# encoding: utf-8
PyLucid - Tree Model/Manager
Generate a tree of the cms pages, who are orginised in a parent-model.
usefull for the main menu and the sitemap.
Based on code by Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
see: http://www.python-forum.de/topic-10852.html (de)
Last commit info:
$LastChangedDate: 2008-11-13 12:53:39 +0100 (Do, 13 Nov 2008) $
$Rev: 1792 $
$Author: JensDiemer $
:copyleft: 2007-2010 by the PyLucid team, see AUTHORS for more details.
:license: GNU GPL v3 or above, see LICENSE for more details.
from django.db import models
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy
class MenuNode(object):
def __init__(self, id, data=None, parent=None):
self.id = id
self.data = data
self.parent = parent
self.subnodes = []
self.active = False # the complete path back to root
self.current = False # current node in main menu?
self.visible = True # Seen in main menu?
self.level = None # The level count, starts with 0
self.first = False # Is the first node in the current level
self.last = False # Is the last node in the current level
def css_class(self):
returns a css class string, for: ... class="{{ node.css_class }}"
So it's not needed to add a few {% if %} template statements.
class_names = "level_%s" % self.level
if self.active:
class_names += " active"
if self.current:
class_names += " current"
if self.first:
class_names += " first"
if self.last:
class_names += " last"
return class_names
def add(self, node):
add a new sub node.
node.parent = self
def activate(self):
activate self + all sub nodes + the parent nodes
#print " *** activate: %r" % self
self.visible = True
self.active = True
# Activate all subnodes:
for subnode in self.subnodes:
subnode.visible = True
# activate the parent node
if self.parent is not None:
def get_absolute_url(self):
""" absolute url *without* language code (without domain/host part) """
data = self.data
if self.parent:
parent_shortcut = self.parent.get_absolute_url()
return parent_shortcut + data["slug"] + "/"
return "/" # root node
def __repr__(self):
if self.id == None:
return "Root MenuNode object"
return repr(self.data)
class TreeGenerator(object):
def __init__(self, items, skip_no_parent=False):
Load the tree with all queryset items.
Use skip_no_parent if the tree has "holes": e.g.: Filtered not accessible items.
self.related_objects = [] # List of added related objects
# Create a dict with all pages as nodes
self.nodes = dict((n["id"], MenuNode(n["id"], n))
for n in items)
# Create the root node
self.root = MenuNode(id=None)
self.nodes[None] = self.root
if items:
# built the node tree
for node_data in items:
parent_id = node_data["parent"]
parent = self.nodes[parent_id]
except KeyError:
if skip_no_parent == True:
# Skip item if parent does not exist.
# add level number to all nodes and mark first/last nodes
def get_first_nodes(self, nodes=None):
""" return a list of all 'top' nodes (all root subnodes) """
return self.root.subnodes
if nodes == None:
nodes = self.root.subnodes
for node in nodes:
if node.visible:
return nodes
for node in nodes:
if node.subnodes:
nodes2 = self.get_first_nodes(node.subnodes)
if nodes2:
return nodes2
def setup_nodes(self, nodes=None, level=0):
""" add level number to all nodes and mark first/last nodes """
if nodes == None:
nodes = self.root.subnodes
nodes[0].first = True
nodes[-1].last = True
for node in nodes:
node.level = level
if node.subnodes:
self.setup_nodes(node.subnodes, level + 1)
def debug(self, nodes=None):
def debug1(nodes):
for node in nodes:
indent = " " * (node.level - 1)
print indent, node.id, "v:", node.visible, node
for related_object_name in self.related_objects:
if hasattr(node, related_object_name):
print indent, " * %r: %r" % (related_object_name, getattr(node, related_object_name))
if node.subnodes:
def debug2(nodes):
for node in nodes:
if node.visible:
indent = " " * (node.level - 1)
print indent, node.id, "a:", node.active, node
if node.subnodes:
if nodes == None:
nodes = self.root.subnodes
print "_" * 79
print "Tree model debug:"
print "-" * 79
print "Only visible nodes:"
print "-" * 79
def add_related(self, queryset, ids, field, attrname):
""" Attach related objects from a queryset """
lookup_kwargs = {"%s__in" % field: ids}
#print "lookup_kwargs:", lookup_kwargs
related_objects = queryset.filter(**lookup_kwargs).select_related()
#print "related objects:", related_objects
# Attach objects to the related node
for related_object in related_objects:
parent_field = getattr(related_object, field)
