"""This example shows how to browse the object tree and enlarge tables.
Before to run this program you need to execute first tutorial1-1.py
that create the tutorial1.h5 file needed here.
from tables import *
print '-**-**-**-**- open the previous tutorial file -**-**-**-**-**-'
# Reopen the file in append mode
h5file = openFile("tutorial1.h5", "a")
# Print the object tree created from this filename
print "Object tree from filename:", h5file.filename
print h5file
print '-**-**-**-**-**-**- traverse tree methods -**-**-**-**-**-**-**-'
# List all the nodes (Group and Leaf objects) on tree
print h5file
# List all the nodes (using File iterator) on tree
print "Nodes in file:"
for node in h5file:
print node
# Now, only list all the groups on tree
print "Groups in file:"
for group in h5file.walkGroups():
print group
# List only the arrays hanging from /
print "Arrays in file (I):"
for group in h5file.walkGroups("/"):
for array in h5file.listNodes(group, classname='Array'):
print array
# This do the same result
print "Arrays in file (II):"
for array in h5file.walkNodes("/", "Array"):
print array
# And finally, list only leafs on /detector group (there should be one!)
print "Leafs in group '/detector' (I):"
for leaf in h5file.listNodes("/detector", 'Leaf'):
print leaf
# Other way using iterators and natural naming
print "Leafs in group '/detector' (II):"
for leaf in h5file.root.detector._f_walkNodes('Leaf'):
print leaf
print '-**-**-**-**-**-**- setting/getting object attributes -**-**--**-**-'
# Get a pointer to '/detector/readout' node
table = h5file.root.detector.readout
# Attach it a string (date) attribute
table.attrs.gath_date = "Wed, 06/12/2003 18:33"
# Attach a floating point attribute
table.attrs.temperature = 18.4
table.attrs.temp_scale = "Celsius"
# Get a pointer to '/detector' node
detector = h5file.root.detector
# Attach a general object to the parent (/detector) group
detector._v_attrs.stuff = [5, (2.3, 4.5), "Integer and tuple"]
# Now, get the attributes
print "gath_date attribute of /detector/readout:", table.attrs.gath_date
print "temperature attribute of /detector/readout:", table.attrs.temperature
print "temp_scale attribute of /detector/readout:", table.attrs.temp_scale
print "stuff attribute in /detector:", detector._v_attrs.stuff
# Delete permanently the attribute gath_date of /detector/readout
print "Deleting /detector/readout gath_date attribute"
del table.attrs.gath_date
# Print a representation of all attributes in /detector/table
print "AttributeSet instance in /detector/table:", repr(table.attrs)
# Get the (user) attributes of /detector/table
print "List of user attributes in /detector/table:", table.attrs._f_list()
# Get the (sys) attributes of /detector/table
print "List of user attributes in /detector/table:", table.attrs._f_list("sys")
# Rename an attribute
print "renaming 'temp_scale' attribute to 'tempScale'"
print table.attrs._f_list()
# Try to rename a system attribute:
table.attrs._f_rename("VERSION", "version")
print "You can not rename a VERSION attribute: it is read only!."
