import os, subprocess, gc
from time import time
import random
import numpy
import h5py
def show_stats(explain, tref):
"Show the used memory (only works for Linux 2.6.x)."
# Build the command to obtain memory info
cmd = "cat /proc/%s/status" % os.getpid()
sout = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout
for line in sout:
if line.startswith("VmSize:"):
vmsize = int(line.split()[1])
elif line.startswith("VmRSS:"):
vmrss = int(line.split()[1])
elif line.startswith("VmData:"):
vmdata = int(line.split()[1])
elif line.startswith("VmStk:"):
vmstk = int(line.split()[1])
elif line.startswith("VmExe:"):
vmexe = int(line.split()[1])
elif line.startswith("VmLib:"):
vmlib = int(line.split()[1])
print "Memory usage: ******* %s *******" % explain
print "VmSize: %7s kB\tVmRSS: %7s kB" % (vmsize, vmrss)
print "VmData: %7s kB\tVmStk: %7s kB" % (vmdata, vmstk)
print "VmExe: %7s kB\tVmLib: %7s kB" % (vmexe, vmlib)
tnow = time()
print "WallClock time:", round(tnow - tref, 3)
return tnow
def populate(f, nlevels):
g = f
arr = numpy.zeros((10,), "f4")
for i in range(nlevels):
g["DS1"] = arr
g["DS2"] = arr
group2 = g.create_group('group2_')
g = g.create_group('group')
def getnode(f, nlevels, niter, range_):
for i in range(niter):
nlevel = random.randrange((nlevels-range_)/2, (nlevels+range_)/2)
groupname = ""
for i in range(nlevel):
groupname += "/group"
groupname += "/DS1"
n = f[groupname]
if __name__=='__main__':
nlevels = 1024
niter = 1000
range_ = 256
profile = True
doprofile = True
verbose = False
if doprofile:
import pstats
import cProfile as prof
if profile: tref = time()
if profile: show_stats("Abans de crear...", tref)
f = h5py.File("/tmp/deep-tree.h5", 'w')
if doprofile:'populate(f, nlevels)', '')
stats = pstats.Stats('')
stats.sort_stats('time', 'calls')
if verbose:
populate(f, nlevels)
if profile: show_stats("Despres de crear", tref)
# if profile: tref = time()
# if profile: show_stats("Abans d'obrir...", tref)
# f = h5py.File("/tmp/deep-tree.h5", 'r')
# if profile: show_stats("Abans d'accedir...", tref)
# if doprofile:
#'getnode(f, nlevels, niter, range_)', '')
# stats = pstats.Stats('')
# stats.strip_dirs()
# stats.sort_stats('time', 'calls')
# if verbose:
# stats.print_stats()
# else:
# stats.print_stats(20)
# else:
# getnode(f, nlevels, niter, range_)
# if profile: show_stats("Despres d'accedir", tref)
# f.close()
# if profile: show_stats("Despres de tancar", tref)
# f = h5py.File("/tmp/deep-tree.h5", 'r')
# g = f
# for i in range(nlevels):
# dset = g["DS1"]
# dset = g["DS2"]
# group2 = g['group2_']
# g = g['group']
# f.close()