import os, os.path
from time import sleep
import subprocess # Needs Python 2.4
from indexed_search import DB
import psycopg2 as db2
#DATA_DIR = "/scratch/faltet/postgres/%s" % CLUSTER_NAME
DATA_DIR = "/var/lib/pgsql/data/%s" % CLUSTER_NAME
DSN = "dbname=%s port=%s"
CREATE_DB = "createdb %s"
DROP_DB = "dropdb %s"
TABLE_NAME = "intsfloats"
PORT = 5432
class StreamChar(object):
"Object simulating a file for reading"
def __init__(self, db):
self.db = db
self.nrows = db.nrows
self.step = db.step
self.read_it = self.read_iter()
def values_generator(self):
j = 0
for i in xrange(self.nrows):
if i >= j*self.step:
stop = (j+1)*self.step
if stop > self.nrows:
stop = self.nrows
arr_i4, arr_f8 = self.db.fill_arrays(i, stop)
j += 1
k = 0
yield (arr_i4[k], arr_i4[k], arr_f8[k], arr_f8[k])
k += 1
def read_iter(self):
sout = ""
n = self.nbytes
for tup in self.values_generator():
sout += "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n" % tup
if n is not None and len(sout) > n:
for i in xrange(n, len(sout), n):
rout = sout[:n]
sout = sout[n:]
yield rout
yield sout
def read(self, n=None):
self.nbytes = n
str =
except StopIteration:
str = ""
return str
# required by postgres2 driver, but not used
def readline(self):
class Postgres_DB(DB):
def __init__(self, nrows, rng, userandom):
DB.__init__(self, nrows, rng, userandom)
self.port = PORT
def flatten(self, l):
"""Flattens list of tuples l."""
return map(lambda x: x[0], l)
#return map(lambda x: x[col], l)
# Overloads the method in DB class
def get_db_size(self):
sout = subprocess.Popen("sudo du -s %s" % DATA_DIR,
line = [l for l in sout][0]
return int(line.split()[0])
def open_db(self, remove=0):
if remove:
sout = subprocess.Popen(DROP_DB % self.filename, shell=True,
for line in sout: print line
sout = subprocess.Popen(CREATE_DB % self.filename, shell=True,
for line in sout: print line
print "Processing database:", self.filename
con = db2.connect(DSN % (self.filename, self.port))
self.cur = con.cursor()
return con
def create_table(self, con):
self.cur.execute("""create table %s(
col1 integer,
col2 integer,
col3 double precision,
col4 double precision)""" % TABLE_NAME)
def fill_table(self, con):
st = StreamChar(self)
self.cur.copy_from(st, TABLE_NAME)
def index_col(self, con, colname, optlevel, idxtype, verbose):
self.cur.execute("create index %s on %s(%s)" % \
(colname+'_idx', TABLE_NAME, colname))
def do_query_simple(self, con, column, base):
"select sum(%s) from %s where %s >= %s and %s <= %s" % \
(column, TABLE_NAME,
column, base+self.rng[0],
column, base+self.rng[1]))
# "select * from %s where %s >= %s and %s <= %s" % \
# column, base+self.rng[0],
# column, base+self.rng[1]))
#results = self.flatten(self.cur.fetchall())
results = self.cur.fetchall()
return results
def do_query(self, con, column, base, *unused):
d = (self.rng[1] - self.rng[0]) / 2.
inf1 = int(self.rng[0]+base); sup1 = int(self.rng[0]+d+base)
inf2 = self.rng[0]+base*2; sup2 = self.rng[0]+d+base*2
#print "lims-->", inf1, inf2, sup1, sup2
condition = "((%s>=%s) and (%s<%s)) or ((col2>%s) and (col2<%s))"
#condition = "((col3>=%s) and (col3<%s)) or ((col1>%s) and (col1<%s))"
condition += " and ((col1+3.1*col2+col3*col4) > 3)"
#condition += " and (sqrt(col1^2+col2^2+col3^2+col4^2) > .1)"
condition = condition % (column, inf2, column, sup2, inf1, sup1)
#print "condition-->", condition
# "select sum(%s) from %s where %s" % \
"select %s from %s where %s" % \
(column, TABLE_NAME, condition))
#results = self.flatten(self.cur.fetchall())
results = self.cur.fetchall()
#results = self.cur.fetchall()
#print "results-->", results
#return results
return len(results)
def close_db(self, con):