $
^</pre> \s* $
inline_re = re.compile(r'''
''', re.VERBOSE | re.UNICODE)
headline_tag_re = re.compile(r"h(\d)", re.UNICODE)
class DocNode:
A node in the document.
def __init__(self, kind='', parent=None, attrs=[], content=None, \
self.kind = kind
self.children = []
self.parent = parent
if self.parent is not None:
self.attrs = dict(attrs)
if content:
assert isinstance(content, unicode)
self.content = content
self.level = level
def get_attrs_as_string(self):
FIXME: Find a better was to do this.
>>> node = DocNode(attrs={'foo':"bar", u"no":123})
>>> node.get_attrs_as_string()
u'foo="bar" no="123"'
>>> node = DocNode(attrs={"foo":'bar', "no":u"ABC"})
>>> node.get_attrs_as_string()
u'foo="bar" no="ABC"'
attr_list = []
for key, value in self.attrs.iteritems():
if not isinstance(value, unicode):
value = unicode(value)
value_string = repr(value).lstrip("u").replace(u"'", u'"')
attr_list.append(u"%s=%s" % (key, value_string))
return u" ".join(attr_list)
def __str__(self):
return "<DocNode %s: %r>" % (self.kind, self.content)
def __repr__(self):
return u"<DocNode %s: %r>" % (self.kind, self.content)
def debug(self):
print "_" * 80
print "\tDocNode - debug:"
print "str(): %s" % self
print "attributes:"
for i in dir(self):
if i.startswith("_") or i == "debug":
print "%20s: %r" % (i, getattr(self, i, "---"))
class DebugList(list):
def __init__(self, html2creole):
self.html2creole = html2creole
super(DebugList, self).__init__()
def append(self, item):
# for stack_frame in inspect.stack(): print stack_frame
line, method = inspect.stack()[1][2:4]
msg = "%-8s append: %-35r (%-15s line:%s)" % (
self.html2creole.getpos(), item,
method, line
list.append(self, item)
strip_html_regex = re.compile(
(?P<end>/{0,1}) # end tag e.g.: </end>
(?P<tag>[^ >]+) # tag name
(?P<startend>/{0,1}) # closed tag e.g.: <closed />
def strip_html(html_code):
Delete whitespace from html code. Doesn't recordnize preformatted blocks!
>>> strip_html(u' <p> one \\n two </p>')
u'<p>one two</p>'
>>> strip_html(u'<p><strong><i>bold italics</i></strong></p>')
u'<p><strong><i>bold italics</i></strong></p>'
>>> strip_html(u'<li> Force <br /> \\n linebreak </li>')
u'<li>Force<br />linebreak</li>'
>>> strip_html(u'one <i>two \\n <strong> \\n three \\n </strong></i>')
u'one <i>two <strong>three</strong> </i>'
>>> strip_html(u'<p>a <unknown tag /> foobar </p>')
u'<p>a <unknown tag /> foobar</p>'
>>> strip_html(u'<p>a <pre> preformated area </pre> foo </p>')
u'<p>a<pre>preformated area</pre>foo</p>'
def strip_tag(match):
block = match.group(0)
end_tag = match.group("end") in ("/", u"/")
startend_tag = match.group("startend") in ("/", u"/")
tag = match.group("tag")
# print "_"*40
# print match.groupdict()
# print "block.......: %r" % block
# print "end_tag.....:", end_tag
# print "startend_tag:", startend_tag
# print "tag.........: %r" % tag
if tag in BLOCK_TAGS:
return block.strip()
space_start = block.startswith(" ")
space_end = block.endswith(" ")
result = block.strip()
if end_tag:
# It's a normal end tag e.g.: </strong>
if space_start or space_end:
result += " "
elif startend_tag:
# It's a closed start tag e.g.: <br />
if space_start: # there was space before the tag
result = " " + result
if space_end: # there was space after the tag
result += " "
# a start tag e.g.: <strong>
if space_start or space_end:
result = " " + result
return result
data = html_code.strip()
clean_data = " ".join([line.strip() for line in data.split("\n")])
clean_data = strip_html_regex.sub(strip_tag, clean_data)
return clean_data
space_re = re.compile(r"^(\s*)(.*?)(\s*)$", re.DOTALL)
def clean_whitespace(txt):
Special whitespaces cleanup
>>> clean_whitespace(u"\\n\\nfoo bar\\n\\n")
u'foo bar\\n'
>>> clean_whitespace(u" foo bar \\n \\n")
u' foo bar\\n'
>>> clean_whitespace(u" \\n \\n foo bar ")
u' foo bar '
>>> clean_whitespace(u"foo bar")
u'foo bar'
def cleanup(match):
start, txt, end = match.groups()
if " " in start:
start = " "
start = ""
if "\n" in end:
end = "\n"
elif " " in end:
end = " "
return start + txt + end
return space_re.sub(cleanup, txt)
class Html2CreoleParser(HTMLParser):
# placeholder html tag for pre cutout areas:
_block_placeholder = "blockdata"
_inline_placeholder = "inlinedata"
def __init__(self, debug=False):
self.debugging = debug
if self.debugging:
message="Html2Creole debug is on! warn every data append."
