# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
PyLucid markup converter
apply a markup to a content
Last commit info:
:copyleft: 2007-2009 by the PyLucid team, see AUTHORS for more details.
:license: GNU GPL v3 or above, see LICENSE for more details
import re
if __name__ == "__main__":
# For doctest only
import os
os.environ["DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE"] = "PyLucid.settings"
from django.conf import settings
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from django.utils.encoding import smart_str,force_unicode
from pylucid_project.utils.escape import escape_django_tags
from pylucid_project.utils.SimpleStringIO import SimpleStringIO
from pylucid_project.apps.pylucid.markup.django_tags import DjangoTagAssembler
from pylucid_project.apps.pylucid.models import PageContent
BLOCK_RE = re.compile("\n{2,}")
LINK_RE = re.compile(
def fallback_markup(content):
A simplest markup, build only paragraphs.
>>> fallback_markup("line one\\nline two\\n\\nnext block")
'<p>line one<br />\\nline two</p>\\n\\n<p>next block</p>'
>>> fallback_markup("url: http://pylucid.org END")
'<p>url: <a href="http://pylucid.org">pylucid.org</a> END</p>'
content = content.replace("\r\n", "\n").replace("\r", "\n")
blocks = BLOCK_RE.split(content)
blocks = [line.replace("\n", "<br />\n") for line in blocks]
content = "<p>" + "</p>\n\n<p>".join(blocks) + "</p>"
content = LINK_RE.sub(r'<a href="\g<url>">\g<title></a>', content)
return content
def apply_tinytextile(content, page_msg):
""" tinyTextile markup """
from pylucid_project.apps.pylucid.markup.tinyTextile import TinyTextileParser
out_obj = SimpleStringIO()
markup_parser = TinyTextileParser(out_obj, page_msg)
return force_unicode(out_obj.getvalue())
def apply_textile(content, page_msg):
""" Original textile markup """
import textile
except ImportError:
"Markup error: The Python textile library isn't installed."
" Download: http://cheeseshop.python.org/pypi/textile"
return fallback_markup(content)
return force_unicode(textile.textile(
def apply_markdown(content, page_msg):
""" Markdown markup """
import markdown
except ImportError:
"Markup error: The Python markdown library isn't installed."
" Download: http://sourceforge.net/projects/python-markdown/"
return fallback_markup(content)
# unicode support only in markdown v1.7 or above.
# version_info exist only in markdown v1.6.2rc-2 or above.
if getattr(markdown, "version_info", None) < (1, 7):
return force_unicode(markdown.markdown(smart_str(content)))
return markdown.markdown(content)
def apply_restructuretext(content, page_msg):
from docutils.core import publish_parts
except ImportError:
"Markup error: The Python docutils library isn't installed."
" Download: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/"
return fallback_markup(content)
docutils_settings = getattr(
parts = publish_parts(
source=content, writer_name="html4css1",
return parts["fragment"]
def apply_creole(content):
Use python-creole:
We used verbose=1 for inser error information (e.g. not existing macro)
into the generated page
from pylucid_project.apps.pylucid.markup import PyLucid_creole_macros
from creole import Parser
from creole.creole2html import HtmlEmitter
# Create document tree from creole markup
document = Parser(content).parse()
# Build html code from document tree
return HtmlEmitter(document, macros=PyLucid_creole_macros, verbose=0).emit()
def convert(raw_content, markup_no, page_msg):
if markup_no == PageContent.MARKUP_TINYTEXTILE: # PyLucid's TinyTextile
html_content = apply_tinytextile(raw_content, page_msg)
elif markup_no == PageContent.MARKUP_TEXTILE: # Textile (original)
html_content = apply_textile(raw_content, page_msg)
elif markup_no == PageContent.MARKUP_MARKDOWN:
html_content = apply_markdown(raw_content, page_msg)
elif markup_no == PageContent.MARKUP_REST:
html_content = apply_restructuretext(raw_content, page_msg)
elif markup_no == PageContent.MARKUP_CREOLE:
html_content = apply_creole(raw_content)
elif markup_no in (PageContent.MARKUP_HTML, PageContent.MARKUP_HTML_EDITOR):
html_content = raw_content
raise AssertionError("markup no %r unknown!" % markup_no)
return html_content
def apply_markup(raw_content, markup_no, page_msg, escape_django_tags=False):
""" render markup content to html. """
assemble_tags = markup_no not in (PageContent.MARKUP_HTML, PageContent.MARKUP_HTML_EDITOR)
if assemble_tags:
# cut out every Django tags from content
assembler = DjangoTagAssembler()
raw_content2, cut_data = assembler.cut_out(raw_content)
raw_content2 = raw_content
html_content = convert(raw_content2, markup_no, page_msg)
if assemble_tags:
# reassembly cut out django tags into text
if not isinstance(html_content, unicode):
if settings.DEBUG:
markup_name = PageContent.MARKUP_DICT[markup_no]
page_msg("Info: Markup converter %r doesn't return unicode!" % markup_name)
html_content = force_unicode(html_content)
html_content2 = assembler.reassembly(html_content, cut_data)
# html "markup" used
html_content2 = raw_content
if escape_django_tags:
html_content2 = escape_django_template_tags(html_content2)
return mark_safe(html_content2) # turn Django auto-escaping off
def convert_markup(raw_content, source_markup_no, dest_markup_no, page_msg):
Convert one markup in a other.
html_source = source_markup_no in (PageContent.MARKUP_HTML, PageContent.MARKUP_HTML_EDITOR)
html_dest = dest_markup_no in (PageContent.MARKUP_HTML, PageContent.MARKUP_HTML_EDITOR)
if source_markup_no == dest_markup_no or (html_source and html_dest):
# Nothing to do ;)
return raw_content
if not html_dest and dest_markup_no != PageContent.MARKUP_CREOLE:
raise NotImplementedError("Converting into %r not supported." % dest_markup_no)
if html_source: # Source markup is HTML
html_content = raw_content
# cut out every Django tags from content
assembler = DjangoTagAssembler()
raw_content2, cut_data = assembler.cut_out(raw_content)
# convert to html
html_content = convert(raw_content2, source_markup_no, page_msg)
if html_dest: # Destination markup is HTML
new_content = html_content
# Skip: if dest_markup_no == PageContent.MARKUP_CREOLE: - only creole supported here
from creole import html2creole
new_content = html2creole(html_content)
if not html_source: # Source markup is not HTML
# reassembly cut out django tags into text
new_content = assembler.reassembly(new_content, cut_data)
return new_content
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest
# verbose=True
print "DocTest end."