"""Small benchmark on the effect of chunksizes and compression on HDF5 files.
This script is meant to be used on a Linux kernel > 2.6.16 because of
the trick used to empty the OS pagecache. Because of this trick, it
does need to be run as root!
Francesc Altet
import os, math, subprocess
from time import time
import numpy
import tables
#N, M = 512, 2**16
N, M = 512, 2**19
#N, M = 2000, 1000000
datom = tables.Float64Atom()
def quantize(data, least_significant_digit):
"""quantize data to improve compression.
data is quantized using around(scale*data)/scale, where scale is
2**bits, and bits is determined from the least_significant_digit.
For example, if least_significant_digit=1, bits will be 4."""
precision = 10.**-least_significant_digit
exp = math.log(precision,10)
if exp < 0:
exp = int(math.floor(exp))
exp = int(math.ceil(exp))
bits = math.ceil(math.log(10.**-exp,2))
scale = 2.**bits
return numpy.around(scale*data)/scale
def get_db_size(filename):
sout = subprocess.Popen("ls -sh %s" % filename, shell=True,
line = [l for l in sout][0]
return line.split()[0]
def bench(chunkshape, filters):
numpy.random.seed(1) # to have reproductible results
#filename = '/oldScr/ivilata/pytables/data.nobackup/test.h5'
#filename = '/scratch2/faltet/data.nobackup/test.h5'
filename = '/scratch3/faltet/test.h5'
f = tables.openFile(filename, 'w')
e = f.createEArray(f.root, 'earray', datom, shape=(0, M),
filters = filters,
chunkshape = chunkshape)
# Fill the array
t1 = time()
for i in xrange(N):
#e.append([numpy.random.rand(M)]) # use this for less compressibility
e.append([quantize(numpy.random.rand(M), 6)])
print "Creation time:", round(time()-t1, 3),
filesize = get_db_size(filename)
filesize_bytes = os.stat(filename)[6]
print "\t\tFile size: %d -- (%s)" % (filesize_bytes, filesize)
# Read in sequential mode:
t1 = time()
# Flush everything to disk and flush caches
os.system("sync; echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches")
for row in e:
t = row
print "Sequential read time:", round(time()-t1, 3),
# Read in random mode:
i_index = numpy.random.randint(0, N, 128)
j_index = numpy.random.randint(0, M, 256)
# Flush everything to disk and flush caches
os.system("sync; echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches")
t1 = time()
for i in i_index:
for j in j_index:
t = e[i,j]
print "\tRandom read time:", round(time()-t1, 3)
# Benchmark with different chunksizes and filters
#for complevel in (0, 1, 3, 6, 9):
for complib in (None, 'zlib', 'lzo'):
if complib:
filters = tables.Filters(complevel=1, complib=complib)
filters = tables.Filters(complevel=0)
print "8<--"*20, "\nFilters:", filters, "\n"+"-"*80
#for ecs in (11, 14, 17, 20):
for ecs in range(10, 24):
chunksize = 2**ecs
chunk1 = 1
chunk2 = chunksize/datom.itemsize
if chunk2 > M:
chunk1 = chunk2 / M
chunk2 = M
chunkshape = (chunk1, chunk2)
cs_str = str(chunksize / 1024) + " KB"
print "***** Chunksize:", cs_str, "/ Chunkshape:", chunkshape, "*****"
bench(chunkshape, filters)