# coding: utf-8
PyLucid search plugin
Last commit info:
$LastChangedDate: 2009-07-22 22:49:15 +0200 (Mi, 22 Jul 2009) $
$Rev: 2151 $
$Author: JensDiemer $
:copyleft: 2009 by the PyLucid team, see AUTHORS for more details.
:license: GNU GPL v2 or above, see LICENSE for more details
__version__ = "$Rev: 2151 $"
import re
import time
import datetime
from django import forms
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
# http://code.google.com/p/django-tagging/
from tagging.utils import parse_tag_input
from pylucid_project.apps.pylucid.models import Language,LogEntry,BanEntry
from pylucid_project.apps.pylucid.decorators import render_to
from pylucid_project.system.pylucid_plugins import PYLUCID_PLUGINS
from pylucid_project.utils.python_tools import cutout
from search.preference_forms import SearchPreferencesForm
def get_preferences():
pref_form = SearchPreferencesForm()
preferences = pref_form.get_preferences()
return preferences
class SearchForm(forms.Form):
search = forms.CharField()
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(SearchForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
preferences = get_preferences()
self.fields['search'].min_length = preferences["min_term_len"]
self.fields['search'].max_length = preferences["max_term_len"]
class AdvancedSearchForm(SearchForm):
language = forms.MultipleChoiceField(choices=Language.objects.get_choices())
def _filter_search_terms(request, search_string):
Split and filter the search terms.
preferences = get_preferences()
raw_search_strings = parse_tag_input(search_string) # split with django-tagging
search_strings = []
for term in raw_search_strings:
if len(term) < preferences["min_term_len"]:
request.page_msg("Ignore '%s' (too small)" % term)
return search_strings
class SearchHit(object):
""" one hit entry in the result page """
def __init__(self, model_instance, search_strings, score, headline, language, url, content):
self.model_instance = model_instance
self.search_strings = search_strings
self.score = score
self.headline = headline
self.language = language
self.url = url
self.content = content
preferences = get_preferences()
self.text_cutout_len = preferences["text_cutout_len"]
self.text_cutout_lines = preferences["text_cutout_lines"]
def content_type(self):
content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(self.model_instance)
return content_type
def cutouts(self):
display the hits in the result page.
cut the hits in the page content out. So the template can display
the lines.
cutout_lines = []
cutouts = cutout(
for pre_txt, hit_txt, post_txt in cutouts:
yield (pre_txt, hit_txt, post_txt)
class SearchResults(object):
holds the search result data
def __init__(self, request, search_strings):
self.request = request
self.search_strings = search_strings
self.search_strings_lower = tuple([i.lower() for i in search_strings])
self.hits = []
self.duration = None # set in self.done()
self.plugin_count = None # set in self.done()
self.start_time = time.time()
def _calc_score(self, txt, multiplier):
score = 0
for term in self.search_strings_lower:
score += txt.count(term) * multiplier
return score
def add(self, model_instance, headline, language, url, content, meta_content):
Add a search hit.
headline - title for the hit in the result list
language - language of the hit item, displayed in the result list
url - absolute url for building a link to the hit item
content - the main content -> result lines would be cut out from hits in this content
meta_content - hits in meta content has a higher score, but the content would not displayed
score = self._calc_score(content, 1)
score += self._calc_score(headline, 10)
score += self._calc_score(meta_content, 5)
search_hit = SearchHit(
self.hits.append((score, search_hit))
def done(self, plugin_count):
self.duration = time.time() - self.start_time
self.plugin_count = plugin_count
def __iter__(self):
for score, hit in sorted(self.hits, reverse=True):
yield hit
class Search(object):
def __init__(self, request):
self.request = request
def search(self, search_lang_codes, search_strings):
""" collect all plugin searches and return the results """
search_results = SearchResults(self.request, search_strings)
search_languages = Language.objects.filter(code__in=search_lang_codes)
# search_languages = Language.objects.all_accessible().filter(code__in=search_lang_codes)
# Call every plugin. The plugin adds all results into SearchResults object.
plugin_count = self.call_searchs(search_languages, search_strings, search_results)
return search_results
def call_searchs(self, search_languages, search_strings, search_results):
""" Call every plugin, witch has the search API. """
method_kwargs = {
"search_languages": search_languages,
"search_strings": search_strings,
"search_results": search_results
filename = settings.PYLUCID.SEARCH_FILENAME
view_name = settings.PYLUCID.SEARCH_VIEWNAME
plugin_count = 0
for plugin_name, plugin_instance in PYLUCID_PLUGINS.iteritems():
plugin_instance.call_plugin_view(self.request, filename, view_name, method_kwargs)
except Exception, err:
if str(err).endswith("No module named %s" % filename):
# Plugin has no search API
self.request.page_msg.error("Can't collect search results from %s." % plugin_name)
plugin_count += 1
return plugin_count
def _search(request, cleaned_data):
search_strings = _filter_search_terms(request, cleaned_data["search"])
if len(search_strings) == 0:
request.page_msg.error("Error: no search term left, can't search.")
preferences = get_preferences()
min_pause = preferences["min_pause"]
ban_limit = preferences["ban_limit"]
LogEntry.objects.request_limit(request, min_pause, ban_limit, app_label="search")
except LogEntry.RequestTooFast:
# min_pause is not observed, page_msg has been created -> don't search
search_lang_codes = cleaned_data["language"]
search_results = Search(request).search(search_lang_codes, search_strings)
app_label="search", action="search done", message=None,
"search_strings": search_strings,
"duration": search_results.duration,
"hits": len(search_results.hits),
return search_results
@render_to("search/search.html")#, debug=True)
def http_get_view(request):
if request.method == 'GET':
# called from lucidTag
form_data = request.GET
# send own form back
form_data = request.POST
if not "language" in form_data:
# If the client has uses the lucidTag form, there exist no language information
# -> use the default language
form_data._mutable = True
form_data["language"] = request.PYLUCID.current_language.code
form_data._mutable = False
form = AdvancedSearchForm(form_data)
if form.is_valid():
search_results = _search(request, form.cleaned_data)
search_results = None
context = {
"page_title": "Advanced search", # Change the global title with blog headline
"form": form,
"form_url": request.path + "?search=do_search",
"search_results": search_results,
return context
@render_to("search/lucidTag.html")#, debug=True)
def lucidTag(request):
Display only a small search form. Can be inserted into the globale page template.
The form is a GET form, so http_get_view() handle it.
return {"form": SearchForm()}