# coding:utf-8
Info print
Insert in every stdout.write() a info line from witch code line this print comes.
Usefull to find debug print statements ;)
WARNING: This is very slow and should only be used with the developer server ;)
Simply put this two lines in your settings:
from django_tools.utils import info_print
Last commit info:
:copyleft: 2009-2010 by the django-tools team, see AUTHORS for more details.
:license: GNU GPL v3 or above, see LICENSE for more details.
import os
import sys
import inspect
import warnings
class InfoStdout(object):
""" Insert in every stdout.write() a info line from witch code line this print comes."""
def __init__(self, orig_stdout):
self.orig_stdout = orig_stdout
self.old_fileinfo = None
def write(self, txt):
fileinfo = self._get_fileinfo()
if fileinfo != self.old_fileinfo:
self.orig_stdout.write("\n%s:\n%s" % (fileinfo, txt))
self.old_fileinfo = fileinfo
def flush(self):
def _get_fileinfo(self):
""" return fileinfo: Where from the announcement comes? """
self_basename = os.path.basename(__file__)
if self_basename.endswith(".pyc"):
# cut: ".pyc" -> ".py"
self_basename = self_basename[:-1]
for stack_frame in inspect.stack():
# go forward in the stack, to outside of this file.
filename = stack_frame[1]
lineno = stack_frame[2]
if os.path.basename(filename) != self_basename:
if len(filename) >= MAX_FILEPATH_LEN:
filename = "...%s" % filename[-MAX_FILEPATH_LEN:]
fileinfo = "%s line %s" % (filename, lineno)
except Exception, e:
fileinfo = "(inspect Error: %s)" % e
return fileinfo
__redirected = False
def redirect_stdout():
global __redirected
if not __redirected:
__redirected = True
warnings.warn("Redirect stdout/stderr for info print!")
orig_stdout = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = InfoStdout(orig_stdout)
orig_stderr = sys.stderr
sys.stderr = InfoStdout(orig_stdout)
except Exception, err:
print "Error:", err