# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
A slug is a short label for something, containing only letters, numbers, underscores or hyphens.
Theyre generally used in URLs. See also: http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/glossary/
Some usefull routines around unique slug.
Last commit info:
:copyleft: 2007-2009 by the PyLucid team, see AUTHORS for more details.
:license: GNU GPL v3 or above, see LICENSE for more details.
import string
ALLOW_CHARS = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + "_"
def verify_slug(slug):
Check a slug. Raise AssertionError if something seems to be wrong.
But normaly the urls-re should only filter the bad thing from urls ;)
>>> verify_slug("ThisIs-A-Slug_123")
>>> verify_slug("")
Traceback (most recent call last):
AssertionError: Slug is empty!
>>> verify_slug("Wrong!")
Traceback (most recent call last):
AssertionError: Not allowed character in slug: '!'
if slug=="":
raise AssertionError("Slug is empty!")
for char in slug:
raise AssertionError(
"Not allowed character in slug: %r" % char
def makeUniqueSlug(item_name, existing_slugs=[]):
returns a URL safe, unique slug.
- delete all non-ALLOW_CHARS characters.
- if the shotcut already exists in existing_slugs -> add a sequential number
Not only used for making page slugs unique with getUniqueSlug(),
also used in:
>>> makeUniqueSlug("Please make *me* slug!")
>>> makeUniqueSlug("And me - too! -, please.")
>>> existing_slugs = ["Exist", "ExistToo", "ExistToo1"]
>>> makeUniqueSlug("NewItem", existing_slugs)
>>> makeUniqueSlug("Exist", existing_slugs)
>>> makeUniqueSlug("ExistToo", existing_slugs)
to make a slug unique we ignore case!
>>> makeUniqueSlug("SLUG", existing_slugs=['slug',"Slug1"])
If item is empty, we get '1' back:
>>> makeUniqueSlug("", [])
# delete all non-ALLOW_CHARS characters and separate in parts
parts = [""]
for char in item_name:
if not char in ALLOW_CHARS:
if parts[-1] not in ("", SEPERATOR):
# No double "-" e.g.: "foo - bar" -> "foo-bar" not "foo---bar"
parts[-1] += char
item_name = SEPERATOR.join(parts)
item_name = item_name.strip(SEPERATOR)
if item_name == "":
# No slug? That won't work.
item_name = "1"
if existing_slugs==[]:
return item_name
existing_slugs2 = [i.lower() for i in existing_slugs]
# make double slug unique (add a new free sequential number)
if item_name.lower() in existing_slugs2:
for i in xrange(1, 1000):
testname = "%s%i" % (item_name, i)
if testname.lower() not in existing_slugs2:
item_name = testname
return item_name
#def getUniqueSlug(slug, exclude_slug=None):
# from PyLucid.models import Page
## print "source slug:", slug
# slugs = Page.objects.values("slug")
## print "exclude slug: '%s'" % exclude_slug
# if exclude_slug != None:
# slugs = slugs.exclude(slug=exclude_slug)
# existing_slugs = [i["slug"] for i in slugs]
## print "existing_slugs:", existing_slugs
# return makeUniqueSlug(slug, existing_slugs)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# There exist a unitest for the page slugs:
# ./unittests/unittest_UniqueSlugs
import doctest
# verbose=True
print "DocTest end."