#!/usr/bin/env python
import copy
import time
import numarray as NA
from tables import *
import random
class Small(IsDescription):
var1 = StringCol(itemsize=4)
var2 = Int32Col()
var3 = Float64Col()
var4 = BoolCol()
# Define a user record to characterize some kind of particles
class Medium(IsDescription):
var1 = StringCol(itemsize=16) # 16-character String
#float1 = Float64Col(dflt=2.3)
#float2 = Float64Col(dflt=2.3)
#zADCcount = Int16Col() # signed short integer
var2 = Int32Col() # signed short integer
var3 = Float64Col()
grid_i = Int32Col() # integer
grid_j = Int32Col() # integer
pressure = Float32Col() # float (single-precision)
energy = Float64Col(shape=2) # double (double-precision)
def createFile(filename, nrows, filters, atom, recsize, index, verbose):
# Open a file in "w"rite mode
fileh = openFile(filename, mode = "w", title="Searchsorted Benchmark",
title = "This is the IndexArray title"
# Create an IndexArray instance
rowswritten = 0
# Create an entry
klass = {"small":Small, "medium":Medium}
table = fileh.createTable(fileh.root, 'table', klass[recsize], title,
None, nrows)
for i in xrange(nrows):
#table.row['var1'] = str(i)
#table.row['var2'] = random.randrange(nrows)
table.row['var2'] = i
table.row['var3'] = i
#table.row['var4'] = i % 2
#table.row['var4'] = i > 2
rowswritten += nrows
rowsize = table.rowsize
indexrows = 0
# Index one entry:
if index:
if atom == "string":
indexrows = table.cols.var1.createIndex()
elif atom == "bool":
indexrows = table.cols.var4.createIndex()
elif atom == "int":
indexrows = table.cols.var2.createIndex()
elif atom == "float":
indexrows = table.cols.var3.createIndex()
raise ValueError, "Index type not supported yet"
if verbose:
print "Number of indexed rows:", indexrows
# Close the file (eventually destroy the extended type)
return (rowswritten, rowsize)
def readFile(filename, atom, niter, verbose):
# Open the HDF5 file in read-only mode
fileh = openFile(filename, mode = "r")
table = fileh.root.table
print "reading", table
if atom == "string":
idxcol = table.cols.var1.index
elif atom == "bool":
idxcol = table.cols.var4.index
elif atom == "int":
idxcol = table.cols.var2.index
idxcol = table.cols.var3.index
if verbose:
print "Max rows in buf:", table.nrowsinbuf
print "Rows in", table._v_pathname, ":", table.nrows
print "Buffersize:", table.rowsize * table.nrowsinbuf
print "MaxTuples:", table.nrowsinbuf
print "Chunk size:", idxcol.sorted.chunksize
print "Number of elements per slice:", idxcol.nelemslice
print "Slice number in", table._v_pathname, ":", idxcol.nrows
rowselected = 0
if atom == "string":
for i in xrange(niter):
#results = [table.row["var3"] for i in table.where(2+i<=table.cols.var2 < 10+i)]
# results = [table.row.nrow() for i in table.where(2<=table.cols.var2 < 10)]
results = [p["var1"] #p.nrow()
for p in table.where(table.cols.var1 == "1111")]
# for p in table.where("1000"<=table.cols.var1<="1010")]
rowselected += len(results)
elif atom == "bool":
for i in xrange(niter):
results = [p["var2"] #p.nrow()
for p in table.where(table.cols.var4==0)]
rowselected += len(results)
elif atom == "int":
for i in xrange(niter):
#results = [table.row["var3"] for i in table.where(2+i<=table.cols.var2 < 10+i)]
# results = [table.row.nrow() for i in table.where(2<=table.cols.var2 < 10)]
results = [p["var2"] #p.nrow()
# for p in table.where(110*i<=table.cols.var2<110*(i+1))]
# for p in table.where(1000-30<table.cols.var2<1000+60)]
for p in table.where(table.cols.var2<=400)]
rowselected += len(results)
elif atom == "float":
for i in xrange(niter):
# results = [(table.row.nrow(), table.row["var3"])
# for i in table.where(3<=table.cols.var3 < 5.)]
# results = [(p.nrow(), p["var3"])
# for p in table.where(1000.-i<=table.cols.var3<1000.+i)]
results = [p["var3"] # (p.nrow(), p["var3"])
for p in table.where(100*i<=table.cols.var3<100*(i+1))]
# for p in table
# if 100*i<=p["var3"]<100*(i+1)]
# results = [ (p.nrow(), p["var3"]) for p in table
# if (1000.-i <= p["var3"] < 1000.+i) ]
rowselected += len(results)
raise ValueError, "Unsuported atom value"
if verbose and 1:
print "Values that fullfill the conditions:"
print results
rowsread = table.nrows * niter
rowsize = table.rowsize
# Close the file (eventually destroy the extended type)
return (rowsread, rowselected, rowsize)
def searchFile(filename, atom, verbose, item):
# Open the HDF5 file in read-only mode
fileh = openFile(filename, mode = "r")
rowsread = 0
uncomprBytes = 0
table = fileh.root.table
rowsize = table.rowsize
if atom == "int":
idxcol = table.cols.var2.index
elif atom == "float":
idxcol = table.cols.var3.index
raise ValueError, "Unsuported atom value"
print "Searching", table, "..."