parent_id = parent_field.id
parent_node = self.nodes[parent_id]
setattr(parent_node, attrname, related_object)
# append the attribute name into self.related_objects list
def add_missing_related_objects(self, queryset, attrname):
""" Adding related object items, if not all attached. """
# Generate a id list of all menu entries witch has no related object
ids = [
id for id, node in self.nodes.items()
if node.visible and id != None and not hasattr(node, attrname)
if not ids: # All menu items has related objects entries
return None
# Add all missing related object from given queryset
self.add_related(queryset, ids, field="pagetree", attrname="pagemeta")
return ids
def add_pagemeta(self, request):
""" add all PageMeta objects into tree """
# import here -> import-loop
from pylucid_project.apps.pylucid.models import PageMeta,Language
current_lang = request.PYLUCID.current_language
default_lang = Language.objects.get_or_create_default(request)
# Generate a id list of all visible nodes
ids = [id for id, node in self.nodes.items() if node.visible and id != None]
#print "Get pagemeta for: %r" % ids
queryset = PageMeta.objects.filter(language=current_lang)
# Add all pagemeta in current client language
self.add_related(queryset, ids, field="pagetree", attrname="pagemeta")
# Add all missing PageMeta in system default language
queryset = PageMeta.objects.filter(language=default_lang)
ids = self.add_missing_related_objects(queryset, attrname="pagemeta")
#print "Missing PageMeta added: %r" % ids
# Add at least all missing PageMeta, no matter what language
if ids is not None: # Skip, if all PageMeta exist previously
queryset = PageMeta.objects.all()
self.add_missing_related_objects(queryset, attrname="pagemeta")
def slice_menu(self, min, max, parent=None):
Slice the visible menu items.
#print "slice menu - min: %r - max: %r" % (min, max)
def remove_max(max, parent):
""" Remove subnodes, if there are too deep. """
for node in parent.subnodes:
if node.level >= max - 1:
node.subnodes = [] # remove subnodes
elif node.subnodes:
remove_max(max, parent=node)
if max > 0: # skip if max == 0
remove_max(max, parent=self.root)
def reassign_root(min, parent):
""" Reassign the root node, for cut the menu tree start point. """
for node in parent.subnodes:
if node.active != True: # Walk only through active nodes
if node.level < min - 1:
self.root = node
if node.level <= min - 2:
# Found the needed menu start point.
if node.subnodes: # go deeper to find the menu start point.
reassign_root(min, parent=node)
if min > 1: # reassign menu start point only if needed
reassign_root(min, parent=self.root)
# self.debug()
def set_current_node(self, id, delete_hidden=True):
setup all node visible item for main menu template.
nodes = self.nodes
current_node = nodes[id]
current_node.current = True
if delete_hidden:
# Remove all not visible items, because they not needed anymore.
def build_tree(nodes):
new_node_list = []
for node in nodes:
if node.visible:
if node.subnodes:
node.subnodes = build_tree(node.subnodes)
return new_node_list
self.root.subnodes = build_tree(self.root.subnodes)
def activate_all(self):
make all nodes visible (for a sitemap)
for node in self.nodes.itervalues():
node.visible = True
def deactivate_all(self):
makes all nodes invisible.
for node in self.nodes.itervalues():
node.visible = False
def iter_flat_list(self, nodes=None):
returns a flat list of all visible pages with the level info.
if nodes == None:
nodes = self.root.subnodes
for node in nodes:
if node.visible:
yield node
if node.subnodes:
for node in self.iter_flat_list(nodes=node.subnodes):
if node.visible:
yield node
class TreeManager(models.Manager):
def get_tree(self):
data = self.model.objects.all()
tree = TreeGenerator(data)
return tree
class BaseTreeModel(models.Model):
""" Base tree model used in PyLucidAdminPage and PageTree """
objects = TreeManager()
parent = models.ForeignKey("self", null=True, blank=True, help_text="the higher-ranking father page")
position = models.SmallIntegerField(default=0,
help_text="ordering weight for sorting the pages in the menu.")
def clean_fields(self, exclude):
check if parent is the same entry: child <-> parent loop
if "parent" not in exclude and self.parent is not None and self.pk == self.parent.pk:
message_dict = {"parent": (_("child-parent loop error!"),)}
raise ValidationError(message_dict)
class Meta:
abstract = True
# FIXME: It would be great if we can order by get_absolute_url()
ordering = ("id", "position")