print '-**-**-**-**-**-**- getting object metadata -**-**-**-**-**-**-'
# Get a pointer to '/detector/readout' data
table = h5file.root.detector.readout
# Get metadata from table
print "Object:", table
print "Table name:", table.name
print "Table title:", table.title
print "Number of rows in table:", table.nrows
print "Table variable names with their type and shape:"
for name in table.colnames:
print name, ':= %s, %s' % (table.coldtypes[name],
# Get the object in "/columns pressure"
pressureObject = h5file.getNode("/columns", "pressure")
# Get some metadata on this object
print "Info on the object:", repr(pressureObject)
print " shape: ==>", pressureObject.shape
print " title: ==>", pressureObject.title
print " atom: ==>", pressureObject.atom
print '-**-**-**-**-**- reading actual data from arrays -**-**-**-**-**-**-'
# Read the 'pressure' actual data
pressureArray = pressureObject.read()
print repr(pressureArray)
# Check the kind of object we have created (it should be a numpy array)
print "pressureArray is an object of type:", type(pressureArray)
# Read the 'name' Array actual data
nameArray = h5file.root.columns.name.read()
# Check the kind of object we have created (it should be a numpy array)
print "nameArray is an object of type:", type(nameArray)
# Print the data for both arrays
print "Data on arrays nameArray and pressureArray:"
for i in range(pressureObject.shape[0]):
print nameArray[i], "-->", pressureArray[i]
print '-**-**-**-**-**- reading actual data from tables -**-**-**-**-**-**-'
# Create a shortcut to table object
table = h5file.root.detector.readout
# Read the 'energy' column of '/detector/readout'
print "Column 'energy' of '/detector/readout':\n", table.cols.energy
# Read the 3rd row of '/detector/readout'
print "Third row of '/detector/readout':\n", table[2]
# Read the rows from 3 to 9 of row of '/detector/readout'
print "Rows from 3 to 9 of '/detector/readout':\n", table[2:9]
print '-**-**-**-**- append records to existing table -**-**-**-**-**-'
# Get the object row from table
table = h5file.root.detector.readout
particle = table.row
# Append 5 new particles to table
for i in xrange(10, 15):
particle['name'] = 'Particle: %6d' % (i)
particle['TDCcount'] = i % 256
particle['ADCcount'] = (i * 256) % (1 << 16)
particle['grid_i'] = i
particle['grid_j'] = 10 - i
particle['pressure'] = float(i*i)
particle['energy'] = float(particle['pressure'] ** 4)
particle['idnumber'] = i * (2 ** 34) # This exceeds long integer range
# Flush this table
# Print the data using the table iterator:
for r in table:
print "%-16s | %11.1f | %11.4g | %6d | %6d | %8d |" % \
(r['name'], r['pressure'], r['energy'], r['grid_i'], r['grid_j'],
print "Total number of entries in resulting table:", table.nrows
print '-**-**-**-**- modify records of a table -**-**-**-**-**-'
# Single cells
print "First row of readout table."
print "Before modif-->", table[0]
table.cols.TDCcount[0] = 1
print "After modifying first row of TDCcount-->", table[0]
table.cols.energy[0] = 2
print "After modifying first row of energy-->", table[0]
# Column slices
table.cols.TDCcount[2:5] = [2,3,4]
print "After modifying slice [2:5] of ADCcount-->", table[0:5]
table.cols.energy[1:9:3] = [2,3,4]
print "After modifying slice [1:9:3] of energy-->", table[0:9]
# Modifying complete Rows
table.modifyRows(start=1, step=3,
rows=[(1, 2, 3.0, 4, 5, 6L, 'Particle: None', 8.0),
(2, 4, 6.0, 8, 10, 12L, 'Particle: None*2', 16.0)])
print "After modifying the complete third row-->", table[0:5]
# Modifying columns inside table iterators
for row in table.where('TDCcount <= 2'):
row['energy'] = row['TDCcount']*2
print "After modifying energy column (where TDCcount <=2)-->", table[0:4]
print '-**-**-**-**- modify elements of an array -**-**-**-**-**-'
print "pressure array"
pressureObject = h5file.root.columns.pressure
print "Before modif-->", pressureObject[:]
pressureObject[0] = 2
print "First modif-->", pressureObject[:]
pressureObject[1:3] = [2.1, 3.5]
print "Second modif-->", pressureObject[:]
pressureObject[::2] = [1,2]
print "Third modif-->", pressureObject[:]
print "name array"
nameObject = h5file.root.columns.name
print "Before modif-->", nameObject[:]
nameObject[0] = 'Particle: None'
print "First modif-->", nameObject[:]
nameObject[1:3] = ['Particle: 0', 'Particle: 1']
print "Second modif-->", nameObject[:]
nameObject[::2] = ['Particle: -3', 'Particle: -5']
print "Third modif-->", nameObject[:]
print '-**-**-**-**- remove records from a table -**-**-**-**-**-'
# Delete some rows on the Table (yes, rows can be removed!)
# Print some table columns, for comparison with array data
print "Some columns in final table:"
# Print the headers
print "%-16s | %11s | %11s | %6s | %6s | %8s |" % \
('name', 'pressure', 'energy', 'grid_i', 'grid_j',
print "%-16s + %11s + %11s + %6s + %6s + %8s +" % \
('-' * 16, '-' * 11, '-' * 11, '-' * 6, '-' * 6, '-' * 8)
# Print the data using the table iterator:
for r in table.iterrows():
print "%-16s | %11.1f | %11.4g | %6d | %6d | %8d |" % \
(r['name'], r['pressure'], r['energy'], r['grid_i'], r['grid_j'],
print "Total number of entries in final table:", table.nrows
# Close the file