self.result = DebugList(self)
self.result = []
self.blockdata = []
self.root = DocNode("document", None)
self.cur = self.root
self.__list_level = 0
def _pre_cut(self, data, type, placeholder):
if self.debugging:
print "append blockdata: %r" % data
assert isinstance(data, unicode), "blockdata is not unicode"
id = len(self.blockdata) - 1
return u'<%s type="%s" id="%s" />' % (placeholder, type, id)
def _pre_pre_inline_cut(self, groups):
return self._pre_cut(groups["pre_inline"], "pre", self._inline_placeholder)
def _pre_pre_block_cut(self, groups):
return self._pre_cut(groups["pre_block"], "pre", self._block_placeholder)
def _pre_pass_block_cut(self, groups):
content = groups["pass_block"].strip()
return self._pre_cut(content, "pass", self._block_placeholder)
_pre_pass_block_start_cut = _pre_pass_block_cut
def _pre_cut_out(self, match):
groups = match.groupdict()
for name, text in groups.iteritems():
if text is not None:
if self.debugging:
print "%15s: %r (%r)" % (name, text, match.group(0))
method = getattr(self, '_pre_%s_cut' % name)
return method(groups)
# data = match.group("data")
def feed(self, raw_data):
assert isinstance(raw_data, unicode), "feed data must be unicode!"
data = raw_data.strip()
# cut out <pre> and <tt> areas block tag areas
data = block_re.sub(self._pre_cut_out, data)
data = inline_re.sub(self._pre_cut_out, data)
# Delete whitespace from html code
data = strip_html(data)
if self.debugging:
print "_" * 79
print "raw data:"
print repr(raw_data)
print " -" * 40
print "cleaned data:"
print data
print "-" * 79
# print clean_data.replace(">", ">\n")
# print "-"*79
HTMLParser.feed(self, data)
return self.root
def _upto(self, node, kinds):
Look up the tree to the first occurence
of one of the listed kinds of nodes or root.
Start at the node node.