if verbose:
print "Chunk size:", idxcol.sorted.chunksize
print "Number of elements per slice:", idxcol.sorted.nelemslice
print "Slice number in", table._v_pathname, ":", idxcol.sorted.nrows
(positions, niter) = idxcol.search(item)
if verbose:
print "Positions for item",item,"==>",positions
print "Total iterations in search:", niter
rowsread += table.nrows
uncomprBytes += idxcol.sorted.chunksize * niter * idxcol.sorted.itemsize
results = table.read(coords=positions)
print "results length:", len(results)
if verbose:
print "Values that fullfill the conditions:"
print results
# Close the file (eventually destroy the extended type)
return (rowsread, uncomprBytes, niter)
if __name__=="__main__":
import sys
import getopt
import psyco
psyco_imported = 1
psyco_imported = 0
import time
usage = """usage: %s [-v] [-p] [-R range] [-r] [-w] [-s recsize ] [-a
atom] [-c level] [-l complib] [-S] [-F] [-i item] [-n nrows] [-x]
[-k niter] file
-v verbose
-p use "psyco" if available
-R select a range in a field in the form "start,stop,step"
-r only read test
-w only write test
-s record size
-a use [float], [int], [bool] or [string] atom
-c sets a compression level (do not set it or 0 for no compression)
-S activate shuffling filter
-F activate fletcher32 filter
-l sets the compression library to be used ("zlib", "lzo", "ucl", "bzip2")
-i item to search
-n set the number of rows in tables
-x don't make indexes
-k number of iterations for reading\n""" % sys.argv[0]
opts, pargs = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'vpSFR:rwxk:s:a:c:l:i:n:')
# if we pass too much parameters, abort
if len(pargs) <> 1:
# default options
verbose = 0
rng = None
item = None
atom = "int"
fieldName = None
testread = 1
testwrite = 1
usepsyco = 0
complevel = 0
shuffle = 0
fletcher32 = 0
complib = "zlib"
nrows = 100
recsize = "small"
index = 1
niter = 1
# Get the options
for option in opts:
if option[0] == '-v':
verbose = 1
if option[0] == '-p':
usepsyco = 1
if option[0] == '-S':
shuffle = 1
if option[0] == '-F':
fletcher32 = 1
elif option[0] == '-R':
rng = [int(i) for i in option[1].split(",")]
elif option[0] == '-r':
testwrite = 0
elif option[0] == '-w':
testread = 0
elif option[0] == '-x':
index = 0
elif option[0] == '-s':
recsize = option[1]
elif option[0] == '-a':
atom = option[1]
if atom not in ["float", "int", "bool", "string"]:
elif option[0] == '-c':
complevel = int(option[1])
elif option[0] == '-l':
complib = option[1]
elif option[0] == '-i':
item = eval(option[1])
elif option[0] == '-n':
nrows = int(option[1])
elif option[0] == '-k':
niter = int(option[1])
# Build the Filters instance
filters = Filters(complevel=complevel, complib=complib,
shuffle=shuffle, fletcher32=fletcher32)
# Catch the hdf5 file passed as the last argument
file = pargs[0]
if testwrite:
print "Compression level:", complevel
if complevel > 0:
print "Compression library:", complib
if shuffle:
print "Suffling..."
t1 = time.time()
cpu1 = time.clock()
if psyco_imported and usepsyco:
(rowsw, rowsz) = createFile(file, nrows, filters,
atom, recsize, index, verbose)
t2 = time.time()
cpu2 = time.clock()
tapprows = round(t2-t1, 3)
cpuapprows = round(cpu2-cpu1, 3)
tpercent = int(round(cpuapprows/tapprows, 2)*100)
print "Rows written:", rowsw, " Row size:", rowsz
print "Time writing rows: %s s (real) %s s (cpu) %s%%" % \
(tapprows, cpuapprows, tpercent)
print "Write rows/sec: ", int(rowsw / float(tapprows))
print "Write KB/s :", int(rowsw * rowsz / (tapprows * 1024))
if testread:
if psyco_imported and usepsyco:
t1 = time.time()
cpu1 = time.clock()
if rng or item:
(rowsr, uncomprB, niter) = searchFile(file, atom, verbose, item)
for i in range(1):
(rowsr, rowsel, rowsz) = readFile(file, atom, niter, verbose)
t2 = time.time()
cpu2 = time.clock()
treadrows = round(t2-t1, 3)
cpureadrows = round(cpu2-cpu1, 3)
tpercent = int(round(cpureadrows/treadrows, 2)*100)
tMrows = rowsr/(1000*1000.)
sKrows = rowsel/1000.
print "Rows read:", rowsr, "Mread:", round(tMrows, 3), "Mrows"
print "Rows selected:", rowsel, "Ksel:", round(sKrows,3), "Krows"
print "Time reading rows: %s s (real) %s s (cpu) %s%%" % \
(treadrows, cpureadrows, tpercent)
print "Read Mrows/sec: ", round(tMrows / float(treadrows), 3)
#print "Read KB/s :", int(rowsr * rowsz / (treadrows * 1024))
# print "Uncompr MB :", int(uncomprB / (1024 * 1024))
# print "Uncompr MB/s :", int(uncomprB / (treadrows * 1024 * 1024))
# print "Total chunks uncompr :", int(niter)