# coding: utf-8
import warnings
from django import forms
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy
from dbpreferences.forms import DBPreferencesBaseForm
from pylucid_project.apps.pylucid.models import Design
#if Language.objects.count() == 0:
# # FIXME: Insert first language
# Language(code="en", description="english").save()
# warnings.warn("First language 'en' created.")
class SystemPreferencesForm(DBPreferencesBaseForm):
""" test preferences form """
# We can't use ModelChoiceField here, is not supported in DBpreferences, yet.
# see: http://code.google.com/p/django-dbpreferences/issues/detail?id=4
pylucid_admin_design = forms.ChoiceField(
# choices= Set in __init__, so the Queryset would not execute at startup
required=False, initial=None,
help_text=_("ID of the PyLucid Admin Design. (Not used yet!)")
ban_release_time = forms.IntegerField(
help_text=_("How long should a IP address banned in minutes. (Changes need app restart)"),
initial=15, min_value=1, max_value=60 * 24 * 7
(PERMALINK_USE_NONE, _("Append no additional text")),
(PERMALINK_USE_SLUG, _("Append the PageTree slug (language independent)")),
(PERMALINK_USE_NAME, _("Append the PageMeta name (language dependent)")),
(PERMALINK_USE_TITLE, _("Append the PageMeta title (language dependent)")),
permalink_additions = forms.ChoiceField(
required=True, initial=PERMALINK_USE_TITLE,
help_text=_("Should we append a additional text to every permalink?")
# Used in pylucid_project.middlewares.pylucid_objects.py
LOG404_NOTHING = "nothing"
LOG404_NOREDIRECT = "no_redirect"
LOG404_EVERYTHING = "everything"
(LOG404_NOTHING, _("Don't log 'Page not found' errors.")),
(LOG404_NOREDIRECT, _("Log only 'Page not found' if no redirect for the url exists.")),
(LOG404_EVERYTHING, _("Log every 'Page not found' error, although if redirect exists.")),
log404_verbosity = forms.ChoiceField(
required=True, initial=LOG404_NOREDIRECT,
help_text=_("Setup logging verbosity if 404 - 'Page not found' appears")
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(SystemPreferencesForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.fields['pylucid_admin_design'].choices = Design.on_site.all().values_list("id", "name")
class Meta:
app_label = 'pylucid'