while node is not None and node.parent is not None:
node = node.parent
if node.kind in kinds:
return node
def _go_up(self):
kinds = list(BLOCK_TAGS) + ["document"]
self.cur = self._upto(self.cur, kinds)
self.debug_msg("go up to", self.cur)
def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
self.debug_msg("starttag", "%r atts: %s" % (tag, attrs))
if tag in IGNORE_TAGS:
headline = headline_tag_re.match(tag)
if headline:
self.cur = DocNode(
"headline", self.cur, level=int(headline.group(1))
if tag in ("li", "ul", "ol"):
if tag in ("ul", "ol"):
self.__list_level += 1
self.cur = DocNode(tag, self.cur, attrs, level=self.__list_level)
elif tag == "img":
# Work-a-round if a image tag is not marked as startendtag:
# wrong: <img src="/image.jpg"> doesn't work if </img> not exist
# right: <img src="/image.jpg" />
DocNode(tag, self.cur, attrs)
self.cur = DocNode(tag, self.cur, attrs)
def handle_data(self, data):
self.debug_msg("data", "%r" % data)
if isinstance(data, str):
data = unicode(data)
DocNode("data", self.cur, content=data)
def handle_charref(self, name):
self.debug_msg("charref", "%r" % name)
DocNode("charref", self.cur, content=name)
def handle_entityref(self, name):
self.debug_msg("entityref", "%r" % name)
DocNode("entityref", self.cur, content=name)
def handle_startendtag(self, tag, attrs):
self.debug_msg("startendtag", "%r atts: %s" % (tag, attrs))
attr_dict = dict(attrs)
if tag in (self._block_placeholder, self._inline_placeholder):
id = int(attr_dict["id"])
# block_type = attr_dict["type"]
"%s_%s" % (tag, attr_dict["type"]),
# attrs = attr_dict
DocNode(tag, self.cur, attrs)
def handle_endtag(self, tag):
if tag in IGNORE_TAGS:
self.debug_msg("endtag", "%r" % tag)
self.debug_msg("starttag", "%r" % self.get_starttag_text())
if tag in ("ul", "ol"):
self.__list_level -= 1
if tag in BLOCK_TAGS:
self.cur = self.cur.parent
def debug_msg(self, method, txt):
if not self.debugging:
print "%-8s %8s: %s" % (self.getpos(), method, txt)
def debug(self, start_node=None):
Display the current document tree
print "_" * 80
if start_node == None:
start_node = self.root
print " document tree:"
print " tree from %s:" % start_node
print "=" * 80
def emit(node, ident=0):
for child in node.children:
txt = u"%s%s" % (u" " * ident, child.kind)
if child.content:
txt += ": %r" % child.content
if child.attrs:
txt += " - attrs: %r" % child.attrs
if child.level != None:
txt += " - level: %r" % child.level
print txt
emit(child, ident + 4)
print "*" * 80
entities_rules = '|'.join([
#print entities_rules
entities_regex = re.compile(
entities_rules, re.VERBOSE | re.UNICODE | re.MULTILINE
class Deentity(object):
replace html entity
>>> d = Deentity()
>>> d.replace_all(u"-=[ >>>nice<<< ]=-")
u'-=[ >>>nice<<< ]=-'
>>> d.replace_all(u"-=[Mühlheim]=-") # uuml - latin small letter u with diaeresis
>>> d.replace_number("126")
>>> d.replace_hex("7E")
>>> d.replace_named("amp")
def replace_number(self, text):
""" unicode number entity """
unicode_no = int(text)
return unichr(unicode_no)
def replace_hex(self, text):
""" hex entity """
unicode_no = int(text, 16)
return unichr(unicode_no)
def replace_named(self, text):
""" named entity """
if text == "nbsp":
# Non breaking spaces is not in htmlentitydefs
return u" "
codepoint = htmlentitydefs.name2codepoint[text]
character = unichr(codepoint)
return character
def replace_all(self, content):
""" replace all html entities form the given text. """
def replace_entity(match):
groups = match.groupdict()
for name, text in groups.iteritems():
if text is not None:
replace_method = getattr(self, 'replace_%s' % name)
return replace_method(text)
# Should never happen:
raise RuntimeError("deentitfy re rules wrong!")
return entities_regex.sub(replace_entity, content)
class Html2CreoleEmitter(object):
def __init__(self, document_tree, unknown_emit=ESCAPE_UNKNOWN_NODES,
self.root = document_tree
if unknown_emit == RAISE_UNKNOWN_NODES:
self.unknown_emit = self.raise_unknown_node
elif unknown_emit == HTML_MACRO_UNKNOWN_NODES:
self.unknown_emit = self.use_html_macro
elif unknown_emit == ESCAPE_UNKNOWN_NODES:
self.unknown_emit = self.escape_unknown_nodes
raise AssertionError("wrong keyword argument 'unknown_emit'!")
self.debugging = debug
self.deentity = Deentity() # for replacing html entities
self.__inner_list = ""
self.__mask_linebreak = False
def raise_unknown_node(self, node):
Raise NotImplementedError on unknown tags.
