import tables
from pylab import *
def get_values(filename, complib=''):
f = tables.openFile(filename)
nrows = f.root.small.create_best.cols.nrows[:]
corrected_sizes = nrows/10.**6
if mb_units:
corrected_sizes = 16*nrows/10.**6
if insert:
values = corrected_sizes/f.root.small.create_best.cols.tfill[:]
if table_size:
values = f.root.small.create_best.cols.fsize[:]/nrows
if query:
values = corrected_sizes/[:]
if query_cache:
values = corrected_sizes/[:]
return nrows, values
def show_plot(plots, yaxis, legends, gtitle):
xlabel('Number of rows')
# legends = [f[f.find('-'):f.index('.out')] for f in filenames]
# legends = [l.replace('-', ' ') for l in legends]
if table_size:
legend([p[0] for p in plots], legends, loc = "upper right")
legend([p[0] for p in plots], legends, loc = "upper left")
#subplots_adjust(bottom=0.2, top=None, wspace=0.2, hspace=0.2)
if outfile:
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys, getopt
usage = """usage: %s [-o file] [-t title] [--insert] [--table-size] [--query] [--query-cache] [--MB-units] files
-o filename for output (only .png and .jpg extensions supported)
-t title of the plot
--insert -- Insert time for table
--table-size -- Size of table
--query -- Time for querying the integer column
--query-cache -- Time for querying the integer (cached)
--MB-units -- Express speed in MB/s instead of MRows/s
\n""" % sys.argv[0]
opts, pargs = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'o:t:',
progname = sys.argv[0]
args = sys.argv[1:]
# if we pass too few parameters, abort
if len(pargs) < 1:
# default options
outfile = None
insert = 0
table_size = 0
query = 0
query_cache = 0
mb_units = 0
yaxis = "No axis name"
tit = None
gtitle = "Please set a title!"
# Get the options
for option in opts:
if option[0] == '-o':
outfile = option[1]
elif option[0] == '-t':
tit = option[1]
elif option[0] == '--insert':
insert = 1
yaxis = "MRows/s"
gtitle = "Writing with small (16 bytes) record size"
elif option[0] == '--table-size':
table_size = 1
yaxis = "Bytes/row"
gtitle = "Disk space taken by a record (original record size: 16 bytes)"
elif option[0] == '--query':
query = 1
yaxis = "MRows/s"
gtitle = "Selecting with small (16 bytes) record size (file not in cache)"
elif option[0] == '--query-cache':
query_cache = 1
yaxis = "MRows/s"
gtitle = "Selecting with small (16 bytes) record size (file in cache)"
elif option[0] == '--MB-units':
mb_units = 1
filenames = pargs
if mb_units and yaxis == "MRows/s":
yaxis = "MB/s"
if tit:
gtitle = tit
plots = []
legends = []
for filename in filenames:
plegend = filename[filename.find('cl-')+3:filename.index('.h5')]
plegend = plegend.replace('-', ' ')
xval, yval = get_values(filename, '')
print "Values for %s --> %s, %s" % (filename, xval, yval)
#plots.append(loglog(xval, yval, linewidth=5))
plots.append(semilogx(xval, yval, linewidth=4))
if 0: # Per a introduir dades simulades si es vol...
xval = [1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000,
100000000, 1000000000]
# yval = [0.003, 0.005, 0.02, 0.06, 1.2,
# 40, 210]
yval = [0.0009, 0.0011, 0.0022, 0.005, 0.02,
0.2, 5.6]
plots.append(loglog(xval, yval, linewidth=5))
legends.append("PyTables Std")
show_plot(plots, yaxis, legends, gtitle)