raise NotImplementedError(
"Node from type '%s' is not implemented!" % node.kind
def use_html_macro(self, node):
Use the <<html>> macro to mask unknown tags.
attrs = node.get_attrs_as_string()
if attrs:
attrs = " " + attrs
tag_data = {
"tag": node.kind,
"attrs": attrs,
content = self.emit_children(node)
if not content:
# single tag
return u"<<html>><%(tag)s%(attrs)s /><</html>>" % tag_data
start_tag = u"<<html>><%(tag)s%(attrs)s><</html>>" % tag_data
end_tag = u"<<html>></%(tag)s><</html>>" % tag_data
return start_tag + content + end_tag
def escape_unknown_nodes(self, node):
All unknown tags should be escaped.
attrs = node.get_attrs_as_string()
if attrs:
attrs = " " + attrs
tag_data = {
"tag": node.kind,
"attrs": attrs,
content = self.emit_children(node)
if not content:
# single tag
return escape(u"<%(tag)s%(attrs)s />" % tag_data)
start_tag = escape(u"<%(tag)s%(attrs)s>" % tag_data)
end_tag = escape(u"</%(tag)s>" % tag_data)
return start_tag + content + end_tag
def blockdata_pre_emit(self, node):
""" pre block -> with newline at the end """
return u"{{{%s}}}\n" % self.deentity.replace_all(node.content)
def inlinedata_pre_emit(self, node):
""" a pre inline block -> no newline at the end """
return u"{{{%s}}}" % self.deentity.replace_all(node.content)
def blockdata_pass_emit(self, node):
return u"%s\n\n" % node.content
return node.content
def data_emit(self, node):
return node.content
def entityref_emit(self, node):
emit a named html entity
entity = node.content
return self.deentity.replace_named(entity)
except KeyError, err:
if self.debugging:
print "unknown html entity found: %r" % entity
return "&%s" % entity # FIXME
except UnicodeDecodeError, err:
raise UnicodeError(
"Error handling entity %r: %s" % (entity, err)
def charref_emit(self, node):
emit a not named html entity
entity = node.content
if entity.startswith("x"):
# entity in hex
hex_no = entity[1:]
return self.deentity.replace_hex(hex_no)
# entity as a unicode number
return self.deentity.replace_number(entity)
def p_emit(self, node):
return u"%s\n\n" % self.emit_children(node)
def br_emit(self, node):
if self.__inner_list != "":
return u"\\\\"
return u"\n"
def headline_emit(self, node):
return u"%s %s\n" % (u"=" * node.level, self.emit_children(node))
def _typeface(self, node, key):
return key + self.emit_children(node) + key
def strong_emit(self, node):
return self._typeface(node, key="**")
b_emit = strong_emit
big_emit = strong_emit
def i_emit(self, node):
return self._typeface(node, key="//")
em_emit = i_emit
def tt_emit(self, node):
return self._typeface(node, key="##")
def sup_emit(self, node):
return self._typeface(node, key="^^")
def sub_emit(self, node):
return self._typeface(node, key=",,")
def u_emit(self, node):
return self._typeface(node, key="__")
def small_emit(self, node):
return self._typeface(node, key="--")
def del_emit(self, node):
return self._typeface(node, key="~~")
strike_emit = del_emit
def hr_emit(self, node):
return u"----\n\n"
def a_emit(self, node):
link_text = self.emit_children(node)
url = node.attrs["href"]
if link_text == url:
return u"[[%s]]" % url
return u"[[%s|%s]]" % (url, link_text)
def img_emit(self, node):
src = node.attrs["src"]
title = node.attrs.get("title", "")
alt = node.attrs.get("alt", "")
if len(alt) > len(title): # Use the longest one
text = alt
text = title
if text == "": # Use filename as picture text
text = posixpath.basename(src)
return u"{{%s|%s}}" % (src, text)
def li_emit(self, node):
content = self.emit_children(node)
return u"\n%s %s" % (self.__inner_list, content)
def _list_emit(self, node, list_type):
if self.__inner_list == "": # Srart a new list
self.__inner_list = list_type
start = False
self.__inner_list += list_type
content = u"%s" % self.emit_children(node)
self.__inner_list = self.__inner_list[:-1]
if self.__inner_list == "": # Srart a new list
return content.strip() + "\n\n"
return content
def ul_emit(self, node):
return self._list_emit(node, list_type="*")
def ol_emit(self, node):
return self._list_emit(node, list_type="#")
def table_emit(self, node):
self._table = CreoleTable(self.debug_msg)
content = self._table.get_creole()
return u"%s\n" % content
def tr_emit(self, node):
content = self.emit_children(node)
return u""
def _escape_linebreaks(self, text):
test = text.strip()
text = text.split("\n")
lines = [line.strip() for line in text]
lines = [line for line in lines if line]
content = "\\\\".join(lines)
content = content.strip("\\")
return content
def th_emit(self, node):
content = self.emit_children(node)
content = self._escape_linebreaks(content)
content = u"= %s" % content
return u""
def td_emit(self, node):
content = self.emit_children(node)
content = self._escape_linebreaks(content)
return u""
def document_emit(self, node):
return self.emit_children(node)
def emit_children(self, node):
"""Emit all the children of a node."""
result = []
for child in node.children:
content = self.emit_node(child)
assert isinstance(content, unicode)
return u"".join(result)
#~ return u''.join([self.emit_node(child) for child in node.children])
def emit_node(self, node):
"""Emit a single node."""
self.debug_msg("emit_node", "%s: %r" % (node.kind, node.content))
method_name = "%s_emit" % node.kind
emit_method = getattr(self, method_name, self.unknown_emit)
content = emit_method(node)
if not isinstance(content, unicode):
raise AssertionError(
"Method '%s' returns no unicode (returns: %r)" % (
method_name, content
return content
def emit(self):
"""Emit the document represented by self.root DOM tree."""
result = self.emit_node(self.root)
return result.strip() # FIXME
def debug_msg(self, method, txt):
if not self.debugging:
print "%13s: %s" % (method, txt)
class CreoleTable(object):
Container for holding table data and render the data in creole markup.
Format every cell width to the same col width.
>>> def debug_msg(*args): pass
>>> t = CreoleTable(debug_msg)
>>> t.add_tr()
>>> t.add_td(u"= head1")
>>> t.add_td(u"= head2")
>>> t.add_tr()
>>> t.add_td(u"1.1.")
>>> t.add_td(u"1.2.")
>>> t.add_tr()
>>> t.add_td(u"2.1.")
>>> t.add_td(u"2.2.")
>>> t.get_creole().splitlines()
[u'|= head1 |= head2 |', u'| 1.1. | 1.2. |', u'| 2.1. | 2.2. |']
def __init__(self, debug_msg):
self.debug_msg = debug_msg
self.rows = []
self.row_index = None
def add_tr(self):
self.debug_msg("Table.add_tr", "")
self.row_index = len(self.rows) - 1
def add_td(self, text):
if self.row_index == None:
self.debug_msg("Table.add_td", text)
def get_creole(self):
""" return the table data in creole markup. """
# preformat every table cell
cells = []
for row in self.rows:
line_cells = []
for cell in row:
cell = cell.strip()
if cell != "":
if cell.startswith("="):
cell += " " # Headline
cell = " %s " % cell # normal cell
# Build a list of max len for every column
widths = [max(map(len, col)) for col in zip(*cells)]
# Join every line with ljust
lines = []
for row in cells:
cells = [cell.ljust(width) for cell, width in zip(row, widths)]
lines.append("|" + "|".join(cells) + "|")
result = "\n".join(lines)
self.debug_msg("Table.get_creole", result)
return result
if __name__ == '__main__':
import doctest
print "doc test done."
# import sys;sys.exit()
data = u"""
<a href="/url/">Search & Destroy</a>
# print data.strip()
h2c = Html2CreoleParser(
document_tree = h2c.feed(data)
e = Html2CreoleEmitter(document_tree,
content = e.emit()
print "*" * 79
print content
print "*" * 79
print content.replace(" ", ".").replace("\n", "\\